One Piece x Reader Lemons

By Ereri2176

89K 1.2K 274

Reposting this book once again, hopefully it stays up this time. Just a smutty oneshot book with OP characte... More

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Killer x Reader

2K 66 24
By Ereri2176

(F/n)'s Pov

Being the only woman on the Kid Pirates ship isn't as bad as what everyone would think.

I'm treated with respect and I have to say the first mate looks pretty fine. His muscles stand out through his shirt and he's just so intimidating and dominant. The only thing is, I have no idea what his face looks like.

But with how his body and voice are, I'd have to say he has a sexy face too. I just want to have him ravish and dominate me.

I'm not generally submissive but when I hear his voice and see him boss the crew around just makes me become putty.

But I can't help but wonder if he'd wear his mask during sexual encounters. If so, I'd be sad about not being able to feel his lips press against my body.

The door to the galley slams open and in comes Kid, Heat, Wire and the man I fantasise about.

"Oh hey (N/n)" Wire spoke as he spotted my figure. I waved at him and the other higher ups.

Heat smiled, Killer nodded and Kid came over to sit at the same table as myself.

"What are you doing in here shrimp?" Kid gruffly spoke, but at the same time trying to be nice enough.

"I've been allowed to have the day off Captain."

"Says who?"

"That would be me Kid." Killer entered the conversation while everyone else sat around.

"Whatever, tomorrow your up in the crows nest on watch." Kid pointed at me.

I nodded and watched as Killer went into the kitchen to make food for the guys.

"Would you like to eat something
(f/n)?" Killer spoke as he cut some meat and vegetables.

"Uh, is (f/f) ok?" He nodded and grabbed the ingredients he would need.

"So shrimp, you ever gonna tell him about ya crush on him?" Kid asked in a surprisingly low voice.

"Kid! Heat and Wire are present!" I whisper shouted.

"We know about it (n/n)" Heat stayed plainly.

My face flushed a light red from embarrassment. I thought only the captain knew.

"Kid did you tell them?"

"Don't say my name shrimp, and no they figured it out themselves. They are smarter than you think." Kid rolled his eyes.


"He likes you too ya know." Wire spoke. Heat nodded along.

"I highly doubt it."

"Why is that shrimp?"

"For instance, he doesn't talk or acknowledge me unless I'm getting ordered around. Plus he goes and sleeps with the whores on the islands we dock at." I elaborated.

"He tries to ignore you so he doesn't get hard. And he fucks the whores to take out his pent up sexual desires." Kid spat.

"No one on this crew finds me attractive, sexually or not."

"That's not true (f/n), you are a very pretty woman." Heat said making me a bit happier.

"I agree with Heat." Wire spoke.

"Thanks guys."

They nodded and went back to being silent. The only noise heard was sizzling and water boiling. I started to play with my hands until Kid spoke up.

"All you have to do is sneak in his room, wear something sexy and lay in a sexy pose and he'll most likely walk in and fuck you into the mattress."

"Why only 'most likely'?" I asked.

"If he didn't fuck you then he'd walk out all embarrassed and sleep somewhere else thinking you did it as a dare or some shit."


"Whatever I don't fucking know!" Kid started to get angry.

"Captain it's fine. I'll consider your advice but I'm just to shy to do that is all."

"Do you have any of that lacy shit? Or do we have to wait for the next island?" Kid asked.

"Wait for the next island."

"I'm shocked. Anyway you need that lacy shit that barely covers any of your body, he likes that kinky shit. He also might tie you up."

"W-what?" My face probably was completely red by now.

"I know what he's into so I'll help you pick out something I know he'll like, and a bonus for me is that I'll get to see you in those outfits." Kid smirked looking at my exposed cleavage.

"You're a disgusting fucking perv! You do know that right?" I covered my chest.

"I do know." He licked his lips, now looking straight into my eyes.

I glared at him and he just chuckled, obviously he was amused by all of this. Killer walked out with a few bowls and plates and placed them on the table along with knives and forks.

"Heat help me grab all the food."

Heat nodded and followed the first mate. In only a few minutes all the food was fished out and we all dig in. It's not everyday I get to eat food Killer made himself.

"Thanks Killer, it's really good" I smiled at him as I spoke.

"That's not the only thi-uff, you bitch" Kid grunted as I kicked him, interrupting his sentence.

"I'm glad you like the dish, mouse."

I honestly have no idea where they come up with these nicknames, I mean Heat and Wire at least use my actual nickname.


"Island ahead!" Yelled the person on lookout duty.

I started to get nervous, I like being able to set foot on land, but having to go to a shop and get sexy clothes that Kid deceives was getting me anxious.

"Shrimp! We gotta get you some new clothes don't we?" Kid looked down at me and grinned wickedly.

Everyone except Heat and Wire looked at us weirdly, Killer held a questioning gaze.

By the time we docked I had my bag of berries and tried to sneak off the ship without Kid. As I stepped foot onto the island Kid jumped down next to me.

"Were you trying to sneak off shrimp?" Kid smirked at me.

"But of course." I groaned.

"C'mon, we gotta get you looking sexy for Killer."

We headed off towards a sex shop and as we walked in the greeting we got from the woman working there made us feel awkward.

"Hi! You guys looking to spice up your relationship with some new outfits or toys maybe?"

"Umm, we aren't a couple." I mumbled.

"Oh I'm sorry. Well then, what are you looking for?" She asked.


"She wants some sexy shit to seduce a fellow crew mate she wants to fuck." Kid spoke over me.

"Do you want lace, net stocking, or what is your style?"

"We'll go with lace for her."

"Okay, come this way."

I followed her whereas Kid saw something that caught his eye.

"How do you feel about this?" The woman held up what looked to be just string.

"Umm, how do I even wear that?" I asked tilting my head slightly, trying to understand this piece of 'clothing'.

"I'll help you, let's go to the change room shall we?" I nodded and we went to the change room.

As the female attendant finished helping me into the outfit I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped.

The outfit had fishnet stocking that are slightly ripped connected to a garter strap. A tiny bit of leather barely covered my vagina and it didn't bother to go around my hips.

The strip of leather went straight up and parted ways to only just cover my nipples and wound around my neck and chest. This all matched with a pair of fishnet gloves.

On the back the leather turned into lace and covered most of my upper back and then lead down to my ass where the lace became leather once again and basically made a g-string.

"I have to say you look sexy shrimp." Kids voice scares me as I turn around and stare at him horrified, trying to keep myself covered at least a little bit.

"Kid fuck off!" I yelled at him, he just crossed his arms leaning on the wall with a smirk on his face.

"Nah. Also you are definitely getting this outfit and a few more so you can keep entertaining Killer. Also woman this is a great store, I'd love to come back." Kid spoke looking at the attendant.

"Go get some more for her to try on, I'll help shrimp out of her clothing." The woman nodded and Kid walked over to me and gently started to help me get out of the sexy outfit.

Once I was out of it Kid draped his coat around my nearly nude body.

"Don't get dressed just yet, you have other shit to try on. Plus I don't won't you standing here pretty much naked and freezing."



As we were walking back to the ship I couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable in the silence we had created.

"Captain and (f/n) are back!" I heard one of the men yell. I smiled slightly knowing that I have a bit of respect on the ship.

As we boarded the vessel Heat approached me. As did Wire and Killer.

"So have any luck?" Heat asked.

"Boss didn't hurt you did he? You look uncomfortable." Wire spoke looking me over for any signs of injuries.

"What exactly happened?" Killer questioned.

"First of all, yes I did have luck getting those clothes. Second, Kid didn't hurt me but yes I am now very uncomfortable near him as he has clearly seen way to much of me then I would ever like to admit. And third, I went shopping with the captain and he too got some shit he found, and I quote 'this shit is priceless, won't find something like this anywhere else. I'd love to fuck a bitch in this' and I am very traumatised at what he showed me."

After explaining I went to walk into my cabin. I have my own since I'm a woman and need my privacy. Killer followed me. When I opened my door is when I finally turned to him.


"What aren't you telling me?" Killer crossed his arms, he's obviously gotten irritated and he doesn't normally act like this.

"I told you everything already." I rolled my eyes.

"No you haven't. Heat and Wire clearly know the whole story whereas I don't."

"Just give it a rest okay? You'll find out soon enough." I said turning to go inside my room.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I didn't answer him as I closed the door and locked it. Proceeding to put my 'clothes' away and lay on my bed, passing out instantly.

I awoke to insistent knocking on my door. I groaned and sluggishly got out of bed and opened the door.

"What?" I asked yawning.

"C'mon or you'll miss dinner." Heat stated.

"I'm to tired to walk though." I groaned once again.

"If I carry you there will you eat?" I nodded and he crouched down to allow me to climb onto his back.

"Thanks Heat." I whispered as I loosely hung from him with his arms supporting my legs practically being the only thing to hold me up.

He nodded and we traveled to the galley in silence. Once we arrived Heat didn't bother to put me down until we arrived at the higher ups table, which I do happened to be allowed to sit at.

"There you go, don't pass out eating your food." I nodded and thanked him once more.

No one questioned his actions since most of the pirates have actually carried me to the galley to eat at least once.

During the feast that was served everyone was making a mess and was obnoxiously loud. Most may find this unsettling but it honestly in a way soothes me.

"Shrimp, you leave earlier then everyone else cause you have something to do got it?" Kid spoke to me.

"Tonight?" I asked a bit panicked. Kid nodded.

"Tonight or never. He's getting impatient for a fuck."

I sighed and nodded. I finished my plate and stood up to leave. I turned to Kid to say one last thing.

"Keep him distracted for a little while cause I got some shaving to do."


After I showered and had shaved my legs, vagina and armpits I changed into the first outfit I tried and put a long coat over myself.

I exited my room and headed for Killers. As I got to his door I was relieved to find it unlocked. I stepped in and I couldn't see a damn thing, the porthole barley lit anything in the room.

I took my coat off and I heard it land on the floor with a soft thud. I slowly stumbled my way to the bed and as I got on I realised Killer was already in his room.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath.

I felt the bed shift and quickly he lit a match and got a few candles burning.

"Mouse? What are you doing? What are you wearing?"

"I-umm... I."

"Is this what you meant by 'you'll find out soon enough?" He asked. I gulped and nodded.

Killer grabbed his shirt, which I only now realise that he is without,  and he gave it on me but I didn't put it on.

"You don't have to do this just cause Kid said so." He spoke gently.

"I want to." I whispered.

Killer got up and locked the door. As I stared at his muscular body I realised he's only in boxers and he still has his mask on.

"Why'd you lock the door." My voice was shaky but I'm glad I didn't stutter.

"I don't want anyone to drunkenly walk in and see you in such indecent clothing."

To his words I looked down and thought he either didn't like me, the clothing or both.

"I'll leave." I went to stand up but he grabbed me.

"No, you'll stay. We don't want you to have worn this outfit and not done something."

His hand crept towards my waist and held onto me. Killer moved me so I was on his lap and I could feel him beginning to get hard.

"Take off your mask, please."

"I'm not going to. You'll run away."

"If you don't take it off then I'll just leave."

His hands abandoned me and he allowed me to leave. He didn't make a move to take off his mask.

"Really? Whatever I'm leaving this was a waste of time and money." I spoke starting to rant a little as I got up and picked up my coat.

"Ya know I really like you Killer but you won't even take off your fucking mask. I don't care if you have a scar or have a burn mark. I don't want to be with you just for looks, I like you for you and your face won't change that."

I put my coat on and went to unlock his door until I heard him sigh and something unclasp.

"You say that now but if you choose to turn around you'll think otherwise." I heard his mask get placed on his bedside table and I turned.

I dropped my coat and crawled back on top of him. I lifted his bangs and gasped. His blue eyes were striking and his face was littered in mostly small scars.

"I told you that you wouldn't like me once you saw my face." He turned away.

"No that's not it. I love how you look. The scars you're insecure about just add detail to your already perfectly defined features. It honestly just turns me on even more." I blushed as I said the last sentence.

He looked back and me and I could see a faint smile ghosted on his lips. I leaned in and kissed him. This initiated a little make out session and his hand traveled to my ass cheeks.

He groped as he pleased and gave light smacks. I started to grind on him and the friction from his semi was making me desire what was to come.

"I can't be bothered with foreplay mouse, I want you."

I sat up slightly and he slid his boxers down fully. He then ripped what little clothing I had on and I gasped, partially angry and partially shocked.

Killer flipped us so I was beneath him and he rammed into me making me arch my back and moan loudly.

He didn't wait and started a fast and harsh pace. I writhed in pleasure from his rough movements. His cock was obviously quite large as he stretched me a bit.

"You feel so good wrapped around me princess." Killer grunted as he kept up his brutal pace that I was loving.

"K-killer hah yes~" my vision was becoming hazy a little as I felt my orgasm parochial quickly.

"Killer.. Killer~ Killer~" I couldn't say anything else as I came around him, his name being the only thing on my mind.

"That was quick mouse." He said looking down then looking back up at my flushed face. My mouth slack and his name slipping past my lips.

He leaned down and started to leave hickies all over my chest and neck. I felt myself getting close to climax once again and Killer noticed at well.

His right hand went to my clit and he started to apply pressure rubbing small precise circles on it.

"Fuck! Killer I'm cumming again~" I basically screamed. My walls cling to him tightly as bliss washed over me once again.

My legs wrapped around him waist and his pace hadn't faltered once yet. This is definitely the best sex I've had and it feels like it's been going for an eternity.

"I'm close now princess." Killer grunted out. His fingers working their magic on my sensitive bud and his unrelenting thrusts seemed to become sloppy.

A third orgasm approached with haste and this time I squirted over him and clamped down once more. Killer stilled and I felt him release inside me.

He pulled out and I could feel both his and my juices combined leak out of me ever so slowly.

He collapsed next to me and we panted for a few minutes, I was starting to fall asleep. His hands grabbed me once more and placed me on top of him, our legs and fingers entwined with my head resting on his chest.

Just before I fell into the dark abyss called sleep I heard Killer whispers, "goodnight my princess."

The next morning I awoke to an empty bed. I looked around and realised I had no clothes except my coat. I grabbed a pair of his boxers and a shirt then slipped into my coat.

I nearly toppled over multiple times trying to steady my shaky and sore legs. As I walked into the galley I was greeted by Kid glancing at me then laughing his ass off.

"You look great shrimp!" Kid laughed even harder, now smacking the table with his hand.

"Hey (f/n)." Killer greeted me. I walked over to him and sat next to him.

"How many hickies ya got?" Kid asked staring at my exposed neck.

Killer's arm slithered around my waist and he made me sit on his lap.

"Don't tease her Kid." Killer spike up.

"Don't go soft or lovey dovey on me." Kid said with a disgusted face.

"Before you ask mouse, this does make you my woman to ravish and protect." Killer whispered to me.

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