Supernatural Series Rewrite...

By queenofdeansbooty

111K 3.3K 706

Y/N, Sam, and Dean have to face a new threat: Lucifer. Putting him back in his cage is the top priority, but... More

Sympathy for the Devil: Part One
Sympathy for the Devil: Part Two
Sympathy for the Devil: Final Part
Good God, Y'All: Part One
Good God, Y'All: Part Two
Good God, Y'All: Final Part
Free to Be You and Me: Part One
Free to Be You and Me: Final Part
The End: Part One
The End: Part Two
The End: Part Three
The End: Final Part
Fallen Idols: Part One
Fallen Idols: Part Two
Fallen Idols: Part Three
Fallen Idols: Final Part
I Believe the Children Are Our Future: Part One
I Believe the Children Are Our Future: Part Two
I Believe the Children Are Our Future: Final Part
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Part One
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Part Two
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Part Three
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Final Part
Changing Channels: Part One
Changing Channels: Part Two
Changing Channels: Part Three
Changing Channels: Final Part
The Real Ghostbusters: Part One
The Real Ghostbusters: Part Two
The Real Ghostbusters: Part Three
The Real Ghostbusters: Final Part
Abandon All Hope: Part One
Abandon All Hope: Part Two
Abandon All Hope: Final Part
Sam, Interrupted: Part One
Sam, Interrupted: Part Two
Sam, Interrupted: Final Part
Swap Meat: Part One
Swap Meet: Final Part
The Song Remains The Same: Part One
The Song Remains The Same: Part Two
The Song Remains The Same: Part Three
The Song Remains The Same: Final Part
Author's Note
My Bloody Valentine: Part One
My Bloody Valentine: Part Two
My Bloody Valentine: Final Part
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid: Part One
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid: Part Two
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid: Final Part
Dark Side of the Moon: Part One
Dark Side of the Moon: Part Two
Dark Side of the Moon: Part Three
Dark Side of the Moon: Final Part
99 Problems: Part One
99 Problems: Part Two
99 Problems: Part Three
Point of No Return: Part One
Point of No Return: Part Two
Point of No Return: Part Three
Point of No Return: Final Part
Hammer of the Gods: Part One
Hammer of the Gods: Part Two
Hammer of the Gods: Part Three
Hammer of the Gods: Final Part
The Devil You Know: Part One
The Devil You Know: Part Two
The Devil You Know: Part Three
The Devil You Know: Final Part
Two Minutes to Midnight: Part One
Two Minutes to Midnight: Part Two
Two Minutes to Midnight: Part Three
Two Minutes to Midnight: Final Part
Swan Song: Part One
Swan Song: Part Two
Swan Song: Part Three
Swan Song: Final Part
Author's Note
Author's Note
author's note

99 Problems: Final Part

1.3K 47 28
By queenofdeansbooty

Dean never came back until early the next morning. You were afraid he died or had gotten seriously hurt when he stumbled into the motel room with blood all over his hands.

"What the hell, are you okay?" you ask as you check for signs of injury.

"I'm fine. It's—it's not my blood. Paul's dead."

"What?!" Sam gasps.

"Jane shot him."

"It's starting," Castiel comments from the couch.

No matter how much water you gave him last night, he still is a little bit wasted.

"What's starting? Where the hell have you been?"

"On a bender."

"Did he—did you say 'on a bender'?"

"Yeah. He's still pretty wasted," you wave it off.

"It is not of import. We need to talk about what's happening here."

"I'm all ears," Dean says and washes the blood off his hands.

"Well, for starters, Leah is not a real prophet," you reveal.

"Well, what is she, exactly?" the elder brother asks as he wipes his hands and takes a seat by the coffee table.

"The whore," the angel says.

"Wow. Cas, tell us what you really think."

"She rises when Lucifer walks the earth. 'And she shall come, bearing false prophecy'," he reads from the book in front of him. "This creature has the power to take a human's form and read minds. Book of Revelation calls her 'the Whore of Babylon'."

"The real Leah was probably killed months ago," you sigh.

"What about the demons attacking the town?" Dean asks.

"They're under her control."

"And the Enochian exorcism?"

"Fake. It actually means, 'you, um, breed with the mouth of a goat'," he snickers. No one else is laughing, and he immediately stops. "It's funnier in Enochian."

"So the demons smoking out is just a con? Why? What's the endgame?"

"What you just saw—innocent blood spilled in God's name."

"You heard all that heaven talk. She manipulates people," Sam sighs.

"To slaughter and kill and sing preppy little hymns. Awesome," Dean scoffs.

"Her goal is to condemn as many souls to hell as possible. And it's just beginning. She's well on her way to dragging this whole town into the pit."

"Alright. Then, how do we go Pimp of Babylon all over this bitch?"

"I got just the thing. Wait here," Castiel leaves without warning.

He comes back seconds later with a stake and sets it on the table.

"The whore can be killed with that. It's a stake made from a cypress tree in Babylon."

"Great. Let's ventilate her," Dean smiles.

"It's not that easy."

"Of course, it isn't," you sigh.

"The whore can only be killed by a true Servant of Heaven."

"Servant like—"

"Not you," the angel cuts off your boyfriend. "Or me. Sam, of course, is an abomination. We'll have to find someone else."

"What about me? I don't want to bring this up and sound like a bitch, but I didn't domino the 66 seals. I've never sold my soul. I never went to hell. I didn't unlock Lucifer or start the apocalypse or was hopped up on demon blood. I'm a light witch, the purest one. I may be Amara's vessel, but I haven't done anything to warrant otherwise."

"She's right," Castiel comments.

"Cheap shot," Dean mutters. "But true."

"Great, I'll kill her. But we need to get past her dad first."

"I'll go get him," the angel offers and disappears once more.

"You know, you didn't have to go there," Dean mutters.

"I know, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking," you sigh.

"Yeah, you seem to do a lot of that nowadays," Sam adds.

You're about to say something when Castiel returns with Pastor Gideon. He seems spooked that he hitched a ride with an angel, but you can tell he's one of the good ones.

"What the hell was that?"

"Yeah, he wasn't lying about the angel thing," Dean says because he already knows what Castiel might have said to him. "Have a seat, Padre. We got to have a chat."

It wasn't easy to have that conversation with a grieving man, but when the story is done, he stares at the stake in your hands with discomfort.

"No. She's my daughter."

"I'm sorry, but she's not. She's the thing that killed your daughter," you put softly.

"That's impossible."

"But it's true, and deep down, you know it. Look, we get it—it's too much. But if you don't do this, she's going to kill a lot of people. And damn the rest to hell."

"It's just... why me? Why did you tell me this?"

"She trusts you. We need you to get her alone so I can kill her."


Leah is up to something, but you can't focus on what she's doing right now. The only thing you need to do right now is to kill her with this damn stake. Then, you can go back to the motel and finally tell Dean what you've been keeping from him for weeks now. Leah strays from the group and goes to the office which gives you a perfect chance to get her. Everyone knew what they wanted to do, and even though her father didn't need to be there, he wanted to.

She enters the office and checks herself out in the mirror. Peeking around the corner, you saw her face change from what she normally looks like to this god-awful monster with a gaping mouth. She chuckles and closes the closet door where Castiel is waiting. She gasps, he grabs her, and turns her around. He keeps her close to his body so you have your chance at killing her.

You rush into the room with the stake in your hand. She realizes she needs to get out of this or else she's dead. She chants something in Enochian which causes Castiel a great amount of pain. He lets her go, and she uses her powers to throw both brothers against the wall. She does this to her own dad before turning to you. She goes to use her powers, but she only manages to knock the stake out of your hand.

"Sorry, sweetheart," your eyes turn blue, "try harder."

She takes the shot and punches you square in the jaw, causing you to crumble to the ground. She takes off running into some other room, and your magic works on the bruise you know will show up later and grab the stake. Sam, Dean, and Gideon have no choice but to leave Castiel writhing in pain on the floor.

"Help me! She's a demon!" Leah yells as soon as she enters.

You rush into the room only to be greeted with angry townsfolk. They go to punch and restrain you, and the stake is knocked to the ground. Sam, Dean, and Gideon enter the room to help fight so you can get to Leah. Rob has clear instructions to light the kerosene in front of a closet door where you can hear the people locked inside begging to be let out. Sam rushes over to him and takes care of him while Dean and Gideon fight off the men in your way.

Because you're so preoccupied, Leah manages to use her powers on you which knocks you to the ground. Your eyes shine brighter than they have before, but there is too much on your mind to muster up enough power to get out of her grasp. She pounces on your body and grabs your throat, squeezing to cut off your air supply. It's hard to concentrate, but you extend your arm to the stake that lays nearby. If you can only grab it, then you can kill her.

"Please. Like you're a servant of Heaven," she scoffs when she sees you reach for the stake.

She doesn't do anything to stop you because she wholeheartedly believes you are not a servant. No matter what, you can't give up now.

"You're the great and mighty vessel for Amara? You're pathetic! Would a servant of Heaven get pregnant and then kill her own child? Taking a life that is so innocent and pure? This is why my team's gonna win, and you're just gonna sit back and watch it happen."

Once the stake is in your hands, you send out a wave of magic over her which knocks her off guard. Instead of delivering a one liner, you just went straight for the kill. You shove the stake through her heart, and she gasps when she realizes that she's going to die because of you. She falls off your body, and you scoot back to watch her shake and burn. Everyone else is quiet and stops fighting when this happens, and Sam helps you to your feet. Her face changes from her normal one to the monster one, and then her body ignites in flames. The stake disappears, leaving behind a burning hole where it entered her body.

"But I don't understand," Jane whimpers. "How are we supposed to get to paradise now?

"I'm sorry. Pretty sure you're headed in a different direction," Dean says, but he's clearly distracted.

Everyone heard what she has to say, and you can't seem to meet Dean's eyes. He finally knows, and it didn't even come from you.


"How's the head?" Dean asks the pastor back at the motel room.

He and Sam were patching him up while Castiel rests on the bed. Once Leah died, the spell she put on him wore off.

"I'm seeing double. But that may be the painkillers," he chuckles as Sam wraps his arm up.

"You'll be okay."

"No. I won't," he whispers.

Dean finishes with the bandages, and he turns when he makes eye contact with you. There is so much emotion behind his eyes, you can't be in the same room as him.

"Excuse me," you whisper and head outside to the car.

"Are we going to pretend that I didn't hear what she said back there?" Dean says.

He followed you outside so that you two could have some kind of privacy.

"What she said?" you ask, trying to play dumb when you know it's not going to work.

"Y/N don't fuck with me. Leah wouldn't have said that if it wasn't true. Is it true? Were you pregnant?"

"I wanted you to hear it from me," you cry. "I found out a couple of weeks ago. I made Castiel get rid of it."

"You did what?" he says in a low and dark tone.

That means he is beyond pissed.

"We agreed to not raise a child in this life, Dean. I thought this is what we both wanted!"

"You didn't think to tell me any of this?" he finally yells. "Did you even care what I want?"

"Of course, Dean! But we talked about it! How can we raise a child in this life together right now? With Lucifer? Michael? Amara? The apocalypse?"

"It doesn't matter what we discussed, Y/N! You got pregnant, and you killed it! Without even thinking of me! What, did you think I was never going to find out? Does Sam know?"

"Yes," you whisper.

"Oh great, everyone knew but me. I'm so glad you decided to hide this from me. You're supposed to be my family, Y/N!"

"Dean, I am. This decision has been eating me alive. I panicked. I didn't know what to do."

"Not killing the baby would have been step one! That was my child!" he screams.

"Dean, please, I'm so sorry," you cry.

"Leave me alone," he shakes his head.

"Dean, please stay and let's talk about this."

"I can't even look at you right now," he gets into his car angrily.

He starts her up and peels out of the parking lot in a screech of tires. Your whole world comes crashing down around you, and your knees buckle from the weight. Arms wrap around your body to keep you from falling, and you turn in his arms to bury your head in his chest.

"He hates me," you sob.

All that Sam can do is hold you. Dean hates you for what you did, and you don't know if you two will ever be okay because of it.

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