The Singing Boy [Future Updat...

By Reactier

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Tom was a shy teenager. He was so quiet that no one really noticed him, except the bullies of course. Tom had... More

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The Talent Show
Angel Of The School
Mall Time
It's a Date!
Rain Dance
๐Ÿ‘พVideo Game๐Ÿ‘พ
F*ck The System
a Few Too Many Drinks
What Happened?
Moving in
The End of a Good Day
The Duet
๐Ÿ‘นIt's 5 AM and I haven't slept๐Ÿ‘บ
Julian Jameson Jones
โค๏ธTord Drawingโค๏ธ
The Talk
We Will Miss You
So it's not The End?
The World is Ours
Royal Castle

Acceptance Letter

795 39 23
By Reactier

Tom Pov:

I got accepted into Lonlee University, but I feel more nervous than happy. Should I even tell the guys? I mean, who wouldn't tell their loved ones? Loved.. ones... I look to my phone, Mom and Da- No! I look away from the phone, They abandoned me and left me to rot, they don't deserve to know anything about me now...

I look to the phone again.. I suppose one call couldn't hurt, I haven't called them since I moved in with my friends, I guess letting them know how everything is wouldn't be bad... Maybe I'll call Mom, knowing her she'll make me leave a message and eventually listen to it, I just need to tell them...

Tord Pov:

I've checked all over the kitchen and there isn't a trace of snacks anywhere, Edd says we have to buy our own snacks now since we eat them too fast and he's usually the one who does grocery shopping, so I was just checking to see if there's anything else left over.. Pretty sure he ate everything. I sigh and begin my walk to my room

I wonder how Tom's doing, he hasn't left his room all day and it's already 6:00 PM. I wonder if he's okay.. Maybe I'll check on him.

Instead of heading to my room, I head to his instead. But when I arrive at his door and I'm about to knock, I hear him talking to himself. So like any normal human being, I listen in.

"Hey Mom, you're probably not going to see this for.. awhile," I hear Tom say, is he really leaving a message for his mom, didn't he swear he'd never call them again? "But I just want to give you a long update on the past three years.." Tom takes a deep breath.

"I've moved in with my friend and boyfriend, but don't worry, I'm not sharing rooms with him. We're always having fun and doing things kids- well, adults, our age do. We're still eating pizza, having movie marathons, and going to the arcade like we did when we were only teenagers, but now things are more complicated and stressful due to graduating school and figuring out our future plans- Oh! That reminds me!"

"I got accepted into Lonlee University for Music Studies, which is pretty cool since I managed to get a distinguished degree, my future professors say they've heard great things about me," Tom seems happy as he continues. "especially my Talent Show back in 10th grade, don't you remember that?" He got accepted into college? Why didn't he say anything?

"You were the one who told me things were going to be different.. and they were," Tom sniffles, is he crying? Who am I kidding, even I'm starting to cry from the memories. "You and Dad may not be here to support me and I'll be honest, I always told myself I was over you both, but you're my parents.. and you'll always be my parents-"

"Sorry sorry, I'm rambling. I'm still haven't gotten out of talking to myself yet, even after all these years of actually having friends! Gosh, I remember when I was so alone and all I had was you guys, I remember how you'd both listen to me play music and teach me how to play the bass and piano. Well look at me now, I'm going into music studies for crying out loud!"

I can hear Tom start to sob but I can sense the sad smile on his face, "I really miss you guys.. I know you'll probably never love me again, but always remember this," Tom takes a deep breath to calm himself. "I'm your son, gay or not gay, and I haven't changed from that little boy you knew eighteen years ago, I'm me.. and I'll always be me... remember that." I can feel tears trickle my eyes, god why am I crying?

"Well I'll stop calling before this gets any longer and you lose interest, call me back if you ever decide to say hi... Bye Mom," I then hear the phone hang up and Tom mutter, "Thank god.."

I open the door and I hear Tom say, "Tord! How long were you-" I hug Tom tightly and sob into his shoulder, god that was so brave of him and it's making me emotional... "Tord..." Tom hugs back tightly and begins to cry as well.

Suddenly Tom's door is kicked open and we hear Edd say, "WHO DO I NEED TO KILL?!" Obviously Edd heard us sobbing and his Mom Mode kicked in.

We turn to him and we wipe our tears, Tom says, "Don't worry Edd, we're fine, really."

Edd observes us closely, he then looks down at the paper in Tom's hand and asks, "What's that?"

Tom quickly looks down at it, he hides it behind his back and says, "Noth-!"

I snatch the paper from him and say, "This my friend, is Tom's University Acceptance Letter to Lonlee University," I raise the paper in the air. "and we shall celebrate at the bar tonight!"

"Oh hell yeah! Now that we can actually order drinks at a bar and not need fake IDs!" Edd says and raises his arms in celebration.

"We all know you were always too much of a goodie two shoes to even make a fake ID Edd," I say and Tom and I laugh while Edd pouts.

"That's only because my Mom would disown me if I even licked the top of a beer bottle, now let's head out!" Edd says. "I'll go get Matt!"

"Alright, Tom and I will get ready in here," I say and look at him.

"You better not have se-"

"Shut up Edd before I tie you to a public pole," I cut Edd off and Edd snickers as he walks to the door.

"Fine fine, just hurry up," Edd leaves the room and Tom and I turn to each other.

"Tor-" before Tom can finish talking, I grab his shoulders and kiss him deeply which catches him off guard.

When I pull away, I say, "I love you Tom, so so much..."

Tom looks up at me with a sudden smile and replies, "I love you too Tord."

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