I met the love of my life at...

By lsmiley05

103K 4K 251

Hanna Smith was a 22 year old single mom with a normal life but what happen when she goes to the club and mee... More

New year
I thought i'd never see him again
New job
My new life
What are we
Japan business trip
I dont think this is working
Our first date
Luke meets kayla
One year anniversary part 1
One year anniversary part 2
I love you too
Meet the parents
Move in with me
Kaylas room
Merry christmas
The news
Gender reveal
Mom problems
Chapter 22
Baby shower
The babys coming
Everyone meets the baby
The past
Wedding planning
The perfect wedding dress
The wedding
Authors note
Leilanis first birthday
Cast members
Two years later
Baby shower
Chapter 40
Baby shopping
Liam and kyle
Back home
Book 2

doctors apointment

1.1K 68 12
By lsmiley05

Hannas POV
Today I have my first doctors appointment. I called my mom and asked if she could watch the girls while me and Luke go somewhere. I haven't told her yet but I probably will tell her when she gets here or the girls might tell her while we're gone. "Me and mommy have to go to the doctors to talk about the your little brother or sister inside of her so grandma is going to come over and watch you while we go" luke said to the girls in the living room. The door bell rang and I went to open it. "Hey mom" I said as I let her in. "Hey sweetie" she said before she went to go see the girls. "Come give your grandma a hug" she said to them. They got up and gave her a hug then they all sat on the couch. "Hi Luke" she said. "Hey how have you been" he said. "Good you" she said. "Never been better" he said. "Mom we should only be gone for about 30 minutes" I said. "Are you guys going on a date" she asked. Me and Luke looked at each other when she asked that. "Um mom actually we're going to the doctor" I said. "Why what's wrong" she asked concerned. "I'm pregnant" I said. "How far along are you" she asked. "Not sure we found two weeks ago" I said. "I'm having another grand child" she said to herself. "We already talked to the girls we told them as soon as we found out" luke said.

"Hanna" a nurse called my name as we were sitting in the waiting room. She did the usual things like check my heartbeat and blood pressure before she told me the doctor would be in soon. "So I was thinking we could invite my brothers over and tell them the news" luke said. "Yeah sure what day were you thinking" I asked. "Maybe this weekend. I can grill out in the backyard and we could play in the pool" he said. "Sounds perfect" I said. "I'll talk to them about it when we get home" he said before there was a knock on the door and the doctor came in. I got the same doctor that delivered leilani. "Hello Hanna nice to see you again" she said. "Hi" I said. "Have you had any morning sickness" she asked. "No" i said. She asked me a few more questions then told me I was almost 3 weeks pregnant. It was too early to get an ultrasound and see the baby so we didn't take one. "I'd like to see you back here in about a month we should definitely be able to get an ultrasound in" she said. "Ok" I said. We scheduled our next appointment then left.

The weekend Luke's pov
Today my brothers are coming over. I had a t shirt and blue swim trunks on. The door bell rang and I went an opened the door to find both of my brothers. "Hey big bro" they both said. "Hey guys" I said as I let them in. "Where is everybody" Landen asked. "Hannas upstairs changing the girls into their swimsuits" I said. "How's life been man" Logan asked. "Pretty good. How's your guys life" I said. "Same seems like every time I look at lily she's getting bigger" Landen said. "Baby's will do that sometime" I said smiling. Landen and his wife Miranda had their daughter lily last year. "Logan how have you been" I asked. "good loving the college parties way better than high school parties" he said. "It's not just about the parties" I said. "I know I know it's about education and books" he said. "It is if you want a good career" Landen said. My brothers don't make as much money as I do but Landen has his own construction company and Logan went to college to be a physical therapist. Landens construction company is expanding and he started a family with his wife, I'm so proud of him. Logan on the other hand is all about girls and parties but he'll turn his life around I know he will. "Hey there's my two favorite nieces" Landen said as the girls were walking down the stairs. "Uncle Landen" Leilani said. When they got off the last step leilani ran to Landen and Kayla ran to Logan. Hanna came towards me and I wrapped my arms around her.

My brothers and the girls were playing in the pool while Hanna sat on the side with her legs in the pool and I was grilling the food. "Why didn't lily and Miranda come" Hanna asked me as I sat down next to her. "They went to visit Miranda's parents" I said. "Oh" she said as she laid her head on my shoulder.

We were all sitting at the table outside we had just finished our food and wanted the girls to wait a little before they got back in the pool. "Me and Hanna have news we'd like to tell you guys" I said as I held her hand. "I knew there was a reason he invited us here" Logan said. "We're having a baby" I said. "Your pregnant" Logan asked. "Yep" Hanna said smiling. "How long" Landen asked. "A few weeks" she said. "Dang dude your pull out game weak" Logan said. "Shut up" I said.

1 month later Hannas pov
The nurse already did the usual stuff and now we're waiting for the doctor to come in the room. "Hello hanna" the doctor said after she knocked on the door and opened it. "Hi" I said. "So today I want to do an ultrasound and hear the heartbeat" she said. "Ok" I said. She told me to lift up my shirt and she put gel on my stomach. "Let's see" she said as she moved the wand around on my stomach. "Looks like your having twins" she said. "Twins" I said as I looked at Luke. "Yep congratulations" the doctor said. "Thank you" luke said.

2 months later
I'm 3 months pregnant and just finished my first trimester today I'm going to the doctor to find out the gender of our babies. We haven't told anyone we're having twins they just know we're having a baby, not even the girls know. "I was thinking we could tell the girls that we're having twins when we find out the gender" I told luke as we were in the car driving to the doctor. "Yea we can do that" he said. "What do you want the gender to be" I asked. "I want a boy but I'm ok if it's a girl" he said. "What do you want it to be" he asked. "I don't really care" I said. "I can't believe we're having twins I don't think there's twins in my family" I said. "My mom had a twin sister" luke said. "Really is she as rude as her" I asked. "No she's dead" he said. "Oh I'm sorry" I said. "It's fine I never met her" he said. "Oh" I said.

"Lift your shirt up please" the doctor said. She put the gel on my stomach then moved the wand around. "Here's baby 1 and baby 2" she said as she pointed on the screen. "Would you like to know the gender" she asked. "Yes" we both said. "Your having two baby boys" she said. "Oh my gosh" I said smiling while luke held my hand.

Later that night
"I told you we were going to have to try again and make a boy" luke said as we laid in bed cuddling. "Yeah but we got two boys now" I said. "I can't believe we're going to be a family of 6 in less then a year" he said. "You said you wanted a big family" I said. "I did and I'm so happy" he said. "Me too" I said before I kissed him. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said.

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