Close to the Crown (On hold u...

By Sophie_Bryan

9.1K 208 54


Chapter Twelve (UNDER REVIEW)
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Authors Note
Another Author's Note!


375 5 2
By Sophie_Bryan


THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN REWRITTEN AND EDITED. This new version is completely different from the original, so I advise that you re-read every chapter marked 'rewritten and edited' as much of the story has changed.


To the most of the guests at the engagement party, the unannounced appearance of the only son of the kings dearest friend was a welcomed one. Many older couples, familiar with my family flocked over to my brother as soon as they realised he was there, all expressing their happiness at seeing him for the first time in years.

I heard a gasp from across the room, and all of a sudden a flash of colour blurred through the room, until it stopped directly in front of the new arrival. The Queen pulled my brother into a tight hug, holding him for a good minute, while appearing to be whispering things into his ear. When she was finally done, she released him, before giving him a kiss on the cheek, and then squealing once again.

It was then I felt a sudden touch to my shoulder, causing me to jump and diverting my attention away from my brother and the Queen. William, still with his hand on shoulder, continued to look at me with slight worry on his face, while Jamie who stood to the side, looked confused.

"I didn't realise he was coming," He said, "Why didn't you tell us?"

I glanced over to Jamie, gulping, "I didn't know, Elizabeth never mentioned it."

Jamie frowned at the news. It wasn't a secret that neither Jamie or Steven particularly liked the other. In fact, they both found it to be in their best interests if they attempted to avoid the other all together, and for the last four years, that had been possible.

William squeezed my shoulder, regaining my attention, "Don't you want to go and say hello?"

I winced, "Not particularly."

"Why not?" He furrowed his brow, looking rather perplexed.

Not wanting to reveal the true reason, I blurted out, "He's had the last four years to speak to me William, and he has made no effort whatsoever to do so."

His expression softened slightly, before he sighed, "I know you've missed your brother, Lilliana, and it hurts that he hasn't contacted you, but he has come all of this way to see you tonight."

I let out a bitter laugh, "Oh no, he hasn't come to see me! I imagine he's run out of money, and needs some funds from my father. As soon as he has that, he'll be gone again for another four years!"

William's expression hardened once again, his grip also becoming a little more forceful. "Stop being so ridiculous. Last I heard he was in Brisbane, he flew for a whole bloody day to get here, and you think he is just here for money?! That's just absurd!"

"No! What's absurd is that you and most other fools in this room think that he's the dotting brother, who is willing to cross all bounds to celebrate with his family! It's absurd that you all think he is an angel who can't do anything wrong, despite being AWOL for the last four years! It's downright absurd that you think for even one minute that he actually cares about anyone other than himself! And it's absolutely absurd you are too thick to notice that he--!"

"That's enough!" William hissed quietly, his finger's digging even further into my shoulder, "You are creating a scene!"

 "Guys, calm it down..." Jamie called out quietly, in an attempt to break through the tension, "People are looking."

"See!" William hissed, "You are causing trouble yet again, and my father really thinks you are a suitable wife for me?! He's clearly deluded, you cannot even control yourself in public!"

I stepped back, forcing his hand from my shoulder that had been causing me some discomfort, although I was far more affected by his comments. I thought that we had made some progress in our relationship over the few weeks previous, but his comments proved me wrong: he still maintained his very low opinion of me, no matter what I did to try and prove him wrong.

"William, for god's sake man, that's enough!" Jamie snarled, pulling me further away from William, and closer to him, "You're the one causing the god damn scene here!"

William snarled at his best friend, clearly enraged by his comments, "I am not the one causing the scene! She is the one screaming about her brother like he is the spawn of Satan!"

Jamie chuckled humorlessly, "Well then, she's not too far off the mark is she? Besides, you are the one not listening to a word she is saying."

Feeling numerous eyes on us, I cleared my throat, grabbing their attention, before subtly nodding to the side to indicate that people would most likely hear what we were saying. William glared at us, but refrained himself from releasing another bitter comment our way, before running a hand through his hair.

Jamie continued to hold me, as if it was the only thing stopping him from completely loosing control of himself. Although, that proved to be a grave mistake less than five seconds later.

"Well well well, Hawkins, you haven't changed much since the last time I had the misfortune of being in your presence," A sinister voice drawled. "Still clinging onto women who you can't have, I see..."

As soon as my brother stepped into my vision, i felt all energy drain from my face. He hadn't changed much at all since he left. His hair remained the same dark brown, although it had grown out more so that the ends of it covered the upper half of his ears. He still towered over me, and he appeared to have maintained his tan that he used to lure in the female population. The major change was his build, having acquired far more muscle than what he had left with, giving him a far more intimidating presence. He still however, remained smaller than both Jamie and William, making me feel slightly more at ease.

The thing that stood out most to me though, was his piercing blue eyes, that were so icy and pale, they seemed almost transparent. These eyes were inherited from my mother, and while, as I saw in photographs, it made her look innocent and beautiful, they made Steven appear ghoulish and creepy.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jamie snarled, drawing me even closer to his frame.

"Surely, it is I who should be asking you what you are doing, Hawkins. Holding to my darling little sister so dearly, while her fiance," he then gestured over to William, " standing just there."

"Why you fu--!" Jamie growled, until he was stopped mid-sentence by my fiance.

"Jamie don't," William stepped in between the two men. "Not here, not now."

Steven as if this whole situation amused him, began laughing. "Really, William? You aren't going to do anything about him feeling up your little fiance in front of the whole bloody English nobility?!"

It was then Steven's turn to feel the force of William's mood, "Don't you dare talk about your sister like that! You show her some god damn respect!"

Steven went quiet, the amused look remaining on his face, before allowing his eyes to travelling across to meet mine, hostility swirling amongst the amusement, as clear as day.

"Well, I guess some things have indeed changed, little sister, haven't they?" He laughed bitterly, "Since when did you and Prince arrogant become so chummy?"

William snarled, but before he could attack, a body pushed between the two men.

"Less than five minutes, really Steven?" Charlie mused, not even slightly pleased to see his elder cousin by a year.

"Oh Charlie Boy! I was wondering if you would be here! How are you cousin?" My brother called out, clearly faking happiness to see him.

"I think it's best if you left," I said, finally finding my voice.

Everyone in our small circle paused, seemingly shocked that I had actually spoken to my brother. Jamie maintained his hold on me, while both William and Charlie stepped ever so slightly closer to me. Steven however, remained where he was, looking ever so entertained at the whole scenario.

"Well, hello to you too, little sister, I thought you of all people would be pleased to see me."

I scoffed, "I think we both know that's a lie. Now if you don't mind, you are interrupting my party, nobody wants you here."

He snorted, without humour, "We both know that father wants me here more than you does you, little miss look alike. When was the last time he actually spoke to you civilly? Ever?"

William couldn't take it anymore, "That's it, get the fucking hell out of here before I throw you out myself!"

My brother held up his hands in mock defence, "Oh, don't worry my Prince, I'm going. But don't forget, our father's are very close friends, and I don't plan on going away again anytime soon. So, we'll be seeing a lot more of each other, I think."

And with that, he gave a mock wave and bow, before slinking away.


"How bloody dare he?!" William roared pacing up and down the corridor, "How dare he come into my home, and disrespect me, and my fiance, and my friends!"

We, Jamie, William and I, had migrated into a private corridor, that led from the ballroom to a smaller parlour, that was restricted access to the rest of the guests. William, who had been pacing up and down the corridor for the last ten minutes, was tense and angry, cursing my brother incessantly. Jamie and I however, had slumped onto the chez long that had been pushed up to one of the walls along the corridor.

I dropped my head onto Jamie's shoulder, frustrated at the whole situation. Jamie was slumped back against the wall, with one of his arms loosely wrapped around me, to hold me up right having no energy to do so myself.

"He just waltzed in here as if he owned the whole bloody palace!" William ranted, pacing past us once again, "Does he have no respect for my father, or my family?!"

Charlie decided to remain in the ballroom, and try to carry on the celebrations without my family or William's parents finding out what had happened while they were talking with some of their friends. It was by some miracle that they hadn't noticed what was going on just across the room from them, involving members of their families. If they had seen it, it would have been very difficult to explain.

"And how dare he insinuate that my fiance and my best friend were more than just friends! And that they would just stand there and let it continue, how bloody well dare he, he has no fucking right!"

Suddenly feeling myself tired and fed up with the whole predicament, I jumped to my feet, letting Jamie's arm fall to the side. I stopped William, who was just about to pass us once again, and placed my hands on his broad shoulders.

"Hey, it's alright, just calm it down," I called to him softly, "It's over now, done."

"He disrespected us all, Lilliana, don't you see?!" He snarled, "Right in front of our faces!"

"I know..." I replied softly, "But that's just how Steven is. Don't let it get to you, it's exactly the reaction he wants."

"How can I not let it get to me?!" He roared, "He has not respect for any-!"

"William!" I shouted, stopping his rant mid-sentence. "Please, just stop."

He frowned, "You are defending him?"

I laughed bitterly, "Really?! After everything I said earlier, and my reaction to what he was saying to you guys earlier, you really think I would defend him?!"

His expression softened slightly, "Then why would you want me to stop?"

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, "Because I'm tired William! I don't want to spend my whole evening talking about him, or worrying about him! We're better than he is, and we shouldn't let him get to us... Please..."

Jamie, for the first time in a while, got to his feet and spoke, "She's right, Will, just ignore it. Yes, the guy is an ass and I hate him more than anyone, but you can't let him ruin anything for any of us. Go out there and enjoy the party, it is for you, after all mate."

William huffed, running another hand through his hair, "Fine, but if he says one more thing..."

"He won't," I called softly. "If he does, ignore him and pretend like he isn't even there. If Steven hates anything more than Jamie and I, it's being ignored."

And for the first time in what felt like forever, we all laughed together.


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