The Days Union Oneshots

By cynicalstn

163K 1.6K 3.5K

Hi. This is my first book I'm writing/typing. This will be a Days Union x Reader, most of these will be for f... More

Requests. [PAUSED]
Unstable Day & Reader
Macabre x Benevolent
Part 2: M x B
Sorrowful & Macabre
Unstable x !Yandere Radiant
Unstable x Unpredictable
Great x Emotionless
random thing
Macabre x Reader
Unpredictable x Male Reader
Radiant_Day x Dynamic_Day
Horrid_Night x Reader
Macabre_Day x Reader
Great_Day & Toddler!Reader
Unstable_Day & Toddler!Reader
10kay sqeciaI
Dynamic_Day & Toddler!Reader
10k special.
Placid_Day & Toddler!Reader
Unpredictable_Day & Toddler!Reader
bĀ®ļøeak time
Practical_Day & Toddler!Reader
Benevolent_Day & Toddler!Reader
Macabre_Day & Toddler!reader

Scary_Day & Toddler!Reader

3.2K 50 72
By cynicalstn



[Author's P.O.V]

As soon as Emotionless and the other Operatives made sure that all Civilians were safe and inside the shelters, Emotionless decided to hold a small quick meeting outside of the shelters. Directing the other Operatives what to do.

"Alright. Seeing as how Scary is in charge of Y/N starting tomorrow morning, he will be in the shelters with Y/N and the other half of the Civilians."

Emotionless took out his clipboard and started making a list of all Operatives in alphabetical order.

"Benevolent, Dreadful, Dynamic, Macabre, Placid, and I will be in Shelter 1."

The first half nodded.

"Then the rest- Practical, Radiant, Scary, Sorrowful, Unpredictable, and Unstable, will be in Shelter 2."

The second half nodded as well and they all went their ways.

Placid quickly went into Shelter 1 to pick up Y/N and then went to Shelter 2.

He laid Y/N down, tucked them in, and went back to his Shelter.

>The Next Day<

Scary was leaning against the wall near the door. The room was somewhat quiet. Until Scary heard a yawn, close to the bed next to him.

He saw Y/N wake up and look around the room to see their surroundings.

"Morning, Y/N. Had a good sleep?"

The sudden speech from Scary, made some of the Civilians jump since they haven't heard him speak since last night after he gave them rules to follow.

Y/N carefully crawled out of the bed, slowly walking towards Scary.

They just kept staring at his face.

"Something wrong?"

A few of the Civilians just stared and chatted about the scene, making sure that Scary didn't notice.

Y/N giggled and stretched their arms up towards Scary.

"Up, up!"

Scary stood up and reached down towards Y/N to pick them up.

Y/N's stomach growled.

"Looks like someone's hungry, huh?"

Y/N nodded and Scary put them down.

"You there," He pointed at a Civilian, startling them.

"Bring that crate over here."

The Civilian did as he said, not wanting trouble with him.

When the crate arrived at his feet, he bent down and took out a small pocket knife, opening the crate and taking out some loaves of bread and a bag of apples.

He took out all loaves of bread and apples, counted how many Civilians were in the room including Y/N, and cut the food for there to be enough for everyone.

"I assume you all must be hungry too. Make a line right in front of me and only take one of each. Understand?"

Everyone nodded in response and began to form the line.

Scary took one slice of bread and one apple slice.

"Sit down right over there Y/N."

Y/N sat down and Scary began to break both things into smaller pieces so it wouldn't be hard for them to eat it.

Scary took out his walkie talkie.

"Come in, Emotionless. Do you hear me?"

//"What is it?\\

"I suggest you open one of the food crates and cut the food so there is enough for the Civilians in there to eat."

//"Understood. Did you do the same?\\

"Of course I did, Emotionless."


He put away his walkie talkie and kept watching Y/N eat.

Once Y/N finished eating, he picked up their leftovers and threw them out in the nearest disposal area.

He watched as Y/N stood up and went over to the Civilians saying 'hi' and waving to each one of them, getting a response back.

One of the Civilians asked Y/N if they'd like to play hide and seek. The Civilian told them to hide while they try to find them. Y/N nodded and went to hide, while the Civilian counted.


After a few more rounds of hide and seek, Y/N went back to the Civilian and said "no more". The Civilian nodded as Y/N ran off giggling only to trip over their own feet and fall towards the ground.

The nearby Civilians heard a thud and then heard crying. One of them picked up Y/N and went towards Scary.

"Um, Scary? Y/N fell and hurt themselves."

Scary lifted his head towards the Civilian and took Y/N from their arms. He rubbed Y/N's back in circles and then placed them onto one of his legs.

"Where did you get hurt? Show me where you got hurt, ok?"

Y/N pointed at their leg and Scary began rubbing it. Y/N rubbed their eyes.

"Do you feel better now?"

Y/N nodded, turned around, and jumped towards Scary. Giving him a big hug as Scary laughed a small laugh.

"Honestly Y/N, you're too cute."

Hearing this made the Civilians 'aww'. But since Scary heard them, he fixed his face, still carrying Y/N and spoke to them.

"None of you better mouth a single word about this to the other Operatives. You'll regret it if you do.. do you understand?"

The Civilians nodded.

"Good. It's getting late so I suggest you give me that other crate so you can all eat and then go to sleep."

The crage was brought to him again and he did the same thing from morning.


Once everyone, including Y/N, finished eating, they went onto the beds and fell asleep.

Scary picked up Y/N and placed them in the same bed from earlier, tucking them in.

"Goodnight Y/N, sweet dreams."

{to be continued}

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