Playing Juliet

بواسطة bluemellowjello

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After an accident in the soccer field, the soccer team was forced to join the school play. Needing a replace... المزيد

Copyright and Disclaimer
1: Hopeless But Still Hoping
2: My Self-esteem Lives Under A Rock
3: Markers and Cupcakes
4: Hotter Than The Temperature in Mercury
5: Blessing Or A Curse
7: Enigma
8: Busted

6: Midnight Escapades

670 44 8
بواسطة bluemellowjello

Wooo two updates in one day!! Listen to the song at the side. That's how I imagine Violet's voice would be :) Hope you like this chapter.

Chapter 6: Midnight Escapades

When I reentered the auditorium, everyone was already about to leave.

"I expect to see everyone on Monday, goodbye," Ms. Carmichael said.

I walked towards my bag, so that I can finally go home. This has been a really long day.

Jeanette approached me and so did the other girls. “Hey, what happened? Why did the both of you suddenly leave?” she asked.

“I had to go to the bathroom,” I answered “I don’t know where he went.” I lied, I also didn't want to mention the argument we just had.

“Oh, do you know why he looked angry when he left?” one of the girls asked.

“Beats me,” I shrugged acting as if I didn't know, “I got to go, bye guys.” I waved and smiled at them, not wanting to be interrogated any longer. I opened the door to leave the auditorium, as I did, someone also opened the door, beating me to it. Troy and I locked eyes for about two seconds, his face was blank but the then turned slightly apprehensive. I glared at him before walking around him to leave.


I woke up to the sound of whispering, creaking and hustling outside my bedroom window.

I let curiosity get the best of me and pushed myself off the bed groggily. I checked the time. It was 12:30 a.m.

I inspected where the noises were coming from and took a small peak from my make shift curtain.

What the hell is he doing? I thought as I rubbed my eyes, making sure I wasn’t seeing things.

I raised my eyebrow to the boy who was currently sneaking out of his bedroom window and down the tree. The tree had small branches and naturally carved  holes on it that you can step on, like a ladder. I knew this because I’ve been climbing on it more times than I could count. I didn’t think he knew about it too. He must have looked around the house. It was weird seeing someone else use that tree. It used to be Cade and I’s tree. Just for us.

When he reached the ground, I noticed he was talking on the phone. I heard something along the lines of “I’m on my way.”

Where could he possibly go to at 12:30 in the morning?

Well, whatever. What he does with his life doesn’t concern me.

I walked back to my warm and inviting bed and snuggled under the covers just as I heard an engine of a car come to life.


When I woke up it was almost noon. I did my morning routines and went downstairs. I stopped in my tracks when I hear unfamiliar voices in our living room.

"I would've wanted you to meet my daughter but sadly she's still asleep,” my mom said.

"Oh, it's okay Mrs. Avery, probably later during dinner. Thank you for inviting  us again by the way," I recognized the voice as Troy’s , and immediately, I went back up to my room. Not wanting to be faced to faced with that jerk.

Troy’s POV

I woke up with a slight headache. Kate, one of my friends, had called me at midnight . It was her birthday and they had a second party, one just for the teens in a club they rented out for the night.

Luckily I didn’t drink enough to give me a bad hangover.

I spent my Saturday morning and afternoon unpacking since my mom  wouldn’t let me out of the house if I didn’t unpack my stuff.  I can’t believe I’m doing this on a Saturday. Dale, one of my teammates invited the guys to hang out in his house. I could just sneak out like I did yesterday but it was getting annoying having to sift through boxes all the time just to look for the things I need.

I was hanging up my clothes in my closet when I heard a soft voice singing accompanied by the strumming of a guitar.

“A tornado flew around my room before you came

Excuse the mess it made it usually doesn’t rain

In southern California much like Arizona

my eyes don’t shed tears but boy they bawl.”

This mystery girl might not know how to dance but she can definitely sing. I recognized the song as Frank Ocean’s Thinking  About  You. She definitely has a good taste in music.

And then when the chorus came,

“Oh do you not think so far ahead

Cause I’ve been think ‘bout forever”

 I shit you not, I got goosebumps.


Who the hell is this girl?

I was getting really curious, so I walked towards my window, which didn’t have any curtains. I should probably stop walking around my room in just boxers with a curtain-less window, but only this mystery girl was going to see me so who cares. She would probably be thankful I didn’t have curtains anyway.

Her curtains were still closed but I caught a glimpse of brown hair tied into a ponytail through the small gap of her curtain.  Other than that I didn't see anything else. I found myself closing my eyes as I lied down on my bed, hands behind my head, just listening to her soothing voice.

I found myself being disappointed when she stopped singing.


Violet’s POV

“Violet, what are you still doing watching TV? Go upstairs and get ready, the guests are on their way,” My mom scolded.

“Mom I swear 5 more minutes, it’s almost done, I just need to find out who’s the killer,” I said, my eyes still glued to the TV. I was still in the living room, huddled up on the couch, watching Castle.

“No.” she grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV. “Mom, it wa-” I argued but she cut me off.

“Go upstairs and start getting ready, they’re gonna arrive in a few more minutes,” she ordered, her blue eyes stared commandingly at me.

I groaned in protest but complied. I’ll just watch the reruns.

I went inside my room and started digging through my closet for something to wear. I had already showered earlier. Dresses weren’t my thing and it wasn’t like this was something formal so I opted for wearing my black jeggings and a simple blue blouse.  I brushed my hair, leaving it to it’s naturally wavy brown locks and applied some powder to get rid of the oiliness on my face. I was putting on my flats as I heard the door from the house beside our’s open.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs just as I heard the doorbell ring.

When my mom opened the door to welcome our new neighbors, I was nervous. I was still angry at Troy for what he said and I didn’t know how he would react to seeing me and finding out that we were neighbors.

“Hello, come on in!” My mom invited and smiled to out guests.

Mr. Creston and my dad shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. Both letting their wives do the talking.

Once I heard my mom’s voice I looked up to the faces of our visitors. It was only Mr & Mrs. Creston. No sign of Troy. I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he wasn’t coming. But as I thought that Mrs. Creston then said, “Troy just returned to the house to get his phone, I swear kids now a days can’t seem to get off those things,” Mrs. Creston rolled her eyes in a light manner.

“I agree it’s the same with my daughter,” My mom laughed. Her blonde hair was pulled to the side and she wore a light blue dress. I looked nowhere near my mom.

Well of course I don’t.

I shook the upcoming thoughts from my mind. I couldn’t deal with them right now.

At the mention of me, Mrs. Creston’s eyes darted to me and she smiled. “Ah, what a beautiful daughter you have.”

“Oh, I forgot you haven’t met her yet, this is my daughter Violet.”

I smiled. “Good evening, Mrs. Creston,”

“Good evening to you to dear. What grade are you in?” she asked, smiling warmly at me.

“I’m a senior,” I replied politely.

“Just like my son, then. You’ll meet him soon, I’m sure you’ll get along great.” she smiled again.

Oh if she only knew

I noted how Troy looked more like his mother than his father. They had the same chocolate hair and almost the same features, but he didn’t have her eyes, which was blue. Mr. Creston was tall, and I guess Troy got his ruggedness and eyes from him. He was wearing a maroon button down, whilst Mrs. Creston wore a nice pastel peach dress.

Speak of the devil.

 “Troy, hurry up, don’t make us wait.”

He appeared at the doorway, where we were all standing. I admit, although begrudgingly, that he is devilishly handsome. He was dressed in navy tee that went to his elbows, and black jeans. If I wasn’t already turned off by his rude attitude, I would have been fawning over him.

“Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Avery,” he smiled politely at them, but then his eyes finally landed on me and they widened a little. He had that weird look that was a mix of What-the-hell-is-she-doing-here and something like I answered one of his secret questions.

“Troy, this is Violet, you’re in the same year as her, do you know each other?” Mrs. Creston asked, totally oblivious to the tension between us.

“Er- yeah, we share some classes together,” he replied, looking at me like he was examining me.

I didn’t think he actually knew that we shared classes together. We've never really socialized before, if you haven't guessed already.

“English and Gym , right?” he asked, acting as if we hadn’t just had an argument yesterday.

…and History. I wanted to add but who cares what classes we shared.

“Yep,” I smiled, also putting on a façade.

“Let’s eat dinner while the food is still hot,” my mom invited, and I was thankful. She saved me from that situation. I closed the door and followed everyone to the dining room.

My mom had made her famous Pasta Carbonara and stuffed chicken. Pasta was always her specialty in cooking. We sat down around the black rectangular dinner table. My family on one side, and the Crestons sat opposite us. Troy sat infront of me and we caught each other’s eyes for a moment. I gave him a hard stare, letting him know I was still mad at him for yesterday. I didn’t bother waiting for his reaction.

Dinner went surprisingly well. My parents and Troy’s parents seem  to really get along. I just kept quiet and occasionally answered questions thrown my way and so did he. I avoided looking at him at all cost. I was relieved when dinner was over,  but then that relief quickly disappeared when the “grown-ups” moved to the living room and we were left in the kitchen. I didn’t want to join in on their adult  conversations and it seems like so did he. I could have gone to my room but I knew that was rude because we had guests.

 I wasn’t rude like some people.

We were both on our phones, and I was scrolling through my Instagram feed while occasionally sipping on my fruit juice.

Shockingly, he put his phone away. Didn’t think he would actually get off it without me trying to snatch it away and a fight ensuing.  Not that I wanted it to happen again.

“Did you know we were neighbors?” he asked, breaking the silence.

I didn’t reply, instead, I kept scrolling through my phone. Let’s see how he likes that. I smirked mentally. I was trying to make him feel what it was like to be me yesterday.

He soon sighed in defeat, knowing what I was doing.

“Okay, look, I’m sorry I blew up on you yesterday. I was already angry and frustrated when you took my phone. I was being rude and I took my anger out on you,” he explained. I could sense some sincerity to his tone. I continued scrolling through my phone acting as if I wasn’t listening to a word he said.

“Can you get off that stupid phone, I get the message,” he said, annoyed.

I finally looked up at him and smiled triumphantly, albeit a bit condescendingly  “Now you know how it feels,”

He just grunted, like it hurt his ego.


I really didn’t like holding grudges and being angry at people, but I was still slightly hurt.

But I knew nothing good would come out in prolonging this. “Fine, apology accepted," after I said that, an almost smirk made it's way to his face.

“Since we didn’t get off on the right foot… how ‘bout we start over?” he said and leaned slightly closer on the table, putting his elbows on it.

I agreed. I didn’t really want to be picking fights with one of the most popular kids in school.

 “Violet,” I introduced and held out my hand for him to shake.

“Troy," he replied, meeting my eyes and our hands. His hands felt warm or was it my hands that were cold? A lot of people had always told me that I had cold hands.

“Nice to meet you, Troy.” I started to smile, not breaking eye contact as our hands shook gently.

“Nice to meet you too, Violet.” he smirked. After a moment, we let go of our hands.

I brought the glass of my drink to my lips, and he did the same thing with his drink. As I swallowed, our eyes met again. There was almost a mischievous glint to his eyes as if he knew something I didn’t.

 I couldn’t help but feel as if it was a cheers to whatever was to come.


Hi guys :) what do you think of this chapter?? comment below what you think and vote if you like it. It really means a lot :)))

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