twenty-nine - fearful

218 10 11

"Long time, no see," a voice says to Ally while she's eating at lunch. Ally looks up and sees Jessica, grinning at her. "Seriously, girl, you haven't been to school in days."

Ally frowns at her. Being friends with Jessica while she was dating Kira was hard. It was tolerable at first, but after everything that has been going down lately, it's gotten to much. She had found out Kira brought Jasper to apartment so he could apologize. That ties back to Jessica because Kira didn't know her address, so Jessica must've told her.

Granted, Jessica might've didn't know what was happening, but she was well aware that her and Kira weren't friends. Moreso the exact opposite, so Jessica had no good reason to give Kira the information to where she lived.

Ally sighs and shakes her head. "Look, Jess, I cant be friends with you right now," Ally confesses with a slight shrug. "Nothing personal, but I just can't be around someone who is associated with Kira."

Jessica frowns, irking her eyebrow. "What? Why?"

"It's just not good for me right now."

"Is this because of the whole Jasper situation?"

Ally's kind eyes suddenly turn into hurt and confusion. "Wait... you knew?"

"Well, yeah," the teen admits, biting her lip. "I mean, I even met Jasper. He said he wanted to apologize. He seemed pretty cool."

Memories rush in her mind. Of Jasper. Of the abuse. Of no one believing her outside of Laura. Everything just comes at her full force.

She never told Jessica the details about Jasper, but the girl should have a decent idea of who he is.

"So... you gave a girl that I hate my address and didn't think to warn me that my abuser was on his way?" Ally questions, closing her eyes to keep her temper. "Are you stupid, Jessica? How pussy-whipped are you?"

Jessica's frown deepens. She moves from her spot on Ally's side to stand back from her. "No... I didn't think of it like that... I just... I thought you needed closure and—"

"You're not the one who can make that call for me," Ally snaps, opening her eyes to look at her friend with anger. She grunts and stands up from her spot, shaking her head. "Jessica, don't... talk to me for a while, okay?"

She can hear the guilt in the girl's voice as she calls for her, but Ally just continues on her way to the exit of the cafeteria. Ally didn't want to cry in school; she had a bad enough reputation here. Crying would embarrass her to no end.

Austin wasn't at school today; he wasn't feeling good. She had been with him for the last three days, so he told her she needed to go to school today. Of course, this happens on a day that he's not here.

Ally decides to grab her work from the last three classes she had and work on them in the library. She didn't feel like being around anyone.

When explaining the situation as best as she could to her teachers, they all accept her excuse and give her the word. They all just tell her to turn it in by the end of the day.

"Is it okay if I talk on the phone in here? I won't be loud." Ally speaks to the librarian as she enters the library of their school.

The woman looks around and sees only one other student in the room with their headphone in and she nods. "Go ahead. Just not too loud."

Ally takes a seat at one of the tables and of course, she pulls out her phone to call Austin.

He answers on the fourth ring, coughing and clearing his voice. She turns down the volume in her headphones as he greets her, "Hello? What's up, Als?"

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