Just For Fun [CLOSED BOOK]

By ColdMatchMaker

8.9K 170 42

Just random posts, small notes, one shots, pictures, short stories, news all about Boboiboy. No need to vote... More

Just For Fun
Old trash drawings
Boboiboy From the BBB Movie 2
Boboiboy Reverse
ST: Running Away (BoYa)
ST 2: Running Away (BoYa)
ST 3: Running Away (BoYa)
Note from Abang Kaasim
ST 4: Running Away (BoYa)
2ST: The Royal School (FaYi)
2ST 2: Royal School (FaYi)
Father's Day Special
2ST 3: Royal School (FaYi)
Gopal's Birthday Day Special (1)
My New Book
Yaya's Biscuits Interview
Gopal's Coward Attitude Interview
MechAmato [new]
Random #1
Random #2
Random #3
Random #4
Random #5
Bored? Then listen to this
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba ft. Boboiboy
Broken /O n e S h o t s/
Little Bro Ft. Lil Sis
Chosen Ones
Valentines Day One Shot
Bored AF (photo not mine)
What If?
Oneshot AU requested
BBB Questions
Forbidden Love (BoYa)
Bored? Then listen to this
BBB Questions for me
Fantasy Fanfiction
Just Sharing

Fantasy Fanfiction (2)

116 2 0
By ColdMatchMaker

"Yaya! Be careful next time okay? I can't believe you just bumped the Prince." Shielda said as the group was having break time at their own spot somewhere in the Academy's Campus.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant to bump the Prince." Yaya apologizes.

"Forget that already. At least he didn't cursed or tried to harm you." Gopal said. Yaya widens her eyes.

"Mother once told me, the Superior Never showed his appearance to everyone for over centuries except for his Son the Prince." Sai started. "The Prince doesn't spoke too much about his Father either." Shielda continues.

"Yeah Yaya! And also the Prince is dangerous so you must keep your distance away from him? Okay? Let's hope this 2 years of our study to be okay? Let's Keep our best to stay away from them." Shielda said and everyone nodded including Yaya.


As Class was over, Yaya secretly went to the boundary not heading home early. She took her magic broom with her invisible cloak to hide her presence from her mother's magic sealed at the Portal. She enters there and started looking for Ying.

It's been three weeks since Ying and her didn't saw each other. At Ying's house, Yaya enters inside and saw Ying knitting something.

"Ying?" Yaya called. Ying stops at her position slowly looking at Yaya's direction. "Yaya!" She yelled happily and run to her, the best friends hugs each other.

The two spend time talking ot each other, for 3 hours. And Yaya needs to go back while Ying bids good bye at her.

As days passes after from class Yaya daily visits Ying at the human world. Reunited again, since Yaya's mother is busy at the white castle. It was a good advantage for her to sneak out from the cove sometimes. Her mother works as an advisor to the Supremo, one of the Superior's subordinate.

As another days passes Yaya, was early to the Academy reading her spell book.

"Yaya right." someone interprets.

Yaya slowly closes her book to see the Prince's cousin.

"Yes." Yaya answered stuttering.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not gonna do anything to you. I'm just gonna ask some questions." he replied. "I'm Fang, and i supposed you already know me." he started and Yaya nodded. "This Book. Do you know this book?" ask Fang to Yaya. Yaya looks at her spell book then averted her gaze back to him. "Yes." she answered.

"This Book is for the Red Blood Witch Family, why do have one these? Are you Lia's relative or a family member?" ask Fang.

Yaya didn't answer as Fang asks her an unusual question. Behind her he felt a dark aura, a dominant dark presence behind her chair. She stops as she feels the Prince presence near her. She gulps and focus her vision at Fang.

"No, I'm just a normal witch. My mother gave me this for my birthday." Yaya answered honestly, she doesn't want to lie because she knows she can't fool these powerful people near her.

Princess Lia, was the daughter of the Red Blood Witch Family, A Pure Blooded Witch from The West Bank of the Superior's Territory.

"Impossible." Fang said and stood up staring at the nervous lady sitting.

"I'm telling the truth. I'm no royal or from a noble family. I'm just a normal witch living at the Cove." She explained. While Fang exchanges glance at his cousin.

After that moment her royal classmates left her. Yaya breathes suddenly after the nervous or pressure she felt fron the two. Their intimidating presence were making her numb and afraid.

"I gotta distance myself."

Lunch came and everyone was at the Cafeteria, Yaya was silently eating her food not uttering a word to her friends about what happened to her. She doesn't want to worry them. So she kept it for herself.


"I don't believe her. That book only belongs the Red Blood Witch family." Fang said walking circles thinking.

Boboiboy was sitting in a chair crossed arms his eyes close.

"She's not lying." Boboiboy said while Fang stops. "I know. But I'm just curious okay? Since the oracle predicted something about a Sacrifice. I'm just worried. If you die your Powers will vanish and after that we need a sacrifice from the Red Blood Witch Family," Fang said and Boboiboy opened his eyes.

"I won't let that happen." Boboiboy said his voice shifted into his dark voice, his hands emitting dark energy. His eyes turning to red, Fang calms his cousin down and Boboiboy sighs frowning.

"We need to watch over that Girl, There's a possibility she's one of the Predicted Prophecy from the oracle. And if she is, we need to protect her. Because if she dies..."

Fang pauses and Boboiboy looks at him blankly serious.

"You won't live a thousand years."


Months has passed and Yaya continues to visit her friends. It was weekend and Yaya's mother isn't coming home to the Cove, which is an opportunity for her to stay at Ying's place for the night.

She spent her night at the human world. With Ying, the two bestis sleep together in peaceful.

As Morning came Yaya wakes up, she uses her magic secretly to cook breakfast for her friend. Aftsr cooking Ying wakes up from her bed smelling the delicious aroma from the dining table. She walks out of her room and saw Yaya smiling at her.

"Good Morning Ying!" Yaya greeted and Ying smiles taking a seat.

The Two besties eated in peace.

"Yaya? Do you want to come with me at the City?" Ying ask breaking the silence between them. Yaya nodded happily.


Yaya was blown away seeing her surrounding different from Ying's place. Tall buildings, fantastic structures and moving vehicles. Humans walking busy in their business.

"Wow! This City is amazing! What is that?" ask Yaya.

"That's a car."

"What's that?"

"That's a billboard."

"Oh and that?"

"That's called the Mall. Come on let's go inside." Ying said and drags her friend inside the Mall, Yaya then childishly stares the inside seeing many humans walking, eating, talking and etc, the inside was big and massive. Filled with different kinds of stores and entertainments. Also Yaya thought the City was amazing, and couldn't believe that humans have an amusing place like this.

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