A Sky Full of Stars (Izuku Mi...

By hichi135

324K 11.2K 10.5K

(Y/n) is a foreigner and it's their first day at UA. They meet new people, including Midoriya Izuku, who will... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Izuku's Birthday (Filler Chapter)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Hey Guys
What if.......

Chapter 36

4.6K 173 481
By hichi135

(Y/N)'S POV:

The rest of the week flew by with endless reviews, studying, and homework. Though it was all finished and you were now home and ready for a weekend of even more studying.

Luckily, you and Midoriya were able to work out the finishing details on your study plans and decided that you would meet him at his house at twelve on Saturday and would stay for dinner and then head back home.

Honestly, you were so grateful that Midoriya offered his help to you. The feeling of anxiety and nervousness you get during tests was indescribable, so when you heard of the written exams, you were certain that you would fail like your other tests and not be able to go the training camp.

But then your guardian angel flew in, in the shape of a broccoli nevertheless, and proposed to save your ass.

Thinking about the meeting tomorrow was making it hard to sleep though. It was already 3 AM and you're not even tired.

For some reasons you couldn't help but feel a little anxious at the thought of studying with Midoriya.

'What if he thinks I'm stupid?' You let the notion pass through your brain.

You weren't an idiot, but that didn't make you smart either. Throughout your childhood, your grades have been average as average could get. The only subject you excelled at was anything to do with the body since you have studied it for as long as you remember to benefit your quirk.

Though that's not what worried you. It's just that Midoriya was so smart in your eyes. Whenever you look his way in class he would always seem so focused and was pretty much at the top of you class besides Momo. You knew that you could never match up to his intelligence.

You knew Midoriya wasn't the type to look down on someone, especially his friends, but the insecurities still haunted your brain.

You decided to just try and sleep it off. Nothing was going to come from staying up all night.

You laid your head on your pillow and closed your eyes tightly. You kept tossing and turning for awhile, but eventually you lulled yourself to a restless slumber.


You woke up to light from your window shining in your eyes. Still in a daze from sleep, you sat up and rubbed your tired eyes.

It wasn't long before you started to gain consciousness of what you were doing and remembered that you were supposed to meet Midoriya today.

You eyes met the clock at the side of your bed. You looked at the time and your eyes widened.

'11:28' It read.

Oh god. You were supposed to be out of the house in two minutes to get there on time. How could you let yourself oversleep? Why didn't you set an alarm?

Before you could comprehend the answers to those questions, you dashed out of your bed and scurried as fast as you can to your dresser, rummaging through your cloths like a madman.

You had to settle on the first things that would look remotely put together. You took some black leggings and a (f/c) t-shirt.

As quickly as you could, you took off your pjs and threw on your simple outfit.

You then rushed to the bathroom brushing your teeth and fixing your hair. You completed other basic hygiene stuff, before you looked in the mirror.

You could look better, but it would do for a casual study session.

You looked at the time. '11:36'

Okay, so if you run, you might still be able to make it to your train. You proceeded to grab your school bag, wallet, and keys before running out the door.

You dashed down the streets dodging signs and people who gave you weird looks.

You're glad that you did that extra cardio training since it had been a pretty long run.

You arrived at the train station just as your train was leaving. You scanned your card and ran into the station, but as you were running in the trains direction, the doors started to close.

"No, no, no, no." You mumbled under your breath as you tried to chase down the train, but your efforts failed as the vessel started and left before you could reach it.

You cried out in aspiration as you realized that you would have to wait half an hour to make the next train.

You collapsed no the nearest bench, trying to catch your breath. You decided to call Midoriya to at least let him know that your going to be late.

You felt around you body for your phone. When you didn't feel it, you decided to check in your bag, then you remembered.

'Shit! I left it on my charger!' You cursed to yourself. This day was definitely not going as planned.

You tried to calm your head by getting a drink from the vending machine, but you still couldn't believe how stupid you had been.

You waited out the thirty minutes wondering what Midoriya was thinking. Do you think he tried calling you? You felt so bad for being irresponsible, but there wasn't much you could do now.

When the train came by, you climbed on it. The train ride was quiet and you tried your best not to freak out at how slow it felt.

As soon as you got off, you started to run again. Luckily, Midoriya's place was only five minutes away and you were able to make it there quickly.

You stood in front of the door, contemplating what you should say. You patted down you wind blown hair and finally knocked on the door.

Almost immediately the door flew open to reveal Midoriya's mother, Inko. You were about to apologize for being late, but before you could, Inko pulled you into a bear hug.

"There you are sweetheart. Izuku was freaking out thinking that you forgot." She released you

"I'm so sorry! I overslept and then I missed the train and then left my phone at my home." You replied frantically.

"It's okay. We're just glad you made it. Anyway Izuku is in his room. You can visit him. Have you eaten yet? I'll make you two some lunch." She dashed off before you could even answer.

You hesitantly entered the place and took off your shoes before making your way to the room you remembered as Midoriya's.

Seeing the All Might sign with his name on it gave you the final confirmation that it was his room and you raised your knuckles to knock.

A few moments later, the door opened to meet Midoriya

As soon as he saw you a smile lit up on his face. "I thought you forgot. I've been calling you." He said, not in malice, just a little concern.

You explained to him what happened and apologized profusely, but he was totally forgiving and motioned you into his room.

"We should probably get started so we can finish as soon as possible." He told you and you nodded.

You sat on the floor and pulled out your textbooks. He sat down across from you and did the same. You guys started immediately. He would let you read certain topics and then would question you on them.

You got quite a few wrong and got embarrassed at points, but Midoriya was extremely patient with you, explaining everything you didn't understand in a almost flawless and easy to understand way. And when you got one right he would praise you and explain it in more detail.

He was such a good teacher and you couldn't help but awe at just how amazing and smart he was. Whenever he'd go on a rant about a certain subject he would do a cute little habit where he'd put a thumb on his chin in contemplation.

Halfway threw, Inko brought you guys some sandwiches and iced tea for lunch and you guys slowly ate while continuing to study.

Before you even knew it, the task of studying passed and Midoriya had expertly taught you all the subjects you needed to go over. He turned to some new pages in his notebook and looked up at you.

"Okay, so I was thinking about your test anxiety and how we could reduce it. So I did some research and found some pretty good ideas that we could try." Midoriya offered to you.

You realized just how much time he had put into you. He made flash cards and study guides on the things you were struggling with and now he was doing research on how to help with your test anxiety. You truly didn't deserve how nice and patient he is with you.

"U-um.... (L/n)-chan." You exited your thoughts to see that you were staring at him and haven't even answered him.

Your face heated up slightly. "Yeah. That, that sounds good." You stuttered. He seemed a little worried but continued on anyway.

He went on to teach you breathing exercises and how to tense and relax your muscles before a test. He also showed you recipes of food you could eat in the morning to give you lots of energy and ways to sleep better and so much more well planned out ways to deal with nervousness.

You continued to practice these and take notes. Midoriya's mom came back later, telling you guys how well you were doing and also brought some dinner.

Soon enough you were done with the exercises as well.

"Seriously Midoriya. I can't thank you enough. You put so much effort into me and I honestly don't deserve it." You started, about to continue, but Midoriya stopped you.

"I wanted to do it, so don't worry about it okay." He gave you a blinding smile and with nothing more to say, you just nodded in a daze.

After a few moment you looked up at Midoriya's alarm clock, All Might themed of course, and looked to see what time it was.

'10:02' Wait, you guys had been doing this for nine hours!?!? You didn't even tell that time had passed as you were enjoying your time with Midoriya.

"I better go. I might miss the last train if I don't leave. I'm so sorry." You faced Midoriya.

"Wait.... um...." He hesitated and you looked at him in confusion. "If it's okay... m-maybe you should just stay here for the night. It's getting pretty late and I don't want you to miss the train. I'm sure my mom will be fine with it." He said, clear flustedness in his voice.

You jumped in to decline. "No. No, it's fine. I don't want to intrude. Even if I miss the bus I could call a taxi or something."

"It's still late and it could be dangerous. Seriously, you should stay here."

You took a look at him and thought about it. Finally you sighed and gave in. "If your mom is fine with, I'll stay."

It's not that you didn't want to stay, you just thought it'd be rude and intruding. You also couldn't shake the weird feeling of nervousness thinking about sleeping in the same house with the green head.

He smiled at your answer. "Sounds good. Let's go talk to my mom."

You both made your way to the living room where Midoriya's mother was sitting on the couch reading through something on her phone. When she heard you guys enter, she turned around.

"Hi guys! Thought you'd never get out of there." Midoriya was about to ask her to let you stay, but she beat him to it.

"I think it'd be best to stay here for the night sweetheart. I don't want either of you having to go out this late. Plus you guys have the day off tomorrow so maybe you could go out. I know you'd like to study and train, but it couldn't hurt to have some time to yourselves." She finished.

You smiled a little awkwardly. "We were thinking of letting me stay over as well." You replied and Midoriya nodded.

"Great then! I could pull out the extra futon and let you sleep on it. You could sleep in Izuku's room or wherever you want to." For some reason, she emphasized 'Izuku's room' like she wanted you to sleep there. "I'm guessing you don't have anything to wear to bed, but you don't look that much smaller then Izuku so I'm sure you could borrow his cloths." She said.

Both yours and Midoriya's faces were red from her suggestions, but you both agreed and Midoriya headed back to his room to get you some cloths.

"You know... Izuku talks about you quite often. You could tell he really looks up to you." Inko told you while you guys were alone together.

You were taken back by that. "O-oh really. Well if anything I should look to him. He's incredible." You said honestly.

"He is, but you are too. I really should thank you for being Izuku's friend. He's never really had that much friends when he was younger and never brought anyone over, but he seems so happy when he's with you or just talking about you and I really am grateful." She started to tear up.

You weren't a hundred percent sure what to say as this came as a huge shock to you, but you decided to just say what was on your mind. "There's no need to thank me. Being Midoriya's friend is a blessing on its own Inko and it seems like you did a great job raising him. He's just such an amazing person and is so selfless. So please don't worry about it."

Just as you finished, Midoriya came back in the room with some clothing in his hands. He looked between you two, noticing that you'd been talking together, but shrugged it off.

"These are the best I could find. Sorry if there to big. You could get changed in the bathroom down the hall" He motioned and you thanked him before going to the restroom.

Once in there, you changed into the cloths Midoriya gave you. They were washed, but you could still slightly smell the scent of him as you slid them on. A forestry pine type scent.

Once you were finished, you looked at your figure in the mirror. You sported a while shirt that said All M on it, obviously a reference to the number one hero, and some grey basketball shorts. They were a little big in you, but they wouldn't fall down or anything so it was all good.

You walked out of the bathroom. You assumed that Midoriya would be in his room and so you made your way there.

You knocked and heard a timid 'come in'. You opened the door and saw Midoriya pulling out a futon out of his closet.

"Do you need help with that?" You asked.

"Oh no. I'mmmm.........." Midoriya looked up from his task to see you, in his oversized clothing. His face turned multiple shades of red in seconds as incoherent stuttering fell from his lips.

"D-d-do they, do they f-fit you well?" He asked.

"Yeah. They're fine. Are you okay?" You asked regarding his red face. He just nodded and gulped before pulling the rest of the futon out of his closet.

He cleared his throat. "Uh... would you like to sleep in here? Y-you don't have to! You could sleep anywhere, in the living room or in the hall. Though I don't why you would do that. You could take my bed and I could take the futon if that's what you want. I-I mean anything's fine." He rambled and you giggled at him.

"I'll sleep in here if that's fine and I could take the futon. Thank you Midoriya."

"Of course!" He said before setting up the futon near his bed. He was still red, you wondered if this was uncomfortable for him, though you didn't want to question him.

Once he was done he gave you an extra pillow and blanket.

You laid down on the soft mattress. Midoriya turned off the lights and did the same with his bed. For a few minutes, you guys sat in awkward silence.

"So..... do you want to do something tomorrow or should I just leave back to my place in the morning?" You broke the silence

"O-oh. I mean if you want to go somewhere I don't mind that at all. Maybe we could even train in that one park again." He replied.

"Yeah that sounds great." You said.

After that you started to doze off. You were pretty tired from today's events and needed some sleep, but before you could sleep, you let yourself mutter two words.

"Goodnight Midoriya."

"Goodnight (L/n)-chan." He replied

(A/N): This was supposed to be finished yesterday, but I may or may not have fractured my ankle like an idiot. Now not only am I in quarantine, but I'm also bedridden lol. Anyway, I hope you all are doing well and staying safe and as always thanks for reading!

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