Going Red - An Auslly Fanfict...

By ausllywriter

29.9K 1.8K 495

Red; the color of love. You see red when they're talking to another person. You see red when you kiss them go... More

one - falling at your feet
two - after school
three - intense gym
four - moon's girl
five - arcade
six - strange days
seven - partying
eight - drinking
nine - next morning
ten - warming up
eleven - concerning
twelve - studying
thirteen - only lasts a while
fourteen - sibling talks
fifteen - realization in apologies
sixteen - returning enemy
seventeen - time to tell
eighteen - bad days
nineteen - help
twenty - better days
twenty-one - dinner
twenty-two - first date
twenty-three - disastrous love
twenty-four - strengths
twenty-five - valentine's activities
twenty-six - he's not like him
twenty-seven - bad return
twenty-eight - confessed apology
thirty - thoughts
thirty-one - court
thirty-two - celebration
thirty-three - end

twenty-nine - fearful

227 10 11
By ausllywriter

"Long time, no see," a voice says to Ally while she's eating at lunch. Ally looks up and sees Jessica, grinning at her. "Seriously, girl, you haven't been to school in days."

Ally frowns at her. Being friends with Jessica while she was dating Kira was hard. It was tolerable at first, but after everything that has been going down lately, it's gotten to much. She had found out Kira brought Jasper to apartment so he could apologize. That ties back to Jessica because Kira didn't know her address, so Jessica must've told her.

Granted, Jessica might've didn't know what was happening, but she was well aware that her and Kira weren't friends. Moreso the exact opposite, so Jessica had no good reason to give Kira the information to where she lived.

Ally sighs and shakes her head. "Look, Jess, I cant be friends with you right now," Ally confesses with a slight shrug. "Nothing personal, but I just can't be around someone who is associated with Kira."

Jessica frowns, irking her eyebrow. "What? Why?"

"It's just not good for me right now."

"Is this because of the whole Jasper situation?"

Ally's kind eyes suddenly turn into hurt and confusion. "Wait... you knew?"

"Well, yeah," the teen admits, biting her lip. "I mean, I even met Jasper. He said he wanted to apologize. He seemed pretty cool."

Memories rush in her mind. Of Jasper. Of the abuse. Of no one believing her outside of Laura. Everything just comes at her full force.

She never told Jessica the details about Jasper, but the girl should have a decent idea of who he is.

"So... you gave a girl that I hate my address and didn't think to warn me that my abuser was on his way?" Ally questions, closing her eyes to keep her temper. "Are you stupid, Jessica? How pussy-whipped are you?"

Jessica's frown deepens. She moves from her spot on Ally's side to stand back from her. "No... I didn't think of it like that... I just... I thought you needed closure and—"

"You're not the one who can make that call for me," Ally snaps, opening her eyes to look at her friend with anger. She grunts and stands up from her spot, shaking her head. "Jessica, don't... talk to me for a while, okay?"

She can hear the guilt in the girl's voice as she calls for her, but Ally just continues on her way to the exit of the cafeteria. Ally didn't want to cry in school; she had a bad enough reputation here. Crying would embarrass her to no end.

Austin wasn't at school today; he wasn't feeling good. She had been with him for the last three days, so he told her she needed to go to school today. Of course, this happens on a day that he's not here.

Ally decides to grab her work from the last three classes she had and work on them in the library. She didn't feel like being around anyone.

When explaining the situation as best as she could to her teachers, they all accept her excuse and give her the word. They all just tell her to turn it in by the end of the day.

"Is it okay if I talk on the phone in here? I won't be loud." Ally speaks to the librarian as she enters the library of their school.

The woman looks around and sees only one other student in the room with their headphone in and she nods. "Go ahead. Just not too loud."

Ally takes a seat at one of the tables and of course, she pulls out her phone to call Austin.

He answers on the fourth ring, coughing and clearing his voice. She turns down the volume in her headphones as he greets her, "Hello? What's up, Als?"

"You sound horrible," she sighs while working on some of her work. "Nevermind."

He sniffs, then sighs. "Ally, what is it? Just tell me."

"I was just hoping I could come back over after school," she suggests quietly. "I miss you."

"Eventually, you're gonna get sick, Als."

"I don't care."

She can hear him sigh and shuffle before saying, "Okay, just bring me some coughing medicine over, please."

"Of course. Okay, I'm gonna let you rest now. I love you."

"Love you, too, babe. See you. Bye."

They hang up and Ally's mood is slightly better from what is was five minutes ago.


"Damn, she really thought that was okay?" Austin croaks out as Ally's laying under him in his bed. She nods, sighing. "That's so inconsiderate."

"Today was just horrible without you there. I did the rest of my classes in the library after that."

Austin pulls her closer into him so she could stay warm while he moved the cover off of them. He got pretty hot and sweaty every few minutes, but his mother told him that's a good thing.

"You want me to get you a cold towel?" Ally asks as she sits up, taking in his sweaty form. She reaches up to run her hands through his damp hair, trying to relax him. "You're sweating buckets."

Austin sighs and sniffs, then coughs a little. "I'm okay, I think. I can breathe through one of my nostrils now, at least."

Ally giggles lightly while combing her hands through his hair. "I love you."

Austin eyes her for a moment, covering his mouth with his elbow as he coughed, but then says, "You've been very attached to me lately. Not that I mind the affection and love, but it's been a little worrisome. You hate being sick, yet here you are."

Ally's eyes widen just a bit, but then she averts her gaze as she says, "Maybe I just wanna spent time with you."

Austin turns on his side to look at her. "Ally, you can talk to me."

Her eyes meet his again and she bites her lip. Sighing, Ally closes her eyes as she confesses, "I'm scared to go home. He knows where I live now."

Austin sits up and his sick, tired eyes meet hers. "Ally, you can't let him control your life. He's not going to hurt you anymore."

Tears blur her vision and she closes her eyes to not cry. "You can't promise that."

"I can. No one is going to lay another hand on you. I promise."

"Austin, you can't promise—"

"I promise, Ally," he swears, coming closer to look her directly in her eyes. "I'll be damned if anyone touches you."

She opens her eyes and the held back tears fall rapidly. Ally sighs and brings her knees up to her chest. "I'm sorry. I've been so vulnerable lately. You shouldn't have to put up with—"

"Take a nap with me," he suggests, lying back down after interrupting her. "You need some rest."


"I'm your boyfriend, Ally. You're not a burden. Now, let's go to sleep."


Ally goes home that night per Austin's mother's request. She enjoyed Ally's company but Sandra was also a mother and having Ally sleep in Austin's room every night didn't seem like the smartest concept.

Regardless of him being sick, Austin still drives her home and walks her up to her apartment.

"I'll text you when I get home," Austin rasps out, sniffing a bit. "Take a shower and try to relax in the meantime."

"Can't you stay here with me?" Ally asks with quivering voice as they reach her apartment door. "Please."

Austin sighs and shakes his head. He leans down to place a quick kiss on her lips. "My mom wants me back home. But you'll be okay, Ally."

Ally reaches up to place her arms around his neck. "You don't know that."

"Well, call me when you get settled in and you can tell me how you're feeling."

Ally frowns, making him chuckle light and kiss her lips once more. It's quick again because he didn't want her to get sick. "I'll call."

He releases her and nods. "Okay. I love you. Speak to you in a few."

He watched her go inside and he doesn't move until she closes the door.

Man, having a girlfriend was probably the best and difficult thing he's ever faced. But he wouldn't trade Ally's difficulty for anyone else if he got the chance.

While Austin was leaving her apartment floor, Ally is shocked to come into the apartment and see Ross and Laura on the couch. They weren't kissing or anything, but she hasn't seen Ross in the apartment ian few months.

"Hey, guys," Ally says suspiciously as she comes into the living room. They turn to look at her, eyebrows irking. "What is Ross doing here?"

Laura stands and bites her lip. "Okay, so I thought you were sleeping with Austin tonight, but I'm glad you're here. I wanna talk to you about something."

Ally's eyes widen a bit. She glances at Ross, then back at Laura. "You're not... pregnant, are you?"

Laura looks disgusted at her sister's assumption. "What? No. Ew."

"Hey!" Ross exclaims, offended.

Laura rolls her eyes and shakes her head, bringing her attention back to the situation. "Anyway, you don't have to worry about Jasper; he's in the county jail for the next month."

Ally gives a small smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "What about when he gets out, though? He knows where I live."

Laura nods and brings Ally over to the couch, making her sit. "Here's the thing: I have enough evidence to build a case against Jasper to get him locked up for at least three years. But I'm not gonna follow through with it unless you want me to."

Ally irks her eyebrow. "Evidence? How do you have evidence?"

"Laura and I went to see Jasper a few days ago. We got some confessions out of him from what he did to you," Ross explains, licking his lips. "Laura recorded him. From my understanding, with his confessions, pictures Laura or you took while you were being abused, and just Laura as a witness, he'll go to prison. We ruled out that worst case scenario, you can only get a restraining order against him and he'll walk free, but it's better than nothing."

"It's up to you, Ally," Laura speaks, resting her hand on her head. "You'll have to testify in court against him, so you'll have to see him. I'm not even gonna put you through that much trauma if you feel like it's too much."

Ally takes in the information. She didn't know if this was the best or worst news she's heard all week. She's always wanted Jasper to face some kind of punishment for what he did, but in the same sense, her heart stopped when ever she saw him. Not in the good way either.

But, as Ross said, the worst outcome is that she gets a restraining order. If she at least gets that, her worries will be mostly whisked away.

Ally looks at Laura, then Ross. "What charges will he be charged with?"

Ross switched his major to law, so she's pretty sure that's why he's helping Laura with this. It makes sense.

"Some of the charges I list may trigger you. Do you want me to still tell you?"

Ally thinks for a moment. Did she really?

But then she remembers that she'll call Austin later and he'll make her feel better, so she nods slowly, confirming it with herself and Ross.

"Well, assault and battery— Wait, was Jasper legal when you guys had sex?" Ally nods, so he continues. "Okay, assault and battery on minor, sexual misconduct, statutory rape, and if you'd like to add this one, emotional distress."

Ally takes a breath, closing her eyes for a moment. "He... He admitted to all of that?"

"He didn't willfully admit it, but he confessed all of it in an apology," Laura sighs, running her hand through her hair. "He said he came to Colorado to apologize or some shit, I don't know."

"Can I... listen to it?"

"No," Laura says immediately, shaking her head and crossing her arms. "I'm not gonna put you through a panic attack right now."

"Laur, she has to listen to it before we have a trial," Ross warns her, irking an eyebrow. "It's bad, but you just gotta trust the process."

Laura sighs at him, closing her eyes for a moment. "Okay. But not tonight. Maybe on a different day."

Ally nods slowly, looking at her sister, then at Ross. "Um, okay. We can file a report against him."

Laura hugs Ally as she stands from the couch. "I promise this'll be over quicker than you know."

"I hope."


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