twenty-three - disastrous love

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Ally sighs, sipping on her water as she and Austin stared at everything but each other.

She didn't mean to say that. Ally is almost sure she doesn't love Austin. She just really likes him; that's it. You can't love someone after five months. That's ridiculous. Crazy.

She's been in love once. She's only had two boyfriends, one whom she was sickly in love with and the other was her current, sweet and adorable boyfriend. Maybe Ally hasn't ever felt how it is to be loved by someone like Austin, but she knows she can't be in love with him.

Not this fast. Falling in love this quick is what leads to disasters and she doesn't want a disaster. Not with Austin. He's one of joys of her life and she isn't going to risk him for something as dumb as a disaster.

Then again, this date is a pretty nice example of a disaster.

"Uh, do-do you want to head out? It's almost time for me to take you back home." Austin suggests, the silence killing him. He'd rather have the blacking out Ally than this.

"A-Actually, my sister gave us another hour since I was freaking out..." she chuckles nervously, looking up at him with a smile. Though he had a look of panic instead of joy, so she adds, "But maybe--- uh, maybe we should head out. I think it's been... quite a night."

Austin nods, taking a breath. He looks around for a waiter to pay for their meal.

Ally frowns as she pulls on her coat. Tonight was horrible. Not only was it their actual first date, but it was a horrible one. Forget who kisses on the first date; who says 'I love you' on the first date? Nothing ever seems to go right in her life, even if it's her fault.

After Austin receives his bill, they collect their belongings and head to the front desk since Austin was paying with a card. Regardless of how awkward they were, Austin's hand finds its way on her lower back as they walk past everyone. She almost smiles at this, but can't bring herself to enjoy it much more.

Thankfully, their bill is only a hundred and something dollars, aka cheaper than Austin imagined. They thank the woman behind the desk before they're out of the restaurant, his hand still on her back.

It's very cold for the night, and since she wasn't used to the coldness yet, she shivers harshly at the wind that brushes past her. Austin notices and does so much as pull her closer and walks at a faster pace.

They reach his car and Austin is gentlemen enough to open the door for her, not caring for the awkwardness that was in the air between them. She smiles at him before climbing inside.

Austin closes his door before rushing over to his own side, getting in the car. He starts the car and immediately turns on the heat, waiting until he warms up before driving.

They're sitting in an awkward silence, him tapping his finger against the steering wheel while she looks out the window, watching the windows fog and unfog from her breathing.

Finally, she speaks up, not being able to take the silence. "Um, I'm sorry for ruining majority of our date," she apologizes, making him look at her. "Maybe I can take you out next time instead to make up."

"It's fine," he nods, giving a weak smile. "I can honestly say I've had worse experiences with girls."

Ally laughs softly, joyed he was trying to lighten the mood. As he starts to back out of the parking lot, Ally leans over and places a kiss on his cheek. She then sits back in her seat, watching his cheeks brighten a bit.

He doesn't say anything still, but she's fairly satisfied with the blush of his cheeks.

It was a twenty minute ride home, so he turns on the radio to a quiet sound that they could both hear. It wasn't as awkward as when they were inside the restaurant, but they definitely weren't on their regular teasing level yet.

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