Crimson Insecurities - FemKir...

By bc_why_not_be_trash

1.6K 43 112

Cover Art is not Mine FemKiri Bakushima Echiko Kirishima is a girl with insecurities, health problems, and ni... More

First Day of Yuuei (hey that rhymes)
A Chaotic Trip to the Mall
A Breath of Fresh Air
Childhood Friends And Cat Fights
Everything Went Black

Echiko Kirishima

543 11 22
By bc_why_not_be_trash

yay! first chapter!

Song: My Name Isn't 
Artist: LOVA

"Yes and then there's Todoroki, who's a total hottie by the way, and ooooh their's Yamomo, god she's so hot, oh and precious Midoriya, he is such a cinnamon roll." Her friend rambled on and on about her classmates and how amazing they all were.

"Wow, pan problems again?" she says jokingly into the phone.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Kiri, but can I just be in a class where everyone isn't always hot? Like, please? It's starting to physically hurt." If Mina was good at anything, it was definitely being dramatic. Echiko can't help but laugh; her best friend always manages to do that. It's almost like she drags the laughter out of her. 

"Y'know, I could be wrong," Echiko says, not bothering to hide her sly smile behind the phone, "but I think that you're being a whore right now." Mina scoffs at the comment (edit: i'm not saying that pansexuals are whores. i just talk with my friends like this.).

"Um, don't talk to me like that young lady," she says, using an overly stern voice, "Having multiple crushes and being a whore are two totally different things. I'm surprised you can even make such accusations. I am so disappointed in you; I raised you better than this!"

"Oh yes, of course," Echiko says, trying to keep her voice dramatically sorry, "My apologizes." The girls laugh a bit before Echiko starts the conversation again. "Well, it's fine Mina because I'm going to be in your class. I'll finally get to see all of these so super hot people you keep pestering me about," she says, sarcasm intertwined with her chuckles.

"Yaass bitch. We can cry about our lonely, single lives together in my dorm room. We'll watch movies, illegally adopt cats; it'll be great. You better bring the freaking popcorn this time though," the girl on the other line threatened. Echiko nodded, despite Mina not being able to see her.

"Yes, yes, yes. I know I messed up last time, but you promised to never bring that up again!" Echiko whined. Now it was Mina's turn to laugh.

"No! I shall never let it go!" she says dramatically into the phone. The two girls spend a few minutes laughing and chatting before Echiko hears a new voice come from her phone. "Oop, daz my mom. See you tomorrow?" Mina said before calling out to her mom.

"Yeah, guess so. I'm still a little nervous though," the redhead admits, embarrassed.

"You'll do fine babes. C'mmon, be a sexy bitch!" Mina practically yells into her phone.

"I don't think that..."

"I'm already hanging up," Mina interrupts, "Love you babes."

"Love you too Mina," she whispered before hearing the line go dead. Echiko sighed and threw her phone on the bed. She immediately regretted it when the phone bounced off the bed and hit the floor. She scurried to get it back from off the floor and apologized to it multiple times.

God, I'm such a klutz.

After collecting herself she decided it would be best to take a shower, now rather than later. She wanted to make sure that she got a good night's sleep for once. Being late on her first day was probably the worst thing that could ever possibly happen. Unless she showed up to school naked. That might be worse. She could barely even contemplate the embarrassment without feeling nausea rise up in her stomach. 

She quickly grabbed her clothes, an oversized t-shirt and athletic shorts, before heading to the shower. She got undressed and stepped under the running water. Usually she would wash her hair with cold water after a run, but Mina distracted her for too long, so she wasn't able to carry out her normal workout. She kept the water hot and felt it make its way down her long, red locks. She always used the shower as a time to think, but she didn't have any mind boggling thoughts today. She was too nervous to think about anything other than Yuuei.

When she finished washing her hair, she stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. She threw on her clothes and fluffed out her hair in the mirror. Thankfully, her black roots weren't showing, but they would grow out soon. She reminded herself to remember to bring hair dye. Or, would that be weird. Would it just be better to buy some after she moved in? But hair dye is so expensive....

She opened up her bottom cabinet and checked how much hair dye she had. When she inspected the container, she realized that she barely had any left. At least that meant the decision had already been made for her; she would need to buy more red hair dye and bleach once she got to Yuuei.

She turned to leave the bathroom when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She slowly turned to her the digital bathroom scale. She thought about her stomach and the growing knot in it. She wasn't really all that hungry, but she was starting to crave a sandwich. None of that really mattered though, the scale would decide whether or not to eat. She had started doing it for awhile, measuring her weight, documenting how much she was eating, making sure that she stayed in shape. Mina thought that it was excessive, but Echiko thought that it was essential for a good hero. 

Although, very recently she had become comfortable with skipping whole meals entirely. She felt like she could go a few days without eating, although her sister would never allow it. Still, Echiko tried to eat as little as possible. Some days she thought that she was overweight, other days the mere thought of food disgusted her.

She stepped on the scale, watching the numbers increase rapidly. She braced herself.

Oh, 110 lbs. That's not that bad actually. 

That's normal.


She thought about looking up how much someone who was 5'3 should weigh, but she didn't want to be disappointed, and the craving for a sandwich was increasing. She smiled to herself, not remembering the last time she actually craved food.

She skipped down the stairs and waltzed into the kitchen. She got out the ingredients she needed: whole wheat bread, lettuce, tomatoes, and ham. She thought about adding cheese, but she decided against it. Too filling. Just as she was about to take a bite, the door violently swung open.

"Oh my god! Finally home!" her brother panted out. He was about to close the door when a tanned hand stopped him.

"Don't slam the door on me, asshole!" Echiko laughed as she saw her older sister shake her small fist at the taller male. That's when she turned her attention over to the girl in the kitchen. "Oh, Ei! Did you eat yet?" Echiko held her sandwich up, showing it off to her older sister. Aimi smiled and nodded her head before stretching her arms. "Oooookay. I think imma take a shower. I feel like a dog. Peace dude and dudette." She pat Daiki on the shoulder before rushing upstairs. The boy rolled his eyes and shut the door his older sister so rudely left open. He fell on the couch in a dramatic matter, making his sister smile.

"Hey Ei, ready for Yuuei tomorrow?" Echiko nodded taking more bites out of her sandwich. Daiki smiled, his sharp teeth mimicking Echiko's own. Echiko swallowed her last bite of sandwich.

"I am a little nervous, but I'm sure everything will work out fine." Daiki nodded, his smile not faltering.

"Alright, just expect calls every night from your idiot of a sister," he joked, "She is going to be overprotective as hell." Echiko nodded, and laughed with her brother.

"Hey," she huffed, "She's your idiotic sister too!"

"Aw, damn," he whispered, dramatically snapping his fingers in disappointment. Echiko rolled her eyes and washed her hands. Daiki looked down at his phone, checking his text messages.

"Hey!" she called over the running water, "Do you know if mom is coming home tonight?" The brightness in her eyes broke the older boy's heart. Her brother looked dejectedly at his phone as Echiko waved her hands, shooing the water off of them. Daiki mumbled something inaudible to the redhead. "What did you say?"

"No, I doubt it," he answered, his tone a lot more defensive than it normally was. Echiko nodded, looking at the floor. What else did she expect?

"Oh. Okay," she said, already walking to her room. 

"Pills," Daiki reminded the girl.

"Dammit, I was hoping that you wouldn't notice." Daiki rolled his eyes and made sure that Echiko actually took her pills. Echiko only glared and pouted the whole time. "They're disgusting!"

"Too bad," the boy retorted, "Now," he handed Echiko a water glass, "drink some water with that." Echiko glared down at the pills in her hand. The large pink pill was the worst; it wasn't like she felt her blood sugar decrease anyway. The other three jells pills weren't as bad, but they weren't good either. They were flavorless and tasted bland. She closed her eyes and put the pills in her mouth before she had anytime to regret it. She chugged the glass of water, trying to get the remaining taste of dry that was left in her mouth.


"Good job shortstack. Now go to sleep." Echiko mumbled a quick goodnight while Daiki trudged back to the couch, exhausted from his busy work day.

Echiko walked by the bathroom, listening to her sister's beautiful voice from the shower. Echiko smiled to herself, glad that her sister could be so happy, and skipped into her room. She closed the door and plopped onto her bed. She thought about sleeping, but she wasn't all that tired. She couldn't decide whether that was because she was extremely nervous or extremely excited. Either way, she had a big day ahead of her tomorrow. She went through her mind, thinking about all the things she brought.

Since she was going to be living in a dorm, she brought and left her stuff at Yuuei. They let her decorate her dorm as she pleased while the students of Yuuei were in class. She even moved in toiletries she bought. She also made sure that she brought her favorite outfits along; that was a must. She loved having fashion shows with Mina, and she wasn't about to give that up.

Every time Mina came to Echiko's house, the girls had a fashion show and would ask Aimi what she thought of their outfits. Aimi had always been amazing at fashion; it was a big passion of hers. Echiko reminisced on the moments she had with her sister and brother. They defiantly hung out a lot more when they were younger, but they were still all extremely close. They had to be. It would be weird without her siblings around to tell her goodnight, but she would be surrounded by more people who were closer to her age. It would be a refreshing change. 

Echiko grabbed her phone and scrolled through it, checking all of the notifications she didn't have. Since she was already on her phone, she decided to check Intigram (Instagram? Who they?). She mainly got the app because Mina thought it was a good idea. Echiko mainly fell in love with the animal pictures on the app, but every now and then she would come across a pretty girl on the app. Sometimes Echiko admired the girl, sometimes she felt jealousy punch her in the gut.

She kept scrolling, liking a picture every now and then, when she heard a knock on her door. She turned her phone off and told the knocker to come in.

"Are you decent?" Aimi's voice.

"What? Yes I'm decent," Aimi hears as she enters the room, "You think that I just come in my room and strip?" Echiko laughs as her sister bounces into her room.

"Hey, we do not judge in this household!"

"Of course, of course. If you want to strip, than you can strip. I'll ask next time I go into your  room." The older scoffed.

"I didn't say that I did that!" she hits Echiko on the head, "I was just being precautions." Aimi flipped her hair over her shoulder dramatically making Echiko smile. "Now, scoot over." She pushed Echiko a little in order to make room for herself, and Echiko obliged. "Soooo....ready for school dudette?"

"Sure. I just hope that everything goes smoothly," Echiko said with a sigh.

"It's life hon. Nothing goes smoothly." Echiko rolled her eyes at her sister's words.

"Yeah, but I don't want to make a complete fool out of myself on the first freaking day!" Echiko complained, already imagining the millions of embarrassing possibilities that could or couldn't happen.

"Whelp, I'm gonna say that you need to take a few deep breaths and not worry about it so much. I'm sure that if you be yourself, you'll have a fantabulous first day," the noirette exclaimed, pulling her younger sister in for a tight hug. Echiko hugged back, not having any other choice.

"Wow," she sighed, "could that be any cheesier?" Aimi only chuckled and gave Echiko a little kiss on the forehead. The older girl pushed herself off the bed and let Echiko lay down.

"Set your alarm. Me and the idiot are going to be leaving early again." Echiko nodded, already setting her phone alarm to 5:30. "Night lil' dudette."

"Night!" Echiko called from her phone. She watched her sister close the door out of the corner of her eye. Echiko sighed and put her phone on her bedside table.

Tomorrow was going to arrive soon, whether Echiko wanted it to or not. She would just make sure to put on a smile and power through the day. Mina being there would also help lighten the load.

She took a deep breathe in.

And she blew a deep breath out.

You got this Echiko.

Just wait until tomorrow.

Word Count: 2341

hope you enjoyed the first chapter. ik that it wasn't all that interesting, but you gotta start with backround info.

tysm for reading

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