Kazuki Shimada x reader|One-s...

By grass_n_frogs

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Kazuki Shimada is a character from the anime movie/manga "Silent Voice" or "Koe No Katachi". Yes, I know he i... More

・A Little Birthday Gift・
・My One and Only・
・My One and Only Epilogue・
・Piano lessons・
・Too Flustered・
・By Your Side・
・For (Y/n)'s Love!・ (PART ONE)
・For (Y/n)'s Love! ・ (PART TWO)
・Everything Stays・
・Second Chance・
・Kind Girl and Bad Boy・
・Jelly Mind・
・Second Traitor・(PART ONE)
・Second Traitor・ (PART TWO)
・Second Traitor・(Epilogue)
・Parrot Love・(PART ONE)
・Parrot Love・(PART TWO)
・Together Forever・(1K SPECIAL)
・The Beginning of Preparation ・
・Packing For France・
・French Culture・
・High Fever・
・Night before France・
・Last Morning・
・Tearful Goodbyes・
・Airport Adventures ・
・A Whole New World・
・She's Mine・
・Nutria's Blessing・
・How It All Started・
・Turning Point・
・Haruna ・
・There 4 You・
・I'm Not Jealous・
・Never Let Go・
(⌐■_■) FBI, Open Up
・Mute Reader x Kazuki・
・Bye Bye!・

・Second Traitor・(Prologue)

1.9K 66 28
By grass_n_frogs


Before you guys read this. I like to address something really important!!! So it turns out that I actually took one week to write this. WHOOPS!  Starting today all the way to Tuesday. I will be posting the 4 parts. Each day I will post one chapter of this. Sorry for the misinformation, I happen to finish everything early. As for the next scenario, I will post that on the next weekend. Thank you for understanding!

Trigger warning - Bullying

Please Enjoy~


(Y/n)'s POV

Everything happened so quickly...

We all used to be friends, laughing, and having fun... just like how any group of friends from elementary school would do...

I thought my friendships will last me a lifetime...

I really did...

I even loved him...

I was a naive fool.

"But Shimada! What you are doing to Ishida is wrong- It's hypocritical! Beating up Ishida will only make you bad as him! It's better to just ignore it!"

"You don't understand! He dragged all our friends into trouble then try to place the blame on us! He deserves it. This is life (y/n), and life involves karma." Shimada gave me a deep glare. His eyes were filled with frustration.

"You joined in too, didn't you!?" I argued back with the weights of desperation on my shoulders. The desperation to make him understand this is wrong.

"Like I said, he got me to do it! I even tried to make him stop and he didn't listen to me or to anybody. He didn't listen to you! He deserves to be alone after what he just put us through! Stop being so stubborn!" Shimada pushed my shoulder against the wired fence. He got me trapped. I looked up at his angered eyes with my own.

"It's still WRONG!" I pushed him back with my own force and immediately regret it. He stumbled back a little, almost losing his balance. When he looked up at me, I expected cold hard anger, but instead, I got painful-looking eyes, that look like they just got betrayed. "Shimada-"

"Enough!" I squeaked at the harsh voice that ringed out my ears. "If you are standing up for Ishida, you might as well join him too. You chose him over us, this is all on you. You've changed, (y/n)..."

Those words made my eyes widen. Join him too? Is he going to give me the same dumb treatment? I fell into a hole of questions. My breathing got heavier as my thoughts got messier. This is it. I thought.

This is over... isn't...

This whole friendship-

with the boy I like is gone.

Tears blurred my vision of his angry and pained face.

"Fine! Do it! I rather be treated that way than treat somebody else that way!"

I ran away as fast as I could. My feelings and mind was scattered and running around. I didn't want to look back, and I will never look back.

I stopped by the bridge, where those 3 will always attempt the test of courage.  I lean against the railing, trying to catch my shaky breath. I wiped the river of tears running down my cheek as I told myself:

"I did what I felt right. This is for the best." 

And just like that, I manage to convince myself it was for the best. Until I was proved wrong the next day.

The Next Day

My head was filled with anxiety as I walk into school. I made up ways of how things will go:

1. I will get the same torment as Ishida.

2. Everybody will just ignore me and I will be left with no friends.

I was really hoping for the second one as I walked to my shoe cubby. I reached my hands in to get my shoes, which are missing? I already know 100% who it is. Guess we are going with option 1. I checked a nearby trashcan where Shimada will usually trash Ishida's school shoes. Luckily for him, his shoes are there. My shoes were nowhere in sight. By that time, I have many thoughts running through my brain. Where did he put my shoes? It is just the beginning of this madness?

The thoughts kept on going as I put Ishida's shoes to their right place. Taking a deep breath, I began to hunt down my shoes. Each minute passing by without my shoes insight is making my heart run faster and faster. All I could think of is the embarrassment of me walking into class late because some jerk hid my shoes somewhere. I imagined my sensei scolding me, which made it worse because now I am frantically looking for my shoes.

Tree?- No...

There!- No, that's not it.

I paced around the school as quickly as possible. I was starting to sweat in anxiety. The beating risen sun wasn't helping either. I whipped my head around, scanning the area as fast as I can. I tried to be as calm as possible, but I just can't. WHERE ARE MY SHOES????

I got to the pond area. The last destination. "If I don't find my school shoes here, It's just best to just go into class without them," I told myself as I looked around the pond.

No... they're not there either. I was about to lose hope and just leave, but something caught my eyes IN the pond. I was hoping and praying those aren't my shoes. I slowly neared it, heart beating in slow motion.

There lies two little shoes, drowning under the murky water. My heart dropped. Now that I found my shoes, how am I supposed to wear them?! This is way worse than a trash can! I stared at the pond in disbelief. I could see my reflection in the dirty water. A reflection of an overthinking girl, who just lost all her friends. My heart squeezed itself in pain. Why was I hurting? Tears were already starting to appear out of my eyes, but I abracadabra it to make it go away as soon as I heard someone, no not someone, some group behind me.

I shot my head around towards the laughter. Tch. They were the last thing I need to start off my bad morning. Shimada's blank eyes eyed me in amusement while everybody behind him was laughing their heads off. And they weren't just anybody. They were mine- we'll you can say, used to be friends. A whole bunch of hypocrites that don't stand up for their wrongdoing. They say Ishida deserves it. Deserves what? Deserves all the death threats to go kill himself? I glared at them with disgust and rage. My stomach twisted, thinking about their ways of dealing with things.

"Ahh~ (y/n), we were just looking for you." Shimada smiled coldly. I liked his smile. I prefer the warm smile that made my face red smile though.
"Well look who it is. Our second traitor." Ueno spurted out the rude comment. She caused Sahara to leave with that mouth of hers. "I can't believe you said that hehe." And here comes in the so-called dainty, cute, innocent girl. All Kawai does is pretend she is the victim with her dainty personality. She's just an attention seeker. Hirose stood there like he always did. Not doing much, but smiling like nothing is wrong. He only needs to do something when he has too. He is a follower. My head pointed out everything that is wrong with them as I stood there silently. I may not show it...

but I'm scared.

They all stood there, eyeing me and laughing like-...
like I am the alien for standing up for someone! I ignore their stares and mocking laughter, turning around and reaching into the pond. My hand felt the cold, dirty water, as they grasped my soggy shoes. My shoes cried out the stinky water. I stared at it blankly, irritating building up as these people laughed their heads off even louder. "Ewww. Is she actually going to wear them?" "Of course she is, she's a rat!" As the comments kept coming and smacking me in the face, my heart beat faster. I frowned as my feelings felt like they're being ripped apart and I felt like I was falling. I wasn't. I looked at Shimada's blank face with my own. "Are you happy, you stupid jerk!?" I wanted to tell him that. I wanted to yell at him, I wanted to knock him down and cry my heart out to him- but I didn't.

The corner of his lips rose into a smirk as his friends laughed and made mean comments that I don't even bother to listen too. That smirk only fueled by hatred and my anger. Why did I ever like him? Why did I ever have feelings for him? My heart could have chosen anybody. Was it the way his fingers dance on the piano keys? Or was it the way he leans on the wall cooly? Tears were creeping out again and I refused to show them. I refused to show them my weakness. With frustration, I threw my poor, wet shoes at their annoying faces. My breath was shaky and fast again.

Those shoes flew across the sky with water coming off of them. One shoe barely scraped Hirose's arm. The other shoe missed by a long shot. Their shock faces soon turned into disgust as they glared daggers at me. "Who do you think you are?" Ueno yelled at me. Well somebody better than you are, but I didn't have the guts to say that. Ueno never fails to make my soul shudder with her aggressiveness. Shoot, what do I do now? I peered at Shimada, scared out of my mind. My palms were getting sweaty and my knees are shaking out of fear of what is going to happen next. "That's it." I heard him muttered, his expression turned hard. And all of the sudden, I wish I knew a cuss word for this moment.

Shimada put down his backpack and flag and started to walk toward me, with a blank look on his face. The face that I used to adore and admirably look at from across the classroom. "Uh oh, looks like somebody is going to get it!" Hirose laughed. I didn't need that. I was frozen in spot. My heart was beating so quickly, it started to become painful. I backed away as he came closer and closer. I was trapped. I can't go further because of the pond so I raised my arms are up, ready to defend whatever he is going to do. Shimada has his hands in his pockets, but now they are up. A sad, guilty look spread across his face. All I can think of is all the good old times I had with him.

Why did this happen?

We were all friends and laughing together.


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