The Forbidden Child (M Saiyan...

By SaiyanRebel216

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The world of DxD was destroyed by the Saiyan man known as Togara with no way to defeat him they all flee to t... More

Bio and The Team
Chapter 1: The Underworlds Demise
Chapter 2: A Godly Initiation
Chapter 3: Explanations
Chapter 4: Fun In Battle Class
Chapter 5: Angeloids
Chapter 6: Grimm Team RWBY
Chapter 7: Vegito The Celestial Queen
Chapter 8: Prince vs God
Chapter 9: A Date
Chapter 10: Father and Son
Chapter 11: Super Saiyan Rosé
Chapter 12: Destruction of Synapse
Chapter 13: A Normal Day Out
Chapter 14: Hidden Power
Chapter 15: Visit From The Future
Chapter 17: Temple of Ruins
Chapter 18: Blast to the Past
Chapter 19: Enuma Elish!
Chapter 20: Hit The Time-Skipping Warrior
Chapter 21: A Major Drawback
Chapter 22: Preliminary Rounds
Chapter 23: Out of Control
Chapter 24: A Certain Annoyance
Chapter 25: The Fall Maiden
Chapter 26: The Final Round
Chapter 27: A Very Grimm Attack
Chapter 28: The Fall
Chapter 29: A New Phase Begins
Chapter 30: A Pendragon's Love
Chapter 31: The Next Step
Chapter 32: The Truth
Chapter 33: Welcome To Mistral
Chapter 34: Battle For Haven Part 1
Chapter 35: Battle For Haven Part 2
Chapter 36: The Power of A God
Chapter 37: False Victory
Chapter 38: Devil Girls Lust
Chapter 39: A Dragon's Rage
Chapter 40: Raided
Chapter 41: Torn Away
Chapter 42: Alpha's Despair
Chapter 43: Eternal My Master
Chapter 44: Who Am I?
Chapter 45: Restoration
Chapter 46: Strong But Stupid
Chapter 47: Pandora
Chapter 48: Giving it Everything
Chapter 49: The One To End It All (Finale)

Chapter 16: Investigations?

1.7K 35 8
By SaiyanRebel216

Beacon Auditorium (Y/n's Pov)

We were all in the auditorium as we had been called by Glynda 

Glynda: Quiet! Quiet please. Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin.

Ozpin: Today we stand together, united. Mistral, Atlas, Vacuo and Vale. The four kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for. As a result those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself: colour. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this to come, but it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism and unity through diversity. As I have said today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot stand forever without effort. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first years you will e tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntstress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember you training and remember to do your very best

Ozpin steps away as the students all begin to walk out of the auditorium

Ruby: This is perfect! All we have to do is shadow a Huntsman working in the southeast!

Yang: Yeah, we'll follow them around by day and give them the slip by night!

Team RWBY and my team all walk towards a hologram screen

Ruby: Here we go! Quadrant 5 needs Grimm cleared out!

Blake: Well it's in the southeast!

Yang: Sounds perfect

Weiss: But shouldn't we check the others just in case

Ruby: Hm nahh

Ruby selects it and types in their names however the screen then says that first years aren't allowed to partake in this mission

Weiss: Wonderful!

Blake: Any other ideas?

Ruby: We mail ourselves there!

Ozpin: *Pops up from behind the screen* Well that's one option. Unfortunately we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first year students. It seems that particular region is rather popular. In fact I have the sneaking suspicion that you four will make your way there no matter which job you choose.

WBY look at Ruby who nervously rubs her head

Ruby: Whatever makes you say that?

Ozpin: I'm still curious how you all found yourselves at the docks last semester. I'm interested to know how you really learned about a hideout in the southeast. And I am certainly interested why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals in a dance club some time ago

Ruby: Um...well...

Ozpin: I doubt I'll ever find the exact answers I'm looking for so how about this instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, why don't we just bend them?

Ozpin selects some things on his scroll and the hologram ends up making a noise

Ruby: We won't let you down. Thank you Professor

Ozpin: Do not thank me for this. Teamwork and persistence has carried you this far. But you must understand the things that await you beyond the protection of the Kingdom will not care. Stay close to your Huntsman at all times, and do exactly what they say. Your Huntsman will be leading you on this mission and he can have you sent back to Beacon if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory. Good luck

Team RWBY all look at each other then end up leaving the auditorium and are on their way to an airship that will take them to Quadrant 5

Yang: That wasn't exactly uplifting

Blake: But it's the truth

Weiss: Though he was quite blunt

Ruby: It's gonna be tough, but I know we can do it!

Yang: So what about you guys Y/n?

Y/n: I saw something to do with an unknown temple in the Emerald Forest and thought that we might want to check it out 

Ruby: Hm sounds boring 

Killua: *Sighs* Y/n said he wanted to stay away from the fighting, reasons unknown seeing as he is a saiyan

Artoria/18: You know full well the reason!

Killua: Yeah whatever 

I looked underneath the screen Team RWBY typed their team into and saw something about the Emerald Forest and something that was needed to be checked out

Y/n: Ah perfect

I typed my teams name into it and we were accepted 

Y/n: Huh easy peasy

Ruby: How come they were accepted easily!

Killua: Because we're badass

A student ends up running past them nearly hitting Weiss in the process

Student: Hey! Team CFVY is back!

Soon students began to gather round to see the return of Team CFVY as one with bunny ears walk up to us

Velvet: Hey guys! 

Weiss: Aside from that what happened? Your mission was supposed to end a week ago

Velvet: Nothing happened, there were just so many of them *Looks up and sees Team RWBY's worried expressions* Oh but don't worry you first years are just shadowing Huntsmen so you should be fine.

Yang: Right

Velvet: W-well I should go, tell Y/n I said thank you and be safe okay?

Ruby: We can do this, we've never backed down before and we're not going to start now

Blake: Right

Ruby: Besides it won't only be us out there! We'll be fighting alongside a genuine Huntsman!


Beacon Courtyard (Y/n's Pov) 

I was stood jaw dropped after seeing who my Huntsman or should I say Huntress was going to be.

Y/n: Blonde hair, emerald eyes, sharp ass teeth that's definitely-

Artoria: MORDRED! 

I saw Artoria blast pass me and hug Mordred

Y/n: You've known her for like 3 hours!

Artoria: And in those 3 hours I've felt I've gotten closer to you than I ever have in my entire life 

Akeno: *Walks up to them* Awww that's cute

Y/n: Oh great and she's here too, why don't all you idiots just start showing up

Issei: Hey Y/n! *Waves*

Y/n: I was fucking kidding!

Rias: What's he screaming about?

18: I'm as lost as you

Y/n: *Sighs* So what are you guys doing?

Rias: We're heading into a cave next to the Emerald Forest, it's said to contain a rather large Grimm that needs to be wiped out 

Y/n: *Scoffs* If only I was allowed to do some fighting *Glances at 18*

Killua: Oh so now you want to do some fighting!

Y/n: Of course I want to do some fighting, it's just women are scary 

Xenovia: The great and powerful Y/n scared of mere women 

Y/n: Women who can beat your ass if they wanted to

Akeno: Well he seems a lot more lively today

Rias: He certainy does

18: I'm wondering why he's acting like this

Mordred: Right team, let's go hunting!

Mordred walks to a bullhead with Artoria in tow whilst I sigh and turn to Ikaros whos been really silent lately 

Y/n: You alright Ikaros?

Ikaros: Yes I'm... fine 

Y/n: *Raises an eyebrow* Alright if you say so, come on let's go

We walk behind Killua and 18 after saying our goodbyes to everyone and sit down in the Bullhead 

Y/n: Alright first things first how did you even get into Beacon?

Mordred: Oh you know just a little persuading of the headmaster to make me your Hunter

Killua: What exactly is the temple like?

Mordred: I'm not sure when they went on the mission the seal was unlocked on accident but apparently even after it's released it teleports all over the area until it finally takes one into the past 

Y/n: The past?

Mordred: Yeah and you'll be the one to go in the past, I'll make sure of that also here 

She places her hand on top of mine as they both glow and then a symbol was left on my hand after she was done

Y/n: Why do I need this?

Mordred: It's the seal to unlock Ea

Y/n: Wait why is everyone so obsessed with Ea isn't there another... I think it's Gáe Bolg or something 

Mordred: Gáe Bolg is powerful I'll admit that much it's got a special ability to always hit an opponent's heart essentially killing them however it only allows one person to use that power whereas Ea it's destructive power at it's fullest can be wielded by one person but others can wield it too until you say the chant then store it high in the sky

Y/n: In the sky? 

Mordred: Yes... the place you guys call-

Ikaros: Synapse

Everyone turned to Ikros who had a montone look on her face 

Y/n: Isn't that the place you came from?

Ikaros nodded 

Ikaros: There's more to the world than you think

Artoria: Wait what does Mordred mean by store it high in the sky

Ikaros: Within Synapse there's a vault that only one being can unlock it's said that within that vault contains all the treasures ever collected, once you store it in there you'll be able to call for it whenever you want without the chant 

Mordred: Huh seems she knows more than I do

Killua: Well she did drop out of the sky

Mordred: Maybe that's why so Y/n doesn't need the chant?

Ikaros: As long as he's in the past all he'll need to do is get Ea bring it to the vault, store it in there then claim the vault as his after that he can summon it whenever he wants 

Mordred: Makes our entire trip easier, Y/n this mission is on you we can't have you fail, you understand me?

Y/n: Yeah yeah I got it, if I fail our world is doomed 

Mordred: Good then I wouldn't expect for there to be any hostile apart from Grimm and the guardian

Artoria: The guardian?

Mordred: There's someone protecting Ea, though nobody but Y/n can unlock it he won't hesitate to kill anyone who even enters it's room

18: How do we get past him then?

Y/n: I believe your forgetting we have someone with Godspeed and three beings who can create shields

Mordred: You can do that?

Y/n: Yeah me, 18 and Ikaros can all do it besides can't Artoria just go Alter or something

18: Alter?

Artoria: It was during a training session that this first happened, I don't exactly remember where we was but I got consumed and blackened by some mud from the Shadow after that I was just in a much darker appearance

Y/n: She even punched me! 

Killua: She punched you...

Y/n: Yeah I got sent flying then she used Excalibur Morgan on me 

Artoria: I'm surprised you didn't die 

Y/n: Please it'll take more than a punch and a Noble Phantasm to take me out 

Mordred smiled at the interaction between her two parents as did the rest 

Mordred: So how do we turn her into the Alter version?

Y/n: Get her to rage... I'm talking like you're going to kill someone rage

Killua: So basically kill Y/n and she'll turn into the Alter version of hers 

Y/n: Yeah... I guess that works 

Artoria: What no, we can't let him die!

18: Yeah that wouldn't be good for any of us 

Killua: Whatever *Lays back* I wanna see this Excalibur Morgan of hers though

Y/n: It's like she has an unlimited supply of mana, it's crazy strong

18: How did you defeat her?

Y/n: I didn't

18: What?

Y/n: She just transformed back after destroying about 5 mountains and a pretty large temple 

Killua: Huh sounds like me when I first used Godspeed

Y/n: I remember that day, you burned the entire forest down 

Killua: Pretty fun doing so

Mordred: Okay that's enough, we're talking like we're going to die

Killua: What a party boomer

Mordred: We're here 

We look out the windows and see we're above a temple, Mordred then jumps out of the Bullhead 

Y/n: Last one down has to make breakfast everyday next week!

I pick up Artoria and jump out the Bullhead with 18, Ikros and Killua in tow as we all land in front of the temple

Mordred: Now... let the mission begin


The hunt for Ea begins and we're going to the past? What about Kazane and Nymph haven't they defeated this guardian? Find out next time! Peace!

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