Fulfilling Fate - Book 3

By vayathorn

1.5M 49.7K 27.2K

Morelli Mafia Series - BOOK 3 | 18+ Passion. Love. Lust. Erotic. Violence. Crime. Strong female lead. After... More

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Chapter 1 - Within A Moment
Chapter 2 - It's Only The Start
Chapter 3 - Forgive Me, Father, For I'm About To Sin
Chapter 4 - My Rearing Stallion
Chapter 5 - Ally or Enemy
Chapter 6 - Seek And You Shall Find
Chapter 7 - The Heat Between Us
Chapter 8 - Promises
Chapter 9 - The Notes, Secrets!
Chapter 10 - Time To Go
Chapter 11 - Open Fire
Chapter 12 - Truths Revealed
Chapter 13 - The Proposal
Chapter 14 - Can't Stay Away
Chapter 15 - Counting Down
Chapter 16 - Asimina Alexiou
Chapter 17 - A Sight For Sore Eyes
Chapter 18 - Emotions Run High
Chapter 19 - So, It Begins
Chapter 20 - Painfully And Cruelly
Chapter 21 - Spanish Donkey
Chapter 22 - Moments Like This!
Chapter 23 - The End Of A Blood Line
Chapter 24 - Old Habits
Chapter 25 - Milos
Chapter 26 - At The Church Step He Waits
Chapter 27 - Dance For Me
Chapter 28 - These Rare Moments
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Chapter 29 - Another Chance
Chapter 30 - Complications
Chapter 31 - Yield & Follow Orders
Chapter 32 - The Truth Hurts
Chapter 33 - Promises
Chapter 34 - My Sweetheart
Chapter 35 - My Beast, My Demon
Chapter 36 - Brotherly Bonding
Chapter 37 - The Walls Around Me Crumble
Chapter 38 - Lying Here With You
Chapter 40 - To His Feet He Stands
Chapter 41 - Dance With The Devil
Epilogue - Here, With You
Authors Note
Amazon Merch - Morelli Mafia Series

Chapter 39 - Fear The Woman Standing Behind The Man

28.4K 1.1K 334
By vayathorn


Fluttering my eyes open, my mind slowly starts to come out of my sleeping state. The sound of the ventilator is a horrid reminder of all the events that took place. Turning to my side, I sit up, looking down at Raffaele. "Morning, Mr. Morelli." Placing a kiss on the side of his mouth, I hum. "I miss those dominant kisses. You know the ones that weaken my knees and have my core burning," I continue to talk to him. I feel like I'm losing my mind. My palm hovers over his tattoo as I plea, "I need you, Raffaele. I need you here with me now, not in a month, not even a week. I need you now!"

Blowing a breath, I stare at the heart monitor his beats increase. My stomach flutters at the idea he can hear me. Can he? Shaking my head, I crawl out of bed and rummage through the bag for clothes. Tommy will be knocking on that door soon, and I need to be ready. Sliding on my panties, my lips curl into a smile as I look over to Raffaele. That aggressive tug on them had me instantly excited. It's been a day, but it feels like weeks. How much I have changed sends a shiver through me. I no longer know who to be without him.

I will always be independent, and I will always be strong, but I no longer need to do things alone. It was hard, surrendering myself entirely, especially after been hurt, but I did. Now I don't want to do anything without him. Although situations have bought us to our knees, we stood proudly again, and together we have become stronger. I never thought loving this deeply and passionately was possible, yet here I am, craving a man more than life itself.

Pulling my t-shirt over my head, I run my fingers through my hair. They forgot to pack a brush. The knock at the door has me sliding my flats on as I awkwardly hop to open up. "Ready?" Tommy glances over my shoulder towards his brother.

I nod, even though he isn't paying attention to me. Sidestepping, he walks into the room. Rubbing the back of his neck, he questions, "How did you sleep?" He briefly glances toward me. "Stupid question," he shakes his head.

"Tommy," I evict the clog in my throat.

He flips the pizza box lid open, "You didn't eat?!" He states more than questions.

"I couldn't get anything down," I respond honestly. Food was the last thing on my mind. Last night I just needed to lay down next to him.

"Mina, my brother, will wake up, and he will bring hell to us all if he believes we haven't looked after you." Worried, he pinches the bridge on his nose, "he will shoot me, Stefano, and the rest of the boys if he finds out you haven't been eating or taking your pills."

I smile at his anxiety levels increasing. He's not kidding. He's genuinely concerned about what Raffaele will do to them. Giggling, I assure him, "I will as of today. Last night I was all over the place."

Nodding, he gestures me to head out, "I'll get you some breakfast on our way back."

Making my way to Raffaele, I place a kiss on the side of his mouth, "I will see you soon!" I mumble and head out the door.

Paul and Tommy's two assassins stand straight as I exit. Greeting all men, I smile at Paul. "Stefano?" I grip my bag.

"He went to pick up our father," Tommy advises.

Even though I'm confident Tommy has given the boys orders, I need to instruct, "Paul, go into that room, sit on the chair and wait for me to return." His eyes don't falter, "If he wakes up, you call me immediately. Understand?"

Smiling, he responds, "Understood!"

Mumbling a thank you, I focus on the other two men. "Let no one on this floor. In fact, anyone that is not part of Morelli's inner cycle, shoot them!"

"Mina's orders are as good as mine," Tommy affirms. Amused, he states, "They have already been given those orders."

"Good!" Spinning on my heels, I head to the lift. My heart sinks with every step I take, I don't want to leave Raffaele, but I need to deal with this fucker. I want to deal with this fucker. Stepping into the elevator, Tommy follows, "Are they aware that they will be flying back to the States tonight?" I question.

"Yes, Nick has arranged the jet. Paul, Amir, and Jamal head out to control the institution." He straightens his suit jacket.

"The priest?"

"Leon and Alex are flying back with them. I have fulfilled all your requests, Mrs. Morelli." He teases

"Okay," I mumble. Stepping out of the lift, I follow Tommy through the hospital doors to the Morelli car.

I had always looked forward to visiting beautiful Italy. This trip, however, has been a nightmare. I want to head home and come back fresh one day soon. There are so many things I want to see and do here in Italy. All my plans for this trip have been tainted.

"What are you thinking?" Tommy questions as he walks around to the driver's seat.

Sliding into the car, I click in the seat belt, "I'm planning our next trip to Italy and all the places I'm going to force Raffaele to take me."

Grinning, he roars the engine to life, "I'm sure my brother will be thrilled."

Hope! Without it, I would go insane. It was hope that pulled me through when I was pregnant to Nate, and it's what I'm clinging to now. I hope that he will feel me next to him and returns to me sooner rather than later. Slouching back in my seat, I close my eyes and think back to the house Raffaele bought for us in California. He pictured us there together with our family, and although I only spent a week there, it felt like home. Our home and I'm desperate to go back. I've fallen in love with a dangerous man and embraced a life that will haunt me. Fiddling with my rings, I'm reminded I am Mrs. Morelli, and it's the man I have fallen in love with, not the occupation.

"You keep looking at those rings!" Tommy points out.

"You will understand it one day," I mumble, glancing his way.

"Nah, I won't." He vigorously shakes his head. I roll my eyes at the same old games.

Arriving at the warehouse, I suck in a breath. I'm not nervous, far from actually. I'm fuming! The man in there is the reason my husband is lying on a hospital bed. The familiar storm brews within, and that hurricane swirls violently. I want to hurt this man. I'm going to hurt this man! Tommy kills the engine, and I open my door. Making eye contact with Luciano and Stefano, they're waiting for us in front of the door. I scoff at the view of the warehouse. Morelli styled. Nothing looks cheap or run down. The amount of guards circulating is ridiculous.

Walking up to them, Luciano intently studies me as he speaks, "How are you doing cara -dear?"

Blowing a breath, I run my hand down his arm and offer him a meek smile, "As good as I can be in this situation."

"My son is a strong man. He will come back to you."

My lip quivers, and frustration proliferate, "Stupid hormones!" I mumble, causing and three men to chuckle. In the last couple of days, I have struggled to hold back the endless waves of despairing emotions flooding me. Sure, the pregnancy is a contributor, but the situations that have occurred are soul-crushing and heartbreaking.

Our relationship has had many obstacles, but the moments of love, passion, and family bonding, overpower and prove that a healthy relationship, loving husband is a possibility even in this world. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nod. "Let's do this!"

Stefano pulls the door and holds it open for me. Sliding past Tommy and Luciano, I stand in front of a man who had provided endless support when I had no one in my life. A man I considered family before we knew he was family.

"I'm proud of you," I smile at Stefano.

Smiling, he gestures me to walk. Stepping through the door, the open space is filled with pallets of drugs and gun crates. I have no idea the street value of all this product, but I assume it's in the millions, which probably isn't the only warehouse. My eyes widen as I mauver around the product.

Turning a corner, I sweep my eyes, glancing at the Capos. They're all caught in a meaningless conversation and quickly seal their lips at the sight of me. Sal, Mark, Leon, and Alex push themselves off the pallets and stand straight. Valentino, along with Antonio, stands with their hands in their pockets.

"Morning," I utter barely above a whisper.

"Nathan slept peacefully last after a huge feed," Antonio brings a smile to my face with Nathan's news.

"Thank you for taking him last night."

"He's an adorable kid. Your sister treasured every moment." Rubbing the back of his neck, he states, "She's hoping he could stay tonight," he assures and comforts me with his words. I don't need to worry about the well-being of my son. I appreciate it. I miss Nathan, but he's safe, healthy, and happy. It's his father that needs me.

"As long as he isn't too much trouble,"

"Not at all. His energy is refreshing," Antonio's giddy voice is full of amusement for the boy.

Nodding, I finally turn and stare at the man in the middle. The Capos fulfilled each one of my demands. The thick chain is thrown over the ceiling beam connecting to the cuffs on his wrist. His feet mere inches from the floor are once again chained with shackles around his ankles. They weren't kidding when they stated he would be contained in a way he couldn't harm me. Apart from his heavy breathing, the only sound heard is my scrapping shoes as I begin to circulate him.

His dark eyes follow me, but he doesn't speak a word. He's not one bit intimidated, scared. He should be. I can be extraordinarily vicious and malicious. Those eyes of his will soon be filled with terror. Coming around, I study the man, he may be an assassin, but he's a coward. There would be no other way for this man to win a battle against Raffaele. A shot from the far was the only option. He's half the size in muscle. Droplets of sweat form on his forehead, but not from fear. It's purely from the strain his body is under. "So, you're the man who shot my husband."

He narrows his eyes and doesn't respond. His muted state infuriates me. I deserve to be taken earnestly. Pulling a knife out of my bag, I do it casually and with poise. My anger builds, bubbles. I am furious other than my rapidly rising chest from my streamy breaths. I show no other signs of viciousness. Tossing my bag to the side, I twirl the tip of the knife on my finger. The man intently studies me.

"He's alive. You missed!" I inform him.

His nostrils flare, and the grinding of his teeth has me satisfied. He's angry and unable to move. Perfect! Soon he will be engulfed with fear. Teasingly I run the knife down his chest and start to interrogate.

"Who sent you?"

Hiking a brow, my eyes don't falter. Grinning, he speaks his first words in Italian. His deep voice and quick speaking mouth make it impossible to understand—a sadistic grin surfaces on my face. I feel my features turn malicious. He quickly stops and stiffens. Scrapping the knife on his chest, I superficially break his skin. He hisses, and those eyes start to fill with fear as I bring the knife up, wiping the blood on his cheek. "Who sent you? I won't ask a third time."

His eyes dart from me, around the room, to all the Capos. They continue to stand attention and show me the same respect they would Raffaele. Bringing the knife down, I drive with force into his stomach. My eyes don't falter as he snaps his head back in pain. His features painfully morph, and the droplets of sweat soak into his brows. There is a level of shock. He didn't believe that I was capable of stabbing him without remorse.

Holding the knife in place, I twist and grind my teeth together. He ceases to breathe; his face reddens and tremors. "Speak," I demand.

Letting out his long-held breath, blood fills his mouth. Stefano is quick to my side, holding a gun to his temple. "Don't you dare spit on her," he warns.

The assassin tilts his head to the side and lets his mouth hang open, spit infused with blood dribbles. Abruptly pulling the knife out, I wipe my blood-stained hands on the man's clothing before fisting his hair. I find myself trembling with rage as I shift the tip of my knife under his chin. The moment I have been waiting for is here. The shake in his body as fear engulfs him is satisfying. Attempting to thrash, Stefano nudges me slightly to the side, avoiding any impact on me. I dig my knife into the bottom of his chin enough to draw blood.

"Santino," he spits. His lip trembles as he continues to drool.

"Father Santino!" Leon's voice is heard.

I don't turn to face the man as I speak. "It doesn't matter. You and Alex fly out tonight with the other boys. Capture and contain both those priests. Raffaele will deal with them." Fusing my eyes shut, I suck in a breath, advising, "Keep them in perfect, physical health the Demon is going to want to play."

Snapping my eyes open, I smile at the man dangling in front of me. "You should fear the name, Raffaele Morelli!" My grip on his hair tightens, holding him in place. "But what you should fear more is the woman standing behind him," Furiously, I drive the knife under his jaw, his eyes widen, and his mouth remains open, giving me the perfect view of the knife pierced through his tongue. Gurgling on his blood, he fails to clear his throat and begins to choke on the thick liquid. His convulsing body has Stefano standing in front of me. Raising his gun, he aims at the man's forehead and pulls the trigger.

Valentino steps forward and hands me a wet towel. Thanking him, I clean the blood off my hands. "You're full of surprises," he states, amused.

"That I am!" I smile at the man.

Tossing the towel to the side, I run my fingers through my hair, "I want this nightmare trip to come to an end. We will be better prepared and ensure everything goes smoothly the next time we are in Europe. I don't want a repeat."

Picking up my bag, Mark walks towards me, "Raffaele would be proud of you."

Nodding, tears well up, "That means a lot." Fanning my tears away, I take a deep breath in and turn to the Gun, "Let's go."

* * * * *

Stepping out of the lift, I walk down the corridor. Amir and Jamal halt their steps and glance my way, "Any trouble?" I question as I approach.

"None," Amir advises. Jamal nods.

Tommy approaches the men as I turn the knob and open the door to Raffaele's room. My heart sinks. I had hoped he would wake up, but I also didn't want him to. I want to be here. Selfishly I want to be the first person he sees.

Paul stands to his feet at the sight of me. "Petro and Laz came past. His vitals are perfect," he wastes no time in filling me in.

As the first traitor's tears escape me, I turn to face Paul and suck in a breath. "I need him." Once again, I'm selfish, leaning on Paul, knowing he still has some lingering feelings. Diverting his eyes, I instantly regret it. "I'm sorry, Paul. All this is unfair to you!" Dislodging the lump in my throat, I'm cautious with my words. "You're an amazing man. You attended my wedding because I wanted you there as a friend." Wiping my tears, I shake my head, "I don't mean to hurt you."

Pulling me into a hug, he remains nothing less than a gentleman, "I have accepted things Mina, and I'm moving on with life. You are where you should be!" Breaking our embrace, he smiles, "You're not hurting me, nor do you need to tiptoe around me. He's your husband."

"Thank you," I mumble. Blowing a breath, I run my fingers through my hair and turn back to Raffaele.

"I'm going to go. I have to prepare for my flight in a few hours." He advises.

I nod and wait for the door to close. Crawling onto the bed, I lay on my side, with my right hand under my head. "I love you. God, I miss your demanding personality." Once again, I speak at him as if he can hear me. Placing a kiss on the side of his mouth, I rest my palm on his chest, "I want to go home. To that beautiful house, with our son and prepare for the child that will be here soon."

I glance up at the monitor, I thought my mind was deceiving me yesterday, but the more I speak to him, the fiercer his heart starts to beat. "Raffaele?" I mumble. My rapidly beating heart has my breaths heavy. The door to the room opens, and my body jolts. Sitting up, it takes me a few moments to make out Stefano and Tommy. Rubbing my face, I glance at Raffaele and divert my eyes back to the boys.

Stefano waves a bag around with a smile, "Burger and fries."

The sweet smell of food has my stomach rumbling, and I'm reminded just how hungry I am. "Smells divine." Passing me the bag, I dive straight in and not pay attention to their chuckling. I must look ridiculous, stuffing my face. I can't bite fast enough. I hum and close my eyes as I shove a handful of chips in my mouth. "It's good,"

"You're basically inhaling it," Stefano muses.

"Calm down," Tommy shakes his head, "Lia and Bianca are cooking for you. Risotto."

"Chicken and Mushroom?" I question and take another bite. Lia knows it's my favorite; I will be extremely disappointed if it's anything else. Nodding, he continues to stare dumbfounded as I devoured my burger within five quick bites. Throwing the last lot of fries in my mouth, disappointment sets in. "It wasn't enough!" I utter.

Tommy stands, walking up to the bed. His focus is on Raffaele. His features sadden, but he shakes it off quickly. They're taught not to show any emotion. Getting on my knees, I lean over Raffaele placing a hand on either side of his head.

"I might be delusional, but I swear his heart races every time I speak to him," I study his face for a minute: his eyes squint, and my heart thrushes. "Raffaele?" I mumble, cupping his face. A low groan from Raffaele gives me conformation. Darting my eyes to Tommy, he hits the emergency button notifying the medical staff.

"He's waking up!" Excitement fills me, partly numbing my body.

His eyes slowly open and are filled with confusion and discomfort. Bringing his hand up, he feels around the tube, "You're okay. It's just a ventilator tube."

Those intimidating brown orbs fixate on me. His discomfort has tears cascading down my face. The door to the room slams open, and my two cousins come running in. Laz's request for me to move has Raffaele shaking his head, and he tightly grips my hand.

"Work, around me," I demand without removing my focus from my husband. I mumble you're okay repeatedly.

My cousins work quickly yet carefully start removing his tube. I continue to talk to him, keeping him calm. Petro slowly pulls the tube out. Raffaele slightly gags and falls into a coughing fit as it is eradicated. Rolling to his side, he motions Petro and Laz with his hand to give him some space. It takes him a few moments to settle the cough caused by the tube's irritation and discomfort.

"Get," He swallows, trying to ease the tingle in his throat. "Get out!" His groggy voice is still filled with authority as he demands.

"Half an hour, and then I need to run tests," Petro speaks to me, knowing he can't push the subject with Raffaele.

Nodding, I keep my focus on my husband as I lay on my right and lock my eyes with his. The overwhelming relief has tears running, and my breaths start hitching.

Bringing his hand to my face, he rests his head on the pillow mere inches separate us. Leaning his forehead to mine. I attempt to control my breathing and racing heart. His fingers rest under my ear as his thumb caresses my cheek. Raffaele settles his thundering heart with the one action that always satisfies him. Inhaling every time I exhale, he steals my breaths.

Yay or Nah?

Thoughts on Asimina?

Thoughts on the death of the assassin?

Thoughts on Tommy?

Thoughts on Stefano?

Finally thoughts on Raffaele?

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