In Your University (Lisoo)

By Plaridel23

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Kim Jisoo, Manoban Lisa, Kim Jennie (not related to Jisoo) and Park Rosé are from the University's 4 founding... More

The Founding Families
Moving In Day
Acquaintance Party
Kappa Delta
Sweet Escape
Forgive But Never Forget
Going on a Trip
What a Mess
The Plan
Play or be played
Well Played
The in-laws
Try Outs
Totem Pole
Stuck With You
Stuck With You Too

The President

499 31 12
By Plaridel23

[Ellie's POV]

I'm the type of person who wakes up at 6:30am if my class is 7am. But sometimes I enjoy breakfast before class, and one of those times is today. I just finished eating, now I'm resting on the couch, sipping my hot coffee while reading a manga. Lisa's in the kitchen, she came in earlier, she said she'll cook Jisoo some breakfast. The low sizzle of meat getting fried brings calm to my ears.

On the other hand, I can hear Jisoo's voice from the bathroom, probably talking to Uncle Kim.

"No! Stop asking me questions like that. I would tell you if I do. Okay Dad. Bye. Love you!" She steps out of the bathroom. Her hair still wet.

"What'd Uncle say?" I ask.

"Same as he always ask. If I have a boyfriend." She walk towards the kitchen. "Who's cookin---"

Jisoo stopped on her tracks when she saw Lisa's back turned to her. The Bangs Girl is only wearing a sleeveles white shirt, subtly exposing herback muscles. She turns around, smiling at my cousin.

"Unnie!" She said.

Jisoo's still frozen in time, her mouth open, saliva dripping, eyes staring.


I look back at Jisoo, yup, she's still dreaming. I take another sip of my coffee, watching their interaction. Even better, I took a picture of the scenario.

Lisa gets a small piece of celery, throws it at Jisoo. Still nothing. She gets the whole branch of celery and throws it again at Jisoo.

"Ow!" Jisoo shouted, rubbing the area where she was hit. "What are you doing here?"

"Cooking you breakfast."


"Well, you said you wanted to come with me to the Student Council President's office, so I thought I'll get you something as a 'thank you'. We'll eat together and go to the President together! It's perfect!"

I've seen enough drooling and flirting for today. I got my tumbler of hot coffee and started making my way outside.

"Who could be the Student Council President, haven't heard of him or her before." Lisa wonders.

"Me too." Jisoo replied. "Hey Ellie, do you know who--- Ellie?"

That's the last thing I heard before closing the door behind me. A liitle further down the hallway and I come across Jennie, Chae, and Kuma. Rosé's hand is around the other girl's waist while talking and giggle to each other.

"Hi Ellie! You're out early." Rosé asked.

"I'll check on something. How about you two?"

"We walked Kuma out." Jennie smiled.

"I'll go ahead." I bid them farewell as they walk hand in hand together.


[Lisa's POV]

The clock ticks in sync with my heartbeat. Jisoo, Sean, and I are waiting outside the Student Council President's office. We haven't said a word to each other but I don't mind because nothing good come out of his mouth anyway. Unnie holds my hand and occasionally squeezes it as reassurance and in those moments, my heart might've beat 3x faster than the clock. Her cherry scent taking over my senses.

Finally, the door opens. A girl who looks younger than us peaks out. Her huge round eyes scanning us.

"Pres would like to see you now." She has a shy voice.

As we enter the minimalistic designed room, the girl stands next to the back-turned chair behind the oak desk. When the chair turned around, we're all shocked.

"Ellie?" Jisoo gasped.

"Whoa. What are you doing here? Where's the President? Are you gonna like, introduce us to him? Or her..." I said.

Sean rolls his eyes, the girl furrows her brows, and Jisoo slapped me on the shoulder.

"I think she's the president." She whispered in my ear. Then I was shocked, for the second time.

Ellie rubs her face on her palms in frustration then stands up. "Goodmorning, I'm Ellie Student Council President. This is Yuna," she gestured to the girl beside her who smiles like she's the sun in the Teletubbies show, "she's the Student Council Secretary. Okay warfreak trio take your seats."

And we did. Ellie sat back down, she looks more serious than usual but is still our Ellie. I too, felt a little serious, I think this room is cursed.

"You guys made a commotion last night that can't go unnotice."

"He started it." I said.

"If you weren't---" Sean was cut off by Ellie.

"I don't care who started it. I know who started it." She stares at the only male in the room. "Sean, as a new transfer student, this is not a good first impression on your records. Just because you're a member of the Judo Club, doesn't mean you go around fighting people. From what I can remember, your club president Suho teaches it for defensive purposes, and that's not the case last night. Was it? I can assure you that he will hear this."

Ellie so cool.

Then she looks at me. Oh no.

"Lisa. You are one of the founding families and Captain of the YG Women's Basketball team. Is this the example you're laying out for the people who looks up to you?"

I look down on my lap, Unnie's hand in mine, and mouthed 'No'

"You should be aware of your actions and temper next time."

I nod.

"And Jisoo," Ellie looks at her like she's trying to remember something. "Why are you here? Did you punch someone?"

Unnie makes an 'O' with her mouth and shakes her head sideways.

"Oh, okay." Pres said. "This won't go unpunished. The two of you will have one day Campus Community Service. Consider this punishment as your first warning. The Student Council will keep an eye on you two. Next time you do something risky, I will not be this lenient."


[Lisa's POV]

"Goodmorning, Ellie!" I greet her by their door. "Jisoo and I will do group study."

She looks confused for a moment but let me in. "Jisoo's still asleep tho. You can just wake her up." Gesturing towards the bedroom. She stare into my eyes then smirks. "What are you guys going to study? Human Anatomy?"

Oh my gosh. "How did you know?" I can't help but smile in amazement at how psychic Ellie can be. "I'm having trouble remembering scientific terms." I sad while scratching my head and pouting.

"Nevermind." Ellie opens the door and steps out, she looks at me again. "I have a meeting, I'll be gone for the whole day. Be sure to stay away from Reproductive System. But you can study Mammary Gland tho." She winks at me and leaves.

Mammary Gland? Isn't that humans? Mamals? I'll ask Jisoo later. I'm sure she knows.

I skip towards the bed and shakes the sleeping beauty of my dreams. But she just grunts and doesn't move. I try again, this time removing the blanket from her face so she can see the morning light. There's something wrong. I know Jisoo is a heavy sleeper, but herbface looks pale. I touch her forehead and oh my gosh she's hot. Literally hot.

"You're burning up." She has a fever.

I was thought not to panic at these situations. So I did the most logical thing one could possibly do... I called my Mommy.

"Hey baby. What's up?" A deep voice I knew so well answered the call.

"Hi Dad! Can I talk to Mom?"

He asked me to wait a moment and I heard shuffling from the other line. "Hey baby. Why did you call?"

"Mommy, what are you going to do if someone has a fever and she's really really hot literally and metaphorically should I take her to the hospital?" I said so fast that you could mistake me for a rapper.

"Honey. What did I tell you?"

"Don't panic."

"Right." She paused to give me time to breath. "First, check her temperature. If it's above 39 degrees and she got chills, definitely take her to the hospital. But if it's lower, just take care of her and let her rest." She begins to instruct me.

Cook soup, put wet towel over her forehead or put cool fever, hydrate, medicine, etc.

"Okay! Thank you my beautiful Mommy!"

"Oh, and lastly. If she's really really hot metaphorically, I think you should make a move and introduce her to us." I can basically hear her smile winking.


"What? That's how I got your Dad---"

"OKAYLOVEYOUBYE." Rapper Lisa is on fire.

I quickly went back to my room so get some stuff because I'm unfamiliar with where they out this and that and I don't wanna wake Jisoo up just to ask her. Within record time I'm back. I drop everything at the living room. Except for the thermometer and went back.

"Jisoo." I whisper. She doesn't respond so I lightly tap her cheek and keep my hand there, caressing her skin with my thumb. She finally open her eyes. "I'll check your temperature."

After I put the thermometer, she close her eyes again. I kneel down beside the bed, put my arms on it and rested my head over my arms as I wait. I probably look like one of the angels in a classical painting. I stare at Jisoo, I'm so close that I can see every detail of her face. Her lips may be pale but she's still as divine as ever. I want to touch her skin again.

Just then, her eyes flutters open. She stares straight into mine. None of us moving. I feel a magnetic force drawing me closer to her. I wonder as I look down at her lips, what would happen if the thermometer isn't there?


I'm shook out of my daydream. I took the cock-blocker thermometer and read it.

I got confused. I thought it's supposed to indicate degrees. "S.BE?" I scratch my head.

Jisoo looks at me with a blank stare.

"I think it's broken." I said.

She remains like that for a while and it's making me feel uncomfortable.

"It's up-side-down." She said in a weak and hoarse voice.

Reorienting the thing, "Oh! 38.5!" I smile, finally figuring it out but dropped it as soon as I realized, "Oh, you're sick. I'll be back."

Twenty minutes later I came back with the cool fever, meds, water, basin of water with cloth, and chicken soup. It shocked me how I managed to bring it all at once. What baffled me more was how I managed to cook the chicken soup, let's not talk about that.

First, I dab her face with the wet cloth, moving it to her neck, faitly feeling her pulse. Then I wipe her arms. After that I put the cool fever on her forehead.

"Unnie, you need to eat and drink your medicine, can you sit up?"

I helped her sit up. Then I feed her the soup, she eats little by little and I swear it's one of the cutest things I've seen. She doesn't complain about the taste so I assume it either taste good, or she's too sick to taste it. Despite having a fever, she finish the whole bowl. Is it the chicken or I have good cooking skills? I'd like to think it's the latter.

I tucked her in bed after drinking some medicine. I'm about to goand let her rest when someone grabbed my hand.

"Stay, stay with me." Jisoo said as I turn around.

Who could say no to that?

With little energy she has left, she lighly pull me and lead me to the bed. No words were exchanged after that. We seem to communicate with our eyes. One look and I know she wants me to lay down... so I did.

Under tge blanket we both lay facing each other, testing the waters, keeping our hands to ourselves. Keeping our distance but close enough that I can smell her cherry perfume.

Jisoo finally closed her eyes and snuggled next to me, putting her arms around my waist and I did the same. The top of her head perfectly fits the space below my chin.

At first my heartbeat is fast and pounding, I'm afraid it would wake Jisoo up. But her steady breathing calms me down until it's back to normal, until I can feel both our heartbeats sync. And it's not long until I dooze off.


[Jisoo's POV]

Head aches.

Body aches.

But pillow is nice.

Pillow is big...

I don't have a pillow this big.

That's when my eyes flew open so wide that I can feel my eyelids stretch. My vision is blurry at first, then adjusts, then...

"Yah! Lalisa!" I shout.

She wakes up... WITH A SMILE ON HER FACE. "Goodmorning Unnie."

"Yah! Don't Unnie Unnie me! Why are you here?"

"Unnie you should relax or else you'll get sick again."

Then it hit me... memories kept flooding in. Lisa wiping me, feeding me a not-so-yummy-chicken soup, then... then... Oh Jisoos. Heat travels fast to my face, embarrassment take over me.

"Unnie..." Lisa said like a little girl going to ask ice cream from an adult. I look at her and hummed 'Yes?'. "What's a mammary gland?"

Well that's helpful.

"Unnie why are you turning red?" Lisa ask. "Unnie why are you heating up? Are you getting sick again? I told you not to move to much. Aigoo." Looks like she's panicking but I can't move.

Then a laugh echoes through the room.

"Ellie?! How long have you been there?!" I want to cover my face with a paper bag right about now.

"About 20 minutes." Ellie said.


A/N: Had a really bad writers block. You guys can suggest what scenes you want or who you want to make an appearance. Or comment your thoughts. It's much appreciated.

I want to say thank you to everyone who's reading this. And special thanks to my 2 readers who's always hyping every chapter.

Stay tuned for more chapters!

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