The Materialists | Book 1 + 2...

By Kujiis

317K 10.6K 5.3K

[ FINISHED - unedited ] ❝How do I... How do I stop them?" "You want to stop them?" Rachel raised an eyebrow. ... More

prologue + disclaimer
01 | Gold Digger
02 | Gucci is Slutty
03 | Social Suicide
04 | Pre-fuckup Plans
05 | Pretty boys
06 | Bathroom sex
07 | Cake Face
08 | A Party for the Privileged
09 | She's Too Perfect
10 | The Queen Bee is a Bitch
11 | The Real Devil Is Never Disguised
12 | The Beginning of the Beginning
13 | You Aren't Important Enough
The Invitation
14 | Champagne for the Sane
15 | The People in Power are Fools
16 | Bruised Apple
17 | You play Chess, I play Checkers
18 | The Game Of Life
19 | Lucifer is a Saint
20 | Tic-Tac-Toe
21 | You Should Be Scared
22 | She Is Temporary
23 | You can drown or you can die
Cast & Playlist {} Book 2
01 | im only famous in AUS
02 | this is the GIRLS bathroom
03 | I make allies not friends
04 | you'd be a terrible businesswoman
05 | the queen bee is a bitch, pt 2.
06 | there's always something to be tired of
07 | but please don't hate me
08 | so no goodbye?
09 | this isn't a formal gathering
10 | dogs get the scraps
11 | every story has two sides
12 | a devils resurrection
14 | always one step behind
15 | scared of the crown
16 | you are officially fucked
17 | one last gesture
18 | the lonely king that was never alone
19 | you weren't thinking
20 | the truth
21 | do I look like a cat person to you?
22 | but I missed you
23 | shes her mothers daughter
24 | so I'm not allowed to care?
25 | we can figure this out
26 | comfort and closure
27 | self control
28 | one-way ticket
29 | the good kind of selfish
30 | In a while crocodile
31 | farewell, _____ _____
Authors Q&A

13 | the queen hasn't fallen, yet

3.2K 161 139
By Kujiis

Why you'd always say that you never done wrong?
Why you never hold me?
Tell me that you love me


POV - Isaia

LAURA HATED to hear it.

She probably hated to even think about it. But she and Tao were more alike than she ever could imagine.

They both wanted full control over everything at all times. They'd go to the end of the world and back to make sure they never lost that control, as well. But Laura... there was something about her... that made her more dangerous than Tao.

I wasn't scared of Laura, that's for sure. Not scared of Tao either. But she was the type of person that held everyone around her on a pearl leash. The type of person that would never lose her crown. I could tell the world she killed a man and they would all worship her. And what made her worse than Tao, was that she didn't need other people to get her way.

You couldn't say no to her, because your voice didn't matter. In her head, it was either her way or no way. Unlike Tao, who needed a whole army behind her, Laura was her whole army. Everyone else was just there for her simple entertainment.

Laura had all the power in the school, more than she ever realized. And instead of destroying the hierarchy as she wanted, she's rebuilding it, in her favor.

Nothing changed yet. She just swapped out the Queen's and her servants. It was all the same.

I couldn't imagine what she was thinking when she told me her plan. Something in her clicked. Yesterday she couldn't even go to stand Tao enough to go to lunch. And now today she's cutting Tao out of lunch completely.

And I couldn't think about anything other than how the hell everyone would react. How Tao, Zia, and Brandy would react. They fucking deserved it, but what made them any different from me and the guys? Why was she going easier on us? She did still have the leverage after all. Why was she keeping me around? To show everyone she's the new queen long enough for them to get the point, and then drop me just like she's doing to Tao?

I couldn't understand Laura and her reasons for doing things. Yet everything she did was so straight forward and simple at the same time.

When the lunch bell rang, I made sure to meet up with Sonny, Ace, and Cajes.

"What the hell is going on?" Ace asked, nudging my arm as we walking. "What was all of that this morning?"

I shrug. "Just Laura being Laura."

"The rivalry between Laura and Tao is bullshit. We should just drop all the girls," Sonny smirked. "All they ever brought was drama and sex. Their replaceable."

"Facts," Cajes said, rolling his eyes. "I thought Laura was just going to put Tao in her place. Not fuck up the whole school system."

"You can't say you weren't getting tired of the girls, though. She's doing God's work. Tao's like a clingy rat, we wouldn't have been able to get rid of her without Laura," Ace admitted, wrinkling his nose.

When we got into the cafeteria, everyone was standing up. Not even sitting. Just fucking standing up and blocking the area towards our table. Cajes glanced over at me. "The fuck..."

I already, knew what was happening, however. Once they noticed our presence, everyone cleared the way to our table. And just as I assumed, there they were. Sitting there in all their fucking glory. Laura, Savien, Luca, and Reece. 

The head of the table, where Tao usually sits, was open. Along with the 3 seats near it for the guys. Laura was sitting in the very middle, next to one of the open seats. Across from her was Savien, and Reece sitting on her other side. At the very end, was Luca.

And they were laughing. And talking and acting like normal fucking teenagers. It looked like the table did during freshman year. In the very beginning, everything wasn't messed up.

The guys exchanged weird looks. "Let's just get our lunches," Sonny said awkwardly. 

"So that's what Laura was planning?" Ace questioned as we got into the near-empty lunch line, picking out the foods we wanted. "To kick the girls out of the table?"

"Basically," I murmured. "Where even are the girls? Why are they late?"

"Savien probably locked them in some closet," Sonny laughed, smiling. I'm pretty sure that idiot was obsessed with her.

Getting our lunches, we sat down at the table. And then something weird happened. The guys started talking. I can't even remember the last time the table was loud, with actual conversations and not just strained tension and picking at our food.

Ace took the seat next to Laura so Cajes could sit next to me and Sonny could sit next to his crush. I also can't believe Sonny actually liked a girl. Not just wanted to fuck her, like actually liked her. Even though he'd never admit it in a million years it was more than obvious.

But I knew Luca was staring at me. And every time I looked over at him he was giving me the death stare.  

And just as the crowd around us was going back to normal -- I mean they were still staring like creeps and whispering but they actually sat down -- the doors to the cafeteria flung open, hitting the wall loud as fuck. Laura turned to look towards the 3 standing in the door and smirking.

"Our guests have finally arrived," She whispered, just loud enough for everyone at the table to hear.

Ace smirked too, glancing over at Laura. "She's gonna go off on you."

"Correction, she's going to try to go off one," Laura replied. She was too confident for her own good.

And just like the little lonely clique they were, Tao stomped over to our table, clearly fuming. The sight actually made me happy. Weird.

"What the fuck, is going on," Tao screeched, slamming her hand down on the table in front of Laura.

"Tao please, inside voice," Laura replied, smirking and continuing to eat the Mac N Cheese in front of her.

Tao grabbed the fork from Laura's hand, flinging it across the cafeteria.

And the second it landed, the plastic hitting the tiles, the entire cafeteria went dead quiet.

"You think you're smart, don't you?" You think you're going to fucking get away with this? As if I won't be sitting in that fucking spot tomorrow too?"

"Then you will be sitting in that 'fucking spot' by yourself," Laura rolled her eyes, pulling out a second fork from God knows where.

Tao stomped over to where Luca was sitting, grabbing his wrist so he would look at her. Luca flinched, slowly looking up at Tao. "Get the fuck up you cheating son of a bitch."

"Or what, Tao?" Laura said, sticking up for Luca because everyone knows he won't himself. "You're going to hit him? Bully him again like a little kid? Grow up."

Luca broke eye contact, looking down. You could tell he was about to get up, and I think Savien noticed that too, as she grabbed his other hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Looking at Tao who was still digging her nails into Luca's wrist, Savien spoke up. 

"Look around Tao. If you can point to 1 person who honestly want you at this table beside your lab rats, you can have your seat back."

Tao gasped, digging her long fake nails into Luca's wrist. That's gonna bruise. "And who wants you here? You think you're all bold and scary...well you aren't!"

"I want her here," Someone said. Sonny said.

Damn Sonny, you're even sticking up for her. He's definitely in love. Laura, stood up, walking over to Tao. Putting her hand on Tao's wrist, she ripped her hand away from Luca's. "Find another place to sit, Tao. I'd say the D-listers have an open spot, but even they don't like you."

And just like that, Laura had pressed all of Tao's buttons. In a split second, Tao's hand was hitting Laura's cheek in one swift motion.

The entire cafeteria gasped at once like it was one big play. It felt so surreal, there might as well have been a light shining down on the two and a stage placed beneath their feet.

And that's when Reece stood up. I don't know the guy too well, or at all, actually. But I heard Tao saying they had a history together. Interesting...

Reece stepped in front of Laura, who seriously looked like if he hadn't she would've started a whole ass fight. "Tao, I think you should leave. Go calm down or something."

For some reason, Reece reminded me of Luca. Tao looked up at Reece, and suddenly her mood flipped again like a switch. Smiling, Tao ran her hand down his arm, batting her eyelashes.

"Reece, babe. I'm sure you want me here right? After our great time together..."

"Yeah, you were a nice time passer," Reece replied, giving her a small smile.

"Excuse me?" Tao said, her jaw-dropping.

Trying not to laugh, I looked at the guys who were already looking at me holding back their smiles. "This is like a fucking movie," Cajes whispered to us. I nodded my head, it really was, huh?

"What do you mean time passer?" She repeated. And I just realized the whole time Brandy and Zia said nothing, just stared longingly at the table they would usually be sitting at. It's sad how they only regret what they did once they start getting karma for it.

"It was a one night stand. It didn't mean anything for either of us. At least it didn't for me," Reece shrugged.


"Tao, you're embarrassing yourself even more," He replied, grabbing Laura's hand. Laura still looked like she was going to kill Tao. But Reece pulled her away, whispering something in her ear that calmed her down.

Why did Reece remind me so much of Luca? There was just something about his attitude...

Tao watched, speechless as Laura and Reece sat back down. Her eyes flashed over to mine, pleading one more time.

But I can't. I won't.

Tao deserves nothing from me anymore. Nothing. She deserves nothing.

Just as I said before. She was temporary. And her time has run out.

Hanging her head in shame, it was like a movie as Tao walked out of the cafeteria, Brandy and Zia following.

So they might've lost their thrones. But if I know Tao as well as I thought I did, I know this wouldn't be the end of it all. She wouldn't lose her crown without a war.

Song Of The Chapter: never go back - dennis lloyd

Okay hi, if it isn't already majorly obvious I changed up a few things. Like the cover and title headers. 

I'm in the process of editing and reformatting-ish the first and second books while writing this one so there might be a few more changes but not in the literal story or anything.

Also, as decided I'm going to keep the two books together instead of separating them :)

Also, I hope you enjoyed Isaia's POV, I wanted to switch it up a bit and get the guys more involved in the story because in the first book I probably mentioned them like twice LMFAO

Much love - Kujiis

QUESTION: do you think it's fair that the guys get to keep their status but not the girls?

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