Chapter 7

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 Waking up the next morning at 5 was absolute torture considering my body still aches from yesterday. We were all walking in a group and Aizawa Sensei was telling us what we would be doing to strengthen our specific quirks.

The group walked over to three buckets. "Bakugou, (Y/N), Todoroki. You will be using these. Bakugou you will be putting your hands into very hot water to expand your sweat glands increasing the intensity of your blasts. (Y/N) and Todoroki, you both need to go get changed into swimwear because you will be continuously heating and freezing this bucket of water you'll be sitting in."

Everyone followed Aizawa Sensei as I walked back to the girls rooms to get changed. 'Good thing I bought this swimsuit.' I thought to myself as I walked out feeling exposed. I walked over to get into my bucket but realized I was too short to get in.

"Hey Bakugou can you lift me up and put me in this bucket?" I asked. He had just finished putting the wood under his bucket. "Oh, I'll light the fire and in turn you can help me okay?"

I didn't wait for an answer and I walked over to him and lit a small fire on the wood. Once he looked at me his face went red. "Why are you dressed like that?!" "Aizawa Sensei said I had to wear a swimsuit, do I look that bad?"

He coughed as we walked towards my bucket. "Just c'mon loser." He put his hands on my sides which left a tingling feeling making the butterflies in my stomach way worse. He quickly walked over and began his training.

At first heating and freezing the bucket was no problem, but as the day went on me and Shoto were both sweating and exhausted. I was climbing out of the bucket when I heard Bakugou talk. He must've come over to help because he picked me up and set me back down before he spoke up.

"Yesterday, you mentioned some kid named Touya, who is he?" My breath got caught in my throat. "H.. He was my older brother. He ran after dad one day trying to be a hero and we never saw him again. The cops told us he's probably dead..." I told him exactly what I was told.

"Well if they never found the body then they don't know he's dead." He pat my back as we both walked to the outdoor kitchen to start cooking. Not before I put on some clothes over my swimwear of course. Afterwards the cats decided we should play a game where class 1-B tries to hide and scare class 1-A.

Considering most of my classmates had been in life or death situations they wouldn't me scared easily.

I laughed at class 1-B's attempt to scare me and Yaoyorozu who was paired with me. We were halfway through their lame forest of horrors when I smelled burning. "Yaoyorozu, do you smell that?"

She looked at me with her blank stare. "Yes, we should get back to camp and tell Aizawa Sensei." She started walking back when I stopped her.

"Wait, you go tell Aizawa Sensei, I'll try to see what's happening." "But (Y/N)..." She looked worried so I tried to calm her down "I have an ice quirk, if it's a forest fire it needs to be put out as soon as possible. Go and tell everyone and I'll meet you there."

After a few seconds of debating she agreed. While running towards the now apparent smoke I ran into something, more like something knocked into me. It looked like a black figure and it slammed me into a tree. "(Y/N) get away I can't control Dark Shadow!" I heard a familiar voice call out.

"Tokoyami? It's okay, we'll figure this out!" I told him. I had no idea how to help him, but I engulfed my right side with flames so he'd stay away considering his weakness was light. "(Y/N)?" I heard the tree mumble. Except this tree sounded like a green haired classmate I know. "Midoriya?"

"Listen I have a plan but I'm going to need as much light as you can give me." "Alright." He explained that Shoji would be carrying him due to his poor condition and that we would run in a zigzag pattern to keep dark shadow from catching us.

We would lead him to the fire and it would force him to go back. My job was to run behind them and make sure dark shadow didn't hit Midoriya or Shoji. I'd never used my quirk for that long and definitely not flames as big as the ones that were needed, but I had to.

Dark Shadow was never far behind and it took a lot of effort to keep my arm lit. I'd already worn myself out from training earlier, I was going to reach my limit soon.

Third pov

(Y/N)'s arm was starting to sting from over exerting herself. Luckily they came upon Bakugou and Todoroki, with all of them it was easy to get dark shadow to calm down. Bakugou looked over and saw the state (Y/N) was in.

"You idiot, let me see." He grabbed her arm and it looked like she had slight burns on her skin, just in small patches. Definitely nothing recovery girl couldn't fix.

"I'm fine, Midoriya told me on the way here that it's a villain attack and they're after you." She looked up at him with eyes full of worry. It caught him off guard because nobody had ever really been worried about him.

"I dare them to try, if they touch me I'll blow their faces off!" He said excited for the possibility to fight. "Spoken like a true hero Bakugou." (Y/N) giggled making his heart beat a little faster. Her laugh instantly had a way of cheering him up and he couldn't figure out why.

Midoriya called everyone over and told them his plan, keeping Bakugou in the middle of them and away from the action. (Y/N) was in the front, so she went a little ahead. It wasn't until they were stopped by a man who looked like a poor excuse for a magician.

(Y/N) looked behind her and her heart dropped. "Bakugou?!" She yelled. "Oh the blonde explosive fellow, don't worry he's here, safe and sound." The magician man held up a blue marble looking thing.

"Give him back!" Before everyone was able to form a plan of action she ran after the man, shooting fire in his direction. She ignored the burning feeling on her arm and pushed forward.

When she started to lose him she was grabbed out of the air by Midoriya, Shoto, and Shoji who seemed to be flying thanks to Uraraka and Tsuyu. They ran into the magician villain and knocked him out of the air.

Once there they met with two other villains, one who spoke to himself and the other with numerous scars and black hair. The scarred man had his back facing the students. "Ohh dude, did you see that? They ruined our plans!"

"Shut it twice, you have the kid right?" The magician threw the marble and the scarred man grabbed it. Without thinking (Y/N) engulfed her right arm in flames and ran towards him. By now her arm was severely burned.

"(Y/N) stop!" She heard her brother shout. The scarred man threw his hand up and shot blue flames in her direction without looking up. Luckily she dodged them. Her adrenaline was pumping giving her a little more fight.

"Give him back you freak!" She yelled and grabbed the scarred man with her left arm and readied her right to burn him when she saw his ice blue eyes. Eyes that looked too familiar. "Poor little (N/N), go home, this doesn't concern you." Her flames dissipated and her body fell limp to the floor.

The villain's escaped through a black portal and Shoto ran towards his sister. He looked at her arm and proceeded to pick her up. Her arm looked terrible. By now Midoriya was passed out and being carried by Shoji.

They all made it back to camp and were crowded by their classmates. "Is (Y/N) okay?" "What happened to Midoriya?" "Are they going to be okay?" The questions seemed to be never ending.

The teens that were unconscious were flighted to the nearest hospital. Shoto insisted that he go with his sister and not having the time to argue the medical team allowed it. 

Play with Fire (Bakugo x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora