Playing Juliet

By bluemellowjello

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After an accident in the soccer field, the soccer team was forced to join the school play. Needing a replace... More

Copyright and Disclaimer
1: Hopeless But Still Hoping
2: My Self-esteem Lives Under A Rock
3: Markers and Cupcakes
4: Hotter Than The Temperature in Mercury
5: Blessing Or A Curse
6: Midnight Escapades
8: Busted

7: Enigma

875 41 15
By bluemellowjello

Chapter 7: Enigma

The weekend passed by like a blur, and next thing I knew, I was back in school. To whoever divided the week into 5 weekdays, and 2 weekends, just want you to know that a lot of people hate you.

As usual, I spent my weekend watching my shows, and chatting with my girls.

Audrey, Kelly, and I were by my locker as I took out the things I needed for the day.

"Oh look, she's back," Audrey said disdainfully. She could only be talking about one person.

I closed my locker, and followed their gazes. It landed on Peyton and Brianna, whom were talking and laughing with the rest of their friends. As I looked at Brianna, I suddenly remembered about her conversation with Troy in the hallway. She looked nothing like the almost broken girl I saw a few days ago, when Troy broke whatever they had going on. Maybe she was putting on a façade, but who knows.

"Yeah, why was she absent anyway?" I asked, remembering that I didn't see her in AP Chemistry. 

"Something about her mother arriving from New York, and spending some quality time, and what not," she said, and rolled her eyes.

"How do you even know that?" Kelly asked.

"She posted it on Facebook," she said in a 'duh' tone.

"Enough about her. So, did you witness any Troy Creston 6-pack nakedness today?" Audrey wiggled her eyebrows, making Kelly and I laugh. I had told them over video chat about everything that happened that related to Troy and Alec. We had almost video chatted for 6 hours. I swear, we could talk like reporters.

“I don’t go snooping at his room all day,” I informed my overzealous best friend.

"You stupid girl. God gave you a chance to witness such divine beauty, and you're not even seizing this opportunity!" Audrey said, mock scolding me.  I rolled my eyes.

“I can’t believe you sassed him out though.” Kelly laughed.

“He was being an ass.”

The warning bell rang, signalling that classes will start in 10 minutes. 

"See you guys at lunch," Audrey said and waved as she left for her first class, which was on the opposite way to where Kelly and I were going. We waved back, and walked our own way.

Once we reached Kelly’s classroom, she bade me farewell, and headed inside.

I continued walking and finally reached my classroom for the period. When I opened the door, more than half of the class were already there. I took my usual sit in the middle of the room, and took out my assignment. As I was rechecking if I had missed anything, a voice I was starting to get acquainted to, said, "Well, hello there, neighbour."

"Hello to you too, " I greeted briefly, and went back to my work.

The chair beside me was pulled out. I raised a brow at him when he sat beside me.

"That's not your chair," I stated the obvious.

"It's a free country," he answered cheekily, and made himself comfortable. He placed his elbow on table, and put his chin on his palm as he observed –more like stared—at me. I was growing uncomfortable under his gaze. I didn’t like being stared at, especially at this distance. I felt exposed, like he could see every little thing about me, which made me very self-conscious.

"You know, Ms. Carmichael told us that we should get to know each other since you are my leading lady."

People were staring at us. They must have been wondering why he was talking to me.

"You already know my name.” I tried not to mind the way he was studying me, but it was getting really hard. I continued pretending to recheck my homework.

"Not your story," He smirked challengingly at me.

"Right,” I drawled, “now tell me why you're really talking to me." I put down my homework now, and faced him.

"You genuinely spark my interest, Violet Avery.” There was a glint in his eyes.

"I rather not spark anything really," I replied wittily, which caused him to laugh.

"Too late, cupcake,” he said, I now only noticed how husky his voice was.

"First of all, don't call me cupcake, and second-" I drawled for a moment, my mind and eyes wandering to the guy who just entered the classroom, looking handsome as ever. My stomach then became a sailor, and started tying knots. Troy seemed to also notice him too.

"Alec!" Troy called.

I ran my fingers through my hair subtly, and sat up straighter on my seat.

"Oh hey, Troy," he greeted, and when his eyes landed on me, there was a hint of confusion as his eyes darted from me, to Troy, and back to me again.

"Hey Violet," he said a bit unsurely, but smiled nonetheless, his dimples popping out.

Dimples are so attractive.

"Hi, Alec," I smiled back; covering the nervousness that I hoped didn't seep out through my voice. Then someone also called Alec, and he made his way towards the back of the class where he usually sat.

This reminded me that that was also where this guy, who was currently sitting beside me, was supposed to be.

"-second, " I continued "go back to your seat."

"Not until you give me your number." He smiled cheekily.

I laughed.


“Why not?”

“I don’t give my number to strangers.”

“You already know me.”

“Just your name.”

“That’s why I suggested that we get to know each other. What if I need some help understanding the lines? I do remember Ms. Carmichael saying you were in charge of helping me,” he reminded smugly.

I opened my mouth, and closed it again. He got me there.

And as if answering my silent prayer to get me out of this situation, my saving grace, in the form of my seatmate, finally arrived.

"Oh look at that Cassidy's here!" I announced, redirecting the conversation, somewhat relieved.

"You're on her seat," I informed as Cassidy walked over to us, probably confused as to why Troy Creston was on her seat.

"Uh-," she drawled unsurely, but Troy cut her off.

Offering her a dazzling smile, he said, "Could you wait for a few more seconds, I just need to finish something with Violet over here."

At that Cassidy immediately blushed.

"Y-yeah, sure," she stuttered.

So much for my saving grace.

At that she walked towards one of her friends, still looking a bit dazed.

My eyes followed her, and I watched as she whispered something excitedly to her friend, then her friend looking over at us. I could already guess what they were talking about.

This boy seriously had too much charm for his own good. I could see a small trace of a smirk at his lips. Cocky bastard.

He turned his attention back to me. "Number."

"No," I replied stubbornly.

Mrs. Regner, our teacher, was already at the door, but she was still talking to someone.

"The teacher's already here, now go," I said to him in a shooing manner.

"Then give me your number, and I'll leave," He smirked, knowing I was about to give in.

"Fine!" I relented.

He gave me his phone and I added my number. I contemplated giving him a false one, but then he'd probably just find other ways to get it from me.

"There, now go."

"See you later, Violet," he said, and smiled at me. His smile was nothing like Alec's. As Alec's was adorable, his were devilish. His eyes always seemed to hold that mischievous glint. His smile was enticing, yet something told you to stay away.

There was something to it, and I couldn't help but stare at him for a moment, trying to understand this enigma that was Troy Creston.


"Hey guys," I greeted as I sat down on our lunch table.

"A little birdie told me that Troy Creston sat with you during English," Kelly said.

"Care to explain?" Audrey finished.

"He just wanted to annoy me, and get my number." I rolled my eyes.

"Be careful Vi, you know how he is," Kelly warned.

"Omg, what if Violet's the one who's gonna change him," Audrey said excitedly, and went on to her fangirling fantasies. Kelly and I rolled our eyes.

"Like that's gonna happen," I said, and subtly pointed with my hands to the direction of the popular section for my explanation.

Their eyes followed my hands and landed on Troy and, if I'm correct, Bailey. She was part of the dance troupe in our school, and a year lower than us. She was a standout pretty. You know, those girls that could immediately catch your attention, and stuck out of the crowd. She also had a killer body, since she danced a lot.

She was sitting next to Troy, very closely may I add, and they looked pretty cozy.

They weren't the only ones feeling pretty cozy.

I thought a bit miserably as my eyes landed on Peyton and Alec.

"Right, stupid thought," Audrey corrected herself as the both of them faced our lunch table again.

She added, "I still ship you and Alec though," she teased.

That ship had already sunk.


When I arrived in the auditorium for the drama club, I was greeted by the sight of prop materials on the stage, and the girls of the drama club talking/flirting with the soccer boys.  The drama club boys, which weren’t a lot, sat together and were talking among themselves. Some of them were laughing, while some threw envious looks at the soccer guys.

I walked towards Lilian; she was in charge of the music. We were supposed to work together for the music, but Ms. Carmichael had other plans for me apparently. She already had a boyfriend, which kind of explains why she wasn't flirting with the soccer guys. Some of the drama club girls already had boyfriends too, but I don’t know with them. I don’t understand this generation’s romantic relationships anymore. We’ve got friends with benefits going on, and dating about 5 people at the same time, open relationships, and what else people got going on.

This generation’s in a nutshell.

"Hey Lily," I greeted with a smile as I walked over to where she was setting up her piano.

"Oh, hey Vi," she greeted with a smile back.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just going to read through the script and try to compose something that'll fit the mood in different scenes," she explained, "I wish we still worked together on this though."

"Yeah, me too."

Before I could say anything else, Ms. Carmichael called for everyone's attention.

“First thing’s first, there is a change in our meeting schedule. In order to accommodate with the soccer team’s practice schedule, we will be rescheduling our meetings. Instead of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, our meetings will only be twice a week.”

Whispers of “Yes!” mostly coming from the soccer team was heard, but they were immediately shut up by Ms. Carmichael’s glare.

She continued, “Our club meetings will be held during Tuesdays, and Fridays. Now, for today’s task. We will be doing a read through of the script. This will help to make you understand it better, and show you how to properly express these magnificent words written by Shakespeare,” she explained, then proceeded to go on about how amazing Shakespeare was, and how we should give justice to his play.

“Boys of the soccer team, you will start making the props today. All the materials you need are at the back ,and Amelia has the design," as she said that, she pointed to the red-head.  Everyone else with a role in the play, we'll form a circle," she said, and pointed at the middle of the stage, "there and we'll start practicing the lines, but reading only, no acting yet. Those in charge of the music, background, and costume, please start your planning," she instructed. While she was giving instructions, a teacher entered the auditorium.

“Plea-,” Ms. Carmichael was interrupted by Chris, who informed her about our new visitor.

“Excuse me for a moment. Go to your assigned places,” she said, and left to entertain our visitor.

I walked up the right ramp that led to the stage. There were two ramps; one on each side of the spacious stage. People were talking amongst each other while waiting for Ms. Carmichael.

“So, Violet, you like acting huh?” I turned around, already recognizing the voice. How could I not? There was only one voice that could get my nerves, and heart, go haywire.

“Not really,” I replied, acting nonchalant. He looked at me and raised his brow.

“Then why are you in the drama club?” Alec asked as he opened one of the paint tin cans.

“I was only supposed to be in charge of the music,” I replied, and started playing with my hair, a nervous habit of mine.

“Oh. Then how’d you end up playing the lead role?”

“I don’t even know why Ms. Carmichael chose me,” I replied honestly.

He studied me for a moment; his eyes travelling from my feet to my face. My heart instantly started skipping beats, and my self-consciousness was oozing. A blush threatened its way out but I suppressed the urge.

“It’s probably because you look like a Juliet,” he stated after he made his observation.

“A Juliet?”

“Yeah, you got that pretty and innocent look going on,” he said nonchalantly, and shot me one of his butterfly-inducing smiles. I froze for a moment.

Alec thought I was pretty. Alec, my crush, thought I was pretty.

He may have been just being the nice person that he was, but I couldn’t stop the butterflies and heart spasms.

“Uh, thanks,” I replied lamely as my cheeks turned red. What are you supposed to say when your crush compliments you? I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart.  Luckily, he was focused on opening the paint tin can, so he didn’t notice the things he was doing to me. I bit my lip to try and supress the urge to smile like I've won the lottery or something.

You know that feeling when you've got so much energy and happiness surging through you that you just want to jump up and down, or run around? I was feeling that right now.

Expectations equals disappointments. I remind myself as I controlled the whirlwind of feelings I had right now.

He's just being nice; that's the kind of person that he is.

I turned around to calm my emotions, and also to look what everyone else was doing. But when I turned, my eyes instantly locked with Troy’s, which were already looking at me. I then grew nervous. There was something in the way that he was looking at me, as if he knew a dirty little secret. Mischief was practically written all over his face.

I knew this wasn’t going to be good.

He smirked, that devilish one of his. I raised my brow at him, silently asking him ‘Why he was looking at me like that’, but he only chuckled, and started walking away.

I wonder what goes on in that head of his.

A/N: Hey guys :) Did you like this chapter?? If you did, please comment and vote, it would really mean a lot.

So, who do you ship? ???

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