Golden | Jungkook AU

By ot7heaux

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How cliché to be utterly and completely in love with your best friend. More



4.1K 108 14
By ot7heaux

I watched with a huge smile plastered on my face as Jungkook stumbled onto the karaoke stage with Jimin. They were probably three shots in and tipsy by now which explains Jungkook's sudden confidence to sing in front of everyone. He never- and I mean never - sings in front of more than 2 people so I know he's tipsy for him to get on stage in front of the whole bar. Jungkook and Jimin both playfully harmonized together looking for a song to pick.

"I'm in love." I sighed resting my head on Jin's shoulder.

"I can tell," he chuckled. "It's even worse than before."

Jin and I opted out of drinking, instead we took two gummy edibles. While everyone was drinking and getting drunk we both sat waiting for the high to hit us. Lucky for us, it hit us both at the same time almost 10 minutes ago when we both caught ourselves staring blankly at each other while everyone else around us were laughing and singing. Hoseok told us they weren't going to be that strong but it not only hit us, it uppercut then ran us over. We were zooted.

"This one is for all the single ladies tonight." Jimin shouted making the bar erupt in cheers and applause.

Come Around Me by Justin Bieber started to play and I rolled my eyes. This was definitely Jungkook's choice. When Changes dropped Jungkook blasted the album on repeat for weeks. I contemplated moving out. I don't have any against Justin Bieber, his music is just not my cup of tea. One of the biggest differences Jungkook and I share, our music taste. Every song he recommends or listens to, I most likely never heard of before. I would say my music taste is a mix of Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi's which makes sense why we get along so well. From time to time Hoseok and I make each other playlists which Jungkook begged me to do for him but our music taste is so different I'm pretty sure he played it once and never again.

Jungkook was a smiling fool as Jimin started to sing, they both swayed back and forth dramatically serenading the bar. Taehyung stood up at the table pointing his drink towards them singing along making Jin and I laugh. Once the chorus hit, Jungkook began to sing making me smile. I cheered for him making a few heads turn to look back at me weirdly but I ignored them not taking my eyes off of him. He shot me a wink making me giggle as Taehyung pulled out his lighter and waved it back and forth. Jin and I were in a fit of laughter and we probably looked crazy but we were so high and everything was just so funny. I snorted watching as Jungkook slowly began to take off his jacket, the audience cheered him on some even whistling at him. Jimin took this as a challenge and started body rolling on stage which made Jin and I laugh even harder.

"Why don't you get up there?" I asked turning to look at Jin.

"I'd rather not." he chuckled. "Especially not after those two, I don't sing for free. My voice is used in professional settings only."

"Oh, yeah." I giggled. "I forgot, you're a professional."

"Yes, wouldn't want to get on stage and move the audience to tears with my voice." he joked even though it was true. His voice has a way of making you feel emotions you've never knew you felt.

I watched as a group of girls rush to the stage as Jimin and Jungkook finished the song. This wasn't an unusual occurrence, Jungkook has always been popular with girls but it's doesn't not bother me. Jimin was eating it up like usual making the girls flustered after complimenting him. Jungkook was talking to a few girls, he said something that made them laugh and I looked away stopping myself from getting jealous because I had no right to be. I snatched Taehyung's drink from the table and downed it ignoring Taehyung's whines. I cringed at the taste, he was drinking whisky.

"If I knew you were drinking whisky I wouldn't have grabbed it." I shuddered pushing the glass away. "I'm gonna go order a drink."

"Get me one too!" Jin shouted as I got up and headed towards the bartender.

It was busy tonight but it's also a Saturday night so it makes sense. I had to wait on the side for other people to order their drinks before it was finally my turn. I ordered two midori sours with extra limes, my favorite drink. It tastes like candy but the alcohol sneaks up on you. I prefer drinks where you can't taste the alcohol and midori sours are perfect. I waited patiently watching as he hurried to make other drinks before finally handing me my drinks and change. I smiled to myself as I walked back to the table, I was so excited.

"Thank you." Jin said grabbing the drink from my hand.

I nodded in response going straight into sipping on my drink. "Ugh, it's so good." I mumbled.

"You need hard liquor if you wanna have fun." Taehyung said making Jin and I roll our eyes. 

"We are high as fuck right now," Jin chuckled. "We're having a blast."

"You have weed?" Taehyung perked up. 

"Hoseok gave us edibles." I answered pulling out the last gummy. "You want?"

He nodded excitedly, "Hell yeah!" he shouted snatching it out of my hand. 

We watched in amusement as Taehyung ate the gummy. The weed was strong and from the way he just gagged I could tell he tasted it. I don't mind the taste nothing will ever be as bad as shrooms, Jungkook and I tried it once and while it was fun, I don't think we will ever get over the taste. My eyes wandered to Jungkook, he was still with Jimin talking to the girls. Without taking my eyes off of them, I grabbed my drink and finished it. Being high and jealous isn't a good mix, when I'm high I'm super observant so I need the alcohol to kick in. Once I'm crossfaded, I'll be too intoxicated to realize I'm jealous. 

"Slow down." Taehyung laughed swinging over my shoulders. "The night is still young."

"Exactly." I agreed. "That's why I need more alcohol."

Jin slid his midori sour over to me, "It's too sour." he said. 

"Thanks." I smiled happily taking it. 

 The bar got oddly quiet causing me to look up to see Jungkook on the stage by himself this time with Jimin on the side cheering him on. The song started making Jin, Taehyung and I gasp, everyone else in the bar seemed confused not recognizing the song. For the past few months Jungkook and Namjoon have been working on a song that he refused to let me hear until like a week ago. I didn't think he could top Euphoria but this new song, My Time, was literally a masterpiece. He barely let anyone but Namjoon hear it so the fact that he's performing this in front an audience is not only out of character but mind blowing. He has to be wasted at this point, that's the only way this makes sense. 

"Am I the only one seeing this?" I asked still in shock as Jungkook began to sing. 

Taehyung shook his head, "I can't believe Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi are missing this right now." 

"Don't worry I'm recording it," Jin said with his phone pulled out pointed towards the stage. "They're not going to believe us without proof."

I watched in awe as Jungkook captivated the room with his voice. The prettiest voice in the world. Whenever he sings the whole room disappears and nothing else matters but him and my heart feels so warm and whole. He had his eyes closed while he awkwardly stood on stage singing his song. Jin and Taehyung cheered him on beside me as I watched with tears in my eyes. I didn't know if I wanted to cry because of the lyrics or the fact that he's even on stage right now. Once Jungkook finished his song, the bar erupted in applause and I wanted to do nothing but run to the stage and into his arms but stopped myself when I saw I had already been beat to it. He was surrounded once again by the same group of girls who made him blush at their compliments. They're probably telling him how beautiful his voice is which he needs to hear. I smiled watching as he got flustered from all the nice things being shouted at him from strangers. I knew at some point I should go up and tell him how amazing his performance was but I couldn't bring myself to especially not when he already had a flock of girls telling him the same thing. 

"Gonna take a smoke break," Taehyung said as I continued watching Jungkook. "You want to come with?" 

"Sure." I nodded getting up and following Taehyung outside of the bar. 

I'm pretty sure he could tell I wasn't feeling the best and only came out here to be nice because for the past 5 minutes we've both just been standing outside in silence and not once did he actually smoke. Taehyung after a while realized that because he hurried to pull out his juul. 

"You know that's bad for you." I said making him laugh. 

"So are half the drugs you do." he pointed out. "Plus, you hookah, it's basically the same thing."

"You right." I smiled. "Pass it over." 

"Seriously?" he asked hesitant to give it to me. 

I rolled my eyes, "Like you said, it's basically the same thing." I said grabbing it and taking a hit. "Gross, is this grape?"

"Yeah, they ran out of blueberry." he chuckled. "Jungkook's not going to like that I let you smoke this."

I shrugged taking another hit, "He never has to know." I whispered handing the juul back to him. "He's too busy right now to care anyways."

"Trust me, none of what anyone says tonight will matter more than what you say to him." he said trying to make me feel better. "Only girl who matters is you."

"Shouldn't be like that though." I sighed. "I shouldn't even be jealous, it's dumb."

"Very dumb that by now you don't see you have nothing to be jealous of." he said patting me on the back. 

I leaned back against the wall beside Taehyung, I could hear the music playing from inside the bar. Jungkook was probably dancing right now having the time of his life. I dug in my bag trying to find the left over joint I had from last week. After hitting the juul it sobered me up a bit and I needed to be anything but that. I grabbed my lighter and lit the joint between my lips taking a long drag letting the smoke fill up my lungs before slowly exhaling. I took another hit before passing it to Taehyung who happily took it. We stood like this passing the joint back and forth until it finished watching as cars drove past us in a nice silence. 

Taehyung was the first to get off the wall and begin to walk back into the bar but stopped when he noticed I wasn't following. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm dragging me with him. Once we were inside I noticed the bar seemed to die down but there were two girls on stage singing their hearts out to a IU song. As we walked to the table, I could see Jungkook and Jimin still taking shots, they were laughing about something but quickly stopped when we approached the table. I didn't understand the silent tension at first until I felt Taehyung let go of my arm and notice the glare Jungkook was giving him. 

"Where did you both go?" Jungkook asked not taking his eyes of Taehyung.

"Smoke break." Taehyung answered not fazed by Jungkook.

"She doesn't smoke." he said matter of factly.

"She needed some air, Jungkook." I rolled my eyes sitting down. 

"So," Jimin said changing the subject. "Do you want to sing next Taehyung?"

Taehyung nodded, "Yes! Let's do a trot song." he shouted grabbing Jimin's hand and pulling him to the stage.

I smiled watching as they both excitedly waited for their turn by the stage. Jimin pulled out his phone probably to pick a song as Taehyung jumped up and down cheering on the girls who were singing. I was so engrossed by the two best friends to notice Jungkook was staring at me until he cleared his throat. I could tell he was mad, the alcohol tends to make him possessive and he already feels a type a way whenever Taehyung and I are ever alone.

"Where's Jin?" I asked ignoring his obvious annoyance.

"Bathroom." he answered taking another shot of soju.

I grabbed the bottle before he could pour another shot, "That's enough." I said making him roll his eyes. "You're drunk."

"I'm not drunk." he mumbled trying to grab the bottle from me. "You're drunk."

"Let's go home." I sighed hiding the bottle behind my back. "I'm tired and you're wasted, let's go."

He scoffed, "I'm not leaving." he said crossing his arms. 

"Let's go." I repeated not wanting to argue. 

"Okay then leave." he shrugged. 

I was taken back, "Bet you'd like that so one of your little groupies can keep you company instead."

"Why do you need me to come with you? If you're so tired ask Taehyung to take you home." he said making my blood boil. 

"You know what," I snapped getting up from the table. "I am! I might even let him sleep over too. I don't have time for this bullshit." 

I didn't make it two steps before Jungkook was pulling me back. His grip tighten as I ignored him trying to pull his hand off of me. I looked up at him fuming as he stared back at me with the same expression. We both were pissed, not at the fact that one of us wanted to stay and the other wanted to go, we both were jealous and this disagreement was the breaking point. We both stood there glaring at each other before Jungkook grabbed his jacket and headed towards the door pulling me along with him. No matter how mad he is, I still always get my way. Once we got outside he placed his jacket over my shoulders letting me put it on before grabbing my hand again. Even when he's mad he had to be sweet, it pissed me off. Our apartment was only a 5 minute walk but Jungkook was speed walking making it hard for me to keep up and he had a death grip on my hand so he was borderline dragging me. I was fed up and pushed him off of me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked making him stop and turn to look at me.

"You said you wanted to go home." he rolled his eyes.

"You're so fucking infuriating." I groaned. "What the fuck did I do for you to get so mad?"

He scoffed, "What the fuck did I do?"

"You didn't have to be such an asshole and grab me like that!" I shouted definitely sobering both of us up. "I'm not some fucking toy you can just pick up and toss around and don't think I didn't catch that Taehyung comment."

"How about your Taehyung comment?" he asked. "He's still inside if you want him to sleep over. You two seemed very close back there."

"Are you kidding me?" I huffed. "This again?"

"So, you're the only one allowed to be jealous?" he scoffed. "You spent the whole night frowning whenever a girl even looked at me."

"Well, can you blame me?" I asked. "You literally had girls running to you, Jungkook. How else was I supposed to feel? Taehyung took me outside because he felt bad for me. All we did was smoke a joint while he kept reassuring me that I had nothing be jealous of."

I didn't wait for him to respond as I ignored him and continued to walk. I wasn't even mad anymore, this whole thing was just stupid. I pulled out my phone responding to Jin's many text about where I randomly disappeared to. Tonight was supposed to be a stress reliever but it just made everything worse and it's not like I can escape Jungkook, we live together. All I wanted to do was be alone and scream into my pillow. I could hear Jungkook walking behind me as I entered our apartment building not holding the door for him but he wasn't far behind because once the elevator door opened he entered after me. We stood on opposite sides both staring straight ahead. Once we got to our floor, I hurried out not wanting to be next to him any longer pulling out my keys. He waited behind me as I unlocked our front door, I kicked off my shoes and headed to my bedroom.

"Wait." he said. "I'm sorry, I deserved to be yelled at. I didn't mean to be so petty and imply that you and Taehyung had something going on."

I sighed turning to look at him, "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have gotten jealous and called those girls your groupies." I apologized making him laugh. "I'm being serious."

"No, I know you are. I was in the wrong, I know you wouldn't do anything with Taehyung." he said running his fingers through his hair. "I looked for you after I sang and when I saw you come back with Taehyung holding your arm I just snapped. I was being dumb and drunk."

He reached out to hold my hand and I let him. I placed my hand on his cheek, it was rosy and warm due to the alcohol. He looked so cute, it was so hard being mad at him. I let my hand run down his chest before wrapping both arm around his waist feeling him relax in my arms. He used his hand to lift my head so I was looking up at him, I could still smell the alcohol on him as I held him. He smiled at me before leaning down to kiss me. It was sweet and chaste making my heart skip a beat. He pulled away smiling down at me before placing both hands on cheeks and pulling me into a deeper kiss.

"We shouldn't." I said pulling away from him.

He licked his lips, "Why?" he asked.

"Because you're drunk."

"And you're high." he said pulling me back so I was now in his arms.

"I know." I nodded looking up at him. "But this just proves that this isn't going to work out, Jungkook."

"No," he frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"We just had the dumbest argument over jealousy and we aren't even dating." I explained. "Imagine if we were."

"But did we not just resolve it?" he asked pulling me closer to him. "You need to stop finding reasons why we shouldn't be together."

"Well, someone has to." I mumbled. "I don't want us to rush into something that will only ruin our friendship. What if you don't love me in 2 months?"

"I knew I was in love with you when I was 13," he chuckled. "That's never going to change so what are you really afraid of?"

"I don't know." I admitted. "I'm just scared."

"Do you not know if you'll be in love with me in 2 months?" he asked tucking my hair behind my ear. "It's okay to be honest with me."

I shook my head, "Of course not." I said making him sigh in relief.

"Because I know this is new to you and you just recently realized you love me," he rambled. "I didn't know if you were sure or even want to be with me-"

"I want to be with you, Jungkook." I laughed cutting him off. "That I'm sure of but what if you realize that you like me better as a best friend and not a girlfriend? What if I'm not what you expected?"

He smiled, "You're dumb, Mina." he chuckled placing a kiss on my forehead. "I've known you longer than anyone else, I know you like the back of my hand, you're everything I want. No matter what, you'll always be my best friend, dating won't change that."

"Let's talk about this tomorrow when we both are sober." I said making him nod. "If you'll even remember this."

"I will." he said. "Now can we please go to bed, my head hurts."

Without saying anything, I got on my tiptoes and gave Jungkook a peck on the lips before grabbing his hand. He giggled behind me as I led him into my bedroom. I changed into my pajamas as Jungkook took off everything but his boxers and got into bed. The second I laid down he engulfed me in a tight hug, he was extra clingy tonight but I don't mind. I shuffled around trying to get comfortable but he was practically on top of me. 

"Can't breathe, Jeon." I mumbled.

"Sorry." he chuckled feeling his grasp loosen letting me turn around so I was now facing him. 

His eyes were closed but he was smiling making my heart stir. I tucked his loose strands of hair behind his ear before placing my hand on his cheek. "I love you." I said in almost a whisper. Jungkook's eyes shot open making me jump, eyes wide he leaned down and kissed me. 

"That's the first time you said I love you." he giggled pulling away and hugging me tighter. 

"No, it's not." I said confused. 

"The first time you said it first." he corrected. "The first time since you've confessed that you said I love you first." 

I smiled, "I guess it is, I didn't even notice." I shrugged. 

"Well, I love you too." he smiled back. "More than you can ever imagine."

I closed my eyes nuzzling my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat that seemed to match mine. Not long after I was falling asleep in his arms feeling warm and complete. 


Had writers block but I'm back and with a long chapter lmao 

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