two - after school

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Ally's P.O.V.

"So..." Laura starts as we get in our apartment.

I put my bag down and raise an eyebrow. "What?"

Laura bites her lip and takes a seat at our stool counter. "Um, I have some really weird news for you. I know you're probably going to be mad at me for it, but I totally understand. I'll even cancel it if it hurts you that much. Also--" Laura rambles, pulling on the sleeve of her oversized sweater. She did this when she was nervous.

I stand in front of her and cup her cheeks, making her chuckle. "Just tell me, Laura."

She closes her eyes tightly as she says, "I've got a date on Friday."

I let go of her cheeks and give her a confused look. "Why would I be upset about you going on a date?"

She shrugs and rubs her arms. "I haven't had any time for you, yet I accepted a date with no doubt. I'm really sorry. I-I can cancel it. I mean, he wasn't that cute and he's probably just charming me up and--"

"I'm happy for you, Laura," I say and pat her leg. "you haven't had a real relationship in a long time. You really deserve to have fun and have someone by your side."

She grins and nods. She stands and goes to the fridge. "So, who was that boy waiting by you on the steps of the school? You know, he looked like the boy who asked me out."

"That was Austin; he helped me through the day. No one special." I say with a shrug.

"Helped you through the day? Ally, you guys were giggling and laughing before I pulled up. Once you saw me, you dulled and waved him goodbye before leaving," Laura says, raising an eyebrow. "You can't play the 'I hate life' game forever."

"I don't hate life," I say bitterly, moving from my spot. "I hate the fucked up world we live in."

"What's the difference?" She asks, leaning on the counter.

"If I hated life, I probably would've used my blade to slit my throat, at this point." I snap and watch her eyes go from bored to frightened and worried.

"Ally--" She tries to stay, but I shake my head and stomp to my bedroom.

Once I get into my room, I unlock the door, go in, and lock it right back.

I know it's confusing, right? I don't hate life, but I hate the world. Well, you see, I'm grateful that I get to experience what breathing air is, walking is, touching things, and all of everything else. Some people get abortions and have miscarriages, I'm lucky to stand today.

But the world is just so fucked up. It works in the most terrible way ever. There's hypocrites, racists, abusers, rapists, liars, murders, and the worst part? They get away with it because everyone's a little scared bitch to say something.

It kind of makes me worry for my future. I hate it that I don't have my life planned out. Or at least the start of it. I'm probably going to run the streets and have sex with dope dealers. I don't know, I guess I'll find out later on in life.

I take a seat and think back on my day. It was pretty bittersweet. It took me a lot for not to hit someone. I got into way too many fights at my old school, which led me to getting expelled. Actually, I got expelled for a rumor being that I sucked the gym teacher off, which someone else did, but they didn't test the dna and everything added up to me getting expelled.

The only good thing about thing about today, was Austin. I'm guessing he was a big deal or something, because everytime he even glared at someone, they'd flee away. He sat with me at lunch, and that's probably the only reason why I ate (we were throwing gummy candies at each other, he started it, I swear). He's totally into music, which is cool because boys think that it's "gay", yet don't like being called homophobic.

I hope that he wasn't just being helpful for today because I actually wanted to be friends with him. I wouldn't hate him if he was just being generous, but it'd be a bit of a disappointment.

I look at my blade, that I haven't used in three years. I'm almost tempted to do it. But I promised my sister I'd stop; I'm keeping that promise.

You know why I hate this fucked up world?

Because I'm apart of this fucked up world.

Austin's P.O.V.

I frown and erase the words from off of my paper. I couldn't seem to find the right right words for my essay and it was irking me. I have to turn it in tomorrow and I'm almost finished.

After realizing that I wasn't getting anywhere by just staring at my notebook, I lean back on the couch of our living room and just play with my pencil.

"Hey, buddy," a person speaks, making me jump and look up. It's my brother, Ross. "Where's mom?"

"She went out to the store for a few groceries." I say, looking back at my notebook and back at my brother once again. "How was your day?"

Ross was a freshman in college. I thinks he's been studying to be a scientist or something, I don't know. But he's an overall fun and dorky brother to have.

Ross smiles and sits on the arm of the couch, playing with his fingers. "I... kind of met a girl. I'm taking her out on a date on Friday. She's new in all of my classes."

Austin smiles and holds out his fist, laughing as he pushes him playfully then pounds his fist. "Good for you. Think she has a sister? I've been living the single life too long."

Ross laughs and ruffles his younger brother's hair. "I think she did mention her sister... um, Ally? Yeah, it was Ally. But she also said that she's troubled, so I don't know, dude."

"Hmm," he hums and leans back on the couch. "I met a girl named Ally today. She's new to our school."

"What's she like?" Ross asks, looking at him.

Austin sits up to think about it and shrugs. "She was very giggly, um, playful, I guess... and um, she looked like she was a deep thinker. She had brunette hair, big brown eyes--"

"That's probably her sister, then. Laura, the girl I'm talking about, has big, hazel eyes. She's super cute, dude. She even wears glasses! I've been wanting a cute, good girl with glasses since high school!" he exclaims happily, making me laugh.

I stare down at the guitar on my lap and back at my notebook before asking, "Ross, can you read over my paper for me. I don't know if sounds right."

I hand him the lyrics and he grabs it from me. He hums paper softly, then turns to me. "What's the prompt?" He asks, handing them back to me.

"I don't know..." I trail off, scratching my neck. "I wasn't paying attention in English."

I hear him chuckle. "Youre on your own, buddy."

"Man," I mutter. "I've gotta stop sleeping in class."

"Well, mom's gonna be maaad," he says and stands. "I have to go study, so tell me when mom gets back because I'm starved."

I groan and fall back on the couch with my guitar as Ross goes up the stairs. I've never been good at romantic songs, but I wanted to try it and now I'm not giving up.

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Going Red - An Auslly FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora