A Wolf's Howl (Legoshi X Read...

By ramen_writez

139K 4.7K 3.1K

(Y/N), one of the last winter wolves left in the world, and the next leader of the well known mafia group, Ch... More

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By ramen_writez

"Please, enjoy your food!"

I nodded to the lunch lady who handed me a plate of food. She was awfully cheerful for someone who doesn't get paid enough. I started making my way to a small table in the back, excited to finally get some food in my stomach. I set the tray down on the table and moved my book next to it. I guess I forgot to put my book away when I was at the dorm, but it's fine. I pulled out the chair and sat down, opening my book to where I left off. I started reading, taking a couple bites of my food here and then.

"You must really like that book, huh?" A voice said from in front of me. I look up to see the grey wolf from earlier. "O-oh I'm sorry! I just saw you over here and I thought I should come over and say hi. Um I'll leave if you want to continue reading."

I laugh, setting down my book. "Oh, no. You're fine, you can sit if you want. Besides, I've read this book tons of times."

Legoshi nodded and sat down, setting down his tray of food. "So, if you've read that book a lot, why do you keep reading it?"

"Oh, um, it was actually my mom's favorite book," I laugh quietly.

"Was?" Legoshi asked. I didn't say anything, and Legoshi's eyes widened.

"Crap, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of said anything!" He panicked.

I stared at the table in front of me. 'Sorry.' I've heard that word come out of so many mouths when my mom is mentioned. She was killed when I was 5. She went on a mission with some members of Chi Ōkami and she didn't make it back alive. I didn't have tons of memories about her, but I do remember that she always read me that book when I was sad. She was such a book worm, my dad tells me stories about her all the time.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. It happened a long time ago," I say, taking a bite of my food.

Silence fell between us as we both ate our food. I saw Legoshi glance at me a couple times, but I ignored it.

"So, are you joining any clubs?" Legoshi randomly asked.

"I was actually forced into joining the Drama Club," I said looking up at him.

"Really? I'm actually in the Drama Club, I'm part of the stage crew," Legoshi said, a bit of excitement in his voice.

"Oh? The headmaster actually put me into the stage crew! It's nice to know someone who is also in it!" I say. "Now that I think about it, can we walk to the club room tomorrow together? I'm still figuring out where everything is here."

"Oh yeah. What class are you in?" Legoshi asked.

"2-C, what about you?"

"I'm in that class, too," he said. (I looked up what class Legoshi is in since I've only seen the anime and I haven't read the manga, so I just put a random class. This won't affect the rest of the story).

"Huh, looks like we're going to be around each other a lot!" I laugh. Legoshi quietly chuckled and continued eating.

"So was your mother also a winter wolf?"

"Yea. She was so beautiful, too! Hold on, I have a picture of her," I say, pulling out my wallet. I opened it and pulled out the one picture I have of her that I stored into my wallet. I handed Legoshi the picture and he looked at it.

"She is beautiful," he says, looking at the picture. "You look just like her."

"Are you calling me beautiful?" I tease. A blush formed on his face.

"I-I didn't say that! Wait, no that came out wrong. I'm not saying you're not beautiful, you're very beautiful!" He stammered. I laughed, reaching over to him and rubbing the top of his head.

"Aw, don't be embarrassed! I was just playing around!"

'He is actually pretty cute when he is nervous.'

Legoshi apologized for like the hundredth time. "You don't have to keep apologizing, Legoshi."

He apologized for apologizing to much.

We both ate all of our food, having small talk here and there. He didn't mention my dad's mafia, but he did ask if it was scary being in it. I replied with "I was born into it, so not really."

I learned that he didn't have much friends cause people were scared of him. I couldn't tell why people are scared of him, he's so gentle. But I can relate, Haruhi was talking non stop to me but when Bella mentioned the rumor, Haruhi's opinion on me took a major turn.

"So, do you like your roommates?" Legoshi asked.

"Well, kinda. One of them tried to fight me, saying she won't let someone like me stay with them. But it's fine, they will get over it," I say.

"She tried to fight you?" Legoshi tilted his head slightly.

"Yeah, but let's just drop it. It's getting late, we should head out," I say, getting up. "You coming?"

Legoshi stared at me, not saying anything.

"Legoshi? Are you ok?" I asked.

"Um, yeah, sorry," he said back, standing up. We grabbed our trays, I grabbed my book, and we both started to leave.

"Legoshi, hey!" A female voice called out from behind us. We both turned around and saw another grey wolf running to us. 'How many wolves are in this school?' I wonder.

"Oh, hey Juno. What are you doing here?" Legoshi asked the girl.

"I actually came here to get some dinner. Do you want to join me?" The girl, Juno, asked, a small blush on her face.

"I actually already ate. Oh, this is (Y/N), she's one of the new students here. She's going to be joining the Drama Club, too," Legoshi said, pointing at me. "(Y/N), this is Juno, she is in the dance team."

Juno looked at me like I was crazy. I'm guessing she has a crush on Legoshi. "Oh, another wolf? It's nice to meet you!" Juno said, putting a smile on her face. What a fake smile.

"It's nice to meet you, too," I reply, also putting a fake smile on my face. 'Two can play at this game, Girly.'

"Say, Legoshi, do you want to walk to the club together tomorrow?" Juno turned her attention to Legoshi, forgetting that I was standing right there.

"Actually, I was going to walk with (Y/N). Maybe another time?" Legoshi shut her down.

'Me: 1, Juno: 0.'

"Oh, I see. Well, I'll let you go now. Have a good rest of your night, Legoshi!" Juno said. She shot a glare at me without Legoshi noticing and she walked off.

"Well, let's go," Legoshi said, turning the way we were walking before Girly stopped us. I nod and follow him.

-Time Skip-
"So, are the other new kids in our class?" Legoshi asked.

"Yeah. They are super awesome, I think you would get along with them, even though they are idiots," I laugh. We both stop at where my dorm building is.

"Well, good luck with your roommates," Legoshi said.

"Thanks," I laugh. "Well, see you in class?"

"Yeah, see ya," Legoshi said. He started walking to another building. I waved at him and headed inside. I walked all the way to my dorm room and I stopped. 'What if they ask me to move to a different room? What if they don't even let me in? Is Bella going to attack me like she almost did earlier?' All these questions were running through my head as I reached out to the doorknob. I grabbed it and twisted it. 'Ok, it's unlocked.'

I opened the door. Kara and Haruhi were the first people I saw. They were sitting on a bed, looking at the ground quietly talking. Haruhi's head snapped up and she stared at me. Tears started to form in her eyes and she got up, running at me.

"(Y/N)! I'm so so sooo sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! I'm not scared of you! I just didn't know how to feel in that moment! Please forgive me!" Haruhi wailed, tackling new into a hug.

"It's ok, don't worry about it. I'm used to it," I say, patting her head.

"Bella didn't mean it either! She's so good hearted so please forgive her also!" Haruhi sobbed into my hoodie.

"H-hey! You're gonna get snot all over my hoodie!" I said. Haruhi let go and wiped her face off from the tears.

"S-sorry, (Y/N). I'm glad you're back though," Haruhi smiled at me. I smile back at her.

"We actually discussed it, (Y/N)," Kara said, standing up. "The headmaster wouldn't of let you into this school if you are going to endanger students. And like you said, we shouldn't of judged you because you are in the mafia. Of course it is your decision, but we would love it if you stayed in our dorm room."

"Well, I don't really have anywhere else to go," I smile at Kara. "Thanks for letting me stay here."

"Of course, Bella was against you staying here, but in the end she gave up," the other dog, Charlie, said.

"Charlie! Shut up!" Bella growled at her.

"Bella," Kara looked at her. "We discussed this."

Bella sighed and walked up to me, staring at the ground. "I... I'm sorry. Please forgive me," Bella muttered.

"Oh, what was that? I couldn't hear you," I said.

"I said I'm sorry," she said slightly louder.

"Hm? Did you say your salty? I mean you are," I smirk.

"No you idiot! I said I'm sorry!" Bella yelled at me. I laughed and nudged her shoulder with my hand.

"I was just teasing. And I forgive you."

Bella's face softened as she stared at me. "You're weird, ya know that?"

I nod, smiling. "I know."

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