The Perfect Pair (Severus x R...

By 33denice

172K 5K 3.6K

Y/N is the twin sister of Lily Evans. Like her sister, Y/N is a witch. She discovered this when a boy named S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Updating Schedule for January
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
The Rewrite

Chapter 6

6.6K 224 72
By 33denice

Third Person POV

"Y/N! Where are you going?" Lily shouted, but Y/N didn't respond and kept running. 

"I think what I said was right! She is probably afraid that what I said was the truth!" Petunia stated. 

"That's not true! She is not that kind of person!" Severus denied.

"I don't care what you think! I will go home now!" Petunia responded and shrugged.

Petunia started walking away from Lily and Severus. Lily decided to run after Petunia, saying, "What about Y/N? We still need to look for her!"

"I don't care! You can find her yourself!" Petunia spat. Petunia continues to walk away while Lily is trying to catch up with her sister. 

"Severus, find my sister while I try to talk Petunia!" Lily shouted across the park.

"Okay!" Severus yelled back, but Lily couldn't hear him. 

Severus POV

Where would Y/N be? She could be anywhere in this park. I around the park. I thought about the time Y/N introduced Lily to me. 

I asked, "If you can wish for anything in the world, what would it be?"

"My wish would be hanging out with my two best friends every day," Y/N said. "What about you, Lily?"

"To have my two friends with me every day of my life," Lily replied. "Who are your two best friends, Y/N?"

"It's you and Severus!" Y/N exclaimed. "Who are your two friends, Lily?"

"It is also you and Severus!" Lily exclaimed.

"I am really glad that you are my friends too!" Severus said.

We all hug each other. 

I decided to look there, but she wasn't there. Where else could she be? I thought back to the first time her. She was near the swings with Lily and Petunia. 

I walk over to the swings but didn't see her. I did hear someone crying. I walked closer to the sound. It was coming from the tree where I hid. As I went closer, the sound became louder. I saw that Y/N was crying and sobbing. Her eyes were red and swollen. It hurts to see her cry, so I hugged her. 


"Severus? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You ran off without saying anything, so Lily asked me to look for," Severus explained

"I just glad that you are here right now!" I exclaimed.

"So do I!"

I gave Severus a big hug. We held onto each other until Lily returned. 

"What have you two have been doing?"Lily exclaimed with a smile on her face. 

I am really happy that my two best friends are both happy now.

"Nothing, we just wanted to comfort one another," I replied. 

I see that Severus still was holding on to me. I can see a little redness on his face, so I asked, "Severus, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he mumbled becoming even redder. 

"Come on you two love birds! We have to go home!" Lily teased.

"We are not!" Severus and I shouted.

We continue to argue until we reach Lily and my home. 

"Bye, Severus!" Lily and I said. 

"Bye!" he said.

I watched Severus continue walking to his house. I am excited about meeting with him tomorrow. 

A/N: I hope you like it! I will be updating this on Friday. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

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