Special Operations Forces In...

By HarveyAdrian

156K 2.8K 1.7K

[ A tactical approach story. ] When he was still a young kid, Harvey Johanson quickly became fond o... More

S.O.F.I.T.O.W. Trailer
Prologue - The Essence of a Gun
Chapter 01 - Enlisting
Chapter 02 - A New Beginning
Chapter 03 - Moon Shadow ( Part 1 )
S.F.O.D. Report #01: "HOTELS"
Chapter 04 - Moon Shadow ( Part 2 )
Chapter 05 - Another Home
Chapter 06 - Give or Take
Chapter 07 - Enamored by Greed
Chapter 08 - Thick but Narrow, Thin but Wide
Chapter 09 - Snake Stings
Chapter 10 - Forward Assist
S.F.O.D. Report #02: "FOXTROTS"
Chapter 11 - Ventures of a Fallen Knight
Chapter 12 - Safety First, Kill Later
Chapter 13 - The Quality of Reason
Chapter 14 - A Questionable Welcome
S.F.O.D. Report #03: "DELTAS"
Chapter 15 - Big Brown Riding Hoods
[ CPAL#13 ]
Chapter 16 - A Mistake by Revenge
Chapter 17 - Consequences of a Mistake
Chapter 18 - Exclusive Tutelage
Chapter 19 - Feigning King
Chapter 20 - Bishops of the King
S.F.O.D. Report #04: "NOVEMBERS"
S.F.O.D. Report #05: "OSCARS"
Chapter 21 - Gratitude Equals Honor
Chapter 22 - Proving One's Request
Chapter 23 - A Second Inclusion
Chapter 25 - First Out Bound
S.F.O.D. Report # 06: "ECHOES"
Chapter 26 - The Hidden Law
[ - O P E R A T O R_M O O D_2 - ]
Chapter 27 - No Time for the Ungrateful
Chapter 28 - Illegal Ordeal
S.F.O.D. Report #07: "ROMEOS"
S.F.O.D. Report #08: "JULIETS"
Chapter 29 - Legitimate Contentment

Chapter 24 - Nowhere Out of Purpose

1.9K 60 60
By HarveyAdrian





"Recording log..."

"Week 2"
"1830 hrs."
"Kinval Village"
"Southeastern part of the Gargan Forest"




"Urhhhh...." Isabella groaned as she opens her eyes, seeing the sight of a wooden ceiling.

She looks around, lying down on some sort of bed sheet made of leaves. Across the room are two units from her group. They are having a short conversation for a while when they notice Isabella is now awake.

"Oh. You're finally awake, ma'am." greeted NOVEMBER 03.

"How are you feeling, ma'am? Is there still anything troubling you?" asked OSCAR 03.

Isabella checks herself for a while then sighs in relief.

"Oh right. I was rescued by the DELTAS earlier. Sorry for my recklessness back there." she apologized.

"It's alright, ma'am. More importantly, is that you're now fine and well." said NOVEMBER 03.

All of sudden, the door near them slams open and two men shout as they walk inside the room.


They are none other than Herman and Glenn, who immediately rushed to her place after receiving the news that she got overrun by goblins.

"Y-YOU GUYS!" she gasped.

"What are you thinking? Rushing head-on without any backup?!" shouted Glenn.

"Wo-Woah! Don't worry. I'm now alright." Isabella replied with a short smile.

"Good thing you are. Don't expect it will be in the future. So be careful next time, alright?" Herman joined.

"Hahaha. Since when did you become my mother?" Isabella replied with humor which was followed by the two operators laughing.

"By the way, does Sir Harvey know what happened here? she asked the two.

Glenn and Herman look at each other for a while and back to Isabella.

"Uh. Y-Yeah." Glenn stuttered.

"Yeah. You've made Sir Harvey quite angry once he and his officers got the time to investigate your actions here." Herman followed.

Isabella lets a sigh of disappointment, not for Harvey, but for her. 

"I see. Can't blame him. I recklessly acted without thinking."

"But. He did say something though." Herman added.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Even though he is angry, he is worried as well. That, and you and your team are now temporarily detached from the hunting and recon operations until further orders."

"I-I see. That's alright. I can understand." she sighed.

"But, what's going to happen to me now?"

"Well..." Herman brought a folder containing a paper and reads through it.

"Because some of the DELTAS have secured this place and had some of the units from the other patrols of NOVEMBERS and OSCARS groups dispatched to this area for future operations, your task is to supervise and manage the specified groups as they conduct further perimeter security and base operations." he continued.

"So, no patrol and hunting duty for me now, huh?" she asked with a little grin.

"Haha. Yep. Oh, for that, Sir Harvey also asked us two to help you."

"And, to prevent you from doing reckless acts now." Glenn jokingly said.

"Hahahaha." all of them laughed.

Suddenly, an operator from the OSCARS Group walks inside and greets the three with a short salute.

"Sorry for the interruption. But we've got a situation at the entrance of this village. Maam Isabella,"

The three look at him with surprise.

"What is it?" Isabella asked the operator as she gets up from the bed sheet.

"We have accounted twenty-four people in poor state currently occupying the entrance asking for immediate help."

"WHAT?! What happened to them?" Glenn gasped.

At the same time, Herman is now feeling that something bad might happen. So he grips his hand onto his holstered M1911.

"This might be a trap. We have to be careful. Something like this happened to our village in the past. Remember that?" Herman asked the two.

"You mean where a group of disguised bandits pretended to be peasants and asked us for help? Yes. I did remember that." Glenn said.

"Exactly. Luckily, I and the other front guards spotted their hidden weapons and managed to drive them away before they could act."

"I see." Isabella now also gripped her hand on her holstered Glock 17.

"A-Are you serious? What if they are really in need of help then?" Glenn asked.

"Don't worry. We will help them if they are." Isabella replied.


After a short walk, they are now approaching the closed entrance gates of the village with five operators from the NOVEMBERS and OSCARS groups - three and two operators respectively with M4 SOPMODs.

Upon looking at the operators, Isabella strangely notices that there is something different about them. Their auras suddenly got stronger than before, so as their strong gazes towards the entrance gates with their grips onto their rifles in low ready stances.

"Whoa! What's up with these guys? Are you from the Recon Patrol One?" she gasped.

"No, ma'am. We've come from different recon teams." a NOVEMBER replied.

"Really? It must've been because of my doing probably. Hehe." she awkwardly smiled.

"Heh. You've said it, ma'am." the operator replied with humor.

As they approach the closed gates, Isabella climbs up a watchtower near the gates while Herman and Glenn stood by with the rest of the operators on the ground. At the top, she is greeted by an OSCAR aiming down sights toward the group of people down below. 

"Isabella here. What's going on?" she whispered as she pats the shoulder of the operator.

While still aiming down sights, the operator whispers back.

"Ma'am. Some of them are looking very tired and repeatedly ask for help. We've already tried asking them, but none of them are replying."

"Hm. Aren't we supposed to help them first and ask them after that?"

"That was before, ma'am. But there are now new protocols ordered by Sir Harvey and the officers recently. You now have to get a proper permit from Sir Harvey or from his officers before allowing certain people to go in our establishments."


"Yes, ma'am. Set of new orders and instructions. It's the result of his meeting with the king of Almeda Kingdom."

"Wait, what? He met the king earlier?"

"Yes, ma'am. Going back with this, what are we going to do, ma'am?"

"O-Oh. Have you tried asking Sir Harvey and his officers?"

But, the operator chuckles

"Hehe. Uhm, you ARE our officer here, ma'am."

"Oh yeah. Right. I'm now the supervisor of this place. I forgot."

As Isabella looks down below, she sees the same sight as the operators. They appeared unhealthy and very tired. Some were lying on the ground and crying.

"Oh shit. What the fuck is going on, really?" she asked herself.

She is now thinking about whether should they let them in without knowing their true intentions and risking security, or let them outside the gates, risking their health and really dying if they are really in need of help.

"Fuck! Ok. Let me go out there first to see if they are really in need of help!" she finally decided.

But before she climbs down, they suddenly spot another group of people running desperately and shouting from the distance with a cloud of dust appearing from far behind them.

"What now?.." she asked herself.

As they observe them further, a group of horseriding men appears from afar chasing another group of the same people at the gates, and the real answer to her dilemma shows when the horseriding men suddenly kill mercilessly the people in front of them. Some of the people at the gates look at the approaching horseriding men with deep anxiety and fear as they also shout in horror and bang at the closed gates.



Isabella then shouts her orders.


As the gates open, Herman, Glenn, and some of the operators assist in helping the victims inside the village, while the rest of the operators on the ground exit out of the gates with rifles drawn to provide cover for the other approaching victims and to engage the horseriding men.

"Spread out! Two by two's!" an operator shouted as he take cover by a tree while aiming at the approaching horseriding men.

The operators, now behind cover, let the last victim pass through them. At that moment, they immediately engage their real targets.

"Weapons free!"

A hail of gunfire wheezed toward the horseriding men and the bullets cast with Null-Casts penetrated through the armor and magical barrier - if they have any, of the horseriding men. They fall to the ground with their horses. Their shouts of pain echo across the area as they are gunned down by the operators.

"Loading!" a NOVEMBER said through the comms as he reloads his rifle.

"Keep up the pressure!" an OSCAR also said through the comms while firing.

The horseriding men kept on falling down, but after the bursts, another group of them arrived.

"Shit. There are still more of them? We might run out of ammo if this kept on!" another OSCAR shouted through comms.

"Steadily fall back towards the gates! Make sure that the Primaries are inside the gates before you go in!" a NOVEMBER ordered.

As they move back one by one orderly, they make sure that the victims that are still outside the gates are let in by the other operators inside the gates before they go inside as well. In the meantime, they are providing cover fire toward their targets that are still appearing in droves.

"There is no ending to this shit! Where are they coming from?!" a NOVEMBER shouted.

There are now twenty-plus dead horses and enemies lying on the ground. But, there are even more that keep increasing in numbers at the distance.

"Ma'am! The secondaries are still arriving in droves!" the operator from the watchtower shouted to Isabella while firing his rifle at the targets.

"Yeah. We need some backup for this." Isabella said to herself while helping the other victims out.

When suddenly, the lead operators from both groups approach her.

"Ma'am. Requesting permission to use our functions!" the lead NOVEMBER asked.

"Huh?! What functions?!" she asked.

Then an explosion appears in the distance. Surprised, she immediately agrees with the operators' request.


"Roger that..." the lead OSCAR replied.

The two lead operators then call the order on their respective comms and teams. Immediately upon receiving their orders, the two operator groups emit strange auras. As a matter of fact, all of the operators of NOVEMBERS and OSCARS groups are now affixed by new functions by Harvey earlier prior to having the new Lesser Cache Of Hollom.

The NOVEMBERS are affixed by a function from the Lesser Key Of Sollom, whilst the OSCARS are affixed by a function from the Lesser Cache Of Hollom. And they will soon show what their powers are in a moment.



Meanwhile, from the horseriding men's point of view, their chief is giving out instructions from a command tent to his forces. 


A panting man then hurriedly comes into the tent and kneels in front of him.


The chief along with his officers are stunned and surprised by this sudden news.


"N-No sir! We've not sensed any monster auras!"

"A-Are you kidding?" the officers mumbled to each other.

"It seems like the survey team might not have properly scouted the forest near the Kinval Village."

"That seems like it." the officers continued to whisper at each other.

With the sun now setting down, echoes numerous screams outside of the tent. The chief and the others inside the tent flinch as they heard the screams followed by gurgles of pain.

"Wha-What is happening?" an officer asked himself.

The chief then walks out of the tent, only to be horrified by the sights of small three-headed phantom-like black dragons, appearing to gnaw out the souls of the men across the area, followed by those same men, standing up from the ground with zombie-like appearances and movements.

"W-W-WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS?!" the officers shouted in pure shock and stumbled back on the ground.

The zombified men are now slowly approaching any surviving men around the area. As the remaining soldiers try attacking their zombified brethren, however, they were useless as the zombified mercenaries just regenerate their amputated or injured bodies.

"HO-HOW?! THIS CANNOT BE!" a mercenary shouted in horror and disbelief after he cuts off the head of a zombified mercenary, only having to be magically put back into place by some unknown force and resume approaching him.

Nevertheless, the remaining officers and mercenaries around the field, due to their upholding of courage and duty, go ahead and fight knowing they will be dead in a matter of minutes otherwise.




Meanwhile, back in Site CATHY...

In the dark night at the wide airfield, Harvey finished spawning an adequate number of infantry units for the establishment of H.Q. which now compromises of:

1st BDE:

1st Bn:
Able Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )

Baker Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )

Charlie Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )

Dixie Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )

Eagle Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )


2nd Bn:
Alter Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )

Bosh Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )

Catalina Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )

Dog Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )

Ether Company = 200 Units
- ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Plt. )

All in all, totaling about 2,000 infantry under the command of Brigadier General Hopkins.


As Harvey spawns the units, King Galian, along with his followers, gasp in awe as they watch the numerous infantry units appear out of big magic circles on a vacant field at the airstrip. Behind Harvey is the Brigadier General, assisting with the commencement of orders to be given to the newly spawned units.

"Hoh? So this is how your contingencies are being made? Very impressive, Sir Harvey!" the king complimented.

"T-To think that he can create and assign such force. It is very astounding..." said Troy in awe.

Afterward, Harvey went ahead to spawn a single unit for their air force now that the airfield is now near completion and ready to house numerous aircraft. He spawns a single unit and assigns him a special rank and name.

"Hm. What do you think, Brigadier?" Harvey asked the general behind him.

"Up to you sir. I recommend using the rank of Colonel first for our air force." the Brigadier General said.

Also following them, King Galian approaches Harvey, curious as to what they will going to do next.

"What are you people planning next with that single "clone"?" the king said as he walks to them and stares at the motionless spawn unit.

"We're going to designate another high-ranking officer for our air force. Things will get noisy and busy after I spawn the jets and helis, especially since we need to keep strong control over our surroundings now that you are on our side." Harvey said to the king.

"Oh! You mean like those two over there?" the king pointed to the two helicopters - the Cobra and the Chinook that are parked at the airfield.

"Yes. We're gonna need many of them if we need to properly recon and survey our areas of operations and security perimeters." said Harvey as he goes back to his hud.

"I see, I see. Impressive plan." said the king.

"Aight. What's his name gonna be? Any suggestions?" asked Harvey to the Brigadier General and the king.

"Hm. What's yours, King Galian?" asked Brigadier General Hopkins to the king.

"Oh. Uhm. Hmm. He's going to be your commander for your flying vehicles, correct?" asked the king to Harvey.

"Affirm." replied Harvey.

"Hm." the king was now in deep thought. He then looks up in the now night sky and sees four-winged falcon-like birds flying in a formation.

"How about, Falco?"

"Oh! That's a nice name." said the Brigadier General.

"Not bad. Aight. I will then designate him: Colonel Falco Ferdinand." said Harvey as he types on his hud, thus designating automatically it by the hud.


After glowing a bit, the newly designated Colonel now donned a uniform suit and a beret, stands in rigid attention and salutes towards Harvey.

"Colonel Falco, now on duty, sir." the Colonel said.

"O-Ohh. I see. This is how the officers are made as well?" the impressed king said.

"Hm? Yes. But there is another way. I can select an existing spawn unit, and then Promote them as well." replied Harvey.

"I-I see. What about real human beings? Can you do that as well?" the king asked again in curiosity.

"Good question! I haven't thought about that. Hm. Let's see." Harvey used again his hud. 

His hud then displays a list of names near him. However, once he tries to select the king's name, it won't allow him to use his Promotion function.

"Erh. That's a negative, King Galian. It seems that only units that came from my hud are allowed for Promotion." said Harvey.

"Hm. I see." said the king with a slight nod.

Harvey then takes his attention back to Colonel Falco.

"Aight. Colonel, what do you think of the airfield?" asked Harvey.

The Colonel looks behind and observes the empty airfield. He takes some steps up and looks at the empty hangars with thought.



After a minute, he chuckles and looks back at Harvey.

"First of all, sir, I want to give thanks to all the units that constructed this place. Second - " he stopped and looks back at the airfield.

"- I say, just an Air Group with four Squadrons will suffice."

"Aight. What Squadrons?" Harvey asked as he goes to his hud to prepare the aircraft he will be spawning later.

The Colonel, while panning his sight across the field, noticed a group of females of various races accompanied by some of the operators from the HOTELS Group.

"Hm? Who are those, sir?" the Colonel asked.

Harvey and the others look in the direction where the Colonel is looking.

"Oh, them? They are the people we rescued a week ago." Harvey answered.

"It seems that they possess no magic attributes." Key Caster Jode also joined as she looks at them using her Eyes Of Attribution.

"Indeed. Although, I can sense magic mana in them." said the king.

"You can also see their magic stuff as well?" Harvey asked the king.

"Hm? Oh yes. Haha. It's one of the gifts your holiness Rafael gave to me." said the king.

The Colonel then looks to the king.

"Wait. Magic?" asked the Colonel.

"Why yes. This world is full of it and not all can possess nor achieve magic attributes or have mana space." said the king.

"Hmm." the Colonel in thought as he looks back at the group of females from afar.

"Sir Harvey, Brigadier General Hopkins..." 

"What is it, Colonel?"
"What is it?" the two both said at the same time.

"I think this is too much to ask but..."

The Colonel then looks at Harvey and the Brigadier General.

"You think we can teach them to use magic?"

Then, silence.


"Wait, what?" surprised the Brigadier General.

"Hoh? My followers, in fact, can. If Harvey and his officers permit us, then we will." the king also got interested.

"Colonel, you mean..." Harvey, as he looks at the Colonel with a slight smile.

The Colonel then grins with a slow nod. ( A.N.: Cue the "Bad To The Bone" guitar riff on the intro. Nana-na-na-Nana..)

"Indeed, sir. For that, I need Special Operations, a Fighter, a Recon, and a Rescue Squadron. I will also need at least a Maintenance/Support Squadron with two hundred personnel."

"Yes. I got ya, Colonel. How about the aircraft?" asked Harvey.

"Yes, sir. Follow me." the Colonel said to them.

Harvey, the Brigadier, and the king along with some of his followers, follow Colonel Falco towards the empty hangars and open parking spaces.



After the short walk, the Colonel pinpoints the open areas to be used for spawning the aircraft. All in all, Colonel requested:

For the Special Operations Squadron:
- 2 AC-130U Gunships
- 4 MC-130J Hercules
- 6 MQ-9 Reaper Drones
- 8 CV-22 Ospreys

For the Fighter Squadron:
- 12 F-15C Eagles 
- 8 A-10 Thunderbolt IIs

For the Recon Squadron:
- 8 U-2F Spyplanes
- 10 RQ-4 Global Hawks

For the Rescue Squadron:
- 20 MH-60G Pave Hawks
- 10 MH-47E Chinooks

This with a total of: 88 aircraft.

For the Maintenance/Support Squadron, Harvey spawned the sixty maintenance personnel for the Special Operations Maintenance Squadron, sixty also for the Rescue Squadron, while distributing the rest eighty to the other two squadrons, forty on each.


After the designation, Harvey and Colonel Falco designate all of the squadrons, finishing their air force development.



After all of the process, the Colonel then went ahead to brief all of his squadrons at the open field while Harvey and the rest went back to Site CATHY or the Cathedral for Harvey's final spawning for the day. 

At the big hall, Harvey goes on to spawn fifty SOFs through his hud. The wide magic circle appears, spawning the units, then disappearing after they all spawned in.

"So, what will these men be, Sir Harvey?" asked the king.

"Well, I ought to test and try what those CIA guys said to me a while back." said Harvey.

"The CIA? Are you kidding me, sir? Haha." laughed the Brigadier General.

"Hehe. I'm shocked as well, you know? Like, another one of "those" angels wanted to help me."

"Another angel?" Eclipse Knight Medara asked.

"Hmph. I'm not even surprised anymore. You're really full of wonders, eh?" the king chuckled.

"Haha. Y-Yeah, I suppose."

Going back to the summoning, the two "agents" that joined with Harvey in the world, approached him with salutations.

"Aight. Before that, I will assign another commander for all of you guys. What do you suggest, Brigadier?" asked Harvey.

"I suppose we can go to the same rank as mine, Sir Harvey. Me for the most Main Operations, Colonel Falco for the Air Operations, and another two Brigadier Generals for the Special Operations and the upcoming new section." said Brigadier General Hopkins.

"You sure? You're a former SF though." asked Harvey.

"It's alright, sir. Right now, we need commanders on those sections so that I can also focus more on finishing and strengthening this base further." said the Brigadier General.

"I-I see. Hm. Oh, wait. I've got an idea." said Harvey as he goes back to his hud.

The Brigadier General and the others are curious as to what will he do. 

"I'm going to promote you into Major General! So that you can also supervise all of the said operations, that and become my second-in-command." Harvey smiled.

Brigadier General Hopkins smiles and stands in attention with a salute, expressing his gratitude towards Harvey.

"If that's what you want, sir. I will humbly accept."

Thus, Brigadier General is now promoted into a two-star Major General.

Promotion. Complete.

"Nice. You still look the same huh? But the stars on your shoulders are now two. That's the change." said Harvey.

"Thank you, sir." said the now Major General Hopkins.

"Aight. So, going back to these units. Hm?" Harvey stopped as he looks back to his hud to see the available lists of units for the Promotion function. 

He sees on the list the two "agents" labeled as "CIA_Agent1" and "CIA_Agent2".

"What. The. Fuck? Are you guys Spawned Units as well?!" gasped Harvey.

The two "agents" look at each other and the first approach Harvey with a short bow.

"Indeed, Sir Harvey. We are spawned by her holiness Jofiel, to help the agency back into your original world."

All of them gasped.

"No shit. Both of you are NPCs? The fuck? Haha!" Harvey laughed.

"Ohh. Really? I did not know that there are also like you people in another world!" the king also gasped. 

"Ok. For that, I'm going to make you two Brigadier Generals. No excuses, aight?" said Harvey.

"Hahaha." laughed the Major General.

And so, CIA_Agent1 becomes the now Brigadier General of Special Operations while CIA_Agent2 becomes the Brigadier General of the upcoming new department.

Promotion. Complete.
Please. Enter. Names:

Brigadier General:_________
Brigadier General:_________

"Oh yeah. Any suggestions for the name? You're gonna be his assistant from now on." Harvey asked the king.

"Hm. Then what about, Charles and Ceasar?" said the king

"Aight. Charles, it is."

Finishing the new promotion, Harvey inputs the name of the new Brigadier General.

Naming. Successful.

"Ok. That settles it. How are you feeling? Brigadier General Charles Carter of the SOFs and Brigadier General Caesar Cato of the new department?" asked Harvey.

After attaining their new promotions, Brigadier General Charles now changed into an officer wearing a gray trench coat and a gray officer cap with a silver star etched on the middle front, while Brigadier General Caesar got a dark brown trench coat and dark brown officer cap with the same silver star on the middle front.

"Nothing unusual, sir." they saluted to Harvey.

 "Good. Now, Brigadier General Caesar, you're now the head of this fifty men of our intelligence section." said Harvey.

The king and his followers look at Harvey.

"I see. Intelligence Department, huh? I suppose this is what you meant at our meeting earlier, right?" asked the king.

"Yes, your majesty. It's also about time to further establish our "eyes and ears" on special target areas to aid you and your forces." said Harvey.

Brigadier General Charles looks towards the fifty motionless men behind him and asks the Major General.

"What will be the name of our intelligence section?"

"It's just going to be - "

" - the General Intelligence Department "






(A.N.: Next up, Babilon Arc. Get ready guys :D )

Soul Energy :

[ Level 4 ]

+ Lesser Key Of Sollom
+ Lesser Cache Of Hollom

Soul Count :

[ 3,440 ]

- 2,341
(1,900 Infantry)
(1 Infantry Unit for the Colonel + 50 for its Promotion)
(70 Promotion of Hopkins into Major General)
(60 Promotion of CIA_Agent1 into Brigadier General)
(60 Promotion of CIA_Agent2 into Brigadier General)
(50 SFs for the General Intelligence Department)
(60 SFs for the Special Operations Maintenance Squadron)
(140 Infantry for the Fighter, Reconnaissance, and Rescue Squadrons)

+ 68 Horseriding men

Spawn Count:

[ 2,476 ]

= 1 Major General
-Chief of Main Operations

= 2 Brigadier Generals
-Chief of General Intelligence Department
-Chief of Special Operations 

= 1 Colonel
-Chief of Air Operations

= 2,253 Infantry Units

= 219 Special Forces




Chapter 25 - First Out Bound

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