She is the one for me (One Di...

By iliveforthebeach

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She is the one for me (One Direction Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: boarding, meeting and falling
Chapter 3: love? Crush? Or nothing?
Chapter 4: worry, reunions and familiar faces
Chapter 5: Dinner, A secret comes out
Chapter 7: relationship problems, more flying and toy story?
Chapter 8: texts, pictures and the plan
Chapter 9: the plan??
Chapter 10: the plan starts
Chapter 11: goodbyes, shredded tears and heart breaks.
Chapter 12: New places and familiar faces
Chapter 13: Parting and hocking up??

Chapter 6: listening in, lecturing and jealousy

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By iliveforthebeach

Harry’s P.V.O

I looked over at Cara and Niall who were having their dinner, they were sharing a chocolate mousse, I felt my cheeks start to burn. Could I be jealous of Niall for sharing a chocolate mousse with Cara, no why would I be, he is only sharing a chocolate mousse with the prettiest girl I have ever seen, her eyes so unique and enchanting just like her smile. God what am I saying, I just made it sound like I like her, I don’t like her, right? Oh who am I kidding of course I like her any guy would be foolish not to, well except for Liam and Louis, I mean they already have girlfriends, and I’m not to sure about Zayn I mean as far as I know he is still with Perrie but I’m not sure. But I still think that they might even have a little soft spot for her.

I can see that Niall likes her, you don’t have to try and see if he does it’s obvious, you could see it from a mile away. I can also kind of see that she likes him. God I hope not I really like her, but then I guess it might be better if they are together not me and Cara I mean I really, REALLY like her but I know I might well will do something to stuff it up I always do, if I don’t stupid management will, god at times they are real jerks. Making me have all these one night stands with girls, just to get this heart breaker look about me, but the truth is, is that I don’t want to I want to have what Lou has with El, I want that with Cara. Is that to hard to ask for.

“Harry, HARRY!!!” I heard Louis whisper yell into my ear, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“What? WHAT??” I whisper yell back at him a bit louder than him.

“You were at staring at Cara for like 10 minutes with this weird look on your face. Thankfully I noticed before anyone else but I think Cara could sense someone was staring at her. If I was you I wouldn’t tell her it was you.” Louis said trying to act like the big brother that he is to me

“Oh man, was I really? I didn’t even notice, I just went off into a day dream, oh the poor girl she probably thinks some creep was staring at her.” I said still try to whisper so that the rest of the boys wouldn’t hear me while pulling my hands through my curls. I was so embarrassed and anxious god I hope she didn’t see me staring.

“So why were you staring at her anyway?” Louis said interrupting my train of thought again.

“Um… Well… I-I don’t really know, as I said before I was just day dreaming” I lie trying to make Louis and myself believe it, but it didn’t work for either of us.

“No that’s not it, I can tell when your lying, come on tell me the truth, you can trust me remember.” Louis said trying to convince me to tell him. It kind of worked but just as I was about to say something figured it out.

“Well… Um… You see” I started to say before Louis cut me off.

“OH MY GOD, NO WAY!!!! You like her don’t you” he says trying to make it a whisper but it was more like a shout.

“Ssssssshhhhhhhhh, Louis keep it down” I whisper getting close to Louis.

“Oh, right sorry, I forgot about the whole quiet thing” he apologies’ going back to a whisper.

“*sigh* Yes, yes I do like her.” I said with my head down in a shame meant. “But you have got to promise me you won’t tell anyone” I quickly add in.

“Ok, I promise” Louis replied rolling his eyes as in to say I just ruined all his fun.

“Pinkie promise” I said with puppy dog eyes holding out my pinkie.

“Haha, ok” he said with a big grin on his face, the kind of grin you see when you buy a child a teddy bear that is taller than them, or on a Christmas morning  where they rip open their presents to discover the toy that they have always wanted and the look on their face is priceless.

“Now I think we should get some dinner don’t you since, everyone else has eaten” Louis said returning to his normal voice.

“Oh, Um, Yeah I almost forgot about dinner. Haha” I said with I smile while looking at the small list of food that we can get for dinner.

“Yeah, I’m sure you did forget, to busy admiring someone” Louis said while nudging me in the arm with his elbow giving me a cheeky grin.

“Haha very funny, now stop talking about it we have a promise remember” I said anxiousness clear in my voice.

“Yeah we had a promise that I wouldn’t tell anyone that you like her, not that I wouldn’t talk to you about it.” Louis said reminding me of the promise making me wish that we went into further detail like adding in no talking about it, but I guess it might come in handy I mean if my emotions or feelings for her get to out of control.

“So what are you going to have?” Louis said trying to make conversation

“Um, I don’t know, I was thinking about spaghetti but I’m not sure now. What about you? What are you having?” I said trying not to sound too fussy but it back fired on me and I sounded WAY too fussy.

“Harry stop being fussy” Louis said lecturing me.

“But… I”

“No I don’t want to hear it’ll you’ll just have the spaghetti, and I’ll have the stir fry”

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