Chapter 12

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(Y/N)'s POV *flashback/dream*

An older version of Touya was standing in front of me. "(N/N) did you forget your dream? You were gunna impress that old man and become number one." He chuckled and gave a light hearted smile. He looked at me with those icy blue eyes that were unforgettable.

"I can't ever impress him... It's always been Shoto." I mumbled looking down at the white void that was surrounding us.

"Then become number one for you, mend things with our siblings, make new friends, date, be happy little (N/N)." He reached towards me and ruffled my hair. I nodded and gave my brother a small smile.

"Why can't you come back Touya... We all need you." I said with a crack in my voice, we all wanted him. He was the glue that kept us all happy and together. He shook his head and put his hand on the back of his neck.

"I can't now, but I promise you guys are going to be ok. Remember Dabi is always there to protect you." He smiled brightly and my stomach turned before I reached out. He seemed to be further away than before.

"Dabi! Wait Touya come back!" I chased after him with my hand out and before I could grab him he burst into his signature bright blue flames. "No!" I screamed before everything went black.

I opened my eyes and it was bright again, there were lights above me and a plain white ceiling. Though the beeping noise in the background told me I wasn't where I had just been. I felt someone or something squeeze my left hand. "(Y/N) you're awake?" Someone asked softly.

I looked over to see my favorite blonde. "Bakugo... What happened, why am I here?" He shook his head and looked down as his hold on my hand only tightened.

"You fought and went past your limit when I was captured." He admitted bitterly and I yanked his hand a bit silently asking him to look up. "Hey it wasn't your fault. I chose to do that."

He nodded but I could tell it wasn't helping. I was just happy he was back. "Why the hell did you go after me like that? What the fuck were you thinking charging in when you were worn out like that? Do you have any idea how worried everyones been?" My eyes widened and I looked away.

"I just.. I couldn't let them take you. I didn't know what they were planning and they were dangerous. You expected me to just sit back while someone kidnapped you?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows before looking back at him.

He was now looking up and his features looked soft and his eyes were wide. "Why?" He let slip through his lips.

"Because you're important to me and... and I like you ok?" I admitted. Maybe being in a hospital was giving me courage or maybe it was the pain medication I'm sure they had been giving me.

Soon I felt the bed dip and there was a hand on my chin forcing my head one way. I didn't have much time to process before I felt lips against my own. I sighed and leaned closer into them, melting against his touch. I wasn't sure why he was kissing me but I wasn't going to question it.

After a minute or two he pulled away with a blush over his cheeks that probably matched mine. "You idiot." He mumbled and soon I looked over to see my brother. Had he been here?

"Bakugo, only family members are supposed to stay overnight." Shoto relayed the rule without much expression and Bakugo strung a few curses together before leaving.

"I'll see you later icyhot." I smiled at the nickname and nodded. Shoto looked embarrassed maybe as he wouldn't make eye contact with me, he then sat in the chair Bakugo had been in.

"They're going to run a few tests to check on your arm. Oh and Fuyumi and Natsuo are going to come see you tomorrow." I hated that he hadn't mentioned father but I knew he had work. I nodded and he sighed.

"He came but he didn't stay long." It was like he could see it on my face, I should've been able to hide what I was thinking like Shoto but I'd never been good at it. I pushed a button on the small remote in my lap and moved my bed so I could sit up.

"And how long have you been here?" I asked looking away as heat came to my cheeks. Talking to my brother wasn't something I'd dont since we were kids and we were never really alone, just the two of us.

"Since you were admitted... (Y/N)." He sighed before fiddling with his hands and looking up at me. "I want to try and mend things, I know we disagree on some things but we're family, twins at that. I don't just want to be your brother by blood, I want us to be closer." He said with conviction. I could tell he'd been thinking about it, for how long I don't know.

Touyas words rang in my head and I nodded. "We can try, I can't say we agree on a lot but maybe we have more in common than we think." He smiled and reached forward holding my hand and I gave him a small smile.

Soon Shoto fell asleep on a small pull out bed right next to me. I grabbed my phone that he told me he'd grabbed that night and started to text.

Me: I woke up. I know you're busy working but if you could stop by tomorrow that'd be cool.

Me: Fuyumi and Natsuo are coming too, we can all hang out together for a little bit if you aren't too busy.

I double texted and I was sure he wouldn't reply and even if he did it wouldn't be till the morning. I sighed and nodded. This was my final attempt to see if he cared.. To see if I was important at all to him. If he didn't respond or at least try to come then I'd be done with him, with trying to protect and impress him. This is your last chance father, I hope you take it..

Author: so sorry it took me so long I had writers block but I didn't want to write a crappy chapter for you guys! I hope you enjoy it and I'll be uploading the next chapter asap as i'm out of my block and have a ton of ideas for this story! Thanks for sticking around and as always love you guys! 

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