Coming Home (Jace Norman fanf...

By lg_8989

61.6K 1.3K 169

Katie used to be best friends with a guy. The guy she's had a crush on for as long as she could remember, not... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note

Chapter 9

2.2K 46 1
By lg_8989

I made it through half the day! Happy dance. Its lunch now. This morning, after I went in the building, Blake showed me to the office, waited until I had everything set up then he even showed me where my locker was, plus, he walked me to my first period class. He seems so nice! Maybe I've just made my first friend here? I think about that for a second. I never had many guy friends at my old school. Mostly cause they were all jerks, but even then I wasn't really close with the ones I considered "friends". I decide its cool that I get a chance to start over at this school. As I think, I'm walking from my locker to the cafeteria to eat my lunch. I enter the caf, and see Blake sitting down at a table with a few other kids. I walk over to them.
"Is it cool if I sit here?" I ask shyly. Blake looks up from his food.
"Katie! Yeah sure, just grab a chair." He smiles at me. I look around the table, they're all smiling at me, not like the polite way, but actually warm, welcoming smiles. I quickly grab an empty chair from another table, and Blake and another guy move over, so I can now sit in between them.
"So Blake, are you going to introduce us to your new friend?" A blonde girl sitting across from me asks. Her one eyebrow raised questioningly. Blake looks at her, and then me, before realizing what the girl means.
"Oh right! This is Katie, she just moved here, so today's her first day." The girl nods her head.
"Cool. So do you have any classes with her?" It's the same girl talking again.
"No, actually."
"Then how'd you meet?" The guy sitting on the other side of me asks. He's actually the only other guy at the table. It's him, Blake, the blonde girl who had been talking earlier, another girl, with brown hair, and then me.
"Oh um... I hit her with a door?" Blake replies.
"You what?" The brunette exclaims, her hand flying to her mouth. I notice the blonde girl seems to be just as shocked.
"It was my bad, I was looking at my phone, instead of where I was going. And besides, I'm fine!" I chime in.
"No, it not your fault. I should have been looking out the door!" Blake says quickly. Its nice of him to take the blame, but I still can't help feeling guilty about it.
"Niceeee." The guy sitting next to me says teasingly to Blake.
"Umm." I start, then pausing awkwardly. "I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your names." I say to Blake's friends.
"I'm Carter." The guy sitting next to me says.
"Lilian, but you can call me L or lil, or lily. I don't really care." The blonde girl says, grinning at me.
"And I'm Ashtyn, but most people call me Ash." The brown haired girl says. She seems like the quietest of the group, but still nice.
"Nice to meet you." I say. "You can call me Kate, if you want." I say. Lilian looks like she's about to say something, but then my phone, which is sitting on the table, buzzes. Startled I grab it. I open my texts, expecting one from my mom. It's not.

.J: Ru on lunch?

K: yeah

J: How goes it so far?

K: pretty good. Got hit with a door this morning! 😝

J: What! Are you ok? 😧

K: yeah I'm fine lol, I'll tell you ltr, its a long story 😉

J: aha ok, I g2g I'm hanging with one my friends right now. Ttyl

K: ok 😊

I'm a little surprised he stopped texting so abruptly, but he did check in with me, which was definitely a surprise, and super cute too! I'll be happy with that for now. I look back up from my phone.
"Who were you texting?" Lilian asks. I can tell from the way she's looking at me, she suspects something's up.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, my face breaking into a smile.
"Oh I don't know, maybe cause your whole face lit up when you opened the message."
"It's just an old friend of mine, I haven't heard from them in forever. That's all, I swear." I'm trying so hard not to give myself away with my face. Unlike J, I'm not very good at acting. But she seems to buy it for now.
"Ok. I believe you." She smiles. I think I like her already. Not because she seems easily gullible, but because she's nice, and apparently trusting. I decide to try and make conversation. Plus, I want to get the topic off of who I'm texting, obviously.
"So what tv shows do you guys watch?" I ask.
"No! Don't get them started!" Blake exclaims. I look at him, surprised. What on earth does he mean by that?
"Well...." Lilian says, trailing off
"Here we go again...." Mutters Carter under his breath, he doesn't sound too happy. Lilian continues;
"We're really into this one show. Like we talk about it all the time. As you might be able to tell." She motions to Blake and Carter, who both have their hands covering their ears. I'm completely bewildered by what they're doing. I look back at the two girls.
"We even have fan accounts on twitter and Instagram. Some of the cast even follows us!" Ashtyn says.
"That's so cool!" I say, and I mean it.
"We watch it together every Saturday...." Lilian starts
"At 8!" Lilian and Ashtyn say in unison. They start laughing, and I laugh with them. But, the gears in my head have started turning. Saturday at 8, huh?
"What's it called?" I ask, hoping I already know the answer.
"Henry Danger!" Lilian says excitedly.
"No way! I watch that show too!" I say. I can't believe it. They love it too. This is the best first day of school ever. Like, in the history of the universe. I'm about to add on about knowing someone from the show, but then I think about it, would J be ok with me telling them? What if they think I'm lying and I lose a possible friendship? I decide to hold back. I'll them eventually, just not right now. In the meantime, I'll just fangirl with them. Wow, it's going to be really hard to keep that secret.
"Aww man, lunch is almost over!" Blake says, drawing me out of my thoughts. "And pretty much all we did is talk about your guys obsession with that tv show!"
"Don't forget, there's three of them now!" Carter adds.
"Ugh, please, don't remind me!" Blake says miserably. I look over at Ashtyn and Lilian, since I can't tell if the boys are being for real right now.
"Just ignore them." Lilian assures me, smiling. I'm smile back.
"Can I see your schedule?" Ashtyn asks. I look at her blankly. "To see if we have any classes together." She clarifies.
"Oh! Yeah sure." I hand her my schedule. I can feel myself blushing. Lilian looks over my schedule too. I feel kind of awkward, just standing there, while the rest of the cafeteria empties out, as the other students head for their next class.
"Hey! We all have the same class together next!" Lilian exclaims.
"We do? Cool!" I grin from ear to ear.
"Let's head." Ashtyn says.
"I'll follow you." I say to her. Lilian and Ashtyn head out the door and I follow behind. This almost makes me forget about what's happening after school. Almost.

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