
By hauwwahhh

158K 18.8K 853

Airah is spoilt, pampered but she still is a good girl. After graduating from school she wants nothing but t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Not a Chapter
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
New Story Alert
Us against the world Chapter 2
New Story Alert

Chapter 38

3K 374 14
By hauwwahhh


The Ahmad's residence was in full festive mood. They were occasional yodelling by the aunts and old people whenever Airah passes them by. There would tease her until she left. She went round taking pictures with family and friends. The kids stuck to her all day. Fadeelah especially wouldn't leave her side.

Areef and his friends arrived and more pictures were taken. Until Areef was dragged away again as he had to go and greet Mamy's guest too.

The conveyance of the bride was that evening.

As the sun seemed to be setting Airah felt her body grow weaker as she tried to brush away the dread that is beginning to creep up on her. They Will soon be here to take her away from her Ummee.

Just as that thought came to her mind she saw Ummee chattering and smiling with her guests. She felt her heart constrict, her eyes were very watery.

"Amrah, let's go Abba wants to see you now." Amal said startling her.

She nodded making way to go outside where she thought they were with his friends but Amal dragged her to his study instead and right then her blood went cold. It's the farewell nasiha (advice).

She followed Amal as she took her in to where he was seated on the only couch in the room. Amal was quick to turn and leave the father and daughter.

Surprisingly Airah felt herself unable to look up at her father. No matter how she tried she just couldn't.

"My Airah is already so grown she can't look at me again? Or should I say Areef's Airah. " Airah felt those tear trying to resurface again.

Abba placed his hands on her head and she let out a sigh which was accompanied by streaks of tears as she remembered how her father always patted her head when she was younger and way shorter then him. She used to ask him then, "Abba when I get taller will you still pat my head? "
And he would always reply, "Why not, you will always be small in my eyes and even if you outgrow me I will always pat your head. "

" I did tell you I will always pat your head right? Well the promise Is still there just that I'll appoint someone to do it in my place. Areef seems like a good man for the job, don't you think?"

She shook her head gently. "He's not? It's supposed to be the other way round you know, me not liking him and you trying to convince me too. " he finished with a chuckle.

"Airah, I trust you very much, I trust you to hold onto the moral training we have given you. After all you have never deviated from it all this while, so I trust to will continue holding onto it.

Patience.  That's like one of your trait so I don't think I need to lecture you on it but since it's part of the norm I'll tell you this -Allah is with the patient ones- which you already know.

I trust Areef to take care of you, if I didn't I would have never agreed to marry you off to him even if you threatened to kill yourself because of him. So I'll like you to hold onto him as your pillar. And you be his wall. Hold onto each other and always be there for each other. No matter what happens don't be rash in making judgements Airah. Not to brag but I believe your mother and I have been very good role models for you.

Be your husband's safe haven, his best friend, his personal adviser and most of all his supporter in anything as soon as its not against the Deen."
Airah was a mess of tears and snot by now. Her father's words sank deep into her soul and it's all sounding like his last sermon to her.

He prayed for her alot before calling Amal on phone to come and take her away.  She coud barely walk as Amal took her way to get ready as the groom's family were already here to take her.

Anty safiyya, Amal and Falmah had to help her change into new clothes as she felt completely exhausted. She was already feeling feverish.

They dresses her in a nice Atampa then covered her with a lapaya. They took her to Ummee's room where she would say her farewell to her mother.

As soon as she entered the room the yodelling was rampant. Amal led her to Ummee's feet.

As soon as she sat down she held onto her mother and the water works continued. Mummy (Amal's mother ) was the one trying to get them to calm down.

"Ummee, I don't want to go today. Dan Allah(please) Ummee. I'm not going." Amal didn't know when she started wiping her tears, so also Falmah.

The sight of the mother and daughter as they held onto each other not wanting to let go was heart breaking.

Mummy and Anty safiyya had to separate with Airah trying to reach for her mother while Ummee just covered her eyes and ran to the bathroom.

Even the women that came to collect the bride shed a few tears. Anty safiyya tried to give Airah to one of the ladies but Airah wouldn't let her go as she continued sobbing.

Anty safiyya had to get her veil and go with them.

Kabeer was driving the car, Amal got into the front seat while anty safiyya, Airah and one of Areef's aunts were at the back.

As they drove in silence the only sound were Airah's sobs.

"The way you are crying like this might break your grooms heart, people might actually think he made us kidnap you." Although they all burst out laughing Airah didn't find Kabeer's word funny at all.

They arrived the Kasheem's residence. They were people everywhere though not as much as the ones at the Ahmad's.

Airah was led to Many's room. As soon as they entered the room which contained about four other women they sat her down by Mamy who hugged Airah immediately and Airah hugged her back tightly new tears streaming down her face.

"Haba my Airah, I'm I not another Ummee to you, why the tears. Ssssshhhh." Mamy tried to console her.

The rest of the conveyors arrived and pleasantries were exchanged. Anty safiyya and mummy told Mamy they will be leaving since they have conveyed tge bride to the groom's family.

After Mamy managed to calm Airah down she gave her her own advice and they she was taken away to the car again to be taken to her matrimonial home. Areef's house.

Only Airah's friends accompanied her to her home. It was not too far from Mamy's house. It was a nice one storey. They took her up to one of the three rooms.

The room was huge. It was painted deep ash with streaks of dirty white Herr and there. The bed looked exquisite. A king size bed. The spread was so soft to touch.

"Where's the toilet? " Airah croaked her friends almost didn't hear her.

"it's right here come on." Amal helped her up and to the toilet.

She walked out of the toilet her face washed and very swollen.

"Airah look how your face is all swollen. Poor you." Hadiza said and received a glare.

"You guys should Let her be, it's not easy leaving your parents you know." Falmah told them.

"But you are not leaving them forever,  you can go see them, you can call them. I don't think I'll cry on my wedding day really. " Zeenah countered.

"I won't be surprised if you don't actually because you can't wait to get married. I wonder what's taking Hamza too long to make an honest woman out of you." Hajjoh told her.

Just then Amal burst in. "The groom is here!"

"You have said that twice today." Falmah shook her head.

"Airah come lemme see what I can do with your face. You groom can't see his bride's face on their first night like that." They all snickered at Fareedah's words.

Reluctantly Airah agreed to Fareedah's request and she brought a little light back to Airah's solemn face.

They wrapped the lapaya on her again and draped it over her face as they descended to the living room. They sat her down on one of the sofas before opening the door for the groom and his groomsmen.

Areef was quick to sit on the sofa Airah was seated then held on of her hands in his.

They teased him as they joked around.  After sometime they prayed for them and wished them a happy married life. Areef didn't budge to see any of them off.

"Can I open the veil now?" he asked teasingly.

Airah shook her head. New tears threatening to fall.

"But if I don't he do I see my beautiful bride's face?" He slid down so he was squatting in front of her. He held up her hands that were held in his and kisses her knuckles.

He tried to let go of the hands and unveil her face but she held on to his hands.

Areef just smiled. "You must be hungry, let's eat." he said trying to get up but she shook her head.

"So I can't see your face and I can't hear your voice."

"I'm not hungry. " the croaked out her voice very husky.

Areef quickly lifted the lapaya off her head.  She quickly closed her eyes not wanting to meet his eyes.

"What happened to you? Why is your face swollen? Did you cry this much?" He asked all at once seeing as new tears had streaked her face.

He held her face to wipe the tears and felt her temperature was way high.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know you must be so tired, let's get some sleep."

He stood her up and before Airah knew what was going on she felt herself in the air. Areef had scooped her up in his arms and made way for the stairs. 

He went into the room opposite the one she was in earlier. This room was almost the same size as the other one just that this one was painted dark brown with streaks of caramel.

He stopped by the edge of the bed and put her down the bed.

"Let me get us something to eat and I'll check if there's paracetamol for you to take. "

Airah wanted to protest but he was out the door in no time. He went to their stocked kitchen and made a cup of hot chocolate for her. There was the chicken Mahmoud made him but in their way here so he took it up with him. When he entered the room she had removed the lapaya already.

"I was going to remove that thing off you the moment I returned good thing you did already. "

Airah smiled if he was not looking at her intently he would have missed it.

"Now let me feed you wifey." he said dragging a stool to sit in front of her.

"I told you I'm not hungry. Amal made me eat at home. "

"I seriously don't want to force this down your throat but if that's what it will take to make you eat, take your drug so you can get some sleep I'll totally do it."

Airah knowing Areef cab do exactly that came closer to him and took the cup from his hands. She sipped it once  and kept it.

"You don't like it?" he asked.

"No, but my mouth isn't liking the taste right now. Can I have some yogurt instead. Amal came with one for me it's in the other room. " she pointed to the door.

Areef got up and got it for her. Areef made sure she ate enough before finally allowing her and giving her the paracetamol and a glass of water.

"Now you take your bath and change into something lighter. Or should I help you with that too?"

Airah was quick to say no which made him chuckle.

She got up slowly trying to head for the door when Areef got in front of her.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room, to bath and change into something lighter. "

Areef rolled his eyes. "Fine but you do that and come back here if not I'll come get you myself."

Airah nodded and went around him.

She did just that and after taking a warm bath she felt much better and lighter. And things started to sink in. She was now married to Areef, this is her home now. With a lot on her mind she checked her closet and luckily some clothes were unpacked. She mentally thanked Amal but when she reached for the nighties she mentally cursed at her supposed best friend.

There's no way she is wearing that. That type of clothe lying in her closet was offending already and to talk of her wearing it. Areef Seeing her in it. The thought made her cringe.

She tried to reach for the small box placed on top of them wardrobe only to knock it over and it almost fell on her if not for Areef that pushed her to the side.

She was immediately conscious of her current state. A towel.

"What is that box fell on you?  You would have damaged my brand new bride on my wedding night. I'd definitely have sued you then."

"I was trying to get pyjamas. "

"Why? The towel isn't okay. I think this towel Is my favourite thing you have ever worn. "

She didn't know when she uttered a word that she wished she hadn't that night.


"Pervert, not the word I was expecting but then explains why I would do this."

And his lips met hers.

Hey lovelies. Yes it's a double update.
Some might find this chapter off but that's just the Hausa traditional wedding.
Hope it's not too boring for u and you enjoyed it.

It's better than nothing right?

Well comment what you think and don't forget to


And share..... Yes share please.

I need support and motivation to keep on writing.

Though we are a few chapters to the finish line.

Love you guys😘😘😘

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