The Housekeeper [h.s.]

By doyouwantsomecoffee

18.7K 967 31

Lucy is the housekeeper of One Direction. Her job isn't as pleasant as it may sound. She gets bullied around... More

Green eyes
Rainy days and Hot feelings
Locked out
Tears and Love
December Dancing
White Christmas or Blue?
Living nightmare
Christmas Time
25th of December
In Sickness And Health
Hidden secrets
Unexpected faces
Where do broken hearts go
Tragic Poetry
Vegas Trouble
Route 45
Lies and drama
"I Love You"
In a Heartbeat
Conflicted Heartbreaks
Cheering Presents
When it rains It pours
Suspicious people
Doorbell ringing
Rumours and threats
All the love
Are you afraid of me?
Loving fans
Seeing through lies
Still Harry
A weak target
Endless hike
The court trial
Keeping secrets
Excluding Lucy
Mr. Bolton
Zaran Marock
Flower field
Old friends
Bad dreams
Clear escape
The end

Teasing and freezing

711 30 2
By doyouwantsomecoffee

It was starting to get close to christmas, and I seriously couldn't wait. Christmas was definitely my favorite time of the year, plus I had a feeling that this christmas was gonna be a good one.

It was alot to do at christmas time though. A lot of cleaning to do everywhere, and the boys would go to parties and get drunk, and then I'd have to take care of their hangover which was the most disgusting thing I did around here. Well, Harry didn't really drink that much around christmas. Or anytime of the year for that matter. I don't think he's the party-type to be honest. He's more relaxed, more down to earth. Harry would rather stay in and watch a movie with friends, than go to parties. Sometimes he did. I really liked that part of him. Party-boys wasn't really my type.

"Hey, you forgot a spot", Louis said to me whilst I cleaned the floor, and spat right beside me. I sighed, and cleaned it up with my cloth. He laughed mockingly. "Wow, real mature, Louis!", Harry said from the kitchen and aplauded him ironicly. Louis bowed, and I really felt like kicking him in his nuts. But of course I didn't do that, that would've been suicide. "Hey Harry, you wanna join me and Niall later when we're going to the movies? We're going to see the new Hunger Games movie! Gonna be epic", Louis said with eager. Harry shook his head. "Nah. I was actually thinking 'bout going ice skating", Harry said and looked directly on me. I looked down and continued cleaning. "What?" Louis looked at Harry like he had just killed a person. "Why the fuck would you go ice skating? That's boring as hell", he continued. Well, not everyone is like you, Louis. "Because it's fun when you're taking someone you like with you", Harry answered him, and smirked. I felt disappointed. Did Harry have a girlfriend? I wanted to run to my room and cry.

Yes, I was in love with Harry. Since that day when we almost kissed, I've been in love with him. Nothing happened the days afterwards. Life just went on like it used to. "Nice, Harry! You finally found someone! So is she hot?", he asked. Was that all he cared about? Oh, of course it was. His name was Louis Tomlinson after all. Harry didn't say anything. He just smiled, and giggled. Louis kept begging Harry to tell him something about her, but he kept his mouth shut. I couldn't help but wonder. Who was this girl he was talking about? Or, not talking about. I was really starting to get curious.

At 5 pm I called for the boys. It was dinner time, and I made roast beef, which was Harrys favorite dinner, so I expected him to be the first at the table. And boy, was I right. "Where are the other boys?", I asked him, as he sat down. "Oh, they went to the store 5 minutes ago, so they'll probably be here any minute now", Harry said. I nodded. I didn't really have anything left to do, so I decided to just ask him. "Uhm.. Who was that girl you were talking about earlier?" I caught myself shaking in my voice while i said that. He laughed. "Well, it's this girl that I've known for a while now. She's very pretty and funny", he said. I nodded, feeling so uncomfortable listening to Harry talking about the love of his life. "I hope you two have fun ice skating", I said in a not so believeable tone. Well, at least I tried. He started laughing again. "What's so funny?" He looked at me. "You're so cute when you're jealous", he said and smiled at me. He noticed?.. "The girl I was talking about was you, Lucy. You're the girl I'm taking ice skating today." I blushed. "Oh", I answered and felt so embarassed. "I mean, only if you want to", he said, sounding like he had pushed me into something. "Of course I do, Harry." He smiled like an idiot. "I'll have to ask you properly after the dinner, though", he said, hearing the boys walking up the stairs. He winked at me, then the boys came in and ate their dinner.

I was doing the dishes, when I saw Harry standing beside me. I turned around to see if any of the boys were here, but they weren't. "Don't worry, they're upstairs playing playstation or something", Harry said comforting. "Oh", I said, and smiled at him. "So I guess this is the proper time to ask you", he started. "Lucy, will you go on a date with me?" He looked so excited and cute I just wanted to hug him and squeeze him. "I do", I said and we both laughed. "So, when is this date?", I asked curiously with a smirk planted on my face. "I was thinking in about 2 hours?" 2 hours?? I didn't even know what to wear! "Uhm. Yeah, I mean.. Sure!" I said, trying to hide the fact that I was screaming inside. "Great! And I wouldn't recommend wearing a dress, because I might fall, and I will drag you with me", Harry said and gave me his usual wink. Then he went upstairs, and I figured I needed to get ready. Now.

I wore a burgundy-red crop top, black see-through tights, a black skater skirt, boots and a long jacket because it was December so it would obviously get cold outside. I put on my makeup, curled my hair and put it in an up-do like Ariana Grande does. I had always loved that hairstyle. It was so cute and feminine. Then someone knocked on my door, and I figured it was Harry. He came in. "Wow." His mouth was wide open, and he stood there a while staring at me. I coughed. He shook his head and looked up at me. "You look gorgeous", he said and smiled softly. I went over to him. "Well, you don't look too bad yourself", I answered teasingly. He looked at me madly, but in a jokingly and funny way. He took his hand and grabbed mine in his. I smiled and looked down. He laughed of my shyness. "You're too cute", he said, and then we went to the rink.

The skating field was very crowded, so it wasn't very easy skating, but we managed. The whole time we were just laughing, cause we found out we both sucked at skating. And we talked about everything and nothing. Harry even fell a couple of times, and he did what he said he was gonna do. He dragged me with him.

Suddenly he offered me his hand and bowed down. "Ms. Lucy. Would you like to dance with me on this precious evening?" I giggled. I gave him my hand. "Why, of course", I said and lay my other hand on his shoulder, while he lay his on my waist. We swayed back and forth, and I could tell people were staring at us. I didn't really care. All I did was look into Harrys green, crystal clear eyes and dance with him. He looked intensively in my eyes. "Your eyes are the most beautiful things I've ever seen", he suddenly said. I smirked, and turned away. Then he took his pointing finger and put it on my chin so I could look at him. He looked deeply into my eyes and leaned forward. I did the same, and suddenly our lips touched. It was like an explosion. Like fireworks on New Years Eve, like... I didn't even find the words to describe it. It was just.. perfect. Everything avout it. The way his lips moved so well along with mine, the moment, the place. All of it.

We stood at the fence by the rink and talked. About everything. I asked him how his life was, and he asked how mine was. And you could say our answers were quite different.
I lifted up Harrys necklace and looked at it. It was a cross with Jesus hanging on it. Harry was always wearing this. Anywhere, anytime. "You always wear this", I said and looked up at him. He was smiling. "Yeah. It's kind of a lucky charm", he answered. "Do you believe in God?", I asked carefully. "Well, yes. I mean I don't believe in everything in the Bible, but yes. I do believe that there's a God up there that created this universe and every creature on it." I could tell he liked talking about this. I smiled at him. "How about you? Do you have anything you believe in?" Harry looked curiously down on me. "I don't think so. But I'd like to think that there is in fact a God up there who reigns over us", I said. It was true. Though I hadn't really thought about it much. He nodded, and looked down at his watch. "I guess it's time for us to get back now. The boys might start to worry", he said and shook his head. I laughed. He took my hand in his and followed me to his car.

We were standing at the porch, ready to go inside. Well, I was. Didn't really know about Harry, cause he just stood there. He stepped right in front of me. "Lucy, this has been an incredible date, I must say", he started and smiled at me. I laughed, and couldn't help but blush. "And I hope you would consider going on a second date with me soon. Like, a fancy restaurant or something", he continued and we both laughed. "I will think about it", I answered. "You're such a bloody tease, aren't you?", Harry said and planted his lips on mine. He pushed me softly into the wall and started to kiss me on the neck. I moaned, not knowing how to control myself. It was kind of a new experience for me, although he had probably done it a lot of times. He kissed me one more time before I stopped. "We should probably get inside", I said, trying to tease Harry a bit. He groaned, but took my hand and went in. I laughed at him.

"Lucy, wait", Harry said and grabbed my hand when I was just about to go upstairs. He pulled me quickly to him and kissed me passionatly. I gave in to the kiss, so that we both could enjoy it. I slowly pulled away. "You're a pretty damn good kisser", he breathed out. "You too", I whispered, and then we finally went upstairs to the livingroom. The only one there was Niall. He was watching a football match. Shocker. Harry coughed. Niall turned around. "Oh! Hi guys. The other boys went to bed, and they didn't go alone if you know what I mean", he said and laughed. Then he looked confused at us. "Where have you been anyway?" I looked at Harry, and I didn't know if he was ready to tell the other boys about us. It could even blow up for me. I could get fired for having an affair with one of the boys. "Lucy was going to the store to buy some groceries, so I figured I could just drive her there. I was just bored anyway", he lied. Niall nodded. Then he almost jumped up from the couch like s teenage girl to ask Harry how it went on his date. "It went very well. I think it might be something there", Harry answered and grinned. Niall laughed to show that he was happy for him. Then he went quiet and looked down at the ground. Harry walked up to him. "Hey, don't worry. You'll find your special someone somewhere out there. I know you will, you're my bro", Harry said to comfort him. It worked, cause Niall went happy again. "Thanks, man. I hope everything goes well with your date. You deserve it, and I bet she's a great girl", he said and smiled at Harry. I had to smile by the fact that they were such good friends, and Harry was so sweet. He looked at me from where he stood with Niall. "She is."

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