Together (SHOURTNEY)

By MrGiraffe76

46.9K 622 156

Ever since the party, Courtney's views on Shayne shifted. She can't stop thinking about him and ends up falli... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Part 2


1.1K 21 1
By MrGiraffe76

     "Damien, uh, can I talk to you about something?" I sat next to him as he worked on his computer.
     "Sure, what's up, dude?" He asked
     "So, yesterday Ian told me to get Courtney and take her home. On the way out she told me she loves me"
     "What? No way.." He said surprised. Not sure if he was acting or not. It's hard to tell.
     "Yeah, I don't know what to do," I sat back in my chair, "What would you do if someone told you they were in love with you?"
     "Well, it depends on how I feel about that person really. If I didn't love her like that I'd have to say no, but if I did then maybe you- I mean I would try asking her out"
     "Damien, I can't just tell Courtney that I don't love her. That's like super heart breaking"
     "Then tell her how you really feel," he closed his laptop and stood up.
     "Shayne I've never seen you more into someone. You're obviously in love with her too, you're just not willing to accept it"
     "What? Yes I am. I'm saying that I don't feel that way about her. I mean, she's my friend"
     "That's not what you thought about her before when you first started here. I remember you telling me everyday that Courtney was the girl you thought was perfect for you. Then you got all "there's no way she'd like me" and "she deserves better". Dude, I know that you're love for her is stronger than anything. You're just hiding it deep inside you"
     "Damien, I'm telling you I-"
     "Just think about it," he left the room and I sat there staring at the door. I grabbed my phone to see a text from Courtney.

C- We're shooting a smosh games video. We need you here now.
S- I'm on my way
C- Hurry up, stupid.
S- Okay I'll go as slow as I can
C- Don't make me pull you here
S- You don't have the guts

     To my surprise. She did have the guts. She pulled me by the hand all the way to set and sat me down on the couch next to her.
     "I do have the guts thank you very much," she said.
     I just laughed and sat back. We filmed the video and all I could think about is what Courtney and Damien said to me. Could Damien be right? What if I really am in love with her?
     "Hey, what are you thinking about over there?" Courtney asked poking me.
     "Oh nothing," I said, "Just some random shit"
     "Come on, your face was all serious and you were staring at the ground. Is something bothering you?"
     "Um, can I...can I ask you something?"
     "Sure, what is it?" She shuffled in her seat nervously.
     "What if one of your closest friends had told you that they were in love with you? What would you do?"
     "W-why has that happened to you? Who told you?"
     "No, it didn't happen to me. It's just a general question really"
     "Well, how do I feel about this person in this scenario?"
     "Uh, you're not too sure actually. Up until you were told that, you started thinking if you love them too"
     "Well, I'd obviously want to figure out if I really do love them. Then I'd see what I would want to do. Then if I really do love them I'd go for it"
     "Not bad. You obviously know what you're doing"
     "Not really. Well, I've got to go. Olivia wants to hang out. See ya, Shayne"
     Figure out if I love them. Guess that's my first step.

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