Glad You Came (Creek Fanfic)

Emizel599 द्वारा

13.6K 356 131

The Tweaks had to move again and Tweek just hoped this was finally gonna be home. This is a journey through T... अधिक

Some Info
The Tweaks Move To South Park
Tweeks First Day At School
The Sleepover
Operation Coffee Bean
Meeting Stripe
A Night At Tweek Bro's
Dance Prep
The Dance
The After-Party
Christmas Vacation pt: 1
Christmas Vacation pt: 2
Exchanging Gifts
The Voice Of An Angel
The New Year
Every Fiber
Kick Ass
Craig's Birthday
Valentines Day
The Fundraiser
The Fundraiser Pt: 2
Why He Twitches
Be Your Light
A Ring?
I'm Glad You Came
Thank You

The Amusment Park

226 8 5
Emizel599 द्वारा

Kenny's POV

"We fucking did it guys!" I said excitedly. The class raised enough money to actually go to this new amusement park in town. I was just happy I wouldn't have to pay!
"I know dude!" Kyle exclaimed. We walked into class and were surprised at who was waiting for us.
"Holy shit it's Eric!" I exclaimed. Cartman heard his name and looked up.
"Holy shit, who let the whore back in town" he smirked. I just stuck my tongue out at him as we all sat down.
"Are you actually back?" Stan asked. Cartman just flipped Stan off and grumbled as Craig and his guys entered the room. I watched as he locked eyes with Craig and Craig immediately pulled Tweek behind him. You could feel the hatred in the room. Clyde tried to lighten the mood, but Craig just silenced him as they sat down with Tweek beside him on his right, then Clyde and Token on his left. The rest of the class finally entered as did the teacher. He gave us this huge speech about how great we did and all the jazz, but none of the class was paying attention to it. All eyes were on Craig and Cartman. Kyle and Stan did their best to fix the situation.
"Seriously dude, leave them alone, Tweek is really nice" he whispered. I just listened as he and Stan told Cartman that Tweek was their friend and that they too would stick up for him.
"I don't fucking care, Craig and his spazz are gonna get it" he whispered in a evil tone. I guess the teacher caught on to us as we had our little conversation.
"Eric!" The teacher yelled. "Have something you want to share with the rest of the class?" Eric just grumbled in his seat and the teacher continued. Apparently once we were at the park we could group with whoever we wanted, but on the bus ride we had assigned seats. I looked over as Craig kissed Tweek on the forehead and whispered something to him. The Teacher began to list names. Clyde and Token, Bebe and Nichole, Stan and Eric.
"Tweek" the teacher called out. The small blonde boy perked his head up. "You will be sitting with Kenny" I watched as Tweeks face went white. Craig looked at him then back at me.
"Craig you will be with Kyle" the teacher said. Craig bolted up and talked with the teacher. I knew exactly what they were talking about and the teacher wouldn't change his mind.
"No Craig, once you get to the park you can be with your boyfriend all you want" he said flatly. I could tell Craig wanted to flip him off, but just went back to his seat and comforted Tweek.

Time Skip Craig POV

I was fucking furious, Tweek was utterly terrified and the teacher did nothing about it. We made our way to lunch and he was just twitching like crazy.
"Honey, shhhh everything will be ok" I tried to sooth him. He rested his head on my shoulder and whimpered a little.
"Is he ok Craig?" A familiar voice asked. I turned my head and saw Kyle standing behind us.
"He is terrified" I said as I stroked his hair. "I'm fine with being your seat partner, it's just I hate seeing him like this..." Tweek lightly played with his food as to my surprise Kyle sat down with me,
"I know, there is something I want to talk to you about, but I don't know how I will put it" Kyle sighed. "You have to promise to stay calm"
Before he could start the announcements started to play. It was just telling us to gather our things and get to the bus. Clyde and Token never had time to get their lunches as they bolted out of the lunch room. I just picked Tweek up and brought him to our lockers, thankfully I was able to get mine moved so it was much closer to his than previously. I set him down so he could grab his backpack. I didn't mention to him that his mom gave me a special one for him to wear at the park, I was kinda embarrassed to have it, but she said I would need it.
"Tweek?" I asked. He turned and looked up at me. "I need you to put your stuff in this bag ok?" He just slowly nodded and began to put his things in the bag.

Kenny POV

I made my way into the bus and pulled the window down. Most of the students were already on the bus, but I saw Tweek and Craig walking right to the bus door and stopped. Tweek was burying his face into Craigs chest and Craig put his hat on Tweek and told him something. He slowly nodded as they made their way onto the bus. Tweek was pulling on Craigs hat as he slowly approached my seat and quietly sat down. Craig glared at me as he walked a few rows back and sat down.
"Um, hi Tweek" I said quietly. Tweek pulled it more over his eyes.

Craig POV

"TOO MUCH PRESSURE!" Tweek cried. I nearly bolted out of my seat until I felt Kyle's hand on my shoulder.
"He only said hi" Kyle said. I sighed and leaned back into my seat. "So you ready for me to tell you?"
I took a deep breath and nodded.
"Yes, I will try to stay calm" I answered as calmly as I could. Kyle took a deep breath and cupped my ear and whispered.
"They used to be friends in Denver, until one day Kenny learned something about Tweeks parents" he whispered. "Craig....his parents used to put meth in their coffee and he was the taste tester..."
My blood went cold, there was no way that could be true.
"How could that be true?" I whispered. "His parents are super nice, why would they do that to him?"
"Think about it dude, his tics and his twitches?" Kyle said. "It makes sense, and Kenny asked him about it and Tweek freaked out and tried to talk to his parents about it, it was back in the town where he was born in. They moved to Denver so he could get help and to learn from their mistakes"
It was starting to make sense, but I couldn't wrap my head around it. My little Tweekers used to be forced to drink meth, why wouldn't he tell me?
"W-why did he never tell me?" I asked. Kyle shrugged.
"Kenny said he ran upstairs after talking to them and blacked out when he found Kenny in his room. We think when he blacked out he just forgot, he never mentioned it again and Kenny didn't dare ask, for more than one reason." Kyle said. His last few words made me raise my eyebrow. My whole head was spinning and I was just so confused.
"What do you mean more than one reason?" I asked. "Would that have anything to do with Tweek freaking out when he gets anywhere near him" Kyle just slowly nodded.
"Possibly, he also was the one that found Tweek, um, cutting himself" Kyle said carefully. "Because of how badly he was being bullied."
My poor fucking boy. My whole body is aching for him right now, but I couldn't do a fucking thing about it.
"Tweek...." I whispered. "He never deserved any of this..."
"I'm not finished.." Kyle trailed off. "You HAVE to promise me you won't do something stupid"
What the fuck is Kyle talking about? God, my head can't take much more of this.
"What the fuck else happened?" I whispered angrily. "My head can barely take this"
"Kenny touched Tweek, Craig" Kyle said flatly. "When he passed out and Tweek's mom caught him. He feels beyond terrible about it and wants to make it right"
I just stared into Kyles green eyes. The hatred in my body was seriously about to fucking burst. I haven't felt hatred like this since Cartman fucked up.
"Craig" Kyle said, trying to calm me down. "Kenny went to get help, he has seriously learned his lesson. His little sister MADE him get better"
"Did Tweek get help?" I asked rather calmly.
"U-um, Kenny didn't see him for a week after, s-so we believe he did" Kyle said.
"I will try my hardest to stay calm, but you need to tell McCormick I need to have a one on one chat very soon" I said flatly.

Kenny POV

I was so nervous, I shouldn't have acted how I did at the car wash. Tweek had his whole face covered by Craigs hat and was clutching his backpack so tight his knuckles were white.
"Tweek..." I started. "I'm unbelievably sorry, c-can we please start over"
I knew it sounded like I was begging, but I felt terrible. I noticed one of Tweeks mesmerizing green eyes peeking at me. I tried my luck and held out my hand.
"H-hey Tweek" I gave a little smile. "I-its Kenny from Denver, we used to be friends" I watched his eye dart back and forth from my face to my hand. To my surprise he lightly reached out for it and placed his hand in mine.
"H-hi Kenny, I-I'm sorry for acting badly" he looked down. "I-I just kept getting reminded of the c-cutting..."
"I'm sorry Tweek" I said sadly. "H-how are things with Craig?"
I hit the right note, because he slowly perked up.
"C-Craig is the most a-amazing person e-ever" he said with a little smile. He started telling me how Craig made him feel so safe, how he made him more confident and just made his life so much better. He talked about how he had finally gotten rid of the blade stash he had, how he even cut out coffee from his diet and replaced it with sweets instead which explained his soft pudge.
"I can tell, I was a little shocked to see you in that outfit, but it was nice seeing you all confident" I smiled. Tweek blushed a little.
"C-Craig likes it" he blushed. "I'm kinda afraid people will make fun of me for it, but he protects me a-and I-I kinda like it"
We talked the rest of the bus ride and he even started to laugh. I turned around to look for Craig and to my surprise he didn't look too upset, he looked more like he was just deep in his thoughts.

Time Skip Craig POV

"Alright students we are here!" Our teacher shouted. Cheers of excitement sprouted from inside the bus. We all carefully got up and made our way out of the bus. I looked out the window and saw Clyde flip me off.
"You fucker" I snickered and did it right back. I also watched Tweek give Kenny a little wave and started talking to Clyde and Token. I thanked Kyle for the talk and quickly made it out of the bus and squeezed Tweek.
"Was everything ok?" I asked in a worried tone. Tweek rested his head on my shoulder.
"Y-yeah, Kenny apologized to me, a-and I got to tell h-him all about y-you" Tweek nuzzled. I stroked his hair and kissed his cheek.
"Oh really? What did you tell him?" I asked with genuine curiosity. Especially since I knew Kenny when we were younger.
"I-I told him h-how amazing y-you are" Tweek shyly smiled. I booped Tweek's nose and smiled.
"Tweekers, I told you to never lie" I teased. Tweek looked at me all confused. "Because you're the amazing one"
Tweek blushed and giggled and we nuzzled until we were interrupted.
"So gay" Clyde giggled. I flipped him off and laughed.
"So were too first?" Token asked. "I guess we should probably get a map."
We all agreed so I put Tweek on the ground and squatted.
"Hop on Tweek" I smiled. Tweek blushed and realized I didn't have my backpack.
"W-where is your backpack Craig?" He asked.
"I put my phone and stuff in your bag Tweekers" I smiled. "Because I knew I wanted to give you a piggyback ride"
Tweek giggled and quickly hopped on as fast as he could. I slowly stood up and felt his chin on my hair.
"Your heavy babe" I teased.
"CRAIG" Tweek blushed as he hid his face. Token and Clyde just laughed as we made our way to get a map.

Time Skip

Tweeks mom was so freaking right. We had gone on a few rides and after a while Tweek started eyeing candy. He knows damn well he just has to look at me and I will get him it. And I'll admit, I probably got him a little too much. The little blonde was bouncing off the walls, like it was fucking adorable, but like super crazy at the same time. When Clyde and Token saw me pull out the leash from the backpack they nearly died.
"I have to do it guys, look at him!" I exclaimed as Tweek was bouncing around us. 'C-Craig can we go on t-that ride?" Tweek giggled as he ran around. I looked up at the one he was pointing at and it had two loops.
"We are just laughing because it's cute Craig" Clyde teased. I flipped him off then looked back at the ride.
"You sure Tweek?" I asked. He just ran up to me and nodded. I turned around and laughed as Clyde looked terrified.
"And yes Clyde, you're going" I snickered.

Kenny POV

"Cartman, you're still such a dick" I laughed as we made our way through the park. This pissed off Cartman which in turn made the guys laugh.
"You're still a whore Kenny" Cartman pouted. Oh Cartman, if you only knew how much I've actually changed.
"What ride do you guys want to go on?" Stan asked. Kyle and I looked around as Cartman just snacked on his ice cream cone. I looked to my right and noticed a familiar head slowly going up the steep slope of a roller coaster.
"Is that Tweek?" I laughed. Stan and Kyle looked up to where I was pointing and laughed.
"It is him, kinda surprised he went on that ride" Kyle laughed. We then heard a familiar scream as the ride reached its peak and sped up on the drop. We watched the ride until it went back to its station and waited to see the aftermath.
"C-Clyde you look s-so scared" I hear Tweek laugh. The group slowly walked up to us and Craig immediately got in front of Tweek. At first I thought he was looking at me, but he was definitely eyeing Cartman.
"Fags" Cartman glared. I watched as Tweek slowly started to twitch and shake behind Craig.
"How about you let them be?" I yelled, breaking the silence. "You have already made Tweek have permanent damage on his fucking arms!"
I saw Craig tense up and glared at Cartman with so much hate in his eyes.
"Yeah dude, Tweek is our friend too!" Kyle shouted. Cartman glared at Kyle and I so we just glared back.
"How the fuck can you guys defend this spaz? How the fuck is he even worth defending?" He spat. Before we knew it Craig was right in Cartman's face.
"Say that one more fucking time" Craig growled. "I will fucking rip off your arms and shove them in your ass"
I noticed Tweek was lightly tugging on Craigs sleeves. Craig turned back a little and looked at him.
"P-please calm down Craig, I-I know i-its not ok" Tweek looked down and whispered. "B-but n-not here"
Craig flipped Cartman off and knelt down to Tweeks level. I laughed as they kissed and Craig cupped his cheek.
"No matter where it is, it's NEVER ok to make fun of you" he said sternly to Tweek. Tweek looked back down and slowly nodded. Craig picked him up and I turned my attention to Kyle and Cartman butting heads.
"We are going to hang with them!" Kyle spat at Cartman. "So why don't you just go fuck off"

Craig POV

I hated speaking to Tweek like that, but he has to know it's never ok to be made fun of in the way Eric did it. No matter where we were. So of course I HAD to pick him up and apologize as Kyle and Eric got into it.
"I'm sorry sweetheart" I whispered. "I just need you to understand it's never ok for you to be made fun of"
Tweek slowly nodded and I gave a playful sigh and reached into his backpack and pulled out a lollipop.
"I guess I'll just have to have this all to myself" I teased as I saw two adorable eyes peeking at me.
"C-can I have i-it?" He asked quietly. I smiled and handed it to him and he happily placed it in his mouth.
"I'd say don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out, but there is no door!" Kyle screamed as I saw Eric storm away. Stan patted Kyle on the back while Kenny was smoking a cigarette.
"T-thank you guys" Tweek said. This made the guys turn around and smile.
"It's no problem Tweek" Stan smiled. I gave them each a head nod and turned to Clyde and Token.
"You guys cool if they roll with us?" I asked. They both agreed so I set Tweek down while he sucked on the lollipop as we all made our way through the park.
"So, um, Craig?" Kyle asked. I turned to face him as I held the handle to Tweeks backpack. "Why does Tweeks backpack have a leash?"
"Ok, so I went to Tweeks house this morning to pick him up. His mom gave it to me" I explained. "She said if he has too much sugar I would need this"
Kyle's group all seemed to understand as Tweek began to bounce around happily. We kept on moving around the park and to be honest, we were actually having a good time.
"So what ride now?" Token asked. The guys talked amongst themselves as I heard some laughter to my right. I saw a group of kids our age pointing laughing at one of us. My eyes narrowed into slits as I saw them starting to imitate twitching.
"Guys, take Tweek out of here" I said coldly as I handed Kenny the leash to his backpack. The guys looked at me weird as I stormed off as the kids walked away.
"C-Craig!" Tweek called out. I was not in the fucking mood so see some punk ass kids make fun of MY boyfriend. I searched around and found the fuckers sitting at a table.
"So, you think it's fucking funny laughing at someone with a disability?" I spat at them. The group laughed as one of them started to fake twitch.
"I-it's f-funny" he laughed. Nope, not fucking today. I rushed to him and got right in his face.
"I fucking dare you, one more time" I whispered. The kid pressed his forehead right into mine.
"He your fucking boyfriend or something?" He snickered. "Fag"
All hell broke loose. I slammed my forehead into the ass hat's face. We fell to the concrete and the fists began to fly. That's when I heard a familiar scream.

Tweek POV

"W-where did he go?" I quietly asked Kenny. Kenny shrugged as we saw Clyde run after him. I looked up at Kenny and he looked back at me.
"Just be careful" he said as he removed my backpack so I booked it after Clyde.
"C-Clyde!" I yelled. "Wait u-up!" Thankfully Clyde heard me and waited.
"Sorry Tweek, didn't know you were following me" he said. "Let's find Craig"
We rushed in the direction we had seen Craig ran in and looked around.
"S-see anything?" I asked as I put my hand up so the sun was out of my eyes.
"Tweek!" Clyde yelled. "Over here!" I ran as fast as I could in the direction I heard Clyde yell in and gasped. Craig was on the ground choking out some guy while two others were trying to kick him. I rushed ahead without even thinking and looked around and grabbed a cup of coffee that was on a table.
"Tweek!" Clyde yelled as he tried to catch me, but I was just a little too quick for him as I splashed the hot coffee onto the two boys kicking Craig. They both screamed in pain and ran in opposite directions and I jumped onto the back of the kid that was on Craig.
"DON"T TOUCH MY CRAIG!" I screamed as I punched him in the back of the head. I grabbed his hair and pulled him off Craig with all my strength and gave him one punch to the face before I felt myself being lifted up. I turn my head wildly to see Craig with a massive smile on his face. I blushed brightly as I felt him stroke my head like an evil villain does with their cats. I snapped back to reality as I heard the guy that I punched start to scramble to his feet.
"Y-you better r-run!" I growled as he ran away to probably meet back up with the other assholes.
"Holy shit Tweek!" Clyde exclaimed happily. "I never knew you had that in you!"
Before I responded I turned my attention to Craig as he squeezed me tightly. His face was bruised a little and dirty, but his eyes had this twinkle in them.
"Y-your not hurt are you?" I asked quietly as I tended to his face as best as I could. I blushed as he pulled me in for a kiss and I closed my eyes. He pulled away and just smiled at me.
"My hero" he smiled so brightly. I blushed and turned my head back to Clyde.
"I can be feisty when I want to be" I smirked.

Craig POV

"My hero" I smiled as I nuzzled into Tweek. I was beyond surprised by his reaction, like I taught him how to defend himself, but not to that extreme. Tweek was now super embarrassed as we made our way back to the guys with Clyde asking a million questions.
"Why did you fight those guys dude?!" Clyde asked. "That was kinda stupid to be honest"
"When they make fun of your boyfriend for having a disability, it shouldn't matter how many of them there are" I said flatly. This made Tweek look up at me.
"M-my twitching?" He guessed. I just nodded and squeezed him tightly.
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, you understand?" I said before Tweek had a chance to respond. "Your tics are so adorable and I don't want anyone telling you differently or especially making fun of them"
Tweek rested his head on my shoulder and lightly pecked me cheek with kisses as we finally made it back to the guys.
"What the hell happened?" Kenny asked as he handed me the backpack. I told them how I saw them mocking Tweek's twitching and how I was already pissed off because of Cartman and how that put me over the edge.
"But Tweek came and kicked their asses" I beamed so happily.
"Damn" Kyle said as all of our phones went off.
"All students please return back to the entrance" Token read his phone. We all sighed and slowly made our way back to the entrance.
"I don't know which one of you started a fight, but that's not acceptable!" The teacher complained. We all just sighed as the students started to pile onto the bus.
"K-Kenny?" I heard Tweek ask. "C-can I sit next to Craig? H-his face still n-needs fixing" Kenny laughed and seemed to agree so Tweek made his way in front of me as we made it onto the bus. Tweek slid in first and I carefully sat beside him. I sat back as Tweek pulled out some cloth from his backpack and poured a little bit of water on it and started washing my face.
"Thanks babe" I smiled as he cleaned up my face. "You really did surprise me back there"
Tweek shyly smiled a little as he now started to dry my face off.
"Y-you really think I-I was gonna l-let them hurt you?" He asked with a smile. I playfully kissed his forehead as the bus slowly lumbered away from the amusement park. I was playing a game with Clyde on my phone and I felt a familiar bump against my arm. I looked to my right and smiled.
"Guess you finally crashed from all the sugar" I teased quietly as Tweek was snoring against my shoulder. Thankfully the game could be played with one hand so I could begin to stroke Tweeks hair happily. I heard some laughter from behind us, which I believe is Kyle and Kenny. I set my phone down and raise my hand over the seat so I can flip them off.
"Craig!" Our teacher screamed. "Do that again and you will be getting detention!" I just sighed and went back to playing my phone and nuzzling Tweek.

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