The Peanuts Gang in High Scho...

JadexStyles20 द्वारा

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We all know the Good Man Charlie Brown together with his gang. But now that they're in high school, probably... अधिक

The Peanuts Gang in High School


987 15 30
JadexStyles20 द्वारा

(A/N: the youtube video link that was attached in this chapter is not related to the chapter itself. I edited that 3 years ago, and idk if u guys saw this already, i just want you guys to see how i see sally and linus' relationship. I was not a good editor before, but now as a film student, let me know if you guys want me to edit more peanuts video... Like schroeder and lucy maybe? Hahaha. Anyway, let's get this chapter started.)




Charlie Brown's POV:

"Do we really have to go?" Sally whined, as she started straightening her hair.

"Sally, we have to support Rerun." I answered her question. "Besides, you are already fixing your hair, so.."

"I'm not worried about my hair, big brother. I'm worried about you." She stated as she continues what she's doing. I look at her with confusion on my face. "See, Rerun has his piano mentor, and we all know that is Schroeder, which leads us in seeing his girlfriend--"

"Heather." I finished the sentence for her.

"Exactly." She sighed. "Are you sure you want to go? Rerun will definitely understand if you don't."

"I'm sure, Sally. For the hundredth time, I am okay." I answered her calmly, and she shrugged in response. My sister really does care about my feelings when it comes to Schroeder and Heather, and I thank her for that. It sure hurts me, but I have to be there as Rerun's supporting friend. "Anyway, I heard that you met Janice."

Sally stopped at fixing her hair, and stared at the mirror for a moment, before taking a deep breath and continuing her routine.

She ignored my statement.


"Yeah, I met her, whatever." I can see that she's rolling her eyes.


"So, what??"

"I mean, how did you met her?"

"Linus introduced her to me, we met at the ice cream shop. It's not really a big deal."

"I see."

"Except, she still looks unattractive. I don't know what Linus saw in her." She raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, okay." I chuckled. "So, it's my turn to ask now, do you really want to attend Rerun's recital?"


"Rerun has a brother named, Linus, which leads us in seeing his girlfriend--" I cut my sentence, looking at Sally, and letting her finish it.

"Janice." She rolled her eyes once again. She stopped doing what she's doing, and turned around to faced me. "I don't care." She stated in the most emotionless way, and glared at me.




Lucy's POV:

Linus and I, are already at the backstage, calming our youngest brother, who looks so nervous for his recital performance.

"Hey, hey. Look at me." Linus pats Rerun's back, as the little one looks up at him. "It's going to be okay."

"Yeah, I don't know. Professional musicians will watch us. What if I play the wrong key? What if I forgot the notes? What if---?"

"Hey, little blockhead." I talked behind Linus, looking at Rerun. "Don't be afraid to play the wrong keys, the most important thing is how you enjoy playing your piece."

"Wise words, from the crabby sister." Linus mumbled under his breath, and I glared at him.

"Do you think I can do it?" Rerun asked, and Linus and I immediately nodded our heads, smiling.

"There's nothing you can't do." I try to calm him.

"Besides, if you feel nervous while being on that stage, just remember Lucy's face from when she fall down on the stairs."

Rerun and Linus laughed, making me to force a smile. "Very nice, Linus."

Before I try to insult one of my brothers, a girl came rushing in to our direction. Seeing her as she approached us, she gave me a big smile.

"Hi, Lucy." she said politely.

"Janice." Linus called her. "I've been waiting for you." and my brother kissed her forehead, as Janice hugged him tight.

I fakely coughed.

And they both seem to acknowledge that. Janice immediately step away from Linus as she gave me an awkward smile.

"Well, I guess we have to go back to our seats. The recital's starting." She informed us, as she walked out, pulling Linus by the hand.

"See you there, sis." Linus spoked and they faded away.

"Linus got a girlfriend." Rerun said, and I immediately glared at him, in disgust.

"So, I have to go back there. I just want to see you enjoying your music when you're on that stage, okay?" I changed the subject, encouraging my youngest brother.

"I know you're always crabby, but thank you Lucy." Rerun hugged me, as I awkwardly hugged him back.

I walked out backstage, walking to a mini corridor that this place has. Unexpectedly, one person is walking on the opposite direction.

And yes you guessed it, it was Schroeder.

What am I suppose to do? Smile at him? Act like everything is normal? What? Should I greet him? Ugh, I don't know.

I looked at him and he looks back at me, his eyes looks somewhat tired, like he's been crying... I mean, is he sad?

"Hey, Lu." He forced a smile, as we both stop at our tracks.

"Hey," I awkwardly stated, my eyes are so uneasy, I can't even look directly at him. Hearing the nickname that he gave me, it makes my heart flutter. Ugh, give me a break.

"Where's Rerun?" He asked. And I didn't speak at all, I just point my finger to my back, pointing that Rerun is in the backstage.

"Thanks." He forced a smile again, but I can definitely see he is not happy. Does Schroeder and Heather fight? Did they start fighting?

"Uh, Schroeder." I stated as he walks past me, I look back and he faced my direction, giving me a skeptical face. "How are you?" The words came out of my mouth unexpectedly.

He looks down, I guess he was trying to find the right words to answer me.

"I mean, you and Heather. How are you guys?" I let out a chuckle, trying to cover up the first question that I asked.

He looked at me for a moment, with hurt in his eyes. But then he quickly covered it up with a smile, chuckling. "Good, really good." He answered.

I smiled back at him, not knowing what to say. I felt a sharp sting in my heart.

"I really should talk to Rerun now." He continues.

I nod in silence, as he turns his back from me, walking to the backstage.

Is he okay? Is he hurt? Schroeder, are you okay?




Linus' POV:

Janice and I walked back to the seats, seeing Charlie Brown and Sally sitting there already.

"Linus, over here!" Charlie Brown waved at us, and we sat beside them. "Hi, I'm Charlie Brown." Charlie Brown introduced himself politely to Janice.

"I'm Janice, and Linus has been telling me about you." Janice politely smiled, as we both make ourselves comfortable in these rusty old seats. "Hi, Sally." Janice greeted, and Sally looked at her blankly, then looks away.

Janice looked at me with worried expression, and I just hold her hand. Sally can really be moody sometimes, I don't know what got into her.

Janice puts her head on my shoulder, as Lucy sat down beside me.

"How's Rerun?" I asked my sister, Lucy glared at me, and rolled her eyes.

"Hi, is this seat taken?" A person asked Lucy, and she shakes her head 'no', in response.

"Uhh--- Actually that is taken." I smiled at the person who asked, and she mouthed sorry, as she find another seat.

"Taken by who?" Lucy asked.

"Schroeder, duh." And she glared at me even more.

Lights went off, and the only light that we have now is the stage lights, focusing on the grand piano.

Moments had passed, the host introduced the third performer. Just in time Schroeder sat down beside Lucy. And believe me, I can feel the awkwardness.

Now, Rerun's performing. We all watched him, and cheered for him at the end. Rerun didn't even missed a single key, and he played the piece so well. While clapping for Rerun, we also decided to clap for Schroeder, for being Rerun's piano tutor.




We arrived at the mall, we all decided to spend our dinner at Rerun's favorite restaurant, together with the rest of our friends.

Sally were sitting beside Charlie Brown who sat beside me, while on my other side was Janice. In front of Janice was Lucy, then Rerun and Schroeder. We all ordered our food.

"So... How are you feeling Rerun?" Charlie Brown breaks the silence.

"I really don't know." Rerun answered calmly. "All I can remember is that I am so nervous."

"What? You were awesome! You really have that talent, Rerun. Kids at your age can't even master a piece like that." Schroeder commented.

"Yeah, I am not a fan of classical music but hearing you play, is giving me goosebumps!" Janice added, while we all laugh.

"I didn't even knew that music is one of our family's gift." I spoke, chuckling.

"Thank you guys. You are making me emotional." Rerun pouted.

The waiter arrived at our table as he serve us our food.

Moments later, Heather arrived.




Sally's POV:

I looked at my big brother and Lucy, giving them a knowing look.

Heather apologizes for not attending to Rerun's recital. Schroeder stood up, giving her a kiss on her cheek as they both sat down.

Of course, I rolled my eyes. I mean, how can Schroeder do that? How can he do that to his friend? To my big brother? Who did nothing but to support him?

I looked at Lucy, who awkwardly chews her food.

While the rest of the customers are having their talk, our table were having this awkward silence, all you can hear is how the spoon and fork hits our plates.

I have to break this silence.

"So... Heather, why do you have to come here and ruin--" Big Brother immediately puts his hand on my lap, signalling me to stop being rude. Ugh. "I mean, why did you come back here in our town?"

I can see that Heather was offended by my harsh words, and I really wanted her to feel that.

"Uhm, my family decided to move here again, because my dad has his business here." She answered, politely.

"I see." I replied. "So, you and Schroeder huh?"

"Excuse me?" She questioned me back, raising her eyebrows.

"Are you like, officially dating now?" I asked again.

"Sally." Big brother whispered, but I ignored him.

"Yes, we are." She rudely stated.

"This chicken is very delicious." Linus entered, trying to change the subject, awkwardly chuckling.

"Oh look at the time, I think Heather and I should go now." Schroeder said, not knowing where to look at.

"No, no." Big brother said back. I glared at him.

"Yeah, don't." I rolled my eyes, and started to focus on my meal.

Schroeder stands up, followed by Heather. "We're very sorry you guys, but I think we must go now." Schroeder spoke, smiling. "See you on our next lesson Rerun." Rerun smiled back weakly.

Schroeder and Heather walked out of the restaurant, not even bothering to look back.

I looked at my Big brother, who worriedly looks at Schroeder and Heather while walking out.

"Let them go. It's not worth it." I stated.

"Sally, what were you thinking?" Big brother asked me, his eyebrows were knitted together.

"Sally," Lucy stood up, motioning me to follow her to the bathroom, and I followed her.

Looking back at the table, my big brother was putting his hands on his face. Linus, still continues eating his meal awkwardly. Janice were staring blankly in the air. And Rerun were looking down on his hands.

When I enter the bathroom, Lucy was staring at her reflection on the mirror in front of the sink.

"I know what you're doing." She stated.

"I can't stand it." I sighed.

"I understand your emotions, but you have to let this go. This shouldn't bother you."

"How can you say that?" I was taken aback by her statement. "My big brother was hurt, I can't just let them do that to my brother!"

"Sally, I was hurt too." Lucy closed her eyes for a moment, and opened it again. "Charlie Brown and I already talked about this. Promise me, you won't do it again."

"You'll just let things go? Easily? Just like that?" I was confused. "This is not the Lucy, I knew."

"Me too. But think about it." She sighed, putting her hands on both of my shoulders, facing me. "This is not Heather's fault, nor Schroeder's. Remember when your big brother can't express his feelings towards that red haired girl? Heather doesn't even know that she was hurting someone, because she doesn't know that there is someone out there who really likes her."

"What about Schroeder?" I breathe. "He knows you like him, ever since you were little."

"Schroeder doesn't like me back. That explains all." She looked away. "If you want to blame someone because me and your brother was hurt, you can blame me and charlie brown, for liking someone who doesn't like us back."

I don't know why but that hit me. Liking someone who doesn't like us back. In this moment, I realized that I was only raging out my anger towards Heather, but the real reason why I'm mad is because Janice is here, and she is with Linus now.




Schroeder's POV:

Heather and I arrived at the front of her house. It was a cringy walk, to be honest. Neither one of us started a conversation. We were silent the whole time.

"So," She started to talk.

"Yeah, Uh--" I stutter. "I'm s-- sorry back there." I nod at her, without making any eye contact.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault." She said, as she slowly grabbed my hands with hers.

I look up at her skeptically, blinking twice.

"Schroeder, I hope we can talk about us."

"What do you mean?" I mumbled.

"Mom and dad told me that you really really like me, and I do too. But somehow, I feel like there's something wrong." She said sadly, staring at both of our hands.

"Do you actually think we were dating, Heather?" I asked.

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes, slowly letting go of my hand. "Aren't we?" She asked back.

"I mean," I want to try to tell her the truth, and explain her the things that I found out, the night my parents told me everything. "I don't know." But I just can't find the right words.

"Please tell me that we are still okay." She begged.

I can't believe that she actually thought that we were together. All this time, I thought I was helping a school friend from being sad, I didn't know that things were being so serious. It's a shame that both of our parents tricked us into doing this.

"Schroeder, I really like you, please if you have any problem with me, tell me, so that I can fix it." She immediately put her palm on my cheek, moving my head to look at her.

I remember the night when I found out everything, it hurt me so much. I don't think I want her to feel that too, not right now, when she's being genuine with her feelings towards me. I may not have the same feelings for her, but seeing that she's serious in this, if I tell her the truth, it might destroy her so much.

"Let me just think about things." I replied, taking off her hands on me, calmly. "I need time to process everything."

"Process what?" She asked. "I know they are your friends, but I can fix my attitude towards Sally, if you didn't like what happened in that restaurant."

"Just..." I breathed. "Just give me time."

And with that, I left her in front of her house.




Linus' POV:

"Yeah, see you tomorrow at school." I turn off the call from Janice, as I walk upstairs to my room.

Rerun's door were opened slightly, and I heard voices from it.

"We're so sorry about what happened. But I swear that you did a very great job at playing the piano." I heard Lucy's voice.

"I wish you guys would get along, just like before." Rerun sobbed.

"Don't worry, someday everything will be fine again." Lucy said calmly.

I sighed, I don't want to disturb their little moment, so I decided to continue walking to my room. Sure, Lucy is changing, she's being the bigger person now, and less crabby.... finally.

I lay down on my bed, finally closing my eyes. It's a very tiring day, with drama. But I think I will be needing a lot of energy to attend school tomorrow.

I close the lights, but my phone started ringing. I groan, grabbing my phone again. Who would call me at this time of the night?

Looking at the screen, Franklin's name popped up. Wow, what does Franklin wants in the middle of the night? I slid the answer key.


But there was no answer, just background noises.

"Frank?" I talked again, but still I got no response. There are loud music on the background, a lot of people talking, but I barely hear it.

"No, no man. Are you serious?" Franklin finally spoked, but I can tell that he's not talking to me.

Is Franklin at a party? At this time? Why did he even called me?

"Hello?" I try to reach out again.

"Yeah, I can really just make her follow me wherever I want to." Another voice said, laughing.

This is nonsense, and I don't want to know what they're talking about either. Franklin sure does accidentally dialed my number without him knowing it. I might as well turn the call off.

"You mean, Sally Brown?" Franklin asked.

Well, I think I shouldn't turn this call off.

"She was in love with Linus man." Franklin stated again.

"Not anymore." the voice answered. "Linus had a girlfriend, remember that sick girl before? The one that he waits for years? That's his girlfriend."

How dare---

"Oh, yeah. But what's your plan with Sally?" Franklin asked.

Plan? What the heck is this?

"I don't know. But Sally is really pretty." The guy stated. "I might want to have a good time with her."

"And if she doesn't give in?" Franklin asked again.

"I think we don't have a choice, but to do it by force."

"Whoa, Shermy!" Franklin laughed so hard. "Oh shit," He suddenly mumbled.

I heard noises, and then the call got cut off.

I was staring at the air the whole time. I can't believe that I'll be hearing that conversation. Knowing that they are one of our trusted friends ever since we were little.

Shermy, you full of crap. I knew it, I knew it that you are hiding something. This is stupid. Charlie Brown trusted you with his sister.

I have to warn Sally.





Heyyyyy, so a little update from me. Well, I still have these online classes, and it is making me crazy, so I apologize for not updating the story a few weeks back.

Here's a few questions for you guys!!!

1. What can you say about our new book cover? (pls do criticize it, so that i can do better!)

2. What's your predictions for the story, so far?

And yay, thank you to all of you, who still continue to support this story. It means so much! I hope y'all are having a great day, despite this pandemic.

Love youuuu xx)

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