Chapter 8

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Shoto's pov:

It took the rest of class 1-A a few hours to get here but it didn't matter because they had taken (Y/N) into a special room used to treat burns. I guess I should at least call my old man. I walked down to the lobby and grabbed one of their phones because I'd left mine at the summer training camp.

"Shoto what is it? It's late." He sounded like he'd just woken up or was about to go to bed.

"Our camp was attacked by villains. One of our classmates was taken and in trying to get him back a few of us were hurt. (Y/N) has severe burns on her right arm, the nurse told me she'd be lucky if she ever felt anything in her arm again." I sounded like a robot. I was just relaying the information.

The old man groaned before asking me for the location. I told him that I'd stay with her tonight because there was no telling when she'd get out and he should come tomorrow. He settled.

I walked back into the waiting room to find a few of my classmates. "Hey Todoroki, how is she?" Kirishima asked. "We won't know anything for sure until she wakes up." They nodded their heads.

"Well hey I hear Midoriya is awake, let's go see him." Iida suggested. "Wait, I wanna talk to you guys about something." Kirishima proceeded to tell us about his plan to get Bakugou back.

Once we saw Midoriya he seemed like he couldn't decide whether he wanted to or not. Of course we left the decision to him. "Todoroki, why are you going? I mean you and Bakugou aren't exactly friends." Kirishima questioned while I got something to drink out of the vending machine.

"For whatever reason, my sister pushed through agonizing pain to try and save him. If he's that important to her then I want to make sure he comes back. They're friends, they seem to bring out the best in each other and I can't ignore that." I told him.

After Kirishima told everyone we were going out on our rescue mission tomorrow night everyone left. Around 1 in the morning a nurse came out and walked over to me. "Mr. Todoroki? Your sister has been stabilized and put into a room. We have accommodations set up for you in there if you'd like to stay."

I nodded and followed the elderly woman to a room on the fourth floor. "This floor mostly works with burn victims, overuse of a fire or heat based quirk, people caught in house fires, etc. Right now we have your sisters arm and hand wrapped as were trying to have it heal with minimal scarring. Though due to the previous scarring she possessed she'll definitely have a mark. As far as nerve damage, we won't know for sure until she wakes up. Anyways here she is, please come out to the desk if you need something."

She flashed a smile but once I saw (Y/N) tears brimmed my eyes. She looked asleep. She had minor cuts and scrapes littering her visible arm and face. She had specs of dirt from fighting and her hair was tied up messily, probably by one of the nurses.

Her right arm, her most prided side, was wrapped heavily. She was hooked up to numerous machines. One checking her pulse, another was your average I.V., another machine helped her breathe.

I scooted a spare chair up to her left side and held her hand. "I'm so sorry, I should have stopped you, or protected you better. I'll make all of this right (Y/N), I promise." I looked down to see droplets of water on her hand.

I was crying, which was a rare occurrence. (Y/N) always wore her emotions on her sleeve, but I tried to hide mine. Maybe that's why we grew distant. No no, it was because of our opinions. She admired a man whom I despised. Whereas I was making amends with a woman she blamed for everything.

"We're twins, we should be able to find a middle ground. Midoriya helped me make peace with myself, so maybe we can fix us, but first you gotta wake up." My voice began cracking but I couldn't bring myself to stop talking.

"Hey father's coming to see you tomorrow morning, he's taking the morning off to come and see you. He's never taken off work, so you should wake up so you can see him." I tightened my hold on her hand which was smaller than mine.

"I'm going after Bakugou, not because I like him in particular but because he seems important to you. Don't worry Kirishima and I are going to bring him back." I was hoping anything I said would entice a response but nothing did. She didn't tighten around my hand, she didn't move her eyes, or twitch in the slightest.

*mini timeskip*

My father's voice was what woke me up. I'd never seen him upset but this had to be the closest. He held a scowl but his eyes looked glassy. "She may never be able to use or feel her right arm again Mr. Todoroki." A nurse told my father.

"Any idea on when she'll wake up?" He demanded in a booming voice. "N..No not yet sir, she seems stable but I'd give it a few days at most."

"All you can give me is an estimate? Fine, give me a few moments with my daughter." The nurse looked frightened but left without another word. I refused to move and he didn't ask me to.

He sighed before speaking in a quieter tone. "I told her to give up on becoming a hero, she should leave it to you, you're more capable. This sealed it, I'm taking her out of the hero program."

"You're an idiot if you can't see how much of a capable hero your daughter is. She risked herself for someone else's well being without a second thought, she's the embodiment of what it means to be a hero! She looks up to you and gives her all so you'll acknowledge her. Why is she never good enough for you?"

He looked taken back but the old man needed to hear this. "When a classmate at camp asked her who she looks up to she said Endeavor, that he was amazing, that she wanted to be just like him, and that he held the number 1 hero spot in her heart. So tell me how, someone who idolizes you so much gets ignored."

I sighed and looked at my battered sister. "After mom, only her and Touya held love for you in their hearts. Touya's dead and you have a daughter who thinks you're the most amazing hero yet you refuse to give her a sideways glance. Don't take her out of the hero program because if you take her out I will deliberately do my best to tarnish your name and get thrown out."

"Fine Shoto, I'll let her stay, but if she gets hurt like this again, it's on you." He stood up and left after my rant. I didn't know what to do other than sit by her side until she opened her eyes. 

Play with Fire (Bakugo x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang