Something Gained

By aluna_xo17

282K 7.7K 414

Rachel Jones has her world turned upside down when she gets the news that she can't conceive naturally. Her h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 22

6K 157 3
By aluna_xo17

"Are you going to tell me what all of that was about?" Damon rushed us out of the restaurant when the man started getting too creepy, but I'm sure he would use a different word to describe him. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tight I swear it was going to fall off

"Not now Rachel!" He snapped, I know he's mad but didn't realize it was that bad 

"Damon, I will never be with you if you can't be honest with me!" This probably isn't the best time to start an argument but its too late now

"I said not now!" his voice echoed within the car

Of course a good date has to end horribly, I don't think we'll ever have a good date. We drove in silence for a few minutes before his grip finally loosened up on the steering wheel

"You can't be alone tonight, do you want to come over to my place or do you want me to stay with you?" How is it that he flips a switch and becomes almost a completely different person

"I don't think we need to spend the night together, Ill be fine by myself" I know I'm going to anger him, but I need to stand my ground. 

"Rachel please, I'll explain everything, but I can't leave you by yourself" his voice was soft, he almost sounded scared or worried 

"Let's go to your house, I just need to pick up some clothes" I couldn't help but give in, I could hear the concern in his voice

We got to my apartment for me to grab clothes, I grabbed some pajamas and an outfit to wear tomorrow. I quickly put everything in a duffel bag along with my tooth brush, I also packed my straightener and curling iron..just in case I decided to get dressed up. Once I packed my makeup I was all done. I walked into the living room to see Damon pacing back and forth, he pulled the phone away from his ear and began typing away

"I'm ready" I forced a small smile, he looked up at me and forced one himself before opening the front door for me to walk out

We got to Damon's house, this is one I haven't seen before. It's a beautiful 2 story home  with a gate out front to get in. He put the code into the box out front and the gates opened up for us to drive in. Although it's only 2 stories it's pretty big, I can't imagine how much bigger it looks on the inside. 

He parked out front and a man who looks like a security guard walked up to the car and opened our doors for us.

"Is everyone in the office?" I heard Damon ask the man, he looked familiar 

"Yes boss, everyone is waiting for you" he reached out and grabbed the duffel bag from Damon's hand. This all feels really extravagant, I can't help but be and feel confused as I looked around and saw the security guards around us. 

"good, Ill be up in a bit" Damon took my hand and walked me up the steps to the big wooden doors 

"Damon, whats going on?" He still looks frustrated but I'm just so lost 

"I'll explain, lets go up to the bedroom" He guided me again, this time up one of the dual staircases. He walked me into a beautiful room with a huge bed, I'm genuinely surprised at how nicely furnished the house is..but if he has this kind of money he probably paid someone to furnish it 

"Listen I know this is a lot, but I promise I will explain everything" He set me down on the bed

wow this is comfortable 

"for now I need you to hang out in here, get comfortable, and I'll come back in a few minutes" he held on to my hands and had a very sympathetic look in his eyes

"okay" he cupped my face with his hand 

"thank you, there's netflix on the tv. I promise i'll be back" and with that he turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. 

Luckily his security guard, or whoever he is, had come in and placed the duffel bag right at the entrance of the room. I sat there on the bed, looking around the bedroom to get familiarized with it. On the wall across from the bed there was a huge tv, it has to be over 60 inches big. The wall the tv is on is a brick wall that stood in the center of the room, on either side of the brick wall there were doorways without a door that led to the bathroom.

I walked over and grabbed the duffel bag putting it on the bed to grab my pajamas before I made my way into the bathroom to change. I walked through one of the doorways next to the brick wall, I swear the bathroom alone is the size of my apartment. Beautiful white marble covered the floor, straight ahead is the jacuzzi tub with beautiful large windows right behind it, to the right is a huge walk in closet with a nice island in the middle that had drawers all around it. To the left another small closet that had most of the linen's and towels from what I could tell, next to it a glass door that lead into the shower. The shower was very spacious, with an over head shower head but it also had a small shower head on the wall on either side. The shower was covered by matte black tiles with white grout which made it stand out beautifully. Next to the shower was a door that lead to the toilet

This looks like a luxury hotel room

I walked into the room with the toilet to undress and change into the pajamas I had brought. If I'm being quite honest I brought these because I look damn good in them, its a beautiful red velvet tank top and short set. The shorts ended right under my butt which in turn make my butt look good. The top a kind of sweetheart neck line that also made my breasts look good. 

Once I was dressed I walked into Damon's closet and found an empty hanger to hang my dress on, hopefully he won't mind that I hang my dress in his closet..I just don't want to wrinkle it. I hung it in a small area that was empty so hopefully it won't be a huge deal

I walked back into the bedroom and laid down on the bed, I found the tv remote on one of the nightstands and turned on some netflix. I couldn't think of anything better to watch so I just put on some Friends. After a few minutes of sitting there watching tv the door swung open revealing Damon, his shirt was almost completely unbuttoned, it only had about 2 buttons still together 

"Fuck.." he bit his lip as his eyes landed on me

*This chapter isn't too interesting but it needed to be here, let me know what you think*

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