Chapter 16

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Enji's Pov:

"C'mon big guy you've been cooped up here way too long, don't your kids worry about you?" Hawks asked as he sat on a couch in my office.

"My children are more than capable of taking care of themselves." I told him though it came out more as a grumble. I was looking over all the incident reports from the League of Villain sightings. These guys would ultimately disappear and then pop up somewhere else. They even had the audacity to go after U.A. students on a class field trip.

Deep down I knew (Y/N) getting hurt was also a motivator for finding these villains but I couldn't focus on the emotional part of the job. No matter how close the job is to home you can't let it get to you or you'll be blinded by your emotions. That was one thing my mentor had taught me back in U.A.

"Is (Y/N) doing alright? The news made it sound pretty bad." The blonde asked while toying with a necklace around his neck.

"She's in the hospital." I told him bluntly. She'd actually been put in a coma and they had no idea what she'd be like when she came out. The way Shoto had made it sound wasn't good.

"Then isn't that where you should be?" He asked tilting his head to look at me and I shook my head. If I saw her again I knew I'd lose my cool. The last time I'd gone I wanted to take her out of U.A. or at least the hero program, out of the villains view. They seemed focused on the future heroes for whatever reason and she was in their sights.

Shoto has emotions but he doesn't usually let them dictate his actions. (Y/N) has always been the opposite and she makes decisions with her heart based on those emotions. Which many would argue makes her an ideal hero but with my experience those hero's die young and I didn't want that for her. If I saw her again I'd likely lose my cool and not be able to keep my composure.

"Shouldn't you be on patrol?" I didn't want the conversation on me or my kids and currently I needed to find the League of Villains to ensure the safety of everyone, including my family.

"Yeah yeah, you know you should lighten up a bit, like with jokes or sarcasm. Kids love that dark humor and what not." He waved his hand before walking out of my office.


I'd practically been in the office and out patrolling since (Y/N)'s accident. She texted me and granted I should've replied but I was busy. I was trying to find the damn League of Villains. They were the problem and sitting around having family time in the hospital wasn't going to fix that. I glanced at the clock and ran a hand over my face.

After looking over a few more security tapes I decided to head home. I needed to figure this out. I'd brought a file from work and once I was home I sat down and read over it. Why couldn't I find these bastards? I played with the now empty cup to keep from slamming my fist into the table. Though a slam caught my attention. "Have you been doing what the doctors told you?" I asked before going back to the paper. She needed to do exactly as she was told or it wouldn't heal right.

When she didn't answer I thought about letting it go but Hawks' stupid advice came in my head. "(Y/N) did you lose your hearing in the accident as well?" I asked, still looking over the file until I heard her snap back.

"Did all that sitting down at work make you forget how to use your legs?" My eyes widened and I looked over at my daughter who'd never spoken that way in her life. She opened her mouth again and I had to keep myself calm. "Oh look who's actually acknowledging I'm here." Her tone was filled with sarcasm and I didn't like it one bit.

"Young lady I will not be disrespected in my house! I am your fat-" Of course she cut me off and I was shocked at the amount of anger in her eyes.

"My father?" She scoffed before slamming her hands on the table which led to me furrowing my eyebrows. What did she think she was doing talking to me like that? "My father would've visited me in the hospital without me having to ask him to! My father would've cared that I almost lost my quirk! My father would've given me the slightest bit of attention every time I worked my ass off to get even a 'good job' from him!"

Was that it? Did she think I didn't care? I saw her flinch slightly probably because of her arm. I assumed talking would simply upset her more and only cause more pain to her arm so I stayed silent.

"You have never been a father to me! All I ever did was love you and believe in you even when no one else did! You were my number one and you always had been! Even when Touya, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Shoto, and mom gave up on you and hated you I defended you! All I've ever done is love you and try to impress you but that was never enough because I'm not Shoto right!?" I felt a chill go down my spine at just how accurate she was. They all gave up on me or resented me for what I'd done...

"But not anymore. All you were and are to me is a sperm donor and I want nothing to do with you." She said before storming off. I looked down and though my eyes were on the file my mind was on (Y/N). How long had she been holding that in? Was she right? I shook my head as I knew the answer. Of course she was right. I've always been focused on Shoto... Not focusing on my other children or my wife. Now not one person in my family could stand me. I got up and left straight for my office at home. I needed to fix this.. Try and make things right with them, all of them.     

I hope you guys enjoyed Enji's perspective on the fight! Next chapter will definitely involve a lot more Bakugo and (Y/N) so stay tuned! 

What did you guys think about (Y/N) being the push Enji needed to try and redeem himself?

Shoutout to the lovely @Jojo_Freeman for giving me the idea for this chapter! Having writers block is always the worst but having suggestions from you guys always help! 

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