PAIN | Jasper Hale [1]

De typicalwriternerd

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"It all started with a look." Dorothea Summers or "Thea", lost a lot in her short life. After a rather recent... Mais

Part II


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De typicalwriternerd

(edited: 20.01.24)

THE CAR honking was echoing through my house, as I was quickly trying to pack and get dressed. I pulled my black sweater over my head and sprinted towards the bathroom, taking my things. The car horn could be heard again and I cursed under my breath.

Charlie came over and stated the obvious "They're waiting for you."

I glared at him "Thank you! I didn't realize!"

He raised his hands in the air "No need to use the sarcasm kiddo."

I let out a huff and quickly ran towards the door, to put on my shoes and jacket.

And yet again the car horn could be heard. I opened the door glaring at the Jeep parked in front of my house, with Emmett and Jasper in it, yelling "Fucking hell, Emmett!"

"Hey!" Charlie called out.

"Sorry, dad! I'll see you tomorrow." with that I hurriedly hugged him and ran towards the car.

Jasper quickly got out and helped me inside, then he got in himself and we started driving. I quickly leaned towards the driver's seat, as I was sitting in the back and hit the back of Emmett's head. Ignoring the stinging in my hand.

"What was that for?!" Emmett yelled, as if he didn't do anything wrong.

I glared at him "THAT, was for fucking honking, for about 20 minutes! Didn't you hear that I was getting ready?!"

"I told you, she was going to be mad." Jasper commented with a small smirk. I looked at him and hit him on the back of his head as well. He looked at me in shock and asked "Why did you hit me?"

"Because you didn't stop him!" I said with a glare "And thanks to you two. I had to get ready in a matter of minutes, with a broken hand! Just because you decided to arrive so soon"

Emmett looked at me, in the rearview mirror and said "It's because of Alice and this old man here! They were so impatient, that Rose told me to just take him and get you." Jasper glared at Emmett.

I let out a laugh, rubbing my forehead "You're all just... I don't think that you will ever stop surprising me." turning my attention towards Jasper, I grinned "So... you missed me, old man?"

Jasper shook his head and responded "I am not responding to that."

"You kinda did." Emmett said, to which I nodded along.

"Yeah you did."

Jasper pursed his lips and didn't say anything, causing me and Emmett to laugh and tease him some more. And so the rest of the drive to the store was filled with jokes and laughter.

Once we got inside, Jasper smirked and said "Alright, mission number two. Find all the snacks we need." then he looked down at me and corrected "Well, you need." I rolled my eyes, while Emmett looked at Jasper in confusion asking.

"Wait, what was mission number one?"

I snorted and walked a bit ahead, hearing Jasper let out a sigh and say "Fucking getting here, Emmett." at this I let out a laugh. It was probably the first time I heard Jasper swear and it was funny.

"Oh, yeah right." Emmett responded, as he pushed the cart behind me.

"I honestly won't need much..." I said, eyeing the big cart.

"Might as well buy some things for your next visits, Red." Emmett replied, eyeing a pack of rainbow cereal, before dropping it into the cart.

"Along with something for Bella." Jasper added lightly, as he read the back of the cereal that Emmett chose. Which he quickly put back on the shelf, muttering something about bad ingredients.

"Hey! They were cool!" Emmett argued.

"Cancer or diabetes aren't cool, Emmett." Jasper smoothly responded, before picking a bland pack and putting it in the cart.

Emmett argued back and I just watched them, before sighing and walking off to the other aisle.

"They will probably take a while..." I muttered, as I looked through the shelves stacked with chips.

About nearly an hour later we left the store with a full shopping cart. I was glaring at both boys while they were packing everything inside the car.

"Come on, Red! Don't give us that look!" Emmett whined, as he looked at me.

I huffed "I said that, I don't want you to pay for me! And you ignored me!"

"Oh Darlin', you're our guest. It's customary for the hosts to provide for their guests." said Jasper as he closed the trunk.

Emmett nodded and said "Yeah that! Not to mention that Rose would hang me by the balls." I let out a startled laugh, not expecting that to come out of his mouth "And let me tell you Red. I like my balls, so yeah we're paying." with that he went to put back the shopping cart, completely ignoring Jasper's glare.

I shook my head and said to Jasper "Okay so. That was random, but he did convince me." grinning I put a hand on my chest "I couldn't live with myself if the poor guy lost the family jewels because of the little old me."

The corner of Jasper's lip tugged, but he stubbornly didn't allow for it to grow into a smile. Instead he turned and just said "You're both ridiculous."

"You're an undead, blood sucking, cowboy." I bluntly said, raising my brow at him "Watch who you're calling ridiculous, dear sir."

Suddenly there was an arm swung around my shoulders, as Emmett leaned over me and pointed at Jasper "Yeah, you better watch it. Sir."

I snorted, which turned into a laughing episode that Emmett shared with me. Much to Jasper's dismay.

The ride back was a bit more calm, but from time to time we shared a few jokes. So mostly, I just enjoyed watching the forest, as the radio played in the background. I thought back to my hectic morning and rubbed my aching hand, before something came back to me.

"Oh shit." I muttered in shock.

"What is it?!" Jasper asked, turning and looking at me in worry.

"Red?" Emmett simply asked, sneaking a glance behind at me.

I blushed and gripped my hair as I shook my head "Why am I so... ugh!"

Jasper asked, probably alarmed by the many things I felt at the moment "Dorothea?"

Sighing, I explained, red with embarrassment "I-I called Charlie 'dad' today... I was... fuk, I was just in such a hurry, that I— I didn't even realize!"

At this, both vampires just laughed, well jasper chuckled, but it was still a laugh.

"Hey! I'm having an existential crisis and you're laughing? It's not funny!"

"It kinda is, Red" Emmett answered, while still laughing.

Jasper shook his head and reached out to put his hand on my knee, squeezing it gently "Don't worry, Darlin'. I'm sure that Charlie won't be offended or mad. He took care of you like a father would for years, it had to count for something."

I sighed, covering his hand with mine "Yeah but... I don't want things to be... I don't know. Weird?"

"Try not to think about it for now, Red. Today is supposed to be fun, so let it be that." Emmett advised. Not a hint of humor in his tone, as he smiled reassuringly.

I nodded and smiled at both of them "Yeah, yeah... you're both right."

Still, I was uneasy inside. I called him 'dad'  while my real father was dead... it felt as if I was betraying him and his memory. As if Charlie was his replacement... and I didn't want to feel that way. Although... I couldn't deny that I saw Charlie as my dad. He was there for me all this time and took me into his home, I would never be able to repay this debt to him.

Letting out a sigh, I shook my head trying not to think about it further, as we were just arriving. As always Jasper opened the door for me, while Emmett handled the bags.

I followed Jasper into the living room, just to be instantly pulled into a tight hug.

"Thea! It took you forever to get here! Come on, let's take your things to my room!" said Alice, all while ripping my bag from Jasper's hand and pulling me up stairs.

"Alice! Be careful." Jasper called out in a worried tone, but Alice didn't notice him as she was talking to me. I sent Jasper a thumbs up and with that I lost sight of him.

As soon as we got inside Alice's room, she closed the door and laid my bag on a tufted sofa.

All while I looked around the spacious room. The walls were white, the wooden floor was covered by fluffy carpet and the rest was filled with white furniture and some pink additions.

The room was very different from the dark and hard room that was Jasper's. Here everything was modern, stylish and girly. Much like Alice was.

Smiling, I commented "I love your room, Ali. It's really pretty."

Alice beamed at me "Thank you! I knew that you're gonna like it! Esme and I worked really hard on it. It was actually Edward's room at first."

"Really?" I asked, looking around again.

"Yes, but I kicked him out." she blurted out, making me laugh "I knew from my visions that this room was supposed to be mine, he just needed to get used to it." Alice stated, as she started to look for something at her dressing table.

"Well, seeing as you're here and he's not. I guess he got used to it."

Alice grinned, before asking "So! What do you want to do now?"

I thought for a moment, before shrugging "I don't know, you choose something."

The fairy-like vampire's eyes sparkled, as she grinned at me saying "Okay! It's time to take care of your hair, nails, brows and skin!" with that she pulled out a big pink suitcase.

That's when I knew that I made a BIG mistake.

After three hours of torture or what Alice calls beauty routine, I was saved by Rosalie, who came to say that the others wanted to start playing board games. I jumped up from my chair and said.

"Yeah, sure! Let's go!" with that I grabbed Rosalie and quickly left Alice's room.

Rosalie leaned down to me and whispered "No need to thank me."

"I owe you one." I whispered back, to which Rosalie nodded with a slight smirk.

Downstairs I was greeted by the others, who all gave me sympathetic looks.

"Finally, she let you go." Emmett commented with a snort.

I grinned at him, before asking the rest of the Cullens "So... what are we playing?"

Esme smiled at me kindly saying "You'll be playing Monopoly. Only because Emmett promised not to destroy the house, again." she shot a warning look towards her son.

Emmett shot her a charming smile saying "Don't worry, I know how to control myself." at this everyone either snorted or looked unimpressed.

"Let's hope so." Carlisle commented, before taking his wife's hand "We'll leave you to your fun and games."

With that said, Mr and Mrs Cullen retreated from the main living area, probably wanting to spend some time alone.

"Alright, come on." Jasper said, coming over to take me from Rosalie's side. Together we sat down to Emmett's right, just as Alice came down with the Monopoly box.

As we gathered around, I glanced around and noticed that aside from Carlisle and Esme, the only one missing was Edward.

"He went to spend the day with Bella." Jasper commented as the others argued over the pawns.

I nodded, but gave him an odd look "Are you sure you're not a mind reader?"

Jasper smiled and brushed back my slightly damp hair, from Alice's treatments.

"Only when it comes to you, Darlin'."

I smiled back at him, ready to respond but our attention was dragged towards Emmett as he loudly argued with Alice, still over who gets which pawn.

Right. This could end very badly...

And well, it kinda did... as it turns out, I really hate losing.

"Hey, brick brain! I wanted that lot!" I yelled to Emmett who throughout the whole game, made it his goal to mess up all my plans.

He grinned and shrugged "Tough luck, Red."

"You can buy one of mine lots, Thea! We'd be neighbors." Alice offered, as she honestly just played the game for fun. Kinda how it was supposed to be played...

Still glaring at Emmett, I responded to Alice "Thanks Ali. But I've got it."

An hour later, both Emmett and I went flying out of our chairs.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!" I cheered, pointing at the fuming vampire next to me.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" he raged, throwing his arms in the air.

"I can and I did!" I said, grinning like a maniac "Now PAY UP!"

Looking to the side, he pleaded at his partner "Babe!"

The blonde simply raised an eyebrow at him "No one told you to spend all your money, Emmett."


"She can." Jasper added from beside me, all while rolling his own dice.

"We agreed on it before starting the game." Alice added, as she accepted money from Jasper as he stopped on her property.

"You wanted to have four hotels, Emmett. Now, Thea has them." Rosalie stated, watching as Alice moved her pawn along the board, narrowly avoiding Rosalie's two hotels.

"But that... that's a ridiculous amount of money!" he tried arguing further.

I shrugged "Ridiculous or not. You stopped on my property. You pay up."

"But I don't have that much!"

Smiling almost viciously, I saw when it dawned on Emmett.

He shouldn't mess with me.

"Tough luck." I quoted mercilessly.

In the end it was Jasper who won the game, Rosalie was in second place, while I was in third. Although, in my mind I was the winner, as I watched Emmett sulking on the couch, in Rosalie's arms like a baby.

"You had fun." Jasper commented, smirking at me as we cleaned up the table.

I didn't stop grinning since causing Emmett to go bankrupt, so I excitedly nodded "Yeah, I wanna play again."

Jasper chuckled and bumped our hips together "And I want to see you play again. Preferably with Edward in the mix."

I laughed and nodded "Yep! Sign me up!"

As Jasper gathered the box, I took my empty glass and went to the kitchen where Alice was trying to figure out how to make me popcorn.

"Do you need any help with that?" I asked, setting my glass on the kitchen island.

"Yes, please." said Alice.

I grinned and started to explain everything, while Alice watched me like a hawk. After about 15 minutes we left the kitchen together with bowls of snacks and some soda.

"So what now?" I asked, as I dropped down besides Jasper on the loveseat, while Alice sat down on the ground in front of us.

"How about a movie?" asked Alice with a smile.

"Yeah, we could take a break from board games." Rosalie commented, sending me and Emmett a look.

I just grinned at her, making her smile slightly as he brushed Emmett's short hair.

"Oh yeah! Let's watch a horror movie!" Emmett agreed, kissing Rosalie's hand before running up to look through the DVDs.

"Or Thea, could pick. She's our guest Emmett." Jasper said, glaring slightly at Emmett.

I blushed as they all turned to stare at me. Swallowing, I shrugged "I don't mind a horror movie." Emmett almost jumped in excitement, as he picked a movie. I looked down at Alice and asked "You're okay with sitting on the floor? Maybe we could switch or—"

"I don't mind, I sit on the ground all the time." Alice reassured with a wide smile.

I nodded and turned towards Jasper, asking "So, how are you so good at monopoly huh?"

He looked off into the distance and said "It's all about tactics and, as you know, I was fighting in a war... so I gained a lot of experience."

"Oh that's right." I replied, frowning at the reminder of Jasper's problematic past "Well, at least you get to use all of that in a harmless way, right?"

"Yeah..." he agreed, smiling tightly.

Not wanting to keep the topic between us, on such a light day, I bumped our shoulders together "We could play something together, you'd teach me how to kick Emmett's ass again."

Instantly the humor was back in his eyes, as he took my hand and grinned "Of course, although, after today. I don't think that you need much help with that, you already kicked his ass."

But before I could answer, Emmett yelled "Okay, less talk about my ass and more about the movie, cause it's starting!"

We shared a laugh and I laid my head on Jasper's shoulder, as he wrapped his arm around me. With that we started watching the movie.

Which stole about ten years from my lifespan.

When the movie ended, I was holding Jasper's hand tightly saying to Emmett "Thanks, Emmett. You just sponsored me to a night filled with nightmares."

Emmett only laughed at me, while Alice jumped and exclaimed "Okay! Let's play truth or dare!"

"While you do that." Esme said as she peaked into the living room with a smile "I'll get your dinner ready, Thea."

"Oh, thank you." I responded, to which Mrs Cullen smiled and disappeared again.

Soon, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett and I, all sat down on the floor in a circle with the bottle in the middle.

"What's the bottle for?" Rosalie asked.

"For choosing who's next! I saw it in a movie." Alice explained with an excited grin.

"So, who's spinning first?" Emmett asked.

"I can!" Alice responded, practically vibrating with excitement, as she immediately grabbed the bottle. The bottle pointed at Rosalie, as Alice asked "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Rosalie said with a small sigh.

Alice grinned and asked "What is the greatest turn-off for you?"

"Misogyny." said Rosalie, simply.

"Well that was serious" mumbled Alice, as Rosalie ignored her, spinning the bottle.

It landed on me and Rosalie asked "Which do you pick?"

I thought for a minute, before saying "Truth, I guess?"

Rosalie smirked at me and asked "Have you ever had a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?"

For whatever reason, I felt Jasper stiffen beside me, but nonetheless I answered "Em... in kindergarten, I think? But other than that... no. I never really connected with anyone."

"So you didn't go out on dates? Like ever?" Emmett asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Oh, no, I did go out but it was in middle school. So the date was to go around to the park and sit on a bench or jump across the creak in the woods behind school. Then the next day you're back to being classmates and that's it." I said with a shrug.

"Aw! That's adorable!" Alice said with a smile.

"Yeah, I uh... I guess." I said with an awkward smile, with that I spun the bottle, which landed on Emmett. I grinned at him and asked "So, what will it be? Truth or Dare?"

Emmett grinned at me "Dare."

I grinned back and said "Okay, then. You have five minutes to go inside the forest, and find me something purple there."

He let out a laugh saying "Oh, you're on!"

"Jasper, please be so kind and keep an eye on the time." I asked.

Jasper smiled at me saying "Of course, Darlin'." he then looked at Emmett and said "Alright, you have 5 minutes starting... NOW!" with that said Emmett zoomed out of the house towards the forest.

"Do you think he's going to find something?" I asked.

Rosalie smirked "I believe so, if not then he's an idiot. There are a lot of purple flowers in this forest."

Alice and I let out a laugh at that.

About four minutes in, Emmett ran inside and placed a purple flower in Rosalie's hair.

"That wasn't so hard." Emmett said with a smirk, as he kissed Rosalie's head.

"Oh, yeah? You barely made it." Jasper teased with a smirk.

"But, I made it." Emmett defended, as he reached over and spun the bottle. This time it landed on Jasper, who chose a dare making Emmett smirk and say "Okay then, kiss Thea."

I blushed, as Rosalie elbowed Emmett and Jasper sent him a deadly glare.

"Hey, that's not... I mean I..." I stuttered, not wanting to make this awkward or to make Jasper feel pressured or something.

"Thea." Jasper whispered, making me look at him, as he brushed my curls behind my ear. I stared at him and I wanted.

Oh god, how much I wanted...

Slowly, he leaned down a bit and gently kissed my freckled cheek. Sending a shiver down my spine, just from how cold his lips were against my flaming skin.

We did this before. The soft peck here and there, but somehow this one thrilled me.

I wanted more...

After that he caressed my cheek and sent another deadly look towards Emmett, as if daring him to say something.

Honestly... I wanted Emmett to say something...

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and a nice atmosphere. I ate the pasta that Esme prepared me, while playing cards with the others. Around 3AM, I went to Alice's room to change into my pajamas, which consisted of a gray hoodie and pink unicorn pants. Alice was in love with them. We then watched some TV series that Rosalie and Alice loved, until 6AM, that's when I started to fall asleep on the couch. My head was heavy and dropping as yet another doctor in the show, came up with a miracle treatment that would change the medicine forever.

Suddenly, I was picked up by Jasper, as he said to the others "I'll take her to bed, she's exhausted."

I tried to deny it, but all that came out of my mouth was a soft mumble. The Cullens laughed at me softly and all bid me a goodnight, as Jasper carried me to his room, placing me on the bed and tucking me in.

It made me feel like a kid, which was both embarrassing... and kind of funny.

"Sorry, but this is the only bed in the house. I changed the sheets for you." Jasper explained, as he brushed a couple of hair away from my face.

I looked at him and gave him a sleepy smile "It still smells like you." hugging the dark green comforter.

Jasper laughed softly and said "Well, it is still my room, Darlin'."

I hummed, before asking in a whisper "Jasper..?"

"Yes, Dorothea?"

I bit my lip softly and asked "Did you want to... kiss me? When Emmett told you to?" after a moment, I added reluctantly "I mean... kiss me... on the lips?"

He looked shocked at my question, but still answered "I did and I still do."

"Then why didn't you?" I asked, as my heart hammered in my chest.

Jasper smiled and took my hand "Because, I want it to be special and I want you to want it too."

I nodded and closed my eyes, as the tiredness finally won with me, but I was still able to whisper softly "I do want you to... kiss me..."

With that I fell asleep, to a cold hand petting my hair.

What did you think of the relationship between Cullens and Thea?
Do you enjoy the story so far?
What would you change in it if you could?

If you have any question or idea please leave a comment ;)


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