Let Me Heal Your Broken Heart


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its been a year since 21 year old Rachel Smith moved to Seoul, South Korea to be with her dear boyfriend Suga... More

Chapter One: My New Home
Chapter Two: Date Night
Chapter Three: Tension
Chapter Four: Big Argument
Chapter Five: Mine and Jungkook's Day
Chapter Six: Suga's Jealousy
Chapter Seven: Beach Day
Chapter Eight: Bad Night
Chapter Nine: I Disappear
Chapter Ten: Where Is Rachel?
Chapter Eleven: I've Been Found
Chapter Twelve: Suga's Private Vacation?
Chapter Thirteen: Garden Meeting
Chapter Fourteen: Suga Comes Back Drunk
Chapter Fifteen: The Boys Have To Hide Me
Chapter Sixteen: Suga Wants To Talk
Chapter Seventeen: We Worked It Out....For Now { WARNING DETAILED SMUT }
Chapter Eighteen: Count Down To The Dance
Chapter Nineteen: Suga Disappeared Again
Chapter Twenty: I Take A Long Walk
Chapter Twenty One: The Dance
Chapter Twenty Two: Me And Jungkook Disappear
Dedication Page
Meet The Author

The Final Chapter: The After Effects

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When I saw Suga I didn't hold anything back, " WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?", RM looked at me and tried to calm me down, " Rachel calm down you need to hear me out ok", I wasn't taking it, " HEAR YOU OUT? YOU WANT ME TO HEAR YOU OUT? HELL NO IS THIS WHY YOU BROUGHT US BACK HERE FOR? SO HE CAN RUIEN EVREYTHING FOR ME AGAIN? SO THAT I CAN HURT AGAIN?", RM bit his lip before he spoke and I felt Jungkook grab my hand reassuringly as RM spoke up, " no Rachel that's not why we brought you home just listen to me".


I slapped Suga across the face so hard that it echoed through out the whole dorm and all he did was look down, I looked at RM and the others besides Jungkook and spoke up, " I CANT BELIEVE YOU ALL...I WAS FUCKING HAPPY AND NOW YOU BROUGHT ME BACK TO THIS DAMN HELL AGAIN, SCREW ALL OF YOU", I ran off crying to Jungkook's room and I slammed the door shut and ran over to the bed and fell on to the bed crying.

It took every thing in my power not to beat the shit out of Suga when I saw him standing there in the hall entrance and it took even more of my power to not flip out on the other guys for letting Suga back into this damn dorm and then bringing Rachel back into here with Suga after she had just got away from all of this and was finally happy, I clenched my fist then RM spoke up, " what the hell was that all about", I looked at RM then I spoke, " what the hell was that all about....ill tell you what the hell all of that was about", I was pissed so I didn't bite my tongue this time.

" What the hell all that was about is, Rachel was finally fucking happy for once she had NO DAMN REASON TO CRY ANY MORE, SHE WAS FINALLY FUCKING HAPPY, SHE WAS AROUND HER FUCKING FRIENDS SHE WAS AROUND ME SHE WAS BEING BEAT OR CHEATED ON, SHE WAS HAPPY WHEN I PROPOSED TO HER AND THEN YOU HAD TO COME ALONG AND BRING HER BACK HERE WITH THE SAME REASON WHY SHE LEFT IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE....THATS WHAT THE HELL THAT WAS ABOUT RM", as soon as I said I proposed to Rachel V, Jimin, and Suga all looked up at me and I looked back at them and then Jimin spoke, " y-y-you proposed to Rachel?".

I looked at Jimin, " YEA I DID AND SHE SAID YES TO", V then spoke up, " oh she did ?", I looked at V, " YEA SHE DID", I looked back at RM, " AND THEN YOU HAD TO COME AROUND AND RUIEN IT", I walked past RM and got to Suga then RM spoke up, " WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING JUNGKOOK?", I looked right at RM when I spoke up, " IM GOING TO CALM DOWN MY FIANCE THANK YOU VERY MUCH", as I walked past Suga I harshly rammed into him and pass by and walked straight to my room where Rachel was at crying and I gently knocked on the door.

I kept laying there on the bed crying when I heard a soft knock on the door and I sat up and hollered , " GO AWAY LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE", I laid my head back down into my pillow and cried when I heard a soft familure voice, " BABY IT'S ME IT'S JUNGKOOK", I stood up and walked over to the door and opened it as I was still crying and when I did Jungkook pushed past the door and closed and hugged me tightly and closely and I hugged him back and cried Into his chest, I felt Jungkook rub my back and kiss my head softly as he spoke up, " shhhhh I know baby girl I know just let it out ", I kept on hugging him closely as I cried.

Rachel cried into my chest for 5 hours, no matter what I did I just couldn't get her to calm down, she was so betrayed because of what RM did, I looked down at her as she laid asleep on my chest and I softly ran my fingers through her soft hair and I gently kissed her tear stained face, why the hell did RM let Suga back into this damn house and why the hell did he force Rachel to come back here with Suga in the same damn dorm knowing what the hell he did to her, I shook my head so agitated with Suga and RM, I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

I looked at my door and with aggravation I answered, " WHAT DO YOU WANT?", I then heard the last voice I wanted to hear, " its me...can I come in please", I carefully moved out of my bed so I wouldn't wake Rachel and I stormed off to the door and swung it open to Suga standing in front of my door, " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?", He looked at me and sighed then he spoke, " I wanted to come check on Rachel and make sure she's ok", is this son of a bitch kidding me right now? I growled lowly, " SHE'S PERFECTLY FINE SHE DOESN'T NEED YOU TO CHECK UP ON HER AND MAKE SURE SHE'S ALRIGHT SHE HAS ME FOR THAT SHE'S MY FIANCE NOW NOT YOUR'S YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE AND YOU BLEW IT WITH THAT MONEY HUNGRY WHORE JENNIE".

Suga looked down and sighed and looked back at me, "can I just talk to her please, that's all", I scoffed and shook my head, this mother fucker is seriously trying this bullshit with me I looked Suga straight into his eyes, " why do you want to talk to her so bad for huh? so you can downgrade her more, so you can call her a fucking whore, so you can slap her again, I DONT FUCKING THINK SO", Suga let out another sigh and he answered back, " I just want to talk to her Jungkook that's it nothing more and nothing less", I looked at him and snickered lowly, " I'm not gonna fall for your bullshit Suga, Rachel is asleep and that's final and you will not be speaking to her I don't want you around her and I sure as hell don't want you to speak to her either, now fuck off Suga".

I slammed my bed room door in Suga's face and went back to bed with Rachel who had shifted a little bit in her sleep and changed sides, I laid behind her and gently wrapped my arms around her softly and kissed her on the head and I turned off the light and laid down and I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, after maybe 10 minutes on my pillow I was asleep and I drifted off to dream land, don't worry Rachel....I wont let Suga hurt you anymore....not again.

I woke up with a slight Jump, I sat up straight in my bed and I was breathing heavy, it was that damn night mare again, the one where I'm walking down the isle to marry Jungkook but as soon as I reach Jungkook and we exchange our wedding vowels Suga show's up and I'm immediately pulled back in time to that one horrible night where Suga damn near beat me half to death, and just as I'm about to Die I wake up.

I look over at the window only to be greeted by the sickening familure view of Seoul, South Korea, I sigh and look at the clock on the night stand only to see the time is 4:35 am, damn I was sleeping for that long?, I shake it off and look over at Jungkook sleeping peacefully next to me with his adorable sleepy bunny face and I automatically smile, I cant wait till I wake up to that face for the rest of my life, I cant wait to go from Ms. Kim Rachel to Mrs. Jeon Rachel, I softly kiss his head and gently get out of bed and I throw one of his hoodies on and walk over to his bed room door.

I quietly open up his bed room door and look out in the hallway, I look down both sides of the hallway, " good no signs of V, Jimin, and RM", I look down the other side of the hallway, " even better no sign of J-Hope, Jin, or.....Suga", I quietly walk out into the hallway and quietly shut Jungkook's bed room door and I quietly walk out into the living room and over to the patio door, I quietly open the door and walk out onto the balcony and rest my arms on the railing gently and I look out over the city and sigh, " why did he have to bring me back to this hell hole with Suga? I was so happy in LA with Jungkook and our friends".

I was cut off by a very familure voice I did not want to hear, " still talking to yourself I see", I close my eyes and try and muster up the courage, " yea...that's not gonna change", I heard them walk out on to the balcony with me as they spoke again, " I know it's not", I sigh, " what do you want Suga?", I keep my eyes closed as I keep trying to muster up courage to face the man of my nightmares....Min Yoongi, he then spoke up, " I just want to talk to you that's", I shake my head, " there is nothing to talk about between me and you anymore Suga", I opened my eyes and look right at Suga who is fighting back tears himself.

I became frustrated, " if your gonna talk Suga than talk don't just stand there and waist my time, I have better things to do then stand here with you", Suga looked down and I heard a small whimper escape him, " ok I understand Rachel, but I'm not here to waist your time I really do want to talk to you", he looked right at me and he had tears pouring down his eyes, I just looked at him and I didn't have one shed of pity for him at all, " then start talking Suga", Suga let out a sigh, " so....engaged to Jungkook now I see", I let out a frustrated sigh oh for fuck's sake here we go, " yea I am, what's it to you?", Suga nodded his head then spoke up, " congratulations....I'm happy for you both I really am", I looked at Suga with surprise...he just congratulated me?...instead of calling me a whore?.

Suga spoke up again, " he makes you happy?", I looked at Suga, " yes he does....he really does", Suga nodded, " I'm glad he makes you happy Rachel....im glad you can finally be happy", I stare at Suga with complete confusion, what is he trying to do?, is he trying to Manipulate me in to going back out with him again because it's not going to work, as if Suga knew what I was thinking he spoke up again, " Rachel I'm not trying to manipulate you into going back out with me, because I know that's what your thinking, I really am happy for you and Jungkook, I'm happy he is making you happy and giving you what I......giving you what I....", Suga got quiet and he looked down as if he was trying to figure out what to say.

I looked at Suga and spoke in a softer tone, " Jungkook's giving me what?", Suga looked at me and I saw fresh tears pouring down his face as he spoke up again, " I'm happy he is giving you what I couldn't give you Rachel", I looked at Suga and let out a little Gasp just as confused as him, " and what is Jungkook giving me that you couldn't give me exactly?", Suga looked down at the street as he spoke, " Happiness, Love, trust, Kindness,and eventually......a family", I couldn't believe what I was hearing, yes Suga is right, Jungkook is giving me Happiness and love and trust, and Kindness, and yes me and Jungkook did talk about starting a family of our own eventually but the fact that I was hearing this from Suga is what surprises me the most.

But I'm also not about to believe that he's doing this out of the kindness of his heart either, so I looked over at Suga and got my stance back again, " why are you saying all of this all of a sudden what do you want from me?", Suga looked at me and sighed, " I don't want anything from you, all I want is forgiveness", I laughed, " forgiveness? are you serious right now Suga? its gonna take a lot more than you say congratulations to me and talking all nicey nicey to me Suga, you put me through YEARS of abuse and hell, what in the hell are you even doing back here to begin with don't you have that little whore Jennie to run home to?".

Suga looked down as soon as I mentioned Jennie's name...what the hell happened with her?, Suga looked up at me then spoke again, " the reason why im back here is because that night after the dance after you and Jungkook did your little disappearing act, me and Jennie started getting distant from each other, the only time she came to me for anything was when she either wanted to get laid or she wanted money, after a while I got tired of her games and I confronted her, I told her what the hell is her deal why is she doing the shit she's doing to me, after everything I sacrificed for her".

I listened to Suga as he finished telling his story, " I told her I sacrificed my friends, my money, my Job, my grief for my child I lost and I sacrificed the most precious thing I ever had all for her so why in the hell is she acting like this, after I told her those things she slapped me across my face and said she didn't fucking care about me she only fucking cared about my money and destroying my life, then she walked out the fucking house with that kai dude from EXO, that night I sat in the rain for hours upon hours, regretting sacrificing the most important thing to me for that bitch".

As Suga told his story I could see the pain and regret in his eye's and I just had to ask, " Suga?", he looked down, " Yea?", I tried not to cry, " w-w-what was the most important thing to you that you s-s-sacrificed for....for.....for Jennie?", Suga looked up at me and had tears in his eyes as he answered, " It was you Rachel....you where the most important thing to me...that I Sacrificed for that bitch, so I came back here hoping that just maybe I could get you back, I had the slightest bit of hope that you still had even the slightest bit of feelings left for me...but when I saw you walk in with Jungkook and I saw your engagement ring on your finger, it was then that I realized that I was.....that I was to late".

Suga looked down and he began to cry and that is when I realized that everything Suga was saying to me...was true, I gently rubbed his back to try and calm him down but he just kept looking down and then I kneeled down beside him, " Suga", I heard him let out a sniffle as he spoke but kept looking down at the ground, " yea Rachel", I took in a deep breath as I said what I said next, " Suga look at me please", I watched as Suga slowly lifted his head up and looked at me with tears pouring down from his eyes and for the first time in years I saw pain and heart break in his eyes, I softly grabbed his face and spoke.

" Suga it might be to late to love you again and to be with you again and it might be to late to be the way we where again, and it may be to late to trust you again for right now, but it's not to late for us to be friends, and it's not to late for forgiveness Suga", Suga looked at me and nodded his head and he spoke up in a broken voice, " I understand Rachel", I smiled a little, " I do forgive you Suga but it's going to take a lot of time before I can trust you again", Suga nodded his head yes in agreement then spoke up to change the subject, " so when is yours and Jungkook's wedding gonna be?", I laughed a little and so did he, " Me and Jungkook set it for some time next month", Suga nodded, " cool....very cool", I watched as Suga looked back out at the city and I giggled a little bit and spoke up again.

" You know Suga I still need some one to give me away", Suga turned his head to me really quick and then spoke, " you mean like walking you down the aisle and give to you Jungkook", I laughed and nodded my head, Suga looked at me with his confused face then he spoke up again, " But I thought that RM was gonna do that?", I laughed again, " why cant you both do it?", Suga looked at me more confused, " are you messing with me Rachel?", I laughed louder, " no Suga im not messing with you, you and RM are already gonna be apart of Jungkook's wedding party so why cant you be apart of mine to", Suga smiled and nodded, " ok...sure...I can do that".

I smiled and stood up and so did he, " that's the spirit Suga ", I hugged him kindly, at first it took him by surprise but then he hugged me back softly and spoke kindly, " Thank you Rachel", I smiled a little bit, " thank you for what Suga?", he kissed my forehead softly, " thank you for listening to me when no one else would, thank you for giving me the honor to walk you down the aisle even though I wish it was me who was marrying you, and thank you for showing me....how to love and be loved Rachel", oh god he's gonna make me cry, I pulled away from the hug and looked at Suga and I smiled, " your welcome Suga", He smiled, " well im going to go to bed maybe I can sleep now that I got all of that off my chest".

I smiled, " ok Suga, sleep well", Suga smiled and nodded, " you to Rachel", I watched as Suga walked back in the dorm looking down and I watched as he reached his bed room door and looked back at me and smiled real small and waved at me, I smiled a little and waved back at him, he smiled at me one more time before he walked into his room and shut his door quietly, I sighed and walked back in looking down when I heard another voice ring out, " Hey", I turned and looked towards the voice and I saw Jungkook walk out from the shadows with a small smile and I gave a small smile back and answered him, " Hey", It's as if Jungkook knew what was wrong and he walked over and hugged me close and I hugged him back.

As Jungkook hugged me and I heard him speak up, " are you ok?", I sighed and kept hugging him, " I will be, how much did you hear?", he kissed my head and rubbed my back, " I heard everything", I sighed, " well damn", Jungkook laughed a little bit, " its alright Rachel, im not mad, you did a great job", I looked up at Jungkook and he looked down at me and I smiled, " you really think so?", Jungkook smiled, " No I don't think so, I know so", I laughed and playfully punched him in the chest, " smart Ass", Jungkook laughed, " you love me though Future Mrs. Jeon", I smiled, " yea I do future Mr. Jeon", he smiled, " alright lets get some rest", I smiled, " Ok", Me and Jungkook walked back to our room and went to sleep.

It wasn't long until the month of the wedding came upon us, Me and Jungkook didn't get to see each other much due to the fact that RM, Suga, J-Hope, Jin, V, and Jimin where running him all around to get their wedding tux along with J.Seph, BM, Jackson, and Eric who came down from LA for the wedding, and then I was being pulled all over the place by Jiwoo, Somin, Lisa, Rose, and Jisoo along with CL, Cungha, Dara, Taehyun and my child hood best friend moonbyul to get our dresses for the wedding which is tomorrow, we all pre ordered our dresses and tux and we had to pick them up today.

After we got all our stuff that we needed we all went to the hotel were there wedding was taking place at, all the girls with me are currently asleep, I tried to sleep but I couldn't, pre wedding jitters I suppose, I wonder If Jungkook is having just as much trouble as me sleeping?, My thoughts where broken when I kept hearing the sound of pebbles against my room window, " what the hell?", I carefully and quietly got up and walked to the window so I didn't wake up the girls.

When I got to the window I saw a shadow waving up at me so I opened the window and looked out and saw Jungkook and my eyes grew wide and I laughed a little bit, " Jeon Jungkook what in the world are you doing throwing pebbles at my window for?", Jungkook laughed and smiled, " I wanted to come see you I've been going absolutely insane these past few days not being able to see you", I laughed, " you do know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding day right?", Jungkook laughed and smiled, " well then I guess ill be getting bad luck then, come on down here with me Juliet".

I laughed, " Im not even dressed im in my pajamas", Jungkook looked up at me and laughed, " so what you still look beautiful as ever and would you look at that im in my Pajama's to", I laughed , " your a wild one Jeon Jungkook", Jungkook smiled, " you love me though Kim Rachel, so come on down break the rules for once little miss goodie good", I let out a gasp, " I am not a goodie good", Jungkook smiled, " not convincing me any", I laughed, " meet me by the elevator", Jungkook laughed, " of course", I watched as he ran back in and to the elevator, I quickly put on my boots and rushed out of the room quietly to the elevator and pushed the button multiple times.

When the Elevator doors opened I darted right into the elevator with and kept pushing the lobby button, the doors finally closed and the elevator started to move, I will admit im going just as crazy as Jungkook is without being around him, and I have a very good feeling that something is gonna happen before the honey moon even starts, the elevator doors open up and I see Jungkook standing there smiling and I run off the elevator and jump in to his arms and he catches me and spins me around and I smile and laugh.

Once Jungkook finished spinning me he put me down but kept his arms around me and he gave his side grin that turned me on every time and he spoke up, " it took you long enough", I smiled, " the damn elevator is to slow", Jungkook grinned, " stupid elevators", we both laughed and I spoke up, " Jungkook what are we gonna do?", Jungkook smiled, " you will find out just follow me", I nodded and he started to walk and I followed him, he took me straight to his room and I pulled on his arm, " Jungkook we cant go In there the guys are in there".

Jungkook smiled, " oh no their not see unlike you girls we want our own rooms for our own privacy where as you girls like to all cram into one little room and gossip and paint your little nails and talk about the boys you like", I nod my head, " yea yea yea uh huh hush it you", Jungkook laughed and walked into his room pulling me with him, as soon as Jungkook shut his door and he heard it lock he grabbed me and pulled me closer to him and started to kiss me passionately and roughly and I kissed him back with the same amount.

As Jungkook felt me give the same amount back he grinned and picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he placed his hands on my ass and carried me to his bed as we kept kissing each other passionately and Lustfully, once I hit Jungkook's bed he kissed down my neck and sucked on it and I moaned, as Jungkook kept kissing my neck I felt his hands roam down my body to the end of my shirt where he put his hands under my shirt and took it off and threw it some where, after Jungkook took off my shirt he started to kiss down my body and I moaned and ran my fingers through his hair.

Is this what's gonna happen at the honey moon?, If so im not complaining, as Jungkook kissed down my body he kissed down to the waistband of my shorts and he took them off in a blink of an eye and tossed them off to the side and he kissed back up my body to my neck and up to my ear and he gently nibbled on it and I moaned and decided to tease, " someone couldn't wait till the honey moon I see", Jungkook chuckled a little bit, " like I said Rachel I was going insane not seeing you, every time I even tried to sneak in and see you Suga, RM, Jimin, V, and Jin would stop me and if it wasn't them stopping me It was Eric", I chuckled a little ever since that talk me and Suga had he's been acting just as bad as RM when it came to me.

I decided to keep being a tease, " awe poor Jungkook, you would have survived", Jungkook chuckled and it was then that I knew I got myself into trouble, Jungkook grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head and ill admit I found that very sexy Jungkook then whispered in my ear, " Keep it up sweet heart and your punishment is going to be a lot worse than it already is".

Jungkook went back to kissing my neck and I moaned more as I felt Jungkook take off my sports bra and my panties and throw them else where, after Jungkook threw my under garments some where he stood up and took off his shirt and I bit my lip as I ran my hand down his muscular arms, across his bare tone chest and down his toned Six pack abs, Damn he's been working out more and more leading up to our wedding, Jungkook then grinned and spoke up, " who's the speechless one now princess", Jungkook kissed me deeply and hungrily and I kissed him back I felt him take off his pants and boxers and as he kissed me I felt him insert, and we made love for the rest of the night.

I got back to my room with the girls from Jungkook's room around 4:30 am when I finally fell asleep, me and the girls woke up at 7;00 am to start getting ready for the wedding im already in my wedding dress, my wedding dress is far from a traditional wedding dress, my wedding dress is scarlet Red with black beads down the front into the sides, and tipped with black and white lace, im sitting in the chair now as Jiwoo and Somin work on my hair and make up but I cant get what happened between me and Jungkook last night out of my mind, just the memory of it excites me, my pleasurable thoughts where cut by Jiwoo yelling at me.

" KIM RACHEL", I look at Jiwoo, " what", Jiwoo looked at me and put her hands on her waist, " I don't know what it is that has you all in lala land but cut it out would you all your day dreaming and moving around is making it harder for me and Somin to do your hair and make up woman", I laughed, " sorry Jiwoo and Somin", Jiwoo and Somin both started to laugh before they went back to doing my hair and make up and this time I sat still, As Jiwoo and Somin finished my hair and Make up Chungha came to me I guess she noticed me to, " girl what has gotten in to you woman you have been all googly eye and in la la land all day today".

I blushed, " is it that obvious", At the same time all the girls in the room yelled, " YES", I laughed a little bit, " sorry", CL then spoke up," girl are you ever gonna tell us what has your head all up in the clouds today?", I smiled, " one day I will but not right now, it's my secret", All the girls then hollered out, " AWE COME ON RACHEL", As they all screamed that RM and Suga walked in and Suga spoke up, " woah what did we miss in here?", Chungha looked over at Suga and RM and spoke up, " Rachel's head has been in the clouds all day since she woke up and she wont tell us why", RM looked at Suga and they both looked at me and RM then spoke up, " is that so?".

I shrugged my shoulders pretending to be clue less and Suga and RM just Laughed, then RM looked at me and Spoke up, " Rachel it's time you ready?", I smiled and nodded my head, we all walked to the garden outside where the wedding alter was and I heard Forever we are young by BTS playing as the groom and Bridal party song and I watched as all the girls walked down with the guys they where assigned with, I noticed all the men's suits where black and all the girls dresses where red to match with my dress but I wondered what Jungkook's tux looks like.

I heard the intro to Butterfly playing and I knew it was my turn to walk down the aisle now, I took a deep breath in and out as I felt Suga grab my left arm and RM grab my right arm and I looked at them both and they both looked at me and Smiled and I smiled back at them Suga gently put my Vale over my face and we started to walk to the door, when we reached the door and it opened I saw Jungkook look up at me and smile and his tux was just like my dress and I smiled as we started down the aisle.

As we walked down the aisle Suga leaned over and whispered in my ear, " you look very beautiful today Rachel", I smiled and whispered back to him, " thank you and you look very handsome today", Suga smiled and whispered back, " Thank you", we finally reached the front with the priest, I looked over at RM and Suga who where both smiling but when I looked at Suga he had tears falling down his face and I whispered to him," what's wrong Suga?", He whispered back, " It's nothing personal Rachel....I just wish it was me marrying you instead of Jungkook but I know he will take care of you in the ways I couldn't and cant."

Before I got the chance to say something back to Suga he handed me over to Jungkook and walked over to his place beside Jungkook, I looked over at RM who smiled at me and he spoke, " wow it seems like just yesterday you became a Kim and my baby sister and now here you are getting ready to get married and become a....a Jeon, im so proud of you Rachel", I saw tears form in RM's Eyes and I immediately whipped them with the end of my vale, " awe no RM don't you cry your gonna make me cry then Jiwoo is gonna hurt you for messing up her hard work".

Me and RM laughed a little and he smiled, " your mother and sister would be so happy for you and so proud of the woman you have become", I smiled and wiped another tear of his away," I know RM but their here in spirit and that's all that matters", RM smiled and nodded as he handed me to Jungkook, " take care of my baby sister Jungkook ok?", Jungkook smiled and took my hand," I will RM I promise you", RM smiled and kissed me on the head and went over to his place beside Jungkook behind Suga, I looked at Jungkook and he looked back at me and lifted my vale and smiled, " god you look so beautiful Rachel", I smiled," and you look very handsome".

We both smiled as the preacher spoke, " dearly beloved we are gathered here today in this holy matrimony to wed Kim Rachel and Jeon Jungkook, if there is anyone here today who thinks that these two shall not wed speak up now or forever hold your peace", me and Jungkook looked around and I looked right at Suga who looked like he wanted to object but then he bit his lip and looked down then the preacher spoke up again, " the rings please", me and Jungkook watched as V's little nephew brought the rings up to us then me and Jungkook took them and watched him scurry back to a laughing V.

Me and Jungkook then faced each other and the preacher began our vows, " Jeon Jungkook do you take Kim Rachel to be your awfully wedded wife to have and to hold through sickness and health and through rich and or poor to have and to hold until death do you part?", Jungkook smiled, " I Do", The preacher spoke, " Repeat after me", Jungkook smiled as he placed the ring on my finger and repeated what the preacher said, " with this ring I Jeon Jungkook take you Kim Rachel to be my wife through sickness and health and or rich or poor so help me god until death do us part".

I smiled as he placed my ring on my finger then the preacher turned to me, " Do you Kim Rachel take Jeon Jungkook to be your awfully wedded husband to have and to hold through sickness and health and through rich and or poor to have and to hold until death do you part?", I smiled, " I do", I took Jungkook's ring and placed it on his hand and repeated after the preacher, " with this ring I Kim Rachel take you Jeon Jungkook to be my husband through sickness and health and or rich or poor so help me god until death do us part".

I placed Jungkook's ring on his finger and the preacher called out, " I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride", Jungkook didn't hesitate he pulled me right in and kissed me deeply and passionately as he bent me back and I smiled as I heard the preacher, " I NOW GIVE YOU MR. AND MRS. JEON", we heard everyone in the wedding hooting and hollering and crying and cheering, After me and Jungkook finished packing our bags up for the honey moon we walked down to the dining area for the ceremony me walked into the door and the DJ hollered over the mic, " PLEASE WELCOME MR AND MRS'S JEON", everyone in the party cheered and went back to dancing, me and Jungkook danced a few dances and so did me and the other boys but I couldn't find Suga any where.

It was around 12;00 am when the reception party ended and it was time for me and Jungkook to leave for our honey moon, me and Jungkook walked out of the hotel and everyone threw the wedding rice at us, but again I couldn't find Suga anywhere and I was starting to get worried, as me and Jungkook reached the car and Jungkook opened the door for me I heard someone call out to me, " RACHEL....HEY RACHEL WAIT", I looked towards who was calling me and I saw Jimin running towards me, " JIMIN? JIMIN WHATS THE MATTER?", Jimin reached me out of breath, " Rachel here".

Jimin handed me a paper that said on the front "please read in the car and think of me xoxo", I looked at Jimin, " Jimin what is this?", Jimin sighed, " I was told to give you it before you left but I cant tell you who it's from they said you will find out when you read it", I nodded and Jimin looked at Jungkook and grinned, " Take care of her Jungkook and give her one hell of a honey moon", Jimin winked and pated Jungkook on the back and Jungkook grinned, " you know I will".

Me and Jungkook got in the car and drove off after we said goodbye to everyone my attention was drawn right to the paper Jimin handed me, my thoughts where cut by Jungkook talking to me, " go ahead...read it", I looked at Jungkook, " are you sure?", Jungkook smiled, " yes im sure I rather you read it now before we get to our destination Instead of you not reading it at all and then spending our whole honey moon stressing about it", I smiled and nodded and I took a deep breath and opened up the letter and began reading it.

" hey Angel

Im sorry I missed out on the reception party, I know you where looking for me because V told me that you where, you looked really beautiful up there in that wedding dress, its just a damn shame that I wasn't the one marrying you, when the preacher asked if anyone had any objections to yours and Jungkook's wedding I wanted to object to it so badly and tell you how much I love you Rachel, I cant get you out of my head no matter how hard I try, and once I heard the vows start I knew it was to late for me to say anything, I had to leave after the wedding because I was so afraid of what I would have done if I stayed there and watched Jungkook hold you the way I use to, and kiss you the way I use to, it pained me even more when I realized that he was going to make love to you and see your body all to him self, just like the way I use to, I know I fucked up so damn much when it came to you Rachel, and I regret it every day of my damn life, I hope you enjoy your honey moon Angel, I don't know when ill ever see you again Rachel but I was to afraid to tell you in person so I wrote this letter instead, so take this as my last goodbye, I wont be a burden to you anymore, I hope you enjoy your honey moon Rachel.

signed Suga

P.S I still love you

I felt my tears pouring from my eyes as I read his letter, that's why I didn't see him at the reception and that's why I didn't see him at the farewell....he left because of me....he left to protect me and keep me happy....he thought he was a burden to me but he wasn't and now I may never see him again because he thought that's what I would want....but I don't want that, I want him here with me....he's part of my family, I fell into Jungkook's arms and cried like a child and Jungkook rubbed my back to try and calm me down the best he could but he to was.....crying.

It's been 2 years that me and Jungkook have been married now, we enjoyed our honey moon but we had to cut it short because we where expecting some little bundles of joy, it turns out that on the night before the wedding when me and Jungkook had our moment we had conceived our beautiful twin baby girls named Jeon Ahro and Jeon Lilly, their are both 2 years old now and me and Jungkook have a place of our own, but we are not the only one's with little family's of our own, V and Jimin got married to my friends Chungha and Lisa and both boys have three healthy boys.

My brother RM met a nice out of state woman named Trisha she came from the same place as I did and they to have a little baby girl, Jin and J-Hope married my two friends Moonbyul and my friend Alice and they have one baby boy each that was just born two weeks ago, J.Seph and Jiwoo got married and have a baby girl on the way, and BM and Somin got married and are expecting two baby boys, my Brother Eric fell in love with a girl named min Joo who he met on the day of my wedding she was one of the waitresses there, and they will be getting married three months from now.

But I still haven't heard From Suga or about him, the only thing I heard so far is that Jennie died a few days after my wedding in a bad car accident with that guy Kai, Kai survived but Jennie was the unlucky one, but I still have not heard anything from or about Suga lately, but also Jungkook has been talking to someone on the phone since our honey moon was cut short, he says that it's an old friend of his, but im not sure who it is.

My thoughts where cut short by the sound of knocking on my door, that's strange I don't think we are expecting anyone?, I see my daughter Ahro running down the steps, " ILL GET IT MOMMY", I hate when she runs, " JEON AHRO NO RUNNING YOUR GONNA GET HURT AND YOU NEED TO ASK WHO IT IS FIRST....AHRO", I chased after my daughter and she got to the door and opened it up and who I saw made me cry as I heard Ahro yell, " UNCLE SUGA ", I watched as Suga picked her up and spun her around, " HEY THERE PRINCESS", Suga looked over at me and smiled and I smiled back at him.

Suga then smiled and spoke up, " hey there Angel....miss me", I cried " SUGA",and ran over to Suga and he put Ahro down and he hugged me tightly and I hugged him tightly and he spun me around and I cried, " Suga it's really you I missed you I thought something bad happened to you I thought I was never gonna see you again", he smiled and shushed me, " I know angel I know but im back now and im not going any where anymore I promise".

I heard Ahro running back over to me and I stopped hugging Suga and I leaned over and picked her up," what is it baby?", Ahro smiled at me and talked in her cute little baby voice, " Daddy need's your help in the back yard with something", I looked at Suga and he shrugged his shoulders and I looked back at Ahro, "ok baby lets go help daddy ok", me and Suga walked to the back of the house and when I got back there I heard everyone yelling, " HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL", I started to cry as I looked all through the back yard and I saw all my friends and their family's and I saw my brothers Eric and RM with their family's.

I cried as I looked at Jungkook and he walked over to me with a smile, " happy birthday baby", He kissed me and hugged me and I kissed him and hugged him back then Ahro jumped out of my arms and ran back over to Suga and he picked her up with a smile and kissed her on the head, I looked at Suga, " you knew about this? and about the girls?", Suga smiled, " I did im the old friend that Jungkook has been talking to and I helped him plan this for your Birthday, and im .....im your birthday present", I looked at Jungkook and he smiled and I looked at all my family and friends and when I did I knew I was finally....whole again.



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