Raising Gracie

By Chantellynn21

158K 2.1K 526

Life happens sometimes for no rhyme or reason but when things line up magic happens. Seth Rollins and Becky L... More

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Final Chapter RG 58
RG Christmas Surprise
Raising Gracie 'In memory of Ken Quin'
Raising Gracie & Roux Christmas 2021

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2.1K 25 7
By Chantellynn21

"How was your meeting?" Seth asked.
"Good, we have a good set up for TLC." Becky said.
"Are you wressling tonight?" Gracie asked.
"I am." Becky said. "I am going to be wrestling Asuka and Kairi."
"Two?" Gracie said holding up to of her little fingers.
"Yes, see Aunty Charlotte faced them and lost so now I need to face them." Becky said.
"Can I watch your match?" Gracie asked.
"If you stay with daddy you can." Becky said.
"What's going on?" Seth asked.
"Since we're setting up for TLC their might be some towards the end." Becky said. "So I'd rather her be with you backstage watching it."
"Okay." Seth said. "Josh can keep her busy while you warm up and I get the guys ready for my segment."
"Sounds good." Becky said.
"What are you doing daddy?" Gracie asked.
"While daddy's character is going to be the bad guy for a while." Seth said.
"Why?" Gracie asked.
"Because it's time for a change for him." Seth said. "Remember it's play acting, so I might act mean but it's my job."
"You won't be mean to me or mommy right?" Gracie asked.
"I could never." Seth said. "Remember I love you and mommy so much."
"We love you too." Gracie said jumping into his lap on the couch.
Seth smiled and hugged her and she feel asleep for her nap curled in his arms.

After nap they hit the gym and got some reps in before getting ready for the nights events. Josh kept Gracie distracted and Seth got through his segments with the AOP and Owens before going to get Gracie who insisted she needed to watch Becky's match and make sure she was okay.

"No fair." Gracie yelled at the TV. "They cheated daddy, mommy was going to win."
"She wins by disqualification." Seth said smiling at his out raged daughter.
"No." Gracie screamed when Kari did her Insane Elbow putting Becky through the table. "Mommy."
"Hey she's okay." Seth said. "Remember we're trained to go through tables."
"I want mommy." Gracie said reaching for Seth.
He scooped her up and they walked towards the gorilla.

"Mommy." Gracie called when Becky came back stage.
"I'm okay baby." Becky said walking over to where Seth held her.
"You went through a table." Gracie said.
"I did." Becky said. "Remember it's not the first time."
"And knowing your mom is wont be the last." Charlotte said coming up.
"Are you wrelly okay?" Gracie asked.
"I am." Becky said smiling.
"They need to film the next two segments." Charlotte said.
"Okay." Becky said.
"You know what I saw in catering?" Charlotte asked Gracie.
"What?" Gracie asked.
"They had a table full of different fruits." Charlotte said. "And I believe there are like six types of grapes."
"Gotta go mommy." Gracie said. "Daddy down please."
Seth smiled and set her down.
"Come on Uncle Josh." Gracie said grabbing his hand. "I need grapes to calm my nerves."
Everyone chuckled as Gracie pulled Josh away and they walked back to the trainers where they would be filming. After wrapping up Becky went and showered and changed before finding Gracie in catering.

"She's adorable." Mickey said. "Maybe one of these days I will bring my son and they can play together."
"She'd like that." Seth said. "Hey babe."
"Hi." Becky said. "Mickey how are you?"
"I'm good." Mickey said. "I was just telling Seth your daughter is adorable."
"She is." Becky said. "Thank you."
"Well I gotta run, commentary awaits." Mickey said. "Nice meeting you Gracie."
"You too." Gracie said.
Mickey left and Becky sat down.
"Good work tonight." Seth said.
"Thanks." Becky said. "I knew taking them on two on one was going to be hard but it helped the storyline progress."
"You would've won but they cheated." Gracie said.
"They did and I still got the win." Becky said. "But now we're set for TLC."
"That's good." Seth said.
"So you and Aunty Charlotte are going for the tag titles." Gracie asked.
"We are." Becky said.
"Cool." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and they finished eating before loading in the car and making the drive to the hospital in Tennessee.

"Jojo." Gracie said running up to her in the lobby.
"Gracie." Jojo said scooping her up and hugging her.
"Hey man." Roman said.
"Hey." Seth said. "Did you just get her?"
"We did." Roman said.
Both checked in and they headed up to the suite they reserved.
"I hope you two are okay sharing again." Becky said.
"We are." Jojo said.
"Yep." Gracie said.
"How about you two settle in and then we'll go find a park to run around in." Becky said.
"Yay." Both said and Becky left them and walked to the living room.
"How are they?" Roman asked.
"Settling in." Becky said. "Since both have been stuck traveling, I thought it might be fun to find park, let them burn off energy."
"Sounds like a good plan." Roman said.

After a bit they found a local park and headed down, the girls ran around playing and having a good time.
"We're going to go for a walk." Seth said.
"Have fun." Becky said and he and Josh set off around the track at the park.
"You know I have known him for a long while and there was a time I wondered if he would ever have this." Roman said.
"A wife and kid?" Becky asked.
"That but pure happiness." Roman said. "I see the way he watches you, the way he talks about shows how much he loves you."
"I remember the first time I realized my feelings for him changed and I fought it because he was my best friend, but once it started it just couldn't be stopped." Becky said.
"Love is like that." Roman said. "You two were on the same course in wwe and you leaned on each other a lot."
"We did, he's supported me when so many others didn't, he was one person I could go to and he would understand my position and offered advice to help me." Becky said.
"It's been an amazing year." Roman said.
"It's been an amazing two years." Becky said. "This year is extra special because we got Gracie, but we also go you back in remission and we learned to open ourselves to a new and amazing love."
"I can see you two are going to have an amazing life." Roman said.
"We're going to do our best." Becky said. "One thing I have learned is you gotta be open to the possibilities that can happen and adjust to what does happen."
"That is how it works." Roman said. "I was facing this huge thing when it came to my leukemia but I had so much support I knew I could win my battle."
"You had leukemia Uncle Roman?" Gracie said.
"I did, I am in remission." Roman said.
"Wow." Gracie said.
"That is why when you asked me to come play Santa I knew I had too. I know what those kids are going through and I want them to know there is light on the other end and I hope one day there is a cure for all cancer." Roman said.
"Me too." Gracie said. "I know wishing for it won't work, so all my extra money goes to research."
"That's amazing." Roman said. "And I do pray for a cure each day, no one should lose anyone they love to cancer."
Gracie nodded and hugged Roman before running off to play.
"I have to say she is one of a kind." Roman said. "A pure light this world needs."
"McKenna she needed to be born and I am so glad she fought for her." Becky said.
"Do you plan on making her a big sister?" Roman asked.
"I do." Becky said. "I want to get to that Main Event of Mania again and then we'll figure out from there."
"Going to be a lot of competition for that spot." Roman said.
"Yes, but is is Wrestle MANia after all." Becky said making him chuckle. "If done right I know I can get back with my title still around my waist."
"I have no doubt." Roman said. "Once you have a taste of that main event it's one you always want."
"I main evented four shows this year, more then any women in history." Becky said.
"That is one thing I like." Roman said. "As a man with a young daughter I know she can look up to you and say I am going to be the best just like Becky. I am not going to let gender barriers stand in my way, she broke the glass ceilings and so can I."
"I want to make it so when our girls each this stage in life hopefully there will no longer be the barriers I've had to smash, but if there are I know they'll be able to smash them." Becky said.
"So far things look good." Roman said.

"Mommy." Gracie called and Becky walked over to where she and Jojo were playing. "Can you push us?"
Becky smiled and pushed them around listening to their giggles and squeals.
"It's music." Seth said wrapping his arms around her
"It is." Becky said. "But they are turning red so it might be time to call in a day and go get some food and cocoa."
"Cocoa?" Both girls said.
"Yes, let's going." Becky said.
Both girls hopped off the swing and walked over to where Roman and Josh were standing.
"Ready to go get warm?" Roman asked.
"We are." Jojo said.
"Daddy." Gracie said reaching for him and Seth smiled and picked her up and they headed of the part and back to the hotel for lunch.

"She's out." Jojo said.
"You wore her out." Becky said covering Gracie with her blanket.
"It was fun." Jojo said. "I am going to work on some school work in my iPad if that's okay."
"Go for it." Becky said.
The guys headed down to the gym for a workout so Becky looked over the wedding plans to make sure all was in order.
"Hi ma." Becky answering video call.
"Hello darling, I was calling to see how things were going." Annette asked.
"Things are good." Becky said. "We"re doing the children's hospital tomorrow before heading to Minneapolis for TLC and then to Des Moines for a double filming of Raw."
"Busy, busy." Annette said.
"Yes, but then we're flying of to Ireland and will be there for a bit." Becky said.
"I am looking forward to it." Annette said. "I have to admit I got many presents for Gracie."
"I am sure she will love them all." Becky said. "Holly has been spoiling her as well."
"As our first grandchild she should be spoiled." Annette said.
"If you say so." Becky said. "She's napping now."
"Needs that recharge." Annette said. "I was calling to see if there was anything I need to do on this end."
"Everything is in order." Becky said. "The wedding is set and ready."
"That's good." Annette said. "All the dresses you sent arrived and I hung them to relax after being shipped."
"Thank you ma." Becky said.
"Grammy?" Gracie asked.
"Hi sweet girl." Becky said. "Yes Grammy is on video."
"Hi Grammy." Gracie said.
"Hello my sweet darling, how are you?" Annette asked.
"Good, I need a drink." Gracie said. "My throat is dry."
"All that play in gin the cold." Becky said.
"I got her one." Jojo said.
"Thanks." Gracie said taking the glass and drinking some water. "Okay, I sleepy still, love you Grammy."
"Love you too, enjoy your nap." Annette said.
"I'll tuck her back in." Jojo said and Becky nodded and they left back to the bedroom.
"Jojo is Roman's daughter, they are helping us at the hospital tomorrow." Becky said.
"I see." Annette said. "That is an amazing thing she is doing."
"I know, I am so proud of her." Becky said.
After some more talk of wedding plans they parted and Becky checked in and saw Gracie beginning to stir.
"Mommy." Gracie said.
"Hello my little luv, how are you?" Becky asked.
"Great." Gracie said.
"Good." Becky said hugging her. "How's the homework?"
"I finished." Jojo said. "My teacher is reading it now and will let me know what she thinks."
"Good." Becky said. "Since the guys are still working out, what if we headed out and do some exploring."
"Okay." Gracie said. "Shop?"
"I need to buy my mom and presents, I haven't found anything I like." Jojo said.
"We'll we can look." Becky said. "Shoes and coats."
Both girls nodded and got ready. On their way down they stopped to let the guys know they were going out.
"What did you find?" Becky asked.
"It's a little turtle necklace." Jojo said. "My mom loves turtles."
"It's beautiful and she will love it because you found it for her." Becky said.
Jojo smiled and put the necklace back in the bag so she didn't lose it.
"Mommy look." Gracie said pointing to a shirt. "Daddy's favorite."
Becky looked at the shirt for Taking Back Sunday.
"Is that what you want to get him?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Gracie said. "And the hat too."
Becky smiled and handed her the shirt and hat and they paid before looking around more.
Jojo found a present for Roman and for her brothers before they headed back to the hotel.
"Daddy." Gracie called when they entered the room running over to him.
"They're my girl." Seth said scooping her up. "Did you have fun shopping?"
"Yes." Gracie said. "But now I am hungry."
"How hungry?" Seth asked.
"Monster eat daddy." Gracie said playfully snapping her teeth at him.
"Oh no." Seth chuckled. "No eating daddy, how about we go get burgers and fries."
"Veggie burgers and sweet potato fries please." Gracie said.
"You sound like your mother." Roman teased.
"I know." Gracie said making them all laugh.
"Let's go get dinner before this one decides to eat Uncle Roman." Seth said.
Gracie snapped at Roman playfully.
"I'll join her." Jojo said.
"Okay, let's get these two fed." Roman said and they headed out to a local diner and enjoyed dinner out. After they the girls settled for watching a movie before falling asleep.
"They'll need their energy for tomorrow and so will we." Becky said. "Night."
She and Seth headed to their room and let sleep wash over them.

"Oh my goodness." Addison said seeing Gracie and Jojo in their elf costumes and Roman dressed as Santa. "You girls look so cute."
"This is my friend Jojo." Gracie said. "She came to help and her daddy Uncle Roman is dressed as Santa since the real one is awfully busy this time of year."
"He is and it's nice to meet both of you." Addison said. "What you guys are doing for this kids are amazing."
"We're happy to be here." Roman said. "This was all Gracie's doing."
"Can we go in now?" Gracie asked.
"Of course we can." Addison said.
As they walked down the hall where they had everything set up Becky smiled and took in all decorations and smiling faces.
"Okay everyone, we're ready to begin." Addison said. "Please welcome our special guest Santa and two of his elves."
Everyone clapped and they began greeting the kids and passing out presents. Becky, Seth and Josh kept things in order and everyone got a present. Gracie enjoyed helping those who needed help and enjoying all the smiles.

"Look mommy." Gracie said. "For a moment their is no illness just happiness."
"You did this." Becky said. "You made all these kids very happy."
Gracie smiled and Becky kissed her cheek.

"This was amazing." Addison said as they cleaned up after getting the kids back to their beds.
"Gracie has asked that we do this every year." Becky said.
"She is such an amazing little girl." Addison said.
"She's the best." Becky said.
"Does she talk about McKenna?" Addison asked.
"Yes." Becky said. "When she has so much she wants to share she dreams about her mama and tells her everything, she's always lighter after those dreams. I never want her to forget McKenna, I know the memories will fade but their will always be triggers to bring them back."
"Have you heard more from her family?" Addison asked.
"No, we still have security and Peter and Bruno are looking into them, but their back home." Becky said. "Gracie wants nothing to do with them."
"She doesn't know them." Addison said.
"Maybe some day, for now she likes all the things of McKenna's that Mrs. Sullivan gave her." Becky said.
"McKenna knew from the beginning she wasn't going to be around long for Gracie, she always told her out there was a mommy and daddy that were going to love her and I am glad she got that." Addison said. "I think losing McKenna was eased by finding you and Seth before she passed away."
"I think so too." Becky said. "Falling in love with that girl was like breathing, she really is our world."
"I can see that." Addison said. "McKenna always said there was a reason for Gracie, a bigger picture that in time would reveal it's self."
"I believe that." Becky said. "Just seeing how she interacts with people and her understanding of things is amazing."
"She reminds me a lot of Rebecca." Seth said. "She handles people like you too."
"Thanks." Becky said. "I know it sounds odd, but in so many ways it feels like she was made for us."
"She's a special girl." Addison said.
"She is and she is surrounded by a very strong and deep love by all who know her." Becky said. "Our families just love her, she connects us so much more and the WWE family does as well. All were amazed at what she was doing and helped where they good. She is changing people by them just knowing her or hearing her story."
"I'll say." Seth said.
"She's an amazing little person who I know will grow to be an even more amazing person our world needs." Addison said.
"I agree." Becky said.

"Mommy, mommy." Gracie skipped up to Becky.
"Hey sweet luv." Becky said. "Did you pass out all the teddy bears?"
"Yes." Gracie said. "All smiles and daddy to pictures and sent them to Lexi."
"That's great." Becky said.
"Hi Addi." Gracie said.
"Hello sweet girl." Addison said. "Today was an amazing day, thank you."
"You're welcome, I was so happy to do this, to make them happy."  Gracie said. "I know mama would be so happy."
"She would be, she loved Christmas." Addison said. "Speaking of which, I have a trunk full of presents for you."
"Wrelly." Gracie said.
"Oh yes, but I have a special one here just for you." Addison said.
"Can I open it now?" Gracie asked.
"Of course you can." Seth said.
Gracie smiled and took the box from Addison and opened it up.
"Wow." Gracie said seeing the bulbs.
"These are special bulbs your mama and I made while she was pregnant with you." Addison said. "And some we made after you were born."
"May twenty eighth." Gracie said.
"Yep." Addison said. "So now you can add them to your tree."
"Thank you." Gracie said hugging her.
"You are most welcome." Addison said.
"Gracie picked out presents for you and your family." Seth said. "I have the bags in our car."
"Well I am off now so how about we exchange bags." Addison said.

After exchanging bags and hugs they headed back to the hotel. Roman and Jojo departed for the airport and Gracie was out early.
"I think I am going to hit the gym."  Becky said.
"Okay." Seth said. "I'll order dinner for about an hour from now."
"Sounds good." Becky said kissing him. "Come on coach, I need to train."
Josh chuckled and left with her to the gym.

"See there is mommy now." Seth said when Becky came in an hour later.
"Hey my sweet luv, what's going on?" Becky asked.
"You went to the gym without me." Gracie said.
"I know, I needed a workout and you needed a nap." Becky said. "But tomorrow all of use will go to the gym when we get to Minneapolis."
"Okay." Gracie said. "Mommy?"
"Yes." Becky said.
"You stink." Gracie said with a giggle.
"Uncle Josh put me through my paces." Becky said. "So of course I stink."
"Dinner will be here in twenty so go shower up." Seth said.
Becky and Josh both nodded and headed to their rooms.

"Yay, mommy smells like mommy again." Gracie said.
"You are so silly." Becky said picking her up. "Do you know that?"
"I do mommy, daddy says I get it from you, we're two peas in a pod." Gracie said.
"He did, did he." Becky said.
"Yep." Gracie said. "I like being in a pod with you mommy."
"Me too." Becky said.
"Dinner is here you silly girls." Seth said.
"Good, I starving." Gracie said.
"Let's go eat then." Becky said walking to the living room of the suite and sitting her down at the table.
"Mac and Cheese." Gracie said.
"Yep and sweet peas." Seth said smiling,
"Daddy." Gracie said chuckling.
Seth smiled sitting down and stealing one.
Gracie smiled and dove into her food as did everyone else.

After dinner they settled for watching a movie before turning in before flying out the next day.

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