Treating Mr. Billionaire

By Newmagical

436K 24.3K 4.2K

[FORMERLY KNOWN AS 'MY HEALER'] A business arrangement between a personal doctor and her billionaire patient... More

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~ Prologue ~

30.8K 730 243
By Newmagical

New York City
9:25 pm

A bustling city! Those are the words to describe a city in which everyone was nocturnal and it was not considered abnormal. The streets were teeming with people and there was barely any space to walk around them. The lights from the skyscrapers illuminated everything and made nightlife the norm every day. There was hardly a time when it wasn't lit up like this, making most streets look bright even during midday.

The surroundings of the airport were no different. Cars lined up on both sides of the road as people walked briskly through the busy roads, heading towards their homes or to meet someone. It was already dark outside by then but that did not stop the crowd from moving about.

A man in his late twenties moved out of the terminal building and onto the main road. As he passed by each person, every head rolled back to take a second glance at him despite the chaos. Every feature he carried failed to blend with the general population. His hair was slicked back with a strand curling at the front and the dark pair of shades stuck to his face during that time of the day only served to heighten the effect. His gait was confident as he strode across the street while looking straight ahead.

He stopped at the sidewalk opposite a red light and waited for the signal before crossing the street. The coffee shop located at the other end caught his attention and he found it a good means of spending some time alone. Without second thoughts, he went inside the café and sat at the far corner table where nobody could see him.

He took off the sunglasses and placed them on the surface of the table before resting his elbows on top of it. His eyes met the menu board above the counter and lingered for a minute until he finally decided what to order. During his deep concentration, his cellphone vibrated and his lips curved into a sly smile without checking the caller. His eyes scanned the area once more and he quickly retrieved his phone. "Hey--"

"You ran away from a business meeting?!" A feminine voice interrupted through the receiver once he had pressed the button to answer. "And then you flew back this late at night??" She asked again with a more agitated tone.

He scratched his cheek with one hand, her words amusing him in every way. "What about it?" He answered casually, knowing his smug expression was enough to send her anger over the edge if she could see it.

She huffed loudly into the line before softening her tone. "...well, I'm glad you called me."

His face cracked with a chuckle he couldn't hold back. "No, I didn't." He spoke before gesturing to the waiter who brought his order. "Thank you." He paused briefly then continued with a hint of amusement. "You were the one who called." He teased, dropping the receiver on the table and leaning forward to grab his cup of coffee.

The lady at the other end was silent for a moment, and when she spoke again, her frustration became clearer in her tone. "Where are you right now? Should I come pick you up?" She asked eventually, her voice becoming softer.

His brows knitted together as he stared down into the black liquid in his cup. "I am not crazy enough to allow you to come this unsafe period of the day." He said quietly, sipping the warm beverage and closing his eyes to savor its taste.

She chuckled, amused by his response. "When have you ever cared about me? Did LA give you some generous charm?" She joked, her tone light and teasing.

His lips curled into a smirk, his eyes glancing up to the ceiling as he recalled her words. "Yeah, you got me. I was being sarcastic." He replied as he picked up his cell phone once more. "I'm ending the call. Just don't tell mum about this, okay? I will be home soon." He requested, staring at the phone for a few seconds before hanging up in the middle of her unheard argument.

He sighed with relief, his grin widening as he set the phone aside. He drank the rest of the coffee in one go, feeling satisfied after finishing the entire cup.

He glanced over to the clock on the wall, noting the time. It was past ten o'clock and he was surprised to find himself enjoying the peacefulness of the almost empty shop. No bodyguards were lurking around him, watching his every move and waiting to pounce on any form of suspicious behavior towards him. That kind of freedom could be obtained only by ditching work and outsmarting those who wanted to keep tabs on him and he would definitely try that again.

He placed the empty mug on the table and retrieved his items before making his way to the door.

Outside the shop, he stepped out into the dimly lit pathway along the sidewalk. He looked up to the sky and noted how the stars were starting to appear. He smiled at the sight of the twinkles of lights against the darkness.

The breeze of the night was cool and refreshing, almost as if the sky itself was trying to bid him farewell. He walked slowly, allowing his senses to soak into the different scents surrounding him. The air carried the scent of the sea mixed with the odor of the nearby restaurants, the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies from the local bakery, and the faint fragrance of fresh flowers from the shop across the road.

He inhaled deeply, enjoying the moment until a horrific alcoholic stench made his nose wrinkle in distaste. He had not made much notice to the strangers passing by, however, the smell was strong enough to make him pause, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

His head twisted in the direction of the foul stench, his eyes scanning to his side until they located the source. It was coming from a woman standing a few feet away from him, her back facing him. Her long hair was tied up in a ponytail, her body wrapped in a black coat and similar colored skirt, and her feet clad in thick boots.

He stared at her for a moment longer, almost glaring at her in disgust, displeased that her company had ruined his moment of relaxation, but the woman who seemed to have bigger problems than to worry about others' opinions about her smell did not apprehend his gaze.

The pity-clicking of his tongue was heard as he rushed some steps away from her, as though she had a deadly communicable disease. Knowing how much treasured his alone time was, he was not looking forward to having it ruined by someone who roamed around with the evidence of drunkenness.

The lady in question shifted her weight from one foot to the other, tapping her toes nervously against the ground. She appeared to be muttering words to herself, mumbling something under her breath. But whatever she was saying was too quiet for him to hear clearly.

He assumed the demons had purposely sent the drunk stranger to interrupt his solitude when the lady's twitchy feet began to pace to and from his position. She continued her walking movements in circles around him, turning in circles while staring at her feet.

He groaned mentally each time she stepped on his loafers, his annoyance rising as he watched her repetitive actions. He frowned, wondering why he had to deal with such a nuisance.

As if sensing his impatience, the woman stopped mid-step, her hands hovering over her mouth as she stopped moving and began to walk away wordlessly.

"Thank goodness. What kinds of crazy people fill the streets nowadays?" He muttered with relief, adjusting his thick coats as if she ever touched them. He did not want to find out what kind of germs she was carrying and how they might infect him.

His brown eyes followed the woman's path as she walked away, her feet shuffling repeatedly and occasionally tripping over a cracked piece of pavement. He watched her go, his brows squeezing as he observed she was moving towards the road.

His eyes narrowed into slits, trying to figure out her deal with the busy road. Hail a taxi? Cars were speeding down the roads of the vibrant city and one would think every driver was a contestant in a fast and furious show.

Her small frame shrank the more she moved farther away from his sight. One slow step at a time was how intoxication possessed her.

It dawned on her observer that she was completely wasted and out of her mind. He was not sure if the alcohol was the spell leading her towards such a dangerous spot or not, but there was one thing he could bet his life on. On a road flooded with so many vehicles, hitting someone would be almost unnoticeable.

"Hey, miss!" He heard someone yell with extreme urgency before realizing the words had slipped from his own mouth. "You are going the wrong way!" He added, shouting over the noisy cityscape.

Her staggering figure completely ignored him, her feet continuing their pattern without any hesitation, until she was practically running towards the traffic.

He opened his mouth to scream again before closing it hastily, swallowing the sound instead, deciding to mind his business. He turned away, his fingers clenching and unclenching as he tried to decide whether to follow her or not as guilt intertwined his conscience.

A sudden gust of wind made him turn around, his eyes following the direction the breeze blew towards until they returned to the area where the intoxicated woman stood. His eyes widened with horror, his jaw dropping in shock when he realized how close she was to a collision; those tiny steps had finally led her that far.

He hated being the good guy, but he had to do this. The woman needed help and he could not allow anyone to die on his watch. He climbed from his spot and started to track her down.

His steps were short and quick, his stride tinged with determination as he chased after her. His fingers gripped tightly onto his coat's sleeves, his breathing heavy as he ran to keep up with the woman's erratic pace.

"Miss, wait!" His voice called out, each word sounding like an echo in the air.

The woman's footsteps slowed, her shoulders hunching as she halted her pace. Her head was tilted downwards, her eyes shifting from left to right as she tried to locate the bothersome intruder.

He grabbed her arm once he was closed enough and blocked her path by standing in between her and the road.

She jerked back, her face twisting in confusion before finally giving him access to what she looked like. Her blue eyes ran over him, complete disgust showing in the way her venomous gaze came into contact with his concerned one.

He failed to hold back a slight gasp of surprise when his vision discovered her appearance. He had guessed she would look something similar to the stepsisters of Cinderella but was in fact the beauty in distress herself. A gorgeous young woman that made him wonder what situation had brought her to that pathetic state.

"Are you drunk?" He inquired politely, attempting to get her attention. "You are heading towards a dangerous place."

"Dumb ass," she hissed instead, irritated at his interruption. Her lips puckered in distaste, her eyes narrowing before snatching her arm off his grip.

His eyes rolled with exasperation, his patience quickly wearing thin. "You will never make it home if you continue to run blindly." He argued, stepping forward and gesturing for her to move back. "What's your home address? I can help you hail--"

"Why don't you mind your fucking business?!" She screamed inhumanly, slicing through his words with violent rage.

Her fury overwhelmed him, his hands fisting involuntarily and his head growing hot. He held his tongue as he stared down into her accusing glare, wondering why she was acting so irrationally in such a public place. He was not supposed to take sides, but he could not stand watching someone fall victim to their own stupidity, especially if they were intoxicated.

The drunk stranger freed a breath, her anger dissipating instantly as her eyes darted towards the road behind him and back to his face repeatedly. Her body swayed unsteadily, her hand clutching tight onto the hem of her skirt before backing away with one step.

Her action relieved him, and he was glad to know a part of her senses was still functioning in responding to important advice.

However, little did he know that his relief was a false assumption. The unsatisfied lady stopped to face him with a growing thirst for vengeance. Her eyes narrowed, her eyebrows pinched together with utter contempt before communicating with deep growls. "I told you to mind your fucking business. Get the fuck out of my sight!" She ordered coldly, her entire body tense and stiff, her mouth curling into a furious frown.

He blinked more than necessary to her second round of outbursts and was yet to think of words to give in return when she planted her hands against his chest and pushed him furiously into the hell behind, everything happening in a flash.

Shocked and horrified, he fought hard to maintain his balance before falling backward, the ground coming to meet his knees harshly. His palms hit the concrete pavement hard, his fingers digging into the gritty surface as he struggled to regain his stability. His heart thundered rapidly inside his chest, his breaths too fast and shallow for his liking.

He lifted his terror-stricken eyes and the drunk lady had disappeared. The ungrateful soul who repaid his mere kindness with pure evil had abandoned him in a total state of disarray. How could she have attacked him like that when all he was trying to do was to prevent a drunken mistake?

His chain of thoughts was cut off when the repeated horn of a truck blasted in the distance, its blaring noise echoing through the night, and reminding him of his current predicament. He had been so caught in deciphering the woman's reaction to his assistance that he forgot what his surroundings were.

He turned his head to the side and found the vehicle approaching him with speed, its loud engine deafening him with every passing moment, and its lights blinding his vision.

He raised an elbow and tried blocking the incoming headlights with his forearm, but the impact was harsh and painful, sending jolts of pain through his limb. He lowered his arm with a groan, blinking in the darkness of night to find the truck speeding toward him. His eyes caught the driver waving his hands, ushering him to flee from danger, but his mind and body were rooted to a spot.

"Run away!" His inner voice prompted him to do otherwise, but he couldn't move, no matter how much he wished to. Where could he run to? Vehicles were rushing through every angle, their tires screeching across the asphalt. The loud sound of metal crashing into each other filled the air, threatening to send his head spinning.

He had nowhere to escape to. No matter how fast or far he ran, he would be stuck here forever.

"Run, Jayden!" It came back again, this time with a stronger force and urgency to command him. Yet his body refused to obey him, refusing to listen to his inner commands.

It seemed to be detached from his mind and he decided to give in, to surrender to death. Death was already so close and there was no need for any form of resistance. He hoped that whoever the drunk lady was would have a good life because now he was about to become ruined, for good.


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