Special Operations Forces In...

By HarveyAdrian

158K 2.8K 1.8K

[ A tactical approach story. ] When he was still a young kid, Harvey Johanson quickly became fond o... More

S.O.F.I.T.O.W. Trailer
Prologue - The Essence of a Gun
Chapter 01 - Enlisting
Chapter 02 - A New Beginning
Chapter 03 - Moon Shadow ( Part 1 )
S.F.O.D. Report #01: "HOTELS"
Chapter 04 - Moon Shadow ( Part 2 )
Chapter 05 - Another Home
Chapter 06 - Give or Take
Chapter 07 - Enamored by Greed
Chapter 08 - Thick but Narrow, Thin but Wide
Chapter 09 - Snake Stings
Chapter 10 - Forward Assist
S.F.O.D. Report #02: "FOXTROTS"
Chapter 11 - Ventures of a Fallen Knight
Chapter 12 - Safety First, Kill Later
Chapter 13 - The Quality of Reason
Chapter 14 - A Questionable Welcome
S.F.O.D. Report #03: "DELTAS"
Chapter 15 - Big Brown Riding Hoods
[ CPAL#13 ]
Chapter 16 - A Mistake by Revenge
Chapter 17 - Consequences of a Mistake
Chapter 18 - Exclusive Tutelage
Chapter 19 - Feigning King
Chapter 20 - Bishops of the King
S.F.O.D. Report #04: "NOVEMBERS"
S.F.O.D. Report #05: "OSCARS"
Chapter 22 - Proving One's Request
Chapter 23 - A Second Inclusion
Chapter 24 - Nowhere Out of Purpose
Chapter 25 - First Out Bound
S.F.O.D. Report # 06: "ECHOES"
Chapter 26 - The Hidden Law
[ - O P E R A T O R_M O O D_2 - ]
Chapter 27 - No Time for the Ungrateful
Chapter 28 - Illegal Ordeal
S.F.O.D. Report #07: "ROMEOS"
S.F.O.D. Report #08: "JULIETS"
Chapter 29 - Legitimate Contentment

Chapter 21 - Gratitude Equals Honor

2K 72 30
By HarveyAdrian





"Recording log..."

"Week 2"
"0455 hrs."
"Sector C"
"Gargan Forest"




As the thin cold fog gradually vanishes by the sun's rays going through every gap of the leaves above the trees, comes a group of three-horned deer eating grass near a river. They eat peacefully until they are all startled by a big minotaur brandishing a big makeshift axe that is made from a tree log. The minotaur roars with extreme loudness because what appears behind his back are countless poisoned arrows that penetrated deep into his back. The minotaur, due to his agony and pain, rages with his big axe, destroying any animals and trees along his way.

But, a hundred meters away from the minotaur, there are camouflaged and ghillied people hidden in trees and bushes observing the giant with their binoculars.

"You think we can get that thing at this distance, ma'am?" asked a man, lying on his chest observing the minotaur with his binos.

A woman then slowly stands up and puts her binos away.

"Yes. We just have to aim for its eyes and throat." the woman replied. As soon as she finishes her sentence, she makes a hand signal of advancing forward. Seeing this signal behind her, six men, including the one beside her, rise up from their covers, revealing they are from the designated special security recons of NOVEMBERS and OSCARS Groups. The woman in charge is none other than Isabella herself. She has been designated by Harvey and Brig. Gen. Hopkins. due to her knowledge of the entire forest and the creatures inhabiting it.

As the minotaur keeps on destroying the trees ahead of him, a sudden three suppressed shots echo followed by three large caliber bullets penetrating through his throat, making him stumble out of his stance and crouch on the ground putting his hand to his severely injured throat.

"GGKHLL!!" the minotaur tried to roar in pain, but his throat is now injured. Then, as the minotaur looks towards the forest again, it was again followed by four suppressed shots with the same large calibers through his both eyes. Two bullets in each eye. Suffice it to say, the large caliber bullets penetrated through his both eyes, deep into his brain, making it explode inside. 

The minotaur then lays down dead on the ground face first. Parts of his brain gush out on every gap on his head like the eyes and ears, followed by his green blood flowing out of him. 

Ensuring that the site is now secure, Isabella, equipped with an MP5SD, emerges from the treelines together with her group consisting of three operators on each group ( three NOVEMBERS and three OSCARS ). The four operators that took the first shots are equipped with suppressed McMillan TAC-50s that are first designed in the 1980s in Harvey's world, while the rest of the operators are equipped with SOPMOD Block 1's.

"Good job everyone. Some of you get into perimeter security while some of you help me harvest edible parts and valuable organs in this thing," ordered Isabella. The operators followed her and took security while the rest help her on the minotaur.

"Hm? Poisoned arrows at his back? He might've been attacked by some people earlier." Isabella quickly noticed the arrows on the back of the dead minotaur.

But before Isabella gets her knife, the advanced patrols and surveillance recon from the other recon of NOVEMBERS and OSCARS Groups, suddenly radioed at them about an incoming unknown group of people armed with crossbows, swords, spears, and the like. 

"Recon Team One, this is Recon Team Three. Be advised: We spotted unknown individuals currently going in your direction in a hurry. They are approximately ten of them running toward your location. How copy?" whispered an OSCARS Operator on the radio.

As soon as Isabella and her operators hear this report, they stop their work and quickly take cover behind the trees and bushes.

"Roger. They are probably the same people who shot those poisoned arrows at the minotaur. Recon Team One, standby and take cover." Isabella ordered her group. They then wait behind the trees and bushes surrounding the dead minotaur when after a couple of minutes, sure enough, the same group of people reported by Recon Team 3 arrives at the dead minotaur. The armed people are panting heavily as they brandish their weapons, ready to attack the minotaur. Unbeknownst to them, the minotaur is now dead. One of them noticed this and orders the rest of his comrades to slowly approach the minotaur.

"Hey! It looks like our poisoned arrows worked on that bastard!" one of them whispered.

"But, take a look. Its blood is flowing out of his body. Why is that? Our poisoned arrows should make its blood go into a solid state." an archer asked in curiosity. Due to this, they carefully approach the dead minotaur, stepping along its pool of green blood on the ground. As they get close, they discover the gaping traumas on its throat and head. They gasp in surprise and wonder who and what might've caused this.

"WHA-! It looks like some sort of cannon pierced through his head!" one of them gasped.

"I-It seems like it! Do you think that those faint explosions from earlier caused this?" a bulky man named Velka with a large claymore asked.

"I don't know. But, whatever and whoever might've caused this, it is sure that it helped us." the man in the front with long blonde hair brandishing a longsword, kneeled to inspect the dead minotaur. He then clinched his fists and teeth with anger.

"If...if only we can do this.....instead of just chasing them away...they still kept coming back...."

All of his men behind him frown, also understanding their situation.

"C-Chieftain, it's alright. We should go back now. We haven't come back to our village in the past two hours chasing this minotaur." another one of them plead to their Chieftain. But then, a sudden shout resonates behind them in the forest.


The Chieftain and his men look behind them and see a panting young man tainted in red and green blood.

"A-ARE YOU THE ALVEK'S SON? WHAT HAPPENED?!" the Chieftain shouted. The young man stops as he approaches them, panting and gathering his breath along the way.

"CH-CHIEFTAIN! O-OUR VILLAGE IS OVERRUN BY OGRES AND GOBLINS! THE GUARDS THERE ARE ALL WIPED OUT!" the young man shouted. This sudden news greatly shocks the Chieftain and his men.


Velka, with his big and muscular build, carries the tired young man onto his shoulders as he, together with the Chieftain with his men, runs in haste back towards their village, leaving the dead minotaur.


A minute passed by, two operators under Isabella slowly emerge from the bushes with their suppressed SOPMODS on the low-ready. They make their way to the dead minotaur site to endure that no one is there.

"All clear."

"Clear here."

"Site is secured, ma'am."

Isabella, along with the other four operators, emerges from their cover and rendezvous at the dead minotaur.

"So, there is a village somewhere around here? Or I heard that wrong?" asked NOVEMBER 04 to himself. 

"Yes. There is." Isabella replied while looking at the dead minotaur.

"You know where that village is, ma'am?" asked OSCAR 05.

"Probably. Based on their clothing and attire, they must be from the Kinval Village. I've never gone there. Just only know and heard that place." she followed.

"Roger. It seems like they are in some predicament. To be brave enough to chase this monster with their available resources is really inspiring." said OSCAR 03.

"What do you think, ma'am? Should we help them?" asked NOVEMBER 05.

"Of course! Isn't it obvious? Now come on and - " 

*psssh* "Recon Team One, this is Hotel Quebec. ETA on your hunt and game? Over."

Isabella was interrupted by a radio transmission on her radio attached to her vest. She forgot their original routine operation for today as to gather games and edible plants and fruits. Her face then began to switch from anticipation, to worry.

"Shit. I forgot about that."

As she thinks about what she will going to do, whether she and her group will help Kinval Village, leaving their game on the site, or bringing the dead minotaur back first, thus letting the Kinval Village suffer.

"Ma'am? What are your orders?"

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking!.. Shit. I don't want to leave that village without my help! I understand them because of what also happened back in our village! But in return, the game will be wasted for Harvey and the rest of the people back at the Cathedral! I'm a hunter. I don't want to waste any game on my hunt! "

After a short while, she finally decides.

"Alright. Here's what we all going to do. I want all of you to bring this game to the Cathedral! I'm going to the Kinval Village by myself! There are just enough men to carry this thing. So I will be going alone. "

Suffice it to say, all of the operators are shocked.


"Are you serious, ma'am?!"

"Yes! I AM serious! Also, report to the other recon teams to increase their patrol area to look out for any monsters lurking around the forest!"

But before the operators have a say in this, Isabella immediately runs off towards Kinval Village in a hurry.

"MA'AM! MA'AM!" the operators shouted at her. They tried using their radio but Isabella turns off her radio.

"DON'T WORRY! I"LL BE BACK SOON!" Isabella shouted as she vanishes deep into the forest. While her operators look at each other in anxiety, when one of them radios H.Q.

"Hotel Quebec, this is Recon Team One, NOVEMBER Three. How copy? Over."

*psssh* " NOVEMBER Three? Where is ISLA? "

"Hotel Quebec. Uhm, about that...." 




Meanwhile at the Kinval Village...

A grueling scene is happening as hordes of goblins and big ogres raid and destroy the entire village. Goblins massacring and raping, while the ogres destroy wooden houses and structures. Heaps of bodies are now scattered across the village with the echoes of horrified shrieks of the survivors. After half an hour, the Chieftain and his men finally arrived at the village only to see it in flames and the guards are all wiped out near the gates.

"OH MY LORD!" of them gasped in horror.

"MADNESS! GO FORTH, MEN! CHAAAARGE!" the Chieftain gets his sword and charges toward the village. His men followed behind him and also shouts war cries.

The goblins and ogres are caught by surprise and are now attacking the Chieftain and his men. A chaotic battle ensues, using their sharp swords and claymores to slash the goblins and ogres into pieces. Although the Chieftain and his men are putting up a great fight against the goblins and ogres, the waves kept on increasing on each turn. Gradually, they are now feeling tired and exhausted from all the fighting.

" *pant* *pant* WE CAN DO THI- ARRRGH!" one of them was unfortunately struck by a sneaking goblin behind his back. The unfortunate man falls to his knees as other goblins start to stab him as well at his head and torso. He falls dead on the ground while some of his other comrades shared the same fate as him. Poisoned arrows to the eyes, giant rocks smashed to their heads, and goblin mucus keep melting their skin.

One by one, the Chieftain's men dwindle and fall to the ground due to the immense numbers of goblins and ogres behind them. Even the big and bulky Velka was now beginning to get tired and exhausted due to the constant fighting and starting to take sword injuries from the attacking goblins. The young man meanwhile was now also tired and was now struggling for his life with a shield. He starts to cry for help, but the Chieftain, looking around the area, seems to know that their fate is now set and they are all doomed.

"Ch=Chiefain! I-I-I can't hold on..much..longer!" cried the young man.

Seeing the dire desperation of things, the Chieftain takes a deep breath before going on all out.

"ARRRRRRRGHH!" the Chieftain shouted with all of his might and charged into the waves of goblins attacking Velkan and the young man. He starts bringing his sword up in the air ready to hit the goblins near him.

But then -


A sudden hail of gunshots killed most of the goblins in front of the Chieftain.

"WHA-!" the Chieftain stopped in his tracks and look for the source of the gunfire. Then behind him, on the top of a tree, lies Isabella in a green hoodie and camo with her MP5SD.  

"GO! I GOT YOUR BACK!" shouted Isabella to the Chieftain. The Chieftain hurriedly resumes back attacking the goblins and ogres while Isabella shoots the nearby enemies at him for cover. 

More slashes later, the Chieftain arrives and successfully helps out Velkan and the young boy.

"ARE WE DOING ALRIGHT, GENTS?!" asked the Chieftain as he placed himself in front of them, staring down at the gnarling goblins and ogres near them. Velka is now injured on both of his legs, while the young boy is now very exhausted and laid back on the ground panting heavily.

"We..we are alright, Chieftain. Just..wounded on both of my legs." said the exhausted Velkan. He uses his big claymore as a cane to help him stand up. The Chieftain sees that Velkan is no longer able to fight as well.

"Heh. Looks like even you get exhausted, eh?" smiled the Chieftain. He stares down into the eyes of goblins and ogres until Isabella resumes opening fire at them. One by one, the goblins and some ogres fall down dead to the ground. The goblins and the ogres are confused as to where the gunshots are coming from. Because of this, they start running off deep inside the ruined village.

Isabella, seeing the last goblin and ogre left the scene, approaches the Chieftain and the other two.

"Are you guys alright?" asked Isabella with her SMG pointing in the direction of the goblins and ogres.

"Yes. Thank you for your help, stranger." the Chieftain, also pointing his sword in the same direction, replied back.

But then, all of the sudden, all of them feel strong series of headaches. Isabella and the Chieftain lose their grip on their weapons, especially Velkan. They all kneeled to the ground and groan in pain.

"AARRGHH! WHAT THE HELL! ARRGH!" shouted Isabella. She tries standing still but to no avail as the massive headaches prevent her from doing so. The Chieftain then sees a small silhouette figure in the distance in the direction of the goblins and ogres. This time, it's a goblin mage with an eerie smile brandishing a glowing red staff.

"Ooo-shakgla-oooshakgla!" the goblin mage continued to chant the headache spell. Behind him are the same goblins and ogres that retreated earlier. They didn't retreat in fact, they just asked for help.

"ARRGH! FUCK YOU!" Isabella gripped her M1911 pistol and tries to aim with one closed eye, and one blurred, at the goblin mage. But her aim is swaying back and forth due to the headaches. She fires a couple of shots, but the bullets just wheeze off the air.

The Chieftain, Velkan, and the young boy cannot hold on to the headaches any longer and they fall to the ground unconscious.

"Run....stranger...." the Chieftain spoke his last words to Isabella before going unconscious.

But then, Isabella can't also hold on any longer and tries to run. Her legs were stuttering and shaking and eventually, she also fumbles down to the ground, still enduring the heavy headaches caused by the goblin mage. This time, the goblins and ogres shriek as they see them fall to the ground, signaling them to attack now. They all charge toward the helpless people on the ground with their weapons in their hands.

"Kuhhh...forgive me...Sir Harvey..." Isabella cried on the ground as echoes of gruntled shrieks and shouts of the goblins and ogres increased behind her.



"ISN'T IT TOO EARLY TO GIVE UP?" a sudden deep voice echoed near her. Her eyes widened with the headaches all gone now. 

Then, as if time is slowing down, she looks up only to see five red demonic figures covered in red mists around them, slowly approaching her.

It was soon followed by groans of the goblins and ogres falling down dead on the ground, one by one.


With just the stares of the demons, all of the goblins and ogres start to fall to the ground. Even the surviving ones that are still within the houses didn't escape the sharp senses of the demons. The surviving humans that are on the verge of being killed and raped by the ogres and goblins are stunned to see them quickly fall to the ground dead.

" Hm. Go around to the other exit, Valefars Eighteen, and Twenty. Be careful with the humans that are still alive out there. " 

" Hehehehe. Will do. "

Five demons vanished and went to the village to eliminate all of the remaining enemies around there.


Rewind back time...

Just after Isabella vanished, her group reports the sudden situation at H.Q.

" Hotel Quebec, this is Recon Team One, NOVEMBER Three. How copy? Over."

*psssh* " NOVEMBER Three? Where is ISLA? "

" Hotel Quebec. Uhm, about that. Ma'am Isla just went ahead to a village called the Kinval Village. She took off without any backups. Over."

" I see. Standby..."

" Roger. Standing by. NOVEMBER Three."


At H.Q., Able 1-13 received NOVEMBER 03's transmission and is now heading out to report it to Brig. Gen. Hopkins, who is inspecting various rooms and areas with some other operators inside the Cathedral. He approaches the Brigadier General and salutes at him.

" Sir. Lady Isla is reported by her group that she suddenly run off towards a certain village just seven klicks at Sector C. "

" Hm? That's surprising. Any ideas why?" the Brigadier General asked.

" Sorry, sir, but none, sir. At least as far as we know."

" Alright. If that's the case..."

The Brigadier General then looks behind him and sees DELTA 01 speaking with HOTEL 01. He approaches them and the two operators salute him.


"Sir." the two operators stood firmly.

"At ease. Tell me, have any of your guys gone to Sector C on these past patrols?" asked the Brigadier General to the two.

"Uhm. Yes sir. " replied DELTA 01.

"Yes sir. " also replied HOTEL 01.

"Good. I want those DELTAS to link up with Recon Team One at Sector C right now. I also want the same HOTELS to be on standby in the rear behind the DELTAS when they arrived at the village where Lady Isla went. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Understood, sir." the two operators saluted.

The Brigadier General then walks off, patting Able 1-13 on his shoulder.

"Tell the Recon Team One that her backup is now on the way."

"Yes sir." saluted Able 1-13 as he and the two operators make their way off the building.



Back at the site of Recon Team 1...

" Recon Team One. Hotel Quebec. How copy? Over." resumed the radio of NOVEMBER 03.

" Roger. Recon Team One NOVEMBER Three. "

" The  Brigadier General has approved of the backup and is now en route towards there. Standby for them ETA about ten mikes. How copy so far? Over."

" Rog'. Ten mikes and we will keep our asses tight. Out. "


"Nice. I can't wait to get this dead minotaur off of here." said OSCAR 02.

 "Heh. Me too brother. Me too." said OSCAR 03.



After ten minutes have passed, five DELTAS Operators and four HOTELS Operators arrive at their location.

"Alright. Where did she go?" asked DELTA 15.

NOVEMBER 02 approaches them and points in the direction of where Isabella ran off.

"She went that way. Oh and don't mind about this dead thing. This is supposed to be the game we were supposed to bring back to H.Q. earlier. Haha." 

"Oh, I see. Looks delicious." said DELTA 15 as he observes the dead minotaur for a while.

"Alright. You can now work on this game now to have it prepared there. We can take it from here."

"Thanks. Will do."

The NOVEMBERS and OSCARS Operators then start harvesting meat and valuable organs of the dead minotaur, while the DELTAS and HOTELS Operators start with their operation. The DELTAS summon their Demon Valefars in front of them.

"Alright. Can you find traces of Lady Isla?" asked DELTA 15 to the demons. The demons look in the direction pointed out by NOVEMBER 02 earlier and found a glowing mana residue flowing in the exact direction.

"Hehe. Why yes? She is born into this world. It's natural for us to be able to track her. What about her?" asked DELTA 15's demon.

"Let's just say that she might've fallen and tripped. You know what I mean." replied DELTA 15.

" Hahaha! I see! Sure thing! Leave the forward assault to us...." the demons eerily smiled.

And what happens is history. The Demon Valefars make their way first to the Kinval Village, rescuing Isabella and the surviving people there.





Soul Energy :

[ Level 2 ]

+ Lesser Key Of Sollom

Soul Count :

[ 91 ]

+ 6 goblins / 2 ogres = [Isabella]

+ 16 goblins / 5 ogres = [Demon Valefars]

Spawn Count:

[ 210 ]

= 1 Brigadier General

= 100 Infantry Units

= 109 Special Forces 




Chapter 22 - Proving One's Request

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