The Detective Princess (Yusuk...

By ElRottoSoldato

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The wind blew in my face as I rubbed my hands together to heat them up. My scarf doing little to no help but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Hope and Despair: An Ironic Duo
A Demon full of Hope
A Lovely Night
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
lmfao sorry

Chapter 14

716 36 4
By ElRottoSoldato

"So you're saying she's gotten worse?" I pinched the tip of my nose and nodded. Her friends had come over after a week of Y/N being bedridden.

She can move, but after the incident, she simply lost all motivation. Encouraging her isn't working.

And telling her that everything was going to be alright was a lie.

The only time she's gotten out of bed was to go to the bathroom and shower. Then, she returns to the bed again. I think her body left an imprint on the bed from the duration of her laying there...

"Yes, the doctors have come over to check on her health. They believe she'll recover quickly if they find the right medicine," I answered. The boy with the noticeable bleached hair seemed the most affected by her state.

He kept his head down and kept quiet, which was surprising considering he was the most vulgar, obnoxious one in their group of friends.

"Are we allowed to see her? Is it contagious?" Madarame's former pupil asked. Yusuke, was it? I don't really remember.

I shook my head. It wasn't an illness at all, but the stress of her friends seeing her like this may be too much for her to handle. And, to be honest, it may cause more trouble with her wanting to leave.

I've seen changes in her ever since she transferred to Shujin. Originally, she enrolled in Shujin Academy to figure out the rumors of the Phantom Thieves originating from that school.

We never had any time to make friends, but seeing how quick she was to find students like these guys, I wasn't surprised.

Y/N always attracted some... interesting people.

And her friends, in all honesty, are pressing my buttons if they decided 7:00 A.M on a Sunday was an acceptable time to visit...

"I believe it's best to limit any human interaction. I know how Y/N gets about visitors at times like these..."

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that! I thought people like you and Y/N would be awake at this time..." Anne gave an apologetic smile and crossed her legs.

"On a Sunday...?" I raised an eyebrow.

She laughed with a hint of nervousness and looked away.

"It is like any other day for me. I would be working on a project of mine or head off to buy art supplies," Yusuke hummed. He was clearly starved. His eyes were hollow and skin was as pale as a dead body. He was practically a dead man walking.

"How has your situation been since Madarame's arrest?" I asked.

"I've made arrangements and settled in the dorms at my school. It's cramped but enough work space for my art," He answered, crossing his arms and leaned back on the wall.

Her friends clearly care about her. I don't understand how she can handle so much on her shoulders. Even with their support, she has to deal with her job, school, and her mental state.

"Goro?" We all turned our heads to see Y/N poke her head out of the room. She had a blanket draped over her shoulders with clear fatigue on her face. "Why'd you get out of bed?"

I pulled a straight face despite my surprise. She was sound asleep a second ago. What if she hasn't recovered yet? And if they notice her bandages, they'll ask her questions and remind her...

"What are you doing up? Go back to bed and rest," I said. The collar of her shirt exposing little of her bandages. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"I can stay up for a little," Y/N rubbed my hand with her thumb reassuringly. Even so, I didn't want them asking her questions. Maybe they'll ask something that might trigger her.

"Y/N, we've been so worried about you!" The model put her hand on her chest in relief of seeing her. Ann, I believe her name is, said she practically dragged the blond one over here.

I would have preferred them not to come at all. Something about them makes me worry.

Y/N's eyes were dull. They showed no emotion whatsoever, worrying me once more. And, her stare lingered as she spotted Sae Niijima's sister over by the door.

"What is she doing here?" She grumbled and made her way to me. I raised my arm and let her hug my side.

"A-ah, I wanted to see how you've been doing. Your absence isn't going unnoticed at school..." Makoto said. She was nervous. She kept playing with the end of her skirt and sort of hid her face.

"Oh. Did they want my autograph?" Y/N scoffed and pulled away from me.

"Autograph? The hell are you talking about?" The blond one raised his head. He had an aggressive approach towards me when they first knocked on the door.

That friend of hers... Akira, was it?

He didn't show up. Could he be busy at the moment?

"Ryuji!" Ann scowled and nudged his leg.

"It's nothing," Y/N grumbled. She looked around and frowned. "Where's Akira?"

"He slept in. We did a lot of progress last night," Yusuke answered.

Y/N tilted her head like a lost puppy and glanced at Makoto before shrugging it off like it was nothing.

"Progress with what, if I may ask?"

"With making plans for the upcoming festival. We've been planning it for days now, right?" Ann smiled.

"Oh, right, the festival," Ryuji said, clearly not interested in it at all.

"I never knew making plans for an event took a lot of effort," I said until Ryuji interrupted me. Has his mother not taught him any manners at all?

"How've you been keeping it up?"

"I'm fine. Nothing too serious," I noticed Y/N's discomfort as she made her way to the kitchen with a fast pace. She opened the fridge and looked inside. "Have you all eaten yet?"

"We don't mean to bother," Makoto stood up with haste. "Isn't it best if you go back and rest-"

"I'm already up. Going back to sleep will be a hassle," A silence followed after hearing the aggressiveness of her tone. Y/N wasn't one to snap at people. She usually stayed quiet and kept her thoughts in mind instead of saying them out loud like that.

"Yusuke, have you eaten lately?" Y/N's head popped out from behind the fridge door.

"I take your generosity for granted. I haven't even returned your dishes from last time."

Last time? They were here before? When?

"Oh, that's how you knew where we lived..."

Y/N, despite her weak state, smiled regardless and shook her head. Yusuke stared at her for a couple seconds until his lips curled up to a soft one.

Only after he smiled back at her did I suddenly feel... protective? But, I can't say anything about it. It was a mere smile.

Everyone smiles at each other as such.

"Y/N, what happened to your neck?" Ann gestured to the bandages there. My breath stopped for a second as Y/N's gaze fell to the floor and grew lifeless as it was back in Mementos.

"She got-"

"I had an accident while investigating a case. Things turned sour and my neck got all scratched up." She answered quickly.

"Oh... That sounds terrible..." Makoto then approached the counter along with Ann.

Then it fell into silence once more. I want them to leave already. Y/N is clearly uncomfortable having them over at the moment but she's still kind enough to offer them food.

"Indeed, but the doctors say they'll fade in just a couple days more. These bandages aren't exactly comfortable."

Ann and Makoto caught her up with the latest information about their classes and school events. The boys just watched and listened to them while I tried to make myself a cup of coffee.

There was no way we could go back to sleep now. It's been almost an hour since they've arrived.

How do I make them leave?

"Y/N, why don't you clean yourself up? I'll take care of things from here," I snaked my arms around her waist and swayed our bodies lightly. She placed her hands on top of mine.

"Thanks," She leaned back and whispered before telling everyone she was going to the bathroom.

It took them a while to leave. Ann and Makoto left first to catch a train. They had girl's night or something like that.

Yusuke left after he remembered there was an store for art supplies close by. I didn't want to tell him, but hearing how poor he sounds and looks, it wasn't the best idea to shop there. The brushes cost too much money and the paints don't last long. I've tried it out before.

"Did you hurt her?"

Ryuji asked the moment we were alone in the hallway.

Why would I hurt her? What do I gain out of it-

"Answer me! Those scars aren't from those cases and you know damn well!"

The anger in his eyes showed the scared child within himself. A child who clearly understood what bruises were when seeing them. How much has this guy seem to know?

I hate to admit it, but he was an observant person. But his carelessness and vulgarity gets the best of him.

"I would never hurt Y/N, and knowing what happened to her in the past, it would be cruel of me to bring back past bruises." I answered. I wanted to laugh at him. I wanted to laugh because it was so unbelievable.

I'd never hurt Y/N on purpose.

He searched my eyes before balling his hands into fists and stuffing them in his pockets. The leg injury of his cause him to shift his weight onto his good leg as he took a deep breath and nodded.

"You don't look like you're lyin'. I don't give a shit if you're some famous detective on T.V.... Y/N tells me you hurt her, and I'll beat the hell out of you, got it?"

"Understood. I never knew Y/N had such protective friends..."

"I'm not just her friend, Akechi. I'm her brother."


Is that why she was investigating her father recently?

That explains why she went to the labs a couple of weeks ago. I thought she was sick or needed some pills for her persona...

I don't want to tell them this, but they got the same anger of their father... Only they can control their temper

"Ryuji? Are you still here?" Y/N opened the door with her towel over her damp hair. I'm glad she's finally getting up. But I worry it won't last long. I'll have to make arrangements with Shido to keep her home for some time.

"Yeah, what's up?" His demeanor changed so quickly. He backed off and leaned against the hallway.

"I'll be returning to classes by Tuesday. I'm wondering if you can give me Makoto's number to see what I missed."

"Yeah, gotchu. I'll send it to you later. I gotta go before the train leaves. Mom's going to kill me if I don't get groceries," He shuddered before leaving.

"Goro, come in before I lock you out... I have to speak to you," Y/N said, releasing a scary aura. What did I do now?

"It's best you cool off, don't you think? Stress can affect you-"

She rolled the towel to a ball and threw it at my face.

"You're the one who's going to stress out when you get the groceries you were supposed to get yesterday!"

"Can't we order take-out?"

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