twenty-one - dinner

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i'm so messy so i literally don't know what month it is in the story, but let's say january-ish because that's when a new basketball season starts (where i am, anyway)


"Are you sure you're on the basketball team?" Ally murmurs to him as they sit criss-cross in his bed, them working on their project for English.

She had made that comment after he shot the paper ball to the trash, but missed terribly.

"I'm rusty," Austin shrugs, chuckling at her confused face. "I haven't played in a few months."

"Why couldn't you just play last season?" Ally questions, looking down at her paper as she solve a problem. "Pi squared is 9.8596, right?"

"New players wanted to join, and coach thought they were good. So either we'd be benched or we give up our spots this season. I still have to try out again just to be fair, but coach'll give it to me. He loves me," Austin explains and then looks up, thinking for a moment. "And yeah, I think."

Ally finishes up her up her last problem and checks over it before closing her notebook and putting it to the side to grab her English things. "Don't be so cocky about it. You'll jinx yourself."

"Basketball is probably the thing I can be cocky about."

Ally snickers and falls back on her backside. "You're a really good writer. You add on to my ideas really nicely. You can be as arrogant as you want about that."

Austin rolls his eyes playfully and plants himself on top of her, resulting in her laughs at his heavy weight and trying to push him off. Instead of moving off of her, Austin grabs her torso and flips them over so she's the one on top. He laughs at her wide, amused eyes before saying, "There's no point in being arrogant when you have a girlfriend who's nearly part of the next New York Times Best Sellers."

Ally gives him a smirk and kisses his lips before sitting up to grab her notebook again. "Since when did someone become so bold?"

"I honestly have no idea," he shrugs,  grabbing their pens and highlighters from his nightstand on the side of them. "I think it's because I'm not worried as much that you'll kill me."

"I'd never kill you. Maybe seriously injure you, though." She murmurs the last part with a wicked smile as she grabs a black pen from him.

"Oh, really?" He chuckles, looking up at the ceiling.

Ally bites the top off of the pen and holds it in her mouth as she hums, "Mhmm." Ally writes her and Austin's name in the corner before pulling the top out of her mouth to speak. "A full description of Austin Moon in three difference point of views."

"I say, you write one full paper in one point of view and then just swap them throughout rewriting them." Austin recommends with a shrug.

"I was thinking that, too," she nods, folding her arms then laying on them, which were on his check. "But how do I write a full paper description of you?"

"That, I have no tips for."

She sighs and rolls her eyes before dangling herself to the side of him and cuddling into his side. "I talked to my social worker last night." Ally tells him, giving him a small smile.

Austin raises one eyebrow and asks, "Why? Is something wrong?"

"No, she just has to check up on me once in a while since I'm troublesome. We talked about Laura and Ross, school, um, y-you, and some other things like my, um, writing and stuff."

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