Will the Day Come? [BokutoXRe...

By Wolfflover

9K 262 204

Being a pretty girl has his perks but also has its downs, especially when your not fond of socializing with o... More

I'm learning
It's a little much
Taking care of me
What The Heck BRO!
A Date
A Feeling
I dont understand
Rooster head
A Night?

The Project

1.9K 49 41
By Wolfflover

Your POV

"Ok class this is a paired (subject) project, so get into pairs" our teacher said, I looked at Akaashi, and he nodded then followed that with,

"I have volleyball practice after this though" and then he turned his gaze back to his desk,

"That's fine, I will just wait in the gym for your practice to be over" you said, as you started to pack your things up for the day, and soon you added "plus I can't work on the project without you, and this would be the first time I get to watch you play"

He looked and me and gave me the smallest smile. Just as the bell rang we started towards the gym,

"Remember class you have the rest of the week to complete this" we headed to the gym in silence until I tried breaking it

"So is there anything I should now before we get to the gym?"

"No, why do you ask?" He responded in his usual monotone, turning his eyes to the side to see me,

"I dont know, I was just trying to make conversation" you said, you were kinda nervous, the third year Kōtarō Bokuto was in the same volleyball club as Akaashi, its not that you liked him its just he's a bit social and he is very out there, so you were going to try and not talk to him. But before you knew it you guys were at the gym. Akaashi opened the door and you followed in,

"AKAASHI!" Someone yelled, you quickly made your way to the bench so no one could notice you, but then someone placed their hand on your shoulder, making you jump from the action, you turned your gaze to them

"Calm down y/n it's just me," Akaashi then sighed and continued "anyways practice wont start in a while, so you can read or something"

I nodded and grabbed a notebook out my bag along with a pencil, so I could doodle

Bokuto's POV

Akaashi walked through the gym door, so I went over to go greet him

"AKAASHI" I yelled, and I ran towards him, but all he said was,

"Hey Bokuto" but soon he realized that I was still dressed in my school uniform "go get dressed," was all he added

I left to go get dressed in a pout from Akaashi's greeting, but once I got into the locker room, I noticed that he wasn't behind me, so I got changed quickly to find him. As I walked out I see akaashi talking to this really cute girl.

Akaashi then started to walk my way and said, "I hope you dont mind, but Y/n is going to come to practice for the rest of the week," but I ignored him, she was so cute doing whatever she was doing. I didn't noticed, but I was drooling "Bokuto, your drooling," I snapped out of it and responded with

"Yeah that should be fine, also what's her name again?" I said whispering the last part,

"Her name is Y/n"

I continued to stare at her, but I guess she could feel my gaze on her, cuz she looked up and I quickly hid behind Akaashi. But Akaashi sighed and said, "if you like her then go talk to her, I mean she is only coming to practice for the week"

"Just the week?" I asked


I sighed and ran up to her and asked, "hey are you new?" She stopping whatever she was doing and looked up at me with the cutest gaze

"No" she answered, god even her voice was pretty, but her answer did leave me shocked,

"How did I not notice this cutie?" I mumbled, I didn't think she could hear me, but I was so wrong, her face went red making me blush too, "I-I-I mean I-I uhh" I gulped and pointed to Akaashi while I keeping eye contact with her, "I MEAN I NEVER NOTICED HOW CUTE AKAASHI IS!!"

She looked at me surprised, then she looked at Akaashi and started to laughing really hard, WHY WAS HER LAUGH CUTE TOO? I though, I looked at Akaashi and he gave me the are-you-serious face, and all I could do was rub the back of my neck to show that I was sorry

"Hey why don't you come and play with us today?" I asked, turning my head back to hers

"Oh I dont play" she said, waving her hands

"Well, I'll teach you" then I reach my hand out hoping she would take it, at first she hesitated then he puts her hand lightly on mine, letting me pull her up, "dont worry I think Kaori or Yūki have a spare gym uniform you can borrow," she nodded and then I looked for Yūki and Kaori. It took me a minute but then I remembered that I was still holding her hand. I quickly turn my head to see that her gaze fell to the floor and her other hand clutching the end of her skirt,

"Oh I'm sorry" I said, letting her soft delicate hand go. Just then Yūki approached me,

"Bokuto? you were looking fo me?" She asked, I nodded and told her that Y/n needed a gym uniform, and she was lucky cuz the gym had a spare one she could use. Y/n took it and went to go change.

"Hey Akaashi?" I asked, he looked at me, "how did I not notice Y/n?"

"Well she has lunch on the roof and she hasn't joined a club yet, she also doesn't like socializing" he simply looked at the changing room she was in and then back at me "she simply just comes here to learn and nothing more."

"Then how come she talks to you and also why is she here?"

"Our teacher gave us a project to work on together, plus I'm the only one she really likes talking to, I'm her only friend"

"Her only friend? How long have you guys been friends?"

"About two years now"

Y/n has been going to this school for two years, and I haven't noticed her once, for some odd reason that really hurt me.

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