Take Me With You (Deadlox/End...

By Clouds-of-Anime

7.8K 326 289

Everyone's dream is to meet a Youtuber on Minecraft. It was what all my schoolmates talked about. Too bad I d... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
4K VIEWS :0 + Announcement

Chapter 1

360 13 31
By Clouds-of-Anime

Publishing this a week earlier to give you guys something to read :))


It was winter break, AKA Christmas holidays. Three whole weeks of nothing to do. I'd bet all my homework that Mikenzy and Avani and Nerina would be playing 24/7.

Being the good girl I am, i had finished my homework all in the first three days.

Now I'm as bored as fuck. Two weeks and four days left of nothingness. Whoopie.

I got up from my bed and went downstairs. It wasnt often i would read the newspapera, but today i read the Saturday news and found the perfect part-time job that also paid decently.

Come work at the ePear shop!

We sell phones, gadgets, and more! Looking for part time / people who are free. Salary: $50 per week

That was enough to buy me Minecraft when the break was over! I quickly dialed the phone on the ad. Within minutes, I had got the job.

I ran back to my room and went onto Skype and changed my status: "I've got a job!" My first day would be tomorrow, since today was Sunday. I didnt ask what i would be doing... I assumed it was being a salesperson.

Ah wel. Nothing to do but sleep the day away. Or play all the games I have except for Minecraft. I threw all the things i needed into a shoulder bag and placed it on my bedside table, and then I woke my computer up and went onto Facebook.

After four hours of Village Life, Dungeon Rampage and Fancy Pants, my stomach decided it wanted to eat. I went downstairs, avoiding my two cats - who were fighting for the blanket again - and grabbed a tuna sandwich I keep on my shelf in the fridge. I stock up on sandwiches during the long holidays... I'm too lazy to make food.

On my way back up to my bedroom, the two cats have disappeared. I frowned but continued up, when I heard a loud purring. I peeked into my room and there they were, tabby fur and ginger pelt mixed together on my bed.

"Bramble! Squirrel! Where'd that blanket go?" I asked my cats. (HOKAY who gets da reference?)

Bramble, the tabby cat, looked at me with his amber eyes and rolled over. Sqiurrel stared at me with her green eyes all until I sat down at my computer. Then she began grooming her own fur.

I really hope she doesn't get a lot of cat fur on my bed.

Two more hours on the computer and my brain called quits. I looked at the clock. Six in the evening. Ah well, it's never too early for sleep! Bramble and Squirrel were sleeping peacefully on my blanket, and so I didn't want to disturb them.

But it was a tad chilly outside and I didn't want to go downstairs. I checked the cat flap I had installed on my bedroom door. It was working, thank goodness. I closed the door and locked it. Then I tried my best to wiggle under the covers without disturbing the two cats.

I accidentally woke Bramble up when I kinda stuck my foot right in his face, and he growled at me. He got up, walked a few steps and plopped his big butt down on my blanket again. Well, at least now I have a bigger space to settle down.

I was woken up by the sound of my computer. Did I not turn that off? I blinked. I didn't close the curtains, either, but it was still dark. What the hell? What time was it? I got off the bed - Bramble was still sleeping, but Squirrel was sitting on my chair.

I shooed Squirrel off my chair and opened up my computer. The bright light made me blind for like five seconds. It was two in the morning. WHAT THE HELL. It was my Skype. Avani and Nerina were sending me videos.

I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR DAMN VIDEOS. They each sent me like ten of them, each twenty-minute long, and each about Minecraft. Why are they making me suffer? I grabbed the pillow I was leaning against my chair and screamed into it. A soft scream, not loud enough to wake anyone except Squirrel up, because she was WALKING ALL OVER MY KEYBOARD.

I practically swept her off the table. What did she send? That cat is evil. I glanced down at Squirrel, who was looking up at me with her huge eyes that were reflecting the moonlight. Oh alright, maybe not evil. But - wait what? I glanced out the window. I swore I had seen something fly past it in the reflection of Squirrel's eyes. I WAS 100% CERTAIN. But there was nothing outside.

Weird. I must be hallucinating from the lack of sleep. YES, I KNOW, I already slept for like seven hours. But still.

What? a message popped back up. It was Daniel. Shit.

Sorry, I typed, glaring at Squirrel as I did. My cat pranced all over le keyboard. Y r u up so late?

Could ask u the same thing, Daniel replied.

My frds r sendin vids of MC, like, 10 each, I typed in. I didn't feel sleepy anymore. Not that much, anyway.

Oh, cool, Daniel typed. Well, gtg. I've got someplace to b tmr.

K, I typed back, and closed the Skype window. This time I also made sure Avani and Nerina got a piece of my mind before I switched off my computer.

Is this short? Maybe not >1000 words like I always do...

But I'm in the middle of exam week XD Imma update whenever I can!!

Remember to hit that vote button and add this to your library!!

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