She is the one for me (One Di...

By iliveforthebeach

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She is the one for me (One Direction Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: boarding, meeting and falling
Chapter 3: love? Crush? Or nothing?
Chapter 5: Dinner, A secret comes out
Chapter 6: listening in, lecturing and jealousy
Chapter 7: relationship problems, more flying and toy story?
Chapter 8: texts, pictures and the plan
Chapter 9: the plan??
Chapter 10: the plan starts
Chapter 11: goodbyes, shredded tears and heart breaks.
Chapter 12: New places and familiar faces
Chapter 13: Parting and hocking up??

Chapter 4: worry, reunions and familiar faces

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By iliveforthebeach

Cara’s P.V.O

Not long after Niall came back I noticed that he was acting a bit wired but I thought nothing of it I just figured that this was him normally. After about 10 minutes of Niall being weird we decided to get on the plane and I thought I should go and find my dad and Jackie before I get in even more trouble, I think the other boys also noticed that Niall was acting wired I mean he was just really quiet and shy and kept on looking at me. When I finally found dad and Jackie they were in first class watching a movie, figures dad hadn’t noticed I wasn’t with him. When jack saw me there she quickly jumped up and hugged me, not wanting to get me into trouble she quietly whispered into my ear

“Where, were you, are you ok? I was so worried” I could sense the worry and anxiousness clear in her voice. You see Jackie has never really played the step mum role she was just like a friend who every once and a while asked for a hand cleaning the house. She let me do whatever I wanted but also worried about me, so I guess you could say she was like a friend slash motherly thing to me. My dad on the other hand didn’t care what I did where I went who my friends were or anything, he stopped caring the day that my mum died from cancer.

“I’m fine, I , I just had a little fall and hit my head but I’m good now” I reply not wanting this conversation to last much longer.

“Are you sure, I mean are you really ok or are you just putting on a brave face like you always do”  Jackie said in a motherly way still trying to make the conversation last.

“Yes I’m fine, I would tell you before anyone else if I wasn’t” I say while glaring at my dad as I say the part where I would tell her before anyone else. Jackie was about to say something but I cut her off trying to end the conversation.

“I better go and find my seat the plane will be taking off any second” I say walking away from jacking and ending the conversation while Jackie still has a worried expression on her face but taking her seat again and continuing watching the movie.

When I finally found my seat it was 2 rows behind and 1 row across from my dad and Jackie, I knew dad wouldn’t have bothered to try and get a seat next to him or Jackie if anything he would have tried to get the seat furthest away from him and Jackie without getting into trouble from Jackie.

Not long after I sat down in my seat a familiar face came and sat next to me.

Niall’s P.V.O

When I finally found my seat I looked down to see who I had to sit next to coz the boys were sitting next to each other so I have to sit next to some random, who has light brown hair that is slightly wavy and glistens in the sun, and the most unique and enchanting eyes wait a minute that, that’s C-Cara.

Great just great so now I have to sit with the girl that I am apparently have a massive crush on for like 17 hours or something. Well this is going to be fun argh!! I guess this is going to give me a chance to get to know her a bit better and maybe she might start to like me oh I hope so. I doubt it though, I mean she is just so perfect, perfect eyes, perfect hair, perfect tan, perfect lips. Perfect everything!!!

“Hay good to see you again. Long-time no see I mean.” She said jokingly and laughing at the end. Oh god her eyes sparkle even more when she laughs which makes them even more enchanting, is that even possible?

“Haha yeah it’s bean what 10 minutes, god that has been a long time.” I try as hard as I can to say it as a joke but I actually meant it especially where I meant 'god that has been a long time', every second without Cara is like an eternity and I just met the girl for crying out loud. God I hate feelings they suck like hell. Cara started to look at me weirdly god I hope she didn’t hear the seriousness in my voice but her face quickly turned into a smile and she laughs even more.  She than started to pat the seat beside her gesturing for me to sit down.  I just wanted to shout out with joy and kiss her and just let the smile that I so desperately wanted to show come through, but unfortunately I couldn’t because than she would think that I am wired and a little crazy. So I just looked at her gave her a little smile and said thankyou than sat next to her. God why did I say thank you it was my seat I’m such an idiot, she is never going to like me.

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