Truly-Madly-Deeply Assistant

بواسطة ZaraPenn

70.2K 2.1K 1.3K

Avery had big dreams but Jared, who can't seem to function without her, doesn't feel like letting her go. Is... المزيد

Part One - First
All I need
She is gone
Breakfast at Jared's
Games by the pool
Ups and the downs
Chances pt. 1
Chances pt. 2
Chances pt. 3 - Leaving
Summer special - The show
Summer Special - The after-party
Bitter welcomes
Her favorite song
My way or the high way
One day
'A man on fire'
'A violent desire'
'Do you wanna cross the line?'
Morning Coffee
One in a million
This is us
Morning fluff
Flashback - Lily
Protective or selfish
Here goes nothing
Commit to the bit
Above the clouds
Flashback - You'll never know
Little truths
LA!Buzz - The gossip
The one with all the feelings
Out and About
Family issues
A year wiser
Flashback - All I have
The gift
Shadows of the past
A night apart
Take the car
Another day another girl
New Year's Eve - Morning
New Year
It's over
Flashback - The Oscars moment
Apart - phone calls
Apart - the bully
Apart - breaking point
Surprising Mr. Leto
Highs, lows and higher
His past
I don't
The Event pt. 1
The Event pt. 2
Morning news
Flashback - Backlash
LA!Buzz - The real deal
City of Exes
Flashback - Forever mine
Capricorn and the pushover
Hot and steamy
The test of feelings
Leaving night
Friend or foe
Tips and tricks
Flashback - Scattered memories
Comfort pt. 1
Comfort pt. 2
Long distance
Choosing dreams
Back to us
Brother's leftover
Just saying...
Mother in town
Taking control
The new home
Stubborn mind, aching heart
Behind closed doors
Baby talk pt. 1
Baby talk pt. 2
A day in the life
LA!Buzz - Drama alert
Small town girl
Birthday surprise pt. 1
Birthday surprise pt. 2
Her past
Home big Home
Change is coming
Our life, our rules pt. 1
Our life, our rules pt. 2 - Ending

Moving on

474 20 5
بواسطة ZaraPenn

Surprise! A Chpater in time! 😊 Happy Easter!

I had a calm weekend and managed to finish this part, but I still can't promise frequent updates and therefore the end probably comes later than May.

Enjoy! 😊

After waving good bye to Constance on the airport, I lingered there for another few minutes just watching people.

Parents were trying to keep their excited kids by their side while other families with older kids were waiting in line for the check-in talking and laughing about.

Friend groups and student groups were gathering for the start of their spring break; fooling around happily while their parents watched them leave with concern in their eyes.

Lovers were cuddling each other, giggling around.

I smiled lightly, enjoying the energy around me; the people, the crowd. It made me miss those years I have been working with Jared. The once annoying daily flying and jet-leg now were something I wished I could get back. I missed organizing; I missed the beautiful chaos we were living in; and oh, how it would be now that Jared and I are together.

I imagine, I would give him a good luck kiss every time he goes out to stage; although he most definitely wouldn't need it. I imagine I would massage and comfort him after a long day behind; making sure he restores his energy. I would cuddle up to him on the long haul flights...

"Excuse me; are you in the line?" a voice of a lady snapped me out of my daydreaming, and I looked back at her with a tight smile, shaking my head.

"No... I'm sorry..." I said as I stepped away, and taking a deep breath I walked out to the car and hopping in I drove back to Jared's house.

Driving closer to the gate, I narrowed me eyes, focusing on the person who I saw standing in front of the gate, seemingly ringing the bell over and over again.

Slowly pulling up, my hand clenched on the stirring wheel as I recognized the woman.

Her long, now mostly silver blond waves were dancing around her face in the wind of the hills. She wore tight, high-wasted white jeans, with a light blue, silk blouse, revealing her plastic boobs for some reason she was so proud of.

I was thinking to just keep driving and never look back but my jealous, possessive side just wanted to drag her into the mud. And that side of me was getting stronger and stronger by the second, and so I stepped onto the break aggressively, getting out of the car immediately.

"Lora... you never give up, do you? Do you even have a life?" I asked, quickly tying my hair back with the tie on my wrist, getting ready for the worst.

"So it IS true," she turned to me with hate. "Miss Gold Digger moved in even if the prince charming is out of town."

"You know it is flattering that you take time to think about new name ideas for me but Avery is just gonna do fine," I stated crossing my arms on my chest.

"Oh, look who got a big mouth since she is getting fucked by a rockstar! Highlight of your life, isn't it?"

"Lora," I sighed. "Jared knows you are stalking me. He already wanted to involve a lawyer. I was the one asking him not to. Please don't make us go through court."

I hoped this will make her stop.

"Of course you had to go ahead and spit, yeah? Well, you know, girl, you are not the only one who he shared his bed with. I had a whole lot of fun under him just as well, right in this house, right where you are probably now sleeping," she raised her eyebrow and I shivered by the thought, but I tried really hard not to let it get to me. "And as for a PR student and a huge fan... I couldn't resist the idea of having that memory recorded."

I froze in place looking at her stunned.

I couldn't even speak.

What the hell she was talking about?

"I have it all on my phone. I hoped it would be a great fun to watch it back with Jared one day, but taking the circumstances... Now it's a great leverage."

"What are you talking about?" I asked trying to sound firm, even though I was crumbling inside as my heart picked up a quick pace.

"Well... let's just say, if you dare to tell Jared more about my visits, or even mention anything to him or anyone else for that matter..." she started as she tapped the screen on her phone. "This... is going online."

She pushed the phone into my face, where I saw what I was afraid of; her under Jared in the morning light in Jared's bed. I heard all his moans clearly; I saw his face as he looked up to Lora's, fucking her mercilessly.

My stomach flipped, my body tensed, my teeth clenched together as I watched them having sex; Lora's hands tied to the bed frame, her eyes were covered with a black material. Jared raised to his knees just to slap her thigh hard once, twice... before I couldn't take it anymore and turned my head away.

"Stop it," I hissed.

"I stop, if you stop. Do not dare to open that mouth of yours or Jared is ruined for life. I don't want to share this with the whole world, Avery. And I'm sure you don't want it either. So all you need to do is to pack your fucking bag and go back to that country of yours. You have one month. You leave everything behind, including Jared. Just be gone and the video will never surface."

I just shook my head stunned.

"You can't... you can't do this!" My angry and desperate tears started to fall like rain. "Please, Lora," I whispered.

A smiled appeared on her face as she finally stopped the video.

"I gave you one month... I am pretty generous here. Now go! You better start looking at flights."

She started to walk away to a car parking nearby but I shouted after her.

"Lora wait!!"

She turned back with her hands on her hips.

"I'm not gonna tell Jared. I won't say a word! I can even tell him we talked it through. Now you can... slap me, kick me... scream... but please don't make me leave..." I cried.

"I didn't make you leave. I gave you the options..."

"You don't want this Lora. I know you love him; you wouldn't do this to him. You can't."

"He played and played and dragged women into his games, and ALL of us! All of us got burnt!" She shouted. "It is time for him to get caught in his own web. Believe me, you will understand when he will kick you out for a new one," I heard the sadness, the bitterness in her voice and I swear I saw tears.

I tried to gather myself.

Maybe I handled this situation all wrong.

"But... if... if I anyway get the same faith as you... if he will end up leaving me behind... why me? Why... why would you go after me? After he fired you... you think I was the first one he ran to? No... I wasn't... He had many others... You know him. We can't change him... he... might as well be sleeping with someone else right now on tour as we speak!" I sighed. "He will never change and then what? What that video of yours is going to do to someone like Jared? What will you do when I go back to my country? Jared will never want you back; he will move on to someone else... And if I don't leave and you share the video with the whole world to see do you think Jared will just sit there and let it ruin him? He will gather his PR team and will bury you under ground. He will manage to make it all seem like you are the bad guy here. He will turn that all into his fortune. You might be more powerful than me, but do not think that you can "ruin" Jared with a leaked sex tape. You are a fool to think that you can win anything either way."

She looked at me lost in thoughts as I saw her angry features lighten. She was nothing but a broken girl under all this hatred.

"I just... I loved him. I always did!" She broke down, as she started to sob. "When I got the job I was... determined to get him and I did! And we were so good together, and I gave him everything! I..." she run the sleeve of her blouse through under her teary eyes. "I even let him control me in bed, I let him slap me as much as he wanted even if I didn't enjoy any second of it! I made him tea, I went shopping for him and then he just ends it all with a text!"

"I... I'm sorry Lora. But you are young and beautiful. There is someone so much better for you out there but first you have to let Jared go. He is an asshole who doesn't deserve your tears," I stated as I took a few steps towards her carefully.

She just looked down, her tears still falling straight onto the ground as she shook her head.

"I know it's hard, but if you really love him you let him go... and... respect his privacy," I stated peeking at the phone in her hand.

"You know..." she sighed as she calmed, looking up to me, raising the phone. "I don't think I would have had the heart to share it..." shaking her head she grimaced. "At least that's a little bit of something what is only mine..."

I gulped, trying to not think about the video as I nodded with relief.

"Well, well... Enjoy his company until he still wants you around..." she turned away and slowly started walking towards her car.

I watched her leave with mixed emotions.

I was happy that she calmed down and was thinking with a clear mind, but her having that video did bother me. It bothered me a lot.

Sitting back into the car I sighed as I waited for the gate to open and couldn't help the video sneaking back into my mind. It was hard to swallow and unintentionally made me wonder just how long is it going to take until Jared gets bored with me in bed.

At the beginning of our relationship he kept saying I am not ready for whatever he is into, but it doesn't seem like he was in a hurry to introduce me to his likes. I was much in peace and happy with my boring love making, but as I get more confident with Jared, I wouldn't mind experiencing some of his fantasies with him. He surely likes to include some ties and sometimes, in bed, the way his hand lingers on my throat... Would he even want to choke me? Although, I really don't know how I would feel if he would start slapping me like I just saw...

I shivered again by the thought of the video as I parked the car in the garage and taking my bag out I hurried into the house.

I wish I had a girlfriend who I could talk with about these stuffs.

The next morning my finger hovered over Jared's name in the phone. He didn't call yesterday, just sent the usual good night snap. I was wondering all night if I should tell him about the video, and got to the decision of telling him. He has the right to know and decide if he wants it gone or not.

I put my phone down as I made my way into the kitchen, deciding on waiting until he calls.

I still was only living downstairs and, to tell the truth, I was thinking to move into Jared's room, but after that video somehow not only the bed didn't feel inviting but the whole room was something I didn't want to see for a while.

Humming a song, I cut an avocado open while I waited for the bread to get toasted and the coffee brewed.

My official work starts on Monday, but I was asked to appear today at ten for a short meeting with Larry. All he told was that he would like to assign me for a new project, which I was just hoping that would give me more freedom of working from away.

I always thought I would never give up on my dreams for a man... but what if my dreams changed? What if my dream IS the man. I really felt like I can't be any more pathetic than that.

Just in that minute my phone started buzzing on the counter and a smile appeared on my face when I saw my Mom calling.

She was scheduled to arrive next weekend and she would be here for a week. Jared will be back for the last two days of her stay but quite honestly, I wasn't sure it was time for them to meet. I wasn't even sure Jared would want to meet her. None of them has the best assumptions of the other and I had no interest in trying to make them like each other. It's not like they would meet a lot.

"Hey, Mom, what's up?" I asked as I licked my fingers, cleaning up the avocado.

"Nothing much here, just checking in, how's the healing?" she asked.

I did tell her about the surgery. Of course she freaked out and screamed at me for not telling her earlier, but it is not like she could have come anyway. But telling her that Jared left everything behind to be there for me earned him a huge plus point from my her.

"Very good, actually. I went for my check-up and they said everything is fine. And today I got the sign that my lonely ovary is functioning again," I explained as just then as on queue, I felt the cramping return.

"It's really good news honey," she smiled. "You know I am more than ready to be a granny, and soon you have to think about family as well."

I sighed, rolling my eyes. My half sister being there with all her kids probably just fuels my Mom.

"You know, I am not in any shape or form ready or even close to have kids," I stated, not wanting to sink Jared back down again in her eyes... just yet.

"Yes, I know, honey and that is why I am saying that you have to start thinking about it. Family is very important in life to not be alone. You will be a great Mom; you have been raised well. This wild ride," she continued with sarcasm," you are in with this rockstar can't last and you know that too," she stated. "Let alone he is much older than you are and believe me when I say, if a man is still single close to fifty that means he is just not a good partner in life."

I looked out of the window, listening to her as anger was quickly building up inside me.

"Mother, we have been through this! I am not going to repeat myself. You know exactly how serious this relationship is!" I yelled.

"Avery Elizabeth Forbs, do not raise your voice at me! I want only good for ya! Where exactly that serious relationship of yours is going when he is across the world, leaving you behind, making you run after him like a dog. I know now you will have your fun and then you will realize that there is no future..."

"Okay, I guess what you called for, I already answered to. I'm happy okay? I'm in love for probably the first time in my entire life and it feels good! It feels good to love and be loved and I really hope that you will accept it one day because Jared is my family! And maybe we won't get married, have a huge ceremony or won't have kids; he is not your traditional man and we are going to live a not so traditional life together!" I argued hurted.

"Avery, honey, please don't say that..."

"You better accept the reality before you arrive, otherwise don't even come!"

With that I disconnected the call and angrily sat down to the table as I sent a quick message to Jared.

"Can we talk?❤️"


"I'll call you in five. In the car. What is it?💋"

"Just want to say hi, and in need of some laugh."

The next thing was a voice message I got.

Opening it, all I heard was Jared's laugh what made me laugh immediately shaking my head.

"Thanx! ❤️ It worked. But still, call me"


"Of course.♥️♥️"

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