Play with Fire (Bakugo x Read...

By IllyrianKyra

72K 2.1K 1.9K

In this (Y/N) Todoroki is the twin of our beloved Shoto, she has the same quirk yet their father only acknowl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 13

3.2K 111 85
By IllyrianKyra

(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up to Shoto telling Fuyumi and Natsuo to be quiet. "I told you guys you were going to wake her up." Shoto grumbled which only caused me to laugh. I waved it off before checking my phone. My stomach turned as I looked down.

Me: I woke up. I know you're busy working but if you could stop by tomorrow that'd be cool.

Me: Fuyumi and Natsuo are coming too, we can all hang out together for a little bit if you aren't too busy.

Read: 7:32 AM

I took a deep breath and set my phone back down. That settled it, he was my father yes but from here on out he wasn't going to be my hero. I looked up at my siblings and smiled before clearing my throat to get their attention. "I have something to tell all of you.."

They all looked over and came closer. Fuyumi and Natsuo sat on the edge of my bed and Shoto sat in a chair close by. "I've idolized and lived my life to impress our father... but I'm done with that. I know we're family but I really want to feel like it. I pushed you guys away and I'm sorry... will you let me be your sister again?"

Fuyumi hugged me and I wrapped my good arm around her and I looked over her shoulder to see my brothers smiling. "You were always our sister (Y/N)." Fuyumi reminded me, causing me to chuckle.

After an hour or two a doctor came in and needed to unwrap my arm to see the extent of the damage. I winced as I looked down at it. My scar was beyond worse and the skin looked horrifying, like something out of a horror film. He then took his gloved hand and gently pressed it against my arm. "Can you feel that..?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Alright well I'm going to apply pressure and you tell me when you can feel it ok?" I nodded before he started applying more pressure and soon I told him "I can feel it." I said. My arm was still in quite a bit of pain but luckily the wrap they used had regenerative properties which was helping the skin heal.

"Now can you move it any? Your fingers, wrist, elbow?" He listed and soon I tried all of them. It hurt but I could. I winced slightly and bit my lip as I continued. "It'll take time but I think you'll recover quite nicely. Though I do ask you refrain from using your fire quirk until the skin is fully healed. Is there a parent here with you today?" I looked down and shook my head. That jerk hadn't even bothered to respond with a lame excuse.

"I'm her older sister... Is there anything you needed?" Fuyumi stepped closer and held my left hand and gave a small smile.

"She can go home thankfully, but I'd have her refrain from most training. The hospital is going to send her home with treatments to help speed along the healing process but she'll need help putting them on. If no one has any questions then I can go grab her release forms." We all nodded and I smiled, squeezing Fuyumis hand.

"I'll help you at the dorms, you know once you come back." He said shyly and I chuckled.

"Thanks Sho.." I called him. An old nickname I'd only remembered because of the flashbacks.. Speaking of them I wanted to go home to look through my old things. I wanted to find pictures of Touya and my old bear. What was its name again?

Fuyumi had brought an extra pair of clothes for me to change into so once I was done we were on the way home. Shoto needed to go back to the dorms which I understood but I wanted time with Fuyumi and Natsuo.

I walked in the house immediately taking off my shoes and we all sat in the living room. "Bet you can't beat me in this new game I bought." Natsuo smirked and Fuyumi hit him gently.

"You idiot she just got out of the hospital she shouldn't be using her arm at all." Natsuo nodded as if he forgot which only made me laugh, but soon it turned into a smirk.

"Ha I could beat you with just my left." Natsuo grinned and soon me and him were playing. Of course he was doing really well as all he ever did was play video games and study for classes. Fuyumi sat next to me helping every now and then by throwing pillows at him. "You gunna let you little sister kick your ass Natsuo?" I taunted and he glared at me before looking back at the tv.

Of course Natsuo won. "Ha how do you like that?" He grinned like he'd won the lottery and I waved my hand.

"Well what'd you expect taking on someone who can only use one arm?" His mouth fell open and he stuttered out.

"But y-you said.."

"Yeah Natsuo, taking on our little sister who's in pain... How cruel." Fuyumi played along and hugged me which only increased the dumbfounded look on his face. We all started laughing and for once I was enjoying myself. Just sitting here and having fun with my siblings.

Sooner rather than later dinner came and I helped as much as I could and I sat down in my usual spot. I hoped he wouldn't come but once everything was set out he walked through the door. He walked off to change out of his costume and came back to sit in his spot. My jaw clenched but I said nothing.

How could he sit across from me and eat without saying anything? I'd been in the hospital? Id spent the past 16 years trying to impress him and this was it... I shook my head and before I knew it dinner was over.

Fuyumi was cleaning up and doing the dishes when I'd walked over. "Hey where's my old stuff... like pictures and stuff from when I was younger?" She chuckled.

"Not sure what you'd want with it but it's in the attic, should be on the left of that old rug we put up there. It'll be a box or two with your name on it." I nodded and made my way up. I easily found the boxes with my name and dug through. There were numerous pictures of all of us all together. I smiled at some of the drawings that were kept of mine and soon I found a picture of Touya and me playing hero. I read the back and my stomach dropped.

'(N/N), Touya, and Dabi fighting crime :)'

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