The promise (Kylo Ren/Ben Sol...

By TheBluePhoenix08

12.2K 167 16

You are Athelleen Kenobi, young Jedi and Ben Solo's best friend. You have known him since you were six years... More

1- Introduction
2- The Beginning
3- Five years later...
4- Your parents' death
5- Ten years later...
7-The last jedi
8-Your discovery
9-Supreme Leader's helper?
10- The Rise Of Skywalker
11- the end
13- Shopping
(A/N) 1K

6- The Force Awakens

888 10 1
By TheBluePhoenix08

"It's been too long"
You smiled at the person I front of you. Wasting no time, you went to hug the ghost.
"I missed you mom," you said sniffing.
"I missed you too darling. Look at you, so tall and beautiful."
You laughed while crying a bit. Thirteen years. It passed so quickly.
"You see why I taught you how to speak to ghosts?"
You mom looked around. Frowning when she saw the first order logo on your clothes.
"What happened Phoenix?" She said looking a bit disappointed.
You told her everything that happened in the past few months. She was very proud of your courage. You were about to say something else when your datapad chimed. You picked it up and read the message signalling you to come to the main deck of the ship. You sighed.
"Sorry mom, duty calls"
"It's fine Phoenix. We'll see each other soon" she put her hand on your cheek and disappeared. You walked out of your chambers towards the main deck of the ship. As you entered, Hux noticed you and told you to follow him.
"I'm going to make a speech on Starkiller base before they fire for the first time," he told you seriously, "do you want to come and visit the base and see the firing of the weapon?" You gulped. Billions of innocent people were about to die. You couldnt watch this and not panic. You couldn't lose your composure in front of the whole First Order.
"Hmm, I'll be fine, I'll stay on the ship," you said, feeling stressed, "that way I'll, uh, I'll have a better view of the weapon."
Hux nodded and you sighed in relief. You then walked back into the main deck and saw Ben standing in front of a window.
"Hey," you said, timidly.
"Hi," said your friend, "you feeling alright?"
"Me? Uh,Oh yeah, just a bit nervous that's it!"
"Nervous about what?"
"The, uh, the weapon, I uh, wanna see if it... works well."
Ben nodded. And you peeked outside, panicking inside.
"Ok," said one of the controllers, "weapon launching soon"
Then, at least four giant red rays passed in front of you and hit the planets in front of them. You gasped faintly, seeing such cruelty made you feel uneasy.

~time skip to when you go look for Rey~
You and Kylo were looking for the droid with the map to Luke. A trooper told you it went in the forest with a girl. Could that girl be the one that was in your vision thirteen years ago? You followed your friend into the woods.
"Stay here in case she tries to run" said Kylo. You nodded, guarding the entrance.
A few minutes later, Ben came back with the girl, fainted, in her arms. You followed him and, before entering the ship, you saw Han Solo, he looked at you and you broke the eye contact. You entered the ship.
~~time skip to Rey's interrogation~~
You waited outside the room. You could hear bits form the conversation they were having. Ben was almost torturing her. You couldn't stand it. This wasn't him. You suddenly sensed a great amount of force being used by both of them. So she is the girl in my vision.
Kylo stormed out of the room without even looking at you. Hmm she must have upset him. You made sure no one was looking and entered the room.
"Are you here to make me talk?" Asked Rey, bitterly.
"No," you said, "I'm only here to tell you something."
"Then tell me!" She responded harshly.
"I'm not with the First Order, I'm with the Resistance. I'm on a mission. So dont worry, I'll help you." Her expression changed as you talked.
"I'm sorry. I guess I am afraid."
"It's ok to be afraid. I don't like the first order either. But I'm doing this to save the galaxy," you said smiling, "listen, I don't know what your name is but I saw you in a vision I had thirteen years ago and it has been bothering me since then. "I'm Rey" she said softly.
"So you're the one who got Luke's old lightsaber, mmh, Rey, nice to meet you. I'm Athelleen."
She was about to say something when a trooper interrupted.
"Miss, you don't need to be there anymore. I'm the one on guard duty"
You nodded and left. Use the force to get out of here Rey...

You were watching the scene from afar. Kylo and Han, father and son. You. We're so stressed about what would happen. You heard Kylo asking his father's help. You smiled a bit, being happy that he finally realized what he was doing was bad. Until... HE STABBED HAN WITH HIS LIGHTSABER. Unable to control yourself you screamed.
"NOOOOOO HAAAAAAANNNNNNNN AAAAAAHHHH" tears were falling down your face. Your own dad had been killed thirteen years ago and now your father figure was dead too. It was too much.
You cried alone in the dark until you heard a bunch of blasters. You ran outside of the place in the cold. There, you saw Ben being injured. He was running towards Rey and Finn. You followed him. You hid behind a tree and saw Rey getting knocked out on a tree, then falling on the ground. You quietly run towards her and healed her a bit. She then started to wake up so you went back to hiding.
~time skip to when Starkiller is destroyed~
Ren was injured. You were by his side hearing the earth rumbling. Suddenly, a First Order ship came and picked both of you. You sighed sadly. You had lost another family member because of the war. When would this end?

Rey was walking on the island where Luke was. She was looking for him. Rey then saw a hooded man with another person next to him. Luke, she thought, but who's with him?
The couple turned around after sensing Rey's presence. Rey saw Luke and... Allison! She was the Jedi's wife. They both took their hoods of and faced Rey. The girl handed Luke the lightsaber. He hesitated before taking it...

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