Seriously (COMPLETED)

By amandavloger

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COMPLETED!!!! This is a story about a girl named Iris who just goes through some things that make her think h... More

London Coffee
Next Day
Authors Note
First Kiss
Remeeting Dan Howell
Accidental Date Pt. 1
Accidental Date Pt. 2
Remembering Part Of My Past
Therapist Dan
Lioness Maybe Video
Meet The Brother
Big Mistakes?
Date Maybe
Pajama Party
What's Wrong Love
Date and Zoella?
Sick Day
His First Time
Girls Day Out
Blind Date?
My Crush?
I Think I Like You
Arrival Pt. 1
Arrival Pt. 2
Oh Darling - Final


54 4 1
By amandavloger

- Author's POV -

It's been a whole two weeks since the girls day out. Phil hasn't answered any of Iris's phone calls or texts. Also Pj is dealing with great depression. Dan has no idea why Phil is ignoring Iris but he also hasn't seen Phil himself lately. Everything is flowing over Iris since she has no will power anymore. She is in a deep confusion and slight depression. Chris is just confused about everything happily with his girlfriend. Niomi and Iris are officially best friends. Plus Joe is really starting to like Iris.

- Iris's POV -

Dying slowly in my own heartache of all these things. Why did I let him get so close to me? Why did I tell him so much about me? Why did I get so vulnerable with him? Why is he ignoring me? So many questions rumbling through my head causing me to just sigh in a deeper depression.

Music playing in the background lightly but turning it up hoping it will close all my thoughts. The Otherside by Red Hot Chili Peppers on repeat practically blaring through my headphones. Head wiping from bad thought to bad thought. Texting Matt about my problems being my big brother just not knowing what is going on. Also texting Dan to see if he has anything about what I have done yet. Plus Niomi who is trying to cheer me up. Then Pj cause I really need a true friend.

Matty: I'm sorry he did this to you. Do you want me to fly up there?

Knowing what will happen if he did texting him back a simple, "No, I'll be fine."

Trying to ignore my feelings there will be other people out there.

Niomi: Honey let's just forget him. I know someone who really likes you and will treat you right. Just let me set you two on a blind date. Please :)

I guess that couldn't hurt worse than what's already going on.

Iris: Sure I need to get over him anyways... Thanks love :p

Then Dan texting me the serious conversation.

Dan: He refuses to even bring up your name. :/ I'm sorry.

Hurt my heart breaking a bit more not wanting to text him back. Just ouch.

Pj: :( I get you. When someone you like doesn't even like you.

A slight year rolling down my eye making me irritated. Why am I crying over this jerk off?! He doesn't even deserve my tears. Sniffling wiping my tear.

Iris: I just need a friend :'(

Laying down listening to my song play on repeat. Feeling my phone vibrate but not wanting to text anyone back. There is no point anyways no one is helping me feel better not even me.

- Pj's POV -

Getting a message back from Iris checking it fast.

Iris: I just need a friend :'(

Why is she crying over him? I knew he would do something bad... I can't let her be alone.

Pj: I'm here.

Grabbing my phone, keys, and some extra clothes before walking out my house. Driving to the store grabbing her favorite candy, drink, a new movie, and some chocolate. Even grabbing a little bear holding an Iris. Checking out not caring how much it was. Iris needed me and I was going to be there for her.

Holding everything putting it into the passenger seat driving to her flat. Hopefully she's not doing anything stupid. Sighing trying to get there as fast as possible but it's hard when people are driving so slow.

About 10 minutes later getting to her flat finally. Grabbing everything hurringly locking my car trying not to get wet from the rain. Running up the stairs to her flat knocking on the door. I just hope she answers it.

- Iris's POV -

Holding my pillow just thinking to myself. It wouldn't bother me so much if he would have just told me it was just sex. But he told me he loved me then fucked me and well now just left me. Honestly if I would have known I wouldn't care but why not just tell me. Maybe I did something and if I did I really want to know. Sighing at my own thoughts trying not to think any longer.

Suddenly there is a knock at my front door, not knowing who it is, just getting up slowly. Solemnly bringing myself to the door opening it making my eyes go wide. Standing there is Pj with a sad expression painted on his face. Damp hair with rain drops still dripping down on him. Bags in his hands, and a bear holding it out to me. "It's for you Iris." Smiling at the gesture letting him in my apartment then locking the door behind us.

Sitting back on my couch with him beside me giving me the bear to hold. Super soft, having me hold it to my chest, making my lips tug up a bit. "Thank you Pj. You didn't have to do this." Not caring if he was wet just hugging him gently and whole heartedly. "It means a lot." Whispering to him while letting go putting the Iris on the table. Bear in between my legs petting it's head. "I'm going to call him Pj Jr." Looking up at him having his lips tug up a bit as well.

"Do you mind if I change really quick my dear?" Pj asking just waving him off looking through the bags. Eyes going wide again he got me all my favorite things. An actual smile being painted on my face before falling really fast with the thought of Phil.

Ughh why did he have to be in my head all the time?

Sighing as Pj came back in his pajamas, just like me, slowly walking over. Curly haired boy sitting beside mad slowly pulling his arm over my shoulder. "I know what you are thinking and you need to forget him. All he's done is hurt you Iris. I'm here for you always." Embracing him letting the tears rolls down my face and into his now soaken shirt.

What is going on with my life? Why did this happen to me? I just can't understand life... again....

Just holding me still while my tears just completely drying out. No tears are even in my body anymore. Just a little bit of tiredness hitting me. Close to 3 in the morning just putting my head on his chest. "Will you stay with me tonight? Just hold me?" Nodding with a hint of pain in his eyes.

I wonder what's been wrong with him... Maybe he'll tell me eventually.

Laying on the couch with his arms wrapped around me. "Goodnight Iris." Saying lightly while my sleep deprived was finally taking over my whole body. "Night." Yawning lightly towards him my eyes closing just sleepy.

Turning something going into my rib stabbing me. Practically yelping in pain shooting up off my couch. Looking down seeing Pj was jabbing me with his elbow. Now wide eyed, still obviously tired, alert trying to figure out what's going on. Sighing deeply running my fingers through my thick hair.

"Sorry about that you stabbed me and well scared me." Scowling while he just simply had his lips turned from confused to a slight smile. "It's fine, now come back I'm cold." Putting his hands out to me making my cheeks burn lightly. Crawling back into him laying on the couch with our feet entangling into each other.

Head on my shoulder with half opened eyes staring into mine. Sleepily smiling lightly at me before just leaning more into me. Hands wrapped around me holding my back making sure there was no space between us. Snoring lightly in my ear peacefully making me slightly tired again. Closing my eyes just embracing the moment before falling asleep again.

Once again waking up but more peacefully this time. Stretching my arms trying to get off the couch without waking up Pj. Barely getting up going to the bathroom doing the regular routine for the morning.

Changing into a cat sweater with comfy black legging. Letting my hair just go down in it's natural self while pushing on my glasses. Without my contacts in letting them rest since they were getting to foggy anyways. Looking at my reflection just nodding slightly before walking back to the living room.

Pj yawning while slightly sitting up looking confused. Stretching his arms while looking around seeing the realization of where he is. Looking over at me, sleepily, waving me over. Slowly walking over sitting beside him putting my head on his shoulder. Leaning his head on mine before talking tiredly in a very deep voice than usual. "I have work today." Seeing the scowl on his face being upset he has to leave making me a bit upset as well. "Sorry I need to leave, but text me Iris." Kissing my forehead like a father before grabbing all of his things. Just like a movie him opening the door walking out but not before looking back at me smiling slightly.

Him gone really bored checking the time to it being 10:00am. Poor guy he's probably running late for work. Guilty for making him late making sure I'll text him later about that. Telling myself that it won't forget and that I should do something for today.

Slipping on some vans before grabbing my throw backpack full of all the stuff I will need. Not knowing exactly where to go or what I want to do so deciding just go with the flow. Walking out the door with nothing on my mind but the music playing in my headphones. Completely blank on life just walking to nowhere but eventually somewhere.

Continuing to walk sidewalks of unfamiliarity just pretending like I knew what I was doing. Finding a couple of maps for the tourists thinking about actually looking at it. Best idea I had all day probably. It's been about 30 minutes of just walking anyways. Checking the map, after an elderly couple left, seeing a small music shop around the corner. Nodding to myself before heading off actually looking for something now. Eventually getting there seeing the tiny store.

Walking inside being greeted by a worker already feeling right at home. "May I help you today?" Asking in a gentle voice while nodding my head. "Actually can you help me find the keyboard section?" Nodding while walking forward turning around every few times making sure I was still following him. Getting to the keyboards taking a seat at the corner one which looked like a piano. "Thank you sir." Putting my fingers on the keys making sure I had it in a classical format.

Smiling turning it lower so I wouldn't disturb anyone. Playing a song I used to play all the time as a kid. Remembering the tune I once made up playing it as angelic as before. Letting all my emotions come out while lightly hitting the keys. My fingertips practically dancing on the whole body. Closing my eyes knowing I wouldn't have to look to see what I was doing. Before I knew it I was already done with the song.

Clapping from behind me making me turn around in surprise. The same guy from before still standing there just staring at me amazed. "You made that up didn't you?" Nodding with my eyes still glued on the keys. "Continue if you want I'll leave you be now." Leaving me alone while playing my song again. After a while done with my song again just staring at the keyboard. I should really buy another one of these for my new apartment.

Walking over to the guitar section looking for the perfect bass. Finding a red Ibanez hanging on the rack calling my name. Picking it off and setting it on my lap hooking it up to a bass amp. Tuning it to a low C starting to practice my first song I have ever learned. Singing to myself just letting myself go to the music. Passion running through my fingers to the strings of the guitar. "I'll wait for you there like a stone..." Singing a bit louder not really caring anymore who hears me. I came to play music so why does it matter who hears me. "Alone..." Getting more into it tapping my foot a bit just jamming out to myself. "A-" "Alone!" Same guy from earlier starting to sing with me making me smile at his raven hair. Still playing looking at him while he made it look like he put CDs on a shelf. "And on my deathbed I will pray to the gods and the angels like a pagan to anyone who will take me to heaven." Having him put up the same CDs on a shelf still sighing with me. Making me smile a bit more as he took some glances at me. Our voices harmonizing perfectly together. "To a place I recall, I was there so long ago. The sky was bruised, the wine was bled, and there you led me on." Making the last part go out more having him chuckle a bit as he keeps singing with me. "In your house I long to be." Glancing at me while biting his bottom lip towards me while I kept playing to him. "Room by room, patiently," Putting emphases on patiently trying to hint at him while smirking. "I'll wait for you there like a stone. I'll wait for you there alone, alone." Having him sing louder before having me go into more in my guitar. Busting out the last lines loudly into the music and into each other. "And on I read until the day was gone. And I sat in regret of all the things I've done. For all that I've blessed, and all that I've wronged. In dreams until my death I will wander on." Booming out feeling the passion our voices matching each other in almost perfect harmony. "In your house I long to be..!" Winking at him making him smile more while singing. "Room by room, patiently, I'll wait for you there like a stone. I'll wait for you there alone, alone." Putting the bass down unhooking it while calling him over.

"Yes?" Coy saying as he leans against the wall staring down at me with his raven hair, shark bites, pale skin, blue icy eyes, and his thick black rimmed glasses just like mine. "I think I need help putting up this guitar." Saying innocently having him put it up for me while I stare at his name tag. Jaspar. "Thank you Jaspar." Biting my lip at him as he stared down at me. His muscular arms showing from his work shirt. "You are very welcome beautiful." Whispering in my ear making me giggle. "So gorgeous what's your name?" Smirking showing his white teeth while rubbing my shoulder. Leaning closer into him my hand touching his chest, "Iris." Flirtatiously saying back as he took out his phone handing it to me. "We should chill together sometime." Biting his lip at me while putting my number in how phone. Grabbing his ass suddenly making him chuckle. "I'll text you." Walking me out the store making him chuckle while giving me his number as well. Giggling getting his number before walking off.

Going away from that store my mind thinking about Phil bringing me down. Then suddenly my head wrapping around that guy from earlier. All I need to do is distract myself from Phil he wasn't worth the time anyways.

Simply walking around before running into someone...

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